HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 34- Graf, Eugene & Josephine Deed (2) I; 'II III 3Uo-QUITCLAIM DEED The_I:3~Ilc:!ard Publishing Co" Printers and Bookbinders, Anaconda, Mont, m,..i, . . '.-.. ,,'~ ".'" ,.~,.=".,.",.,...,.".,.~..,. .. .--"0""".0'7.'.',.".."." ... . ...".....-~.~-..'"==..,,-"...~., ..;--.~.-....... -.... . .:;:.- 'o~"oo....,. ~Il 'Ii THIS INDENTURE, Made the....___...__'.':'".lQ~lL___..........,......______.day oL_____......J.a.n:ua.ry.,___.________..__....__..in the year : [i of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and.__'l'.b1r.ty...tQ:u..l"{1.93.4J....between.........E_ugene___Gr_a._f,..and__.. ;.. __J_9.~~ph".I1JL. .I_~~f..*-- __ ___(~~ ~~~~.g___~~___~ ~J~,)...,... P9 t~. ,e>.f'. J~Q.1!.~.D:1.~~......~;l.J.~.~.~. J~.Q,W"t~Y......__ I< ': .S.ts..t.e.. .of__. 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