HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 24- Rea and Esgar Deed QUITOLAIM DEED BoseIID.ll.D. Ohronicle 1'rint .....""" ......~ ~.~ ~ ~ ...-< .11I-- . THIS INDENTURE, Made the........___20th,..........mn..day oL---.----------Augus.t......'...'----....-------------------.in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred am(-.----.twent-y-.fo.ur,.........----------...... betw(;cn---.J-o.h.n.--M-ito.h.ell...-- ~C', : a....w:1dow.er.,...and....'rho.ma.s.--H..---Rea..,..... "'<....... _...00... ......-m--.........Re&)-.--his .wife, and..Robe~.t-. 1!.___Esg..l'__and__lli_~__L._______________Esg..l'.__hla___w_1fe.___all___af__Bazema.n__l!anta.na._____the pa.r.t-ie.s...o.f....the..-f.i.r _t...pa.r.t.,....and.nTh.e..,City....o.f...BQZ:e.man,....a--.munic.ip.a.l.._co.r.p.Q.ra.tlQn, -. ,I ... ~ ~ ~.. ~................... _... _..... r _... _ _ _ _ _ _ _........ ~.................. _... __. r _ _ _ _ ____ __ _r __ _r ~~ _. _.. _& __ _. - _, - - - - - _._ - - - - - - _............... - - _....... _. ~ _................................. ........... _........ - _. _M __~.. 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"8-)..-.f-ee:t....o.f...La.t... .....-1 Elev.en,....~11J----1n-..Blo'Ok...One...Hundr.e.d...On&:.-(.lOl}....of...the...N.9.rthe.r...Pao.if.iCn.Addtt.ioa t.O----th.e...ei-tJ---Of-..BO~z.ema.n)u..M.ont&na..;:...Whio.h...sa.1d..pr.o.p.e.r.ty....i.s.. .her.eby... ..conu.e.y..ed...to. C ity---o!...BO-z.eman-uf.()~....s.tr.e.e.t.-.pu.r;>'O..B.ea..........................0000......00............._.... ............................. .00..00.................... ......._ __ __ _ __ ~_. ~............... ... _ _._ __.... _. _....~.. .... ...... ........_ __ _...._r&"~._._._._.. .__.. .............. ._...... ._....._........... .... ..r..... ............................. .__....___.._____. ._.__. ..,.. __ ___ _.............. _.._ ..__ __.. __.~.. ................ .._.._ __._.rr_~_~..._.:.._....~.__________.. .____ 'r_....... ......... ...... .......... .._........ ... --........ ._............... ....... .__. .._ ......._.....__.... -,,_ /-- - -- ................-~~ '..." . 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".. .......___._.._._....rrr_... ...~.. ........ .... ---- -- -- ---~.~_.. - ~ - - -. -. a.__._ .-----..-.--. .--. , TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and the rever- sion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and also all the estate, right, ti~le interest, _ ::.'_...... _:;_. __,.~..",. _." ._._".__ _________.., .......... ..,........_______............"..........___.__...............m._____...... property, possession, claim and ~ -.. demand:wh'a.tS()~~~~:-~;.We((.m law as in equity, of the saId parL_____of the first part of, in or to the said premilelll, ....... r- ......' _ . and every:'pM't ~d pal'~el thereof_...... 00___ _ _ __........... u__._......... ....m...__........... n...m.....___ -........... ,..................... .m__ --00-- u.. ...... ............ ~ -- -." ~."._---------- TOlIAVE AND -Tv 1tobD,-aU-ltud Millg ular, thG'said plelll~~S, WW~ppurtctilm'Ces....------:=---...--....---,.,=",.,=, .-- .. ._....... ... .___~_ __- __ __ :a.... _..:....:.. ."...~.