HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 26- Rouse, Chastina Deed 6--.... ___-"!or... i:"'~. WARRAN'rY DEED Daily Ohronicle Print THIS INDENTURE, Made this....... ,........,........ ,....__ ,." ____....... ...". .... ,.... "__....___.day of.. .....;[ ~p:~.!.y_._. .... ......,_______________" in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and__tJlre_nty~~.i..~......,m.__.__.___.._______..._m........____,between ____,__..__..... 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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said part..Y....of the first part ha~______hereunto seL..he.r_______.......,________._............ hand............and seaL..._......,the day and year above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of ....tk~.~~~~.........Il~.__........m.......(SEAL) ..........m...m......-......................._...._..........u..__......m...... (SEAL) .. '.------.---.................... ...---...- .P.__............... _~__ __._ __ ___..__._ .__________.____._ ....................--......................--........n............_nnnm......_. (SEAL) .. -...,.......... ............-- __...00'0... ............................................hnh....'.. .00.... ............... ....m..................... _., _ .~.:,...,....... ............... ( SEAL ) \ ..~ ',.". ." .~. ""~~~ ;':'''' "II ~_ ._ _mo_' ,~:;<".I:' ',".' __ , I ' : " II. I I" , , I' 'I ii! II Acknowledgment II 1.1 THE STATE OF MO~TANA, l!;~' :i County of ~ I '. Ra valli Ii Ou this '.........m...'..J~R.th...-.. ..., ....,........,...............--.. ..day of,__...}.a.n.RI;'l,.~:Y......._.......................,.............A, D, 192.9...... :I! I hefore me ....,...Q.~...,~.~..J~X~.:_~_~~:~...__.?-...n9.t{:!.};y--.PlJ.J;J,l.iQ._..fQJ:_..~Q.nj;.{.m.~.~..........,..,.. ..,.,...,.. ..,.- --............---........... 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