HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 28- Maughan, Mary Jane Deed f 1.- ~ .,:. ~,,-~ ~, Q;TI TCIJAH,; n.c:.;::E}) 1 2 rp1'Ic-; I!r~'-;~f'f1FHlC. [l[d,e the .... d.a.y of'Tovember, "''-. J. 3 1928, 1>,,/ and. be t\'Icen UARY J..tl1n~ MAUGHAI-r, of' 1249 So. '.vall :J t. , 4 Spokane. ',Iashington, HARRIET MITJE mE, of Bozeman, ~<ontana, 5 ='~:T~ILLA }"A..":EY LTTCE, of b151 l~t. T-'leanallt Street, .iashin(;ton, 6 :u. c.., reVA T~t.ZSY G/,::-~'.iL.',J., of ~C"iV.illgstJ';~, :'c,:mt~r:a, HElmy 1,<eC;CR- 'o"'T' '"""~1n.CK'""and""';:it~:~:~:.MO~O"Rr~icK. h~s'rrife. Of;;'~.ai:,... ~C~. ~:"\" :'. '!I. 1'" " v _ "'.~ n ~,1" (1 r 8 .' f' .. ..:., ... . . DA~, I,i]:; .!.r....",IGY ",cG ,;'fr T vL nn 9~.. t?..... l1oCOR~nCK, ills '-Nit'e. of ({JM. ... .. 10 ~a. . . . . nDYUND BTTRKE IIcCQ"J!ICK. an unmarried ,un. 11 of Normal, Ill1nols "';'T'[TA l<AY I'I^P'HTN of T,l"vl'n"'stoY'l ".-", 1''''''a ............... ."... .l!..I\I. -'..1 'c....J.....:-i.'_......J',:..L, ..\....l ,t~) _ t 'JJJ. Jc.:.,.il 'J 12 J()!'f.1T HAXEY and J~AURA D. IT.JL."CIIT. his Wife. of l)ar1c Count,v. ['0l1.tana, 13 ''fILLIA~~ rA'(~_:Y and OI/~TA TT. V)..:IEY, his vlife. of Butte. ''':)11 te,n,""'" 14 Cr:SO~:(G'~ T<A;,,-~:{ and l'rARGARET T. r"fXEY, hi s wi fe. ::J:C .du t t 8, HO:1t ::)lla. 15 DAVID TII'AXEY 2,nd OPAL G. :r"A:=~;Y. his wife, J~~' "-'iviag[jtol1, l~ontLma. 16 and BERTIE J'. O''.'EITI-I01JSE, 01' Bo!?';emi:Ul, .ont8.na, the })' l'tic:s oJ::' the 17 ,f+~I~~ ""_';'~'~'. ,;;',;.1~:';:l;~~ >FrX-~?;p,9~~i;:;>l.Ali, a ~ul.L:;'cillal CQ.I'pox'ation " ,tff 01' the State of }~ontana, the pf!'t;t! of the secJ~ld part, 19 1.1 I T H jj SSE TIT: 20 ~hnt the said parties of the first part. for 8r0 in 21 c0nsideration of the sum ()f OT-rs })OI:rJAR to them in ha.nd. ':L;,id by 22 th6 varty of the second part, the receipt Jf which is hereby 23 acl<:nol'!leclged., d() l'601;;e, release and. forever qui tclaim un to the 24 said ~arty of the second part. and to its srrcoessors and assipns 25' - . . the following [esctibed re~l estato, situated in the City of %' . 30Z0i'l8.n, COU:lt,y of Gall:c:ti.!l., anti. JtGte :):i.' J~ont8Ea. to wit: 27 ,,',;,:~;,~1';:> <.~:.,... .~ ".,...', ~.~. -:.:',,:~~ ~:=:-~'~-' ,;}.,;:~.,,', - ' .. . ",; 28 .. ....t'I'l' I)' ')-'--""!"e.' ",'~\!.+-h coiQ'"e ".e tl'c ,....."....e'l't1r "":l"8'.'l ",,'>,. ,~) . J~ ....J.......... U",'.. .,,\.. .~y.,." 1."_,- I.~_,_. -,,"..J ...l..V.':....j "I..J.!.,I... l...l by T."ary <Tane ;,raughan, et [1.1. 