___ _ _ _ _'.. _ _....... _...... _ _ ___ _~ _ ~. ~ __ _......_.... ---~.... .... t........ ....r._______._____~~_._....... .-.- -- -- - - -- -- --~................... - - -.- -.~- ----~.----..-........ .. .... _.__ _____ _.......... ..n...~ __ __ _'........ ...... ..____ ,............ .00'__.._......... ..0000....00..._....... .n..n..nn_Jm.-. ...... ... ... ...... ..00.. ---- - - -- --- -- -- --.. - - - -.......... 00...... ...,.. -. ...~. ..... ........... __ __ ___..............".. a. _ _.......~.. __ _ _. _........... _ _. .....n__ ~_ .... .....n.. __.. __._ _ _ _ _ __ _ _.................... ....._ ____A ~........ ... ... __rr__ -~--~--. ..... -... -- ~.--...--- -..... -.. ...-.. unto the said part.y.____of the second part,.__.__i.t.s...S.UO.ce..B'ilQ.r.Bm---------:b~and assigns forever, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part1aaof the first part hay.e...hereunto seL....'l'h.eir.---------..----.:--hand.. and seaL..6...the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed an ...JiLo~".H.._..J. .__.......~------,. .~~r;~..--. . ..._......._.__.. ____.___ ..,. (SE AL) .. _ .~_r"_ __ ~.._.. ..._... ...... ..". _ __ _.a. ..'.......... nr_~._ -- ~.....~.. .,........ -.o.. ..-.....~. . -.. . -.. ..- (~~~ni:~; ~....:., ,.. i STATE OF MONTANA, I County of Gallatin, SS. On this-------,2.0.th----.--..__...............m.,__.__.__..__..__..__.da~' of_A.uguat.....,....,...,...,._........in the year one thousand nine hundred and . -..... -.. t. w en t:y: -:!. 0 ur--.. -. -....... -.. -. beY ore me.........H..... ,A_o.. _.Bo.l.in.g.e r __.__ _ ___ ,_____ __ ,_....................a notary (Name of Officer) Public for the State of Montana personally appeared......JO.hn..lU.tc.he.ll......a....w.1.d_Qy.~1:.......'r.b.~m\.~.~.JI!.mR.. t~~ ~'..........Il~'....~.~.~.!.~fel..~.~Po~r~.Il~..~...~~r~~.~.~.~.....~s.~...~'~ (Ch ,pl'oved to me on the cath of.-.m....--....__....____...__.__n_........'........n................................................,) 1 < to be the persoIiLwhoSe nam.e...S...a..r.6.....--------subscribed to the within in'strument, and acknowledged to me that ..'h~__executed the same. "".' '._...~~_ . .. -' !1i_WT'fNESS. W!IER)jJ!)F.....J. have h~x!Junto~et,.my hand.aDQ._ a.ffixed~y Notarial RplIl .~ - / .~ _~ __ -. ',- the day and year first above writtt~n. /? . -=:/,: - - '. _-u~t71.unnnnuuunu.unnu.~ -:.-:...._~-_..<.... Notary Public for the State of Montana residing at.Bo.z,e n.,.___.___Montana My commission expires.--Sept.ember......~4.th....,.1~, .._..;..~~. ,~'~,,_~.;;.:; ____:" -w ",-- ~'''.,. .~-', -".~- - - -~--- .-......_... ,_" .:,_,,..,;:._.,.(l.,: ,__ ~-'-'-"=....~_ "- '. ,---.,.c::'~:-.-.I'!IIC ~.... '0 I;;lj, Q 0 ::0 '" "':l UJ ' =:- ~ : '" ~ 1'1>-;'" .... '--" 0 io . ,. '...... ~ (:)' ........." .~ ..... ~ :...... p.. 0: ~ ol> ':'" ... ~ ~ ,'" ",.., p.. 0 ~ oit' .... : cr,~ p.. =~ '< I:T .., ~ ~ ~ '0 .~, 8' ~ : li:t - ~ ~ . C":.l ,g.> ~, .., <+ 0 b : i':: : 0 Cll;l. .... ~ .., '<..... ' .... ,.., ..:: ~ ~ ~ 0 '-.J ~ '!"" i ~::i ~: . ~.j ..... i 15 I-i> too' j ~ ! g 8 i::< i.c:. g j ~ 8.. Q S to b I '8.. :~ Ii'!" : ( : e.z ~ I!:J' : - ,~:::: ...... '--" IL. .... . ~... I " ~. . 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