HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 24- Meta Carow Deed .. '!i II Stattdard Publishing Co" Printers and Bookbinders, Anaconda, Mont. TlIS INDENTURE, Made the,,_._.....:..th.l_~!L_,__..,..day oL........M.~_~_~~___________.__....,.............jn the year of our Lord ,ne thousand nine hundred and,.~!~_~Y:::.f.~~....__..__._.. between.._}4...~~;..~.~.~_~!_L__~___!_~_~_~"!!.~..~'.~,~..,.......__.-.---- Boz.man COUI:I:ty of Gallatin, .stat'....of Montana,ti:i".party of,tli:e.f'irst .,..... - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -,- -.,., ,...... --...- - - - -- --..,.,.......... --. - - --- --- - - --. - - ,............... -. --.. - -- - - -- - - --- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.".,. - -.....,...,.. ..... -'- -- - - -. - - -- -- ------- -- - - -- -- - - -- - - - -..-,.. -. .,P~~____~~_~__.9.I1'.I....Qr_.J?_9.~.~M.~_~J__:_~___~_~,~J~~.P.~J____~~~p.9_~_tlQ,~,__..Q.f..,..G-~~_1.~~J~....QQY.~_V,____.... .. ~~I!L'1;._ ~_ _ _ _ 9_f_, .~, ~~ 1o_e.~~_ _ _.,., _.".......... ....._________.. --...,...,....... -.. -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- -- -- - - -- - - - - - - - - --."'...."'.'.'.. - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -. --- -. - ~. ~............... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. ~......... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -............ ........~.- - -_.~.:'::-,.----~.-.__._.................... -....... -. -- - - -. - - - -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -.......... .. ,........ ..... - -.... --.. - - - -." - - - --- _ _~ _. _......... _... _. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _.......... _ _ _. _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ ~............... _. _. _ _ _ _ _._ __ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ _ _. __. _ _ _....................... ~....._ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _a. _. _........a. ........a.............. ..._ """,', . . ,,:...~~~.""~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"........ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....... _.. _ _.... _ _ _ ___ __ __ _ __....................... _ _. _ _ _ _ _.ft _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _.. _ _ _................... ~... -- -- - -- - - -- - - ---- -.------- ----.. ---- -- -- --.. ...- "~~parLy....of the second part, WITNESSETH,that,the..said part.y.....of the first part, for and in cousideratioatl. <;;'" ""..t~ su 0 ___ _____r()V:F..T~~N.__mI.Np~ED. &~g ~~..1 OQ ..." , .. ------. - - :.<~;[~~f~_l___.~.~J:i~'y'.,.~.f._:_~,".Jlm.:t:."9.~.,~:~~t.....__.. _" ,_ _,,___.. .... ..... n. ....._.___ to______Ji~:r____________..__..__"__., in hand' pMCt- ,\:,':>j-. by the said parLy____of the second part, the receipt of wh ich is hereby acknowledged, do...:s...remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the said part-J'__....of the second part, and to______it.a___~~_cJ?e'~ saga Bassigns, the following .~cribed real estate, situated in the......Cit.y___o.f___Boi..man_,______.___County of ..........Gal.la.t.iXl_f._______________________.... and State of Montana, to-wit :~,..-All~__tha.t.:__p.a.r.t-..ot,..th,.:..a..,t."ha.1f----Qf'-~--tA.-_,_Xlorth_.e.a_t.______________..n quart.r (E 1/2 NE 1/4) of S.ction S.v.n, (7) in Township Two (2) South,' .':?Rang.----S-tx .-,{ 6' ')'---EaB't c.. 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" ,'" ~.. . .,. - ---.-.-,,:;-'"-.-<:~.;.<;-:.:.-:-..-- ------- ----- -------- --.---... ..___...m..... n.....".." ,_____ _ ____________ ____ ________ ___ _________ __________ property, possession, elaim and ^ . v /:Ie~a2:td ~h"~~S"~~I',: as well in law as in equity, of the said party_______of the first part of, in or to the saidpremillell, ':. t\n~l, ~very.~ ~!t~f ml~l parcel thereof, ,..,....__.....:......"____'____~------ ______..______________.._n_..__._____,_____________..__.," ._____.____ _______________m__.'...::~":- . ToB&ve.and to Hold, All and singular, the said premises, with the appurtenances_.....__....______________..___.........___._,:.S - '. .'_,,_,',,""t._,~~._,_...,,~,_..__.__,.__ .._'___~"~._._._. ,..,~'~ ~__._~ _,~,_ .~ __, ~._ .., . 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Signed, Sealed and ~eIi:red in the Presence of 1 .&L:in~L.u[Seal] ~~~=~LnuuuuuuJ ,,- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ----- ------------- -----. -- .-------- -- --.,.. --. --------- ---- --..,... [Seal] ------ -- ------ ---- ------....--..----.. ---- ---- -- --------