HomeMy WebLinkAbout916 S Willson -� -A ►NCH I I EC l U RAL INIVENITORY1 Site 11 Legal Descriplion:_BW Block 7,_ is 16,1. 7_, N, -1_5_ 1 Address• 916_South Willson r Ovrnersnip: name: Robert W. and Anne Garner -- ❑ p""l` 916 South Wi 11 son Roll Frame k address: 3 —_ -Ll3- ❑ pv9lic Historic Name: Jessie Richardson Rla_& e Common Name: Unknown _- O ❑ estimated \A Dale of Construction 1926 -- [�eotumente: Architect Unknown _ Builder. Designer: Earl Richardson ME Original Ovine f Earl & Jessie Richardson Grioinal Use: Residence VELRN9 C►-EUF_L�(ND Present Use: R@S1 enc`p Research Sources: ❑ 2bstraci of title - ❑ city directories )Q plat recordslmaps tract 9F' sewerlwaler permits t ❑ tax cards obituaries ❑ building permit biographies f J _ f,] Sanborn maps 3 Bibliography: National Register Department of Sanitation Localion map or building plan with arrov+north. Bozeman Chronicle 10-22- 73 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Describe present appearance of structure/site,then contrast and compare that with it's original appearance, - noting additions,alterations,and changes in materials.Discuss.significant architectural features. This detached one-and-one-half story single-family residence has a square. plan with a shed-roofed front- porch -with--a solid railing. The facade is - symmetrical and- consists of an off-center front entrance with T/l doub-le- hung windows with shutters. The frame construction is finished in bevel siding and rests on a concrete foundation. The gable roof is covered with grey asphalt shingles and features a clipped gable wall dormer in front and overhanging eaves with exposed rafters . There is a side exterior brick chimney. The axis of the main roof is parallel to the street. Outbuildings include a garage. and surf unduly ,rr,d lel)d IhC properly 51011ikance. This property was built by Earl Richardson forh'isdaughter Jessie E. Richardson. Jessie E. Richardson , a noted biochemist and chairman of the Home Economics Department at the State College for 23 years, was educated at Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota, and at the University of Minnesota, where she earned a Doctorate in Bio-chemistry. She served for 21 years as organist for t-he- - First Methodist Church and participated in civic and honorary organizations. Other owners included Howard Lewis, a cattle buyer, and his wife Margaret, and William and Patricia McPherson. The McPherson ' s purchased the house in 1969. Mrs. McPherson co-founded the South Willson Improvement Association (with Stephanie Becker) and was instrumental in zoning changes favoring single-family occupancy and in designation of South Willson as an historic district. Significance: This structure qualifies as a significant element within a potential historic district due to its associations with the residential aspect of the Civic Phase of the city' s historic/architectural development. INTEGRITY: Assess the degree to which the structurelsiie,and surrounding area accurately convey the historical associations of the property. The historic integrity of ,this property has been retained. due to the survival of original design and materials and continuity of use, setting and location. INFORMATION VALUE Explain how the extant siructurelsile may demonstrate or yield information about its historic use or construc- tion. None FORM PREPARED BY: GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Name.. DAMES_R.__M-BDQdBLQ_-ABCRITECTS--PC Acreage' Address: P.O. BOX 8163 _ uscs Ouad• Date- MISSOULA, MONTANA 59807 UTM's• HISTORY OF THE 916 South Willson House 1926 : Built by Dr. Jessie Richardson , PhD, MSU Research worker and educator. She did extensive and significant research in nutrition and food value.. Founder of The Home Ecomonics Department at MSU and Dept head for 23 years. She retired in 1946 and travelled around the world by jet several times . Her father designed the house. She never married and lived alone and put on elegant dinner parties and entertain a great deal . She spoke German very well . She died at the Hillcrest Retirement center in Bozeman in October 1973. 1951 : Margaret & Howard Lewis bought the house and did some„ajor remodeling in the kitchen and bath and rewiring. They worked many hours in the yard with the extremely large flower beds. Ile was a cattle buyer and they raised their two children Mere. Mrs. Lewis lives at 2109 Highland Blvd in Bozeman. Mr. Lewis died in December 1980 of cancer. 1969 : William and Patricia Mc Pherson bought the house and moved here from Colorado Springs as natives. They lived a very short tune in Missoula in 1968 where Bill was a Sales Representative for Standard Oil and Pat was private secretary to the president of a bank in Missoula. They did not have any children when they moved to Bozeman , but the family grew to three children in the 12 years : William Smith McPherson IV born in October 1969; Kathleen Anne McPherson born in March 1972 and finally Melissa Kimberly McPherson born in April 1177. Pat is co-founder of the South Willson Improvement Association along with Stephanie Becker and they were responsible for re-zoning S. Willson to a residential single family dewelling and non-business area. Also they assisted John DeHaas in obtaining the awarding-the South Willson Historic District. Mrs. Becker was responsible for getting the pamplet printed and distributed for free. Bill is a car salesman at Don Norem' s Chevrolet and collects and eestores Mercedes Benz automobiles . Pat is a legal secretary and is now employed as a Military Personnel Technician at the Army ROTC Department at MSU. 1980: The Garner Family from Malibu , California bought the house. They have a young son attending Longfelow school . 