8[;i(1. strip beiy~g nore 29 particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point in the south, line of the HW-:I' of '"lection 30 7. Township 2 ~:;outh. Ran.ge 6:8ast, said. :point beinc 160 feet gost of the west line of nouco Avenue S.; thc~ce 31 west along said south line of If',l} 31 feet j thence emltol'ly 31 feet to a point 0.81 feet north of said south line of 32 N1.7-k; thence south 0.81 i'oet to the ")laee 0]:' beginning. containing 12.5 square feet, or ap,roxirnatel~r 0.000;:) acre. .1A1I rll.LI.MIM8 co. MILl.... l " . " --- <) -~.i- 1 TOG>:TUz::t VJi t~'l all the tener'lOl1 ts, hereditaments and 2 e.ppurten9.nces thereuntD bel 0 :~i~ ing , anLl the reversion and rever- 3 sions, Ii C i-:'}.c"i.,j_ r~cL e:c " ." ren ts, issues nnd pl'Dfits t~,nCt l' 8LlctlnCLer t" 4 5 thereof; and. also all the estate, ri:':.ht, U.tle 2. r: (: interest, )1':) :J i.l "G ~r , '.) J ~,:~: e c 8 i D ~ '. , e 10.1;'" ;0.:1(. l~c;nr'.~,d. ':'~1a 108 J ever, PJ~ ViA 11 1''- 6 -,<:.'t; lawa;'s in equity, eft he,-.'fi!t1'l. i d' pe:~'tl eS of the first'-part of, in 7 8 or to the 0e, idLe (')!':.i S e s, E';.}1cl ever;-; ~Q[l~' t ::.'.nd. T::r ae 1 t~'~.creJi't. 9 TO :' r,r.'r'T !'. r,' f_~' () ~..:.() IjJ) , all a11(l iJil1{;ular the ,0; ~;_ll.' ..;,~:..l(Jr!-;,,~LI. C;f-'~, 10 wi th the ajx:;mr tenances. unto the said. ?arty of the eeono. 11 'pal't, its successors and assiGns forever; it being und.erstood that tile foregoing described. tr'ct is oonve;:red to The City of 12 Boz8rnan for the pHl'pOSe of ope:1ing Ea be o oJ: c.' treet bo tVJeen ~~ouse 13 AverH18 cUE:. ~ozeman Avenue, nUl'::ouant to the )1' ovisi 0,'18 01' Ordin- 14 .. .<~.,.lC e ~T 0 . 573, e,n ti tled: 15 16 If AN ClRTH"XTCE r110V12JPTG 1"0'1 T!L~ o-Y:~TrrJ'TG (}T:i BAB- G'Oa}~ ..3 'J:1:?_~SET ~.~:::.~~rr~. .<E>:- ~ R. ",n~-I.r -3 ~-, ..\~.;-:~},':'f',; )..i~"i 1)C!~~:-~"?-j-l~.I'T ~ 'T':'~.;"1r~';~ I~\,.r l"'l!,rl'S GI~"'r :':'~1~ "1)nr;> ._'~.,. ~,_., - 'I !-, (Yr:~''''''n-.;,r :r~i71 (:..,~ T,- 17 ) '..",' , ,-- ., .. . .;..,........ LATI'N,CiTAT3 U:&'~,lOWj!AjJiLt .t'U.fD FOR IrH~ AGU:TISI'.!'IO}! 18 BY rrrr:;; CI':'Y 'J:<' 30Z:S-~A~T TFROUGE co:m~:':'TLT1()T: -'q()- .r; =:r~})J'_,~~~S .c-;~ '??I'TT/l~~1= __,'.'~O}?~':7-:~{ ~:~.~~.~ ~'.~;:'~'~. II 19 17 Ie; U7T:rr:~r::;T()Or' tho t :TQ.TE~ T~. C'.' -=t.TFr':~~)T::3 ~c () :',: '...~ C L1.. 'C e s 20 t~is deed by reBson 0; the ff~l n t that she holtli3 Q :181' t, : r.~~ e on 21 t:-~e D 'o~:'1i80S of \'fhioh the t:" 2; C t herein do~c~i~ed is a ~2~t, ELll(l 22 ., the 1)1,111.:; a ~'3 e of releasLi.,~ anti d.ischarginr; 8.21.)" J.ien that she :..Lor 23 na3T h.8.vc ,')11 the foregoing deseri bed Lact of 1 Cl1.(\ b:' c.' 8" :' on. of 24 ;.3siCi :-'1Jl't, age. 25 26 27 lIT '. iF"U~":"~ "'TI"''')J.':''OF t~ . d par.ties of the . i, .J.,. APo,i; "t,.f11 tIli/, I,," /s~u 28 I'L'st 'Jal't b,ci,ve hOi.'Gllnto set th.e i1' h_.~:_lllll.S ' , c.;.n;/ cmd C:'..8 29 30 31 32 tTAU ,.ueLl.HI"' c.. . ...U. " ... --~. (.., -()- 1 2 year first above written. : : Jta;;;b , (7 . ~ "F ~ - 6 .. . - .-- -~' ..",.."",.' .....r."......."."..."'.,__...._;.""'...,.,...,.~~.... .,:,....'..... ............- . '.. . "Z1. .. '. '. . "'.,. . ".'ty.-..C':'" ...........-.- ._-- : ~~~:~ -= 10 ~ AJ-J /tJ"Ij PI, C~ 11 t 44 Q (V (i). 'T11 () (p ~L_____._._ 12 . -~-~-- , 13 --- 14 15 - 16 ':. ..17 ..,..,.:...,.,;.' 18 ~"----- 19 ., 20 I 21 I~ 22 ,~ 23 24 25 ..j. . 26 27 .),.!~"~ "'.,b::-.:.:;t.,. -";:... ':":-""'\':," :'... 28 29 30 31 32 nATI ,,/ PIJBu.MIN. e.o, IIILI.A. , . I ! -4- 1 ~~ Te, OF "'o,~ ,'JTJl.. ) i . ("'O\'il""'I . uo. 114 .., n,',""r'IY' r." ,'. T .' r' -'r ) 1'1, I" . I' L' 11 2 "..............- ......1..'....... , On this . .. (Lay , " '. . ~ ~ 0 . . 1,. \ ", c. ',.. 0 '" e 3 ~ _,,) ".) , ..,.L l. me ~:rT("') ,!'lITJ '!t, r. 2P~ITJt , a Uotar,\r i:'ublic the Jt te :)::. : Cln '::::....'.Ct, 4 '.;:e1'~: onally 8.T;pear ed, !"~ARY ,'AITE TfJ\UGF ATINE I2IT,E. and "'f.~ ~rT :l,,~ l"7l ~ I)'~I rl 1'1 HI 'I 1-'; 'I'r. known tome to the 1I8l":':011::; ':Jh~):::e n2f.1CS 5 are subscribed to the '.'Jithin in'trrt~lent, nne" p cJ: to M.e + J. T. ::;-~ Cl~. tod ti'o :,.ane. ,- - "TTT :~rIrll~,.Tl::,;\.3 . "r,"!" 1""" .,., ')~ ,"r\~-: I 6 . .; ..' .1\,' ..", t a i'fi::eclmy notarial :J eel the q.ay ,:.r;.',"',. .rl' ". -.:. _ ~ ' ,. . ,., ,," ,. .-,',. 7 8 ;- "-~)7~ ~;.~~6:J, l.r.~_ 9 10 11 ,~ #'1 .I ~1~ " co 12 j~O . -...:- ~S"~1-'tf:r'a:r of ~. 1923. before 13 14 me . .~... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~j d II: ,,~) y.lr~ llf\'/ n ':',) ') e rJ.l' e cl .~:; I':'~~?, ~I:Jltt~. ~ ~-'~:':-s~[ ~.I..~.~:: ~, ~-.:l 0 \':r: -:: :) [,le tJ IJ 0 the De -1." ')'" 'C'''''' 0 ,- e JL'" foe i~' subs cr i bed. t,J t;,c '.:i thin iliB trurilc,,:,t , [~ '::1(1 -.' 15-. ___ .,.. . .L 'c., '..' d."." . C:.,., U o (;C~11 a\v J. e eL[; e d. tome tbBt she executed the 2ane. 16 In "'I 'T''\pi''''C' nft'I'p""o", I h"VA "fl'" P\ll' t:) ~ !";,,c, ., n( .8'r""iX- _...;."".;.1\.),.) =,.:".!_'!..,:"; "...." _".'..,.J 1,...J..;"..~"'.'_ ,_ I_,'-..i :' ,1",,~l""n. {...~~L --~ ad. rn.\r,~ot~rial 888.1, ~he d.o.,IT and ___ ~~~.__ _ . A.~- ~ ~_ __ 17 ~,r(:':l~:l.~'" ~.,( .," ~:li",C.)""I"o .,..,...:"l.....-.oI'C-Jl '-................ . ,,~c....L ~.J__._ ~ '-+-' ".... ",~" T-Totarv Priblia ~ ~J2..q.