1951 - rewire 1969 - add exterior shutters , paint nursery 1971 - remove small , old garage and build single garage and one patio. cement drive way, add new roof, paint exterior of house paint living room, hall way, small guest room. Insulate 1973: blue carpet in living and dining room, gold geometric wall paper in hall way Wall paper and paint master bedroom 1975 : Extensive interior decorating: painting, wall paper, kitchen , etc. shutters. 1976 : Extend garage and another patio. Insulate 1977: ;Wall paper grass cloth in hall way, repaint two upstair bedrooms 1978: Wall paper small bathroom, louvers , paint exterior of house 1980: Install new furnace and shower I-4tuaries .. I Dr. Jerrie E. IZichards(oll} t Dr. Jessie E. Richardson, a former research worker at Montana Stale University from 1925 to PHII, died at the _1 I Bozeman l)eaconess Hospital, Dr. essie Richardson, .CfilE'E'U ��Cc 0 Sunday, i� She was the daughter of Earl -:X�3E lm. ent .�#a�lot� home Economics M, and Jennie Richardson, and , Research, Be Honored This EVeillilg was born Nov. 18, 1887 at ., Milbank,S.D.,but lived most of In rec•ogilitiort of her 23 vcm S i Richardson ldnns to clo n crc her early life in MinnesoUt ,os heal of the 1101ne economic:: ve-' scicnlific WI Iin;; on foul: ;unl ' where she a ttended schools.She search department of the :u:rirul-(++nutrition and v.•ill ,not:c a trip to was a graduate of Carleton lnr:,l e\11crim.-nit station at dllon-+Calihwllia this: \•._intc r. College and received her Ulna `>t:jt" college, Dr, Je�.ial Doctorate in Bi received sl It,chardson, reeenlly retired. vvilll n al he lnunorccl at an infrn•mal dinner the University of Minnesota. given in the student union at 6:15! While working in Montana tonight lay the heads of tile, Experiment Station in experiment station depm•tu,el,t8• Bozeman, Dr. Richardson and home economics extetrion, re-i search and teaching staff mean- established the department of bet s• Home Economics Research and Since becomilIg head of the served as head of the depart- ho„u, econrnnics rescarch depart- ment. She served on four n,er,t uloun its csl;IhIisl►mant inn national committees and Sept, 1, l9'� Or. Bich.n•clson dir- eciccl the publication of Ut,lh•tills, , prepared many bulletins and circuhu•s anrd scient,fie arlirlca journal articles. During her and the, clucly of proble,ns in lit(? years of teaching and research tiedd of house ecu110mics. Under ; here in Bozeman she was active her leadershil• Ute depart,nenl in the First Methodist Church, ptibli,41ed 17 bullelins. ctt:hl eir- in the is t �a tho there for 21 culars and eight arlicicslill scien- g 6 tifir Journals. 1 years. Sercral of the publications rn- Upon her retirement she ceivetl n a t 10 n a l recoglillion• established residence in Santa Amon, these were the "Selection. Barbara, Calif. She then car^ end NVcarin"; QualiGcs of V4'onun's Silk llosiery," the fin:.t travelled extensively including Stucly of its kind•by an experiment , Europe, the Mediterranean and slalimi and One which called for around the World trip by jet. In many reprints; "1 frnnc• 1'rc­cr\,n— March of 1971 Dr. Richardson lion of P'OOCIS,' 'Studies in they i • Quality and Vitamin COnIt'nt of returned to Bozeman and Ve,Tctahlcs—Cooked, Canned 110 became a resident of Hillcrest. I Store,'.," and "Wall Churl—A She was a member of the .GLlidC to Vit:unins and Minerals First Methodist Church, both at in Family Meals." Durin" the w it t Bozeman and Santa Barbara, he department ` rcicw;rd information on f:nil ruxl She belonged to the Order of .Vevctahle prescr�.;ition, hone• cnn- Ea¢tern Star and was a Ling and sugar subslitules. In member of the DAR. Honorary I this time she also served as na- fraternities included Phi Beta I tional chairman of the beef re- search committee, a part of the Kappa, Carleton 1915; Phi nationwide project to study nutri- Kappa Phi, MSU; Phi Epsilon tive values of foods. Omicron and Omicron Nu, and Dr. ltichardson received a bath-I Sigma XI National Scientific, elor of science degree from Col le— all of the University of Min- ,ton ectillo-ge at Northfield. Minn..) y in 1,1t19 711111 %V.ls owarded �1 dnclnr nesota, of ph,losophv ;Icgrcc in chcmisti a Surviving her are three from the University of Minuesuta cousins: Russell Richardson of in 1925. Piedmont, Calif., Mrs. Fern -_ Following her retirement Dr. Falk of Salem, Ore., and Mrs, Milford E. Lyman of Northfield, Minn., and several second and third coursins. Services will be held at Dukken Nelson Funeral Home and time will be announced later. The body will be sent to Northfield, Minn- for burial beside her mother, father and . ;islrr i South Central Ave. Historic District National Register nomination John N. DeHaas, 1978 i i 27. 916 S. Willson This two story frame house has a lap siding painted a light gray-green. The building has a steep gable roof running north and south. There is also a gable to th. west. An open wood porch runs across the front of the building. The porch roof is supported by unadorned square columns . i j 27. 916 S. l-Jillson Earl Richardson built this house in 1925-26 for his daughter, Dr. Jessie E. Richardson. Dr. Richardson, who had received her doctorate in biochemistry at the University of Minnesota , established the Department of Home Economics Research at Montana State College and served as Department Head for 23 years . She was well knot• , for her research on food and its nutritive value. 1 I i - i it i . j I