~ 18 ." <9-+ '1, (r?J 0 19 /) 20 -i:;"'I t""1 A r~" n (y.~"'" 1t 'f/",\ '~"~~"i t -,'" A ) ~J ~;,....:.:~ .. '.'.; '..; .r'< ,I'", ; '.i... 1,-1.." :" t (./ ) : SS. """".../'21 r. ()IT'1T'1V r)"7') ^ 'cr ) ~J '..,. ',',,, ,: .,. "-. ,~, _'.: .J"\.: "_"':"n . .' .~l 22 ;, 'n thi" lr~d 1"" of JAA<t~ 19~ 'y"o"o T'.,,! ,~_.. t~ I . ~ ~. . ":'.1' ~ ~:'~\'r ' · ~ ~,'., ~, . , ,~':: ~" ('..I ,'" '.~' J:" ~. ~ ,...e . ~"""" ...... *., U l.0 ,,,....1,; --\1".,..lC ~OI tLe ,..tel Je Jf 0..1 23 ~ 'I' -"I (.'~ Y1 "\ T' ":'! "f'i\" "jI.r ~ ""'irlT* ("'t /1, ~~,~ :'j"" .~~"I"!T~: T, (t' /,,;"\r 0 ,,~', ?.,. ,,"f'".,r f.') 1 tL,l , :)e.L ,_ 0".0<;, ly ap,IElc..,red}JA ..Il-__"Y ~t_.:c,I.:-'R, -'... u"_ J... II, ,..1d ]' r1'n "'~rr'Y <:;nG. OD.AL r<r "AYJi."Y his '''1' e, '.T ovm to t1e t:J be the ~ .i:,,,'.'y ._' . :J_./......I",J. L._ '".L... ~.,.}; ~ '.J.". ,~-.- J'_'" C '- . 24 pGj:~;Jns vrhor:e n8J1eS are subscribed. to the wi thir: LIS h'lH'lC':t , o.nd tl c::n 8','11 e r'ed to me th~,t she executed.. the SElF~e . 25 pJ ',";I'l'TEjSS :7}f,..-.:mGOl". I heve hereunto sot MY hnnd and. Affixed my notarial :on1 the (la,V and ,year first above writton. 26 27' .."",,,..,."'tt,,,Jt ~~..r:,~~nthn". .--' -',. ',;'~ .. "", '", ,. 28 1.:8si dirlr~ [~: t I i VtYl(~8 t ;)l~~" ~,7J,(1 te 1:12.. J';T IJ ommiss ion eXlires fJ 3r:7 If 9d ,,29 . ~1fI . ., -' . . .. . . . " . . . . 30 31 32 STATI p~18U'HUI' co' HUI".. l , . -_.., -5- 1, 1 2 C nTTJTT'{ sa. 3 4 5 6 .' ... '"'4>;11''''''''''''' ." ;" 'd ~\:". ';~<': ""';~"'?'/"'<;' '~t\'El: a:rf'lxe . 7 1'rri tten. ~~ 8 '\ 9- not8ry '.U c . . .. . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ~.. ~.~.'" · q'~' . a: ~ .~ ~ 10 -. Res 1 d 1111'\ at.. .. ... ... .. . . My CO:r1mission expires Si. ~ :~.:-:.~.. ~ j ~ 11 .. . Mu OCJ1I'l,{II..U;sWl/, .E'xPW't.lI:i t;lJpt. 8~ .1fJJU, ' 12 _'u". -- ., ~' .....!!!!!! \1111 ~1I111 .1 ..... ....~,~., "......, ...",.,... ':'m!.",'''' ',"" e ~ ) 13 " ~~_. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ' ~~~ :,,,. !:Ill."""".'.."'"'"':.....,. 14 County 8f .......................) ~.uiO j'Y- ,~" O:f~~ '9"" ')1'0'8"e 15 .. ~ __ 0 ..... c.:_ ~, . . . . . . .. . . . .. . ...L..J () , ....) 1. ,/..1 ~ · ,. ... . .. . · . ,. . . '.' . .. a I!otary ~'ub'_ia h.~ · .. . . .- 16 . . . ~... '~""Q:' Der....,o'_fll.v aT)'i82red. "lIT:r~IJ HAXli;Y' ~!c0():nn: ,!C 8.nd. .. . .t{.... ...:. 1~cC::"'TT;:~, !lis 17 i~i'theLii:~ii~iK Pl~-:t~&iri~~ t"~~~h~~~~~~-V;~;~ :a.n{ge~e~t~a~U ~.~.~~ i ~.~~~. ,~;,:<:;,./,~::;;~,,,,,/,. <: '::"':"'~'.." 18 01.1 ted the sarae. nr lIITNESS T'nTE~.80F, I h~:ve hereunto 19 ane_ ~:d';ixed m:! notarial seal the cia,'! and ;;Te ar fir ten. - 20 21 22 23 '!"'y C ommi f,lS ion expires 24 S TA rJ1IS OF' ILIJINO IS , ) 1flc ~: ss. 25 County of ... ........) ~ ~ """.",!p ,.> ~. 0> "'" 26 Crn ul1_l..., .... d8.J 8f . .. ..... , 1 )...,_, DC OJ." . . ~ . . ". . ~. . . . t .,: ., a TT 0 tar y i"u bl i c ~ . . . 27 ..~ ~ .." V. ~, pel's :mall.v ap~) arecl.';:m"1nm '""'1I']U ]/L~L HMICK',!;l.l,1 nnmarriedrnAA.,]mQWU't.o me to be the person \'fh:x~e' 28 l.1' me i;cl ;:;u",),--,ol'i ;)eQ to t>c \.'i thin iEGt:",'c 'od: ,~'r\(' f;C:~.:_)' ".eC;,:eC t8 t'lle .~ lID. t he exeaLl ted. the sanG. 29 . . In 1'!I nmss ',/TmREOF, I he. ve her eu..G t 8 S () t ('\l I)"~Le_ and . a:f;.~~e.Q/-r.i7_ il8tarial seal the day and year first above '.7rittel1. . 30 - ~.e~ _"~~v lJotaryl"Ublia . .. .... . -~----'- 31 " . . . . . '. .. II . .. .. " ... ........ - ..... 32 ~ -- . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . . .. ... Residinc at ~........." .,,,. .. My CommiflSion expires .'1I!-f..-!! .... tTATI PlltlU,HIM.4.. ".LI.... l I .. 1 . ., r .I , , -5- 1 :3TAT~'~ OF ):"'onr'j'..~rA. ) 2 : SS. If l(jr!rore me C01T~r~vi'\I~ GAI.J-JAn,:'IU. ) ~/ ., 3 On this .... day 0 . 4 :!Tr':: cr, IIr -: r . "r rf1IT , not8.r~r pub Ii c fo 01' :,:DntanD., pe:c- sonall,'! a::/pef,recl J'OTDI T~.L\::-Y and. I ~iI. D. r'" ,r~""r his vti:fe, ..:1..'~ J '. , 5 ~GIJWn to me to be the ,)e1'30n8 wh e n~,;les s.re Gubscribcd. to the '-Ii t;hi.;'l in:;tr;.'_; !(;'It, 8.n(;. nc~;:n:Jr ,.ed,'ce. t,] r"~n t thA'" PXA- 6 euted the .....' ~~ :-" ,""I " '..-.' 'J. ~E "r+~T;;';" ""T;-'PT;":FiI _', d, .. .t........"'-J\....J, ,..L......I_J.I..-I-.;,:\..._ "" ',. ,:''"',,"' a.ffi:;teG: M.r no't9.:tlal seal -the d y 7 8 9 LJntana T~':JZer;.['-..l-~ , ntana~, ~1$/ 10 eXj~ires ~ c. 16t" 1 " ,,~,. 11 ,,~. ~'" 'v -m"n' ", ) :J! 12 '-'.ie',_,,, u....' "\j ':U.UiJ . : ss. l(j't;~OTe ne :'""j /-\". .',\ I T"t ('. ....,.... '-.7'.r 13 ", ''IT ", ,.AT'Em" ':t/ ,. _ -'- _ '~, ~ , , .A"..J..,J......L ,,','. ..",.",. 14 On this. .. dny J . . . . . . . . <Tustin '~. '3ni th, D ;Jatal','T ~ub=-i for the ",tf?,tc: of '"on talC'" 15 perf> :Jllall/ a'lleared OL;::~A F. '!'~ ,,-:::Y , wife of ',;i1112.J:1 ; "a::co,y , one of the ;~rantDrs herein, J:n vrn to me to be the 'lerson 'whose 16 nane is subscribed to the 1.':i thin Llstrunen t, r..n c1 r' C; _ D '(r ~ 0 c.g e (1 to me the, t the,;." exr'c'),"t;e d t~lA ~:n !8. 17 ~'."'''.:"...<.l..~\ /,~,,,,...:,'l ..". "~ '<iIi" ~- .. "H.' WITNESS Yl~ 18 Q ~"'\ ("!r - ~ ...,':"'_~:~.; "",. .:l;=) I"'I"! t 0 ~ f1 J ..'8....1 t~~ .....- .-.. '..,.. c ,.,~.~.,.....e(~ ",y I!J v.r.Lv... ,; ~ (.~,!. ,~; G ). I ~l . "-" _.;. . 19 - 20 Y :.'ublie for tho -.it: to J:.~ ~~OJ').t:',..J."la (J iding at ;'ozenaE :.:on ,ana l' / 21 eX(li1'8::; Dee .1Gt:-l 1')?,8 / ~ ) ) 22 ~)~_\r'1J,i; ()F I,'W?n:'T~.A1\~.A.J . S8. 23 (' nrnrrr'v "r:' <:':' I I "-"D ROt" ) v ~,. _, _ .... .., \ '_ k..J ..J.I ,.,~;... ," .,. . U 24 .1f. 1t't '171 C'n t"is / t - do., 0 ] oj: l)e"o.n']G t1. - !) .. \.. · c. ~ (,...~, · · · .~. . .,., ~.. ~ ~ ~~ ~. _,!~ " ~ -~ ~ ~-.. :., ~ ~"" r; 25 . . . . . . .. .~..If .d Jtary . 11 lor th, uS l;( ~).l. .J..'.l (",,".L0., pe~'sotla.Ll.y a<~881'ca.. ':IIJ,;I.AY JfA~". , :1f C)leto. 1T. '"o,xoy, one Jf the r':1'Em tors h,01'oin, GEO~G~'Z }::/2:'~,':~Y QI1Cl ;!t~_1~G./\_~.",;r:l ~n. 26 ~, ~ " "T ...."\..'r hie "lifo, knDrrn t 'J ne to be the ]orSJns whose names _'.' :...I.."~, ~ . _ , n~G subscribed to the wi thin in8t:~'lJ_l':10nt, aneJ. ac}:nl1wle (iced to me ~7 tf:.f~t 'cI,.e;/ ox'::.,cuted the same~ ~.... '"\. : - -....' - ... In l.7ITNESSWHF.REflF. I have herennto SAt I'YlV h8:rld - ,t:r 28 2. _(~. Ee;.~l the L.a;, ancL ;1 e a:c 'iI' u t c;l:J ove ':'ri t ten. .,. 29 Notary .i.:ublic for the---STs t8-''O'1'"'. -- .30- }Iontana, reSidi!ll! ~~e?t1corr1 _ y Comni8si on exp11'eS -. . :!. . 31 32 ... , .'ATI "lltH."HI"_ e.o. HILI." ~--. ( .. . . 1 2 )I'!1Ar:':-S n? CAI,IH'ORlTIA ) . S8. 3 C()1T';,':':~~Y ()T~ I..,OS l~;TrrJ~Tj~S ) 4 On thi '" ~ () ("IT of '""e1'ru"rv 1 009 5 ~ . ..."'.... ,:,C'o '" ..'. <., _" ,'., , 88:fOI'C r'LC . cz. J:?)~ 0 -'Oh"~ """"C 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. It . .0 . " . iIII . . . . . .., ~ .' l. "., ........ ~ I i l mll:. for the Cav_nt,;r of'1;9:J...,Ailgeles, Sta teat' California, -~e:':':J on2.11:-" a'J-:)8nred B~r:'rS ~.... 17,', 1'1';"1":,-.--; ........TTC~ l7' }:n :-J'.'!ll t .J [l e tJ ',e ... J . .;.,J' : . , ".-' ........J " 8 the ~e~son 0hoS8 name is subscribed. to the \,,'i thin in;.} Lr' lln1c:n t, 9, and ack!'~o'l!ledged to me that she subscribed the same. 10 11 1'1 W"TITES3 WEETIEOF. I hnve hel~ en;;l t:) se t my 12 hand ant affixed my notsrial SBGl the I} day and year firf;t '.bove v/ritten. B - ~a.-w~_ 15: -' . - 16 G Dun t.v,. of Lo;.') Angeles, !Totary;lublic for the~ut,=,.te of Ua1ifornia, 17 :':(~siding at :riOS An{;clcs ,,;~" lifornia .-.. ""'''''~''''''''N",:.>'"J.\.'';">'JfY''''*6'O:lmt;;sio n ex)i res ;, .~t ~[)~:iA~:i2.rr;l~c:Jt:).Y 17.\9~O f>~~i.:~;.r~~ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 .. 27 28 ' 29 30 31 32 STATE PUB, CO. HE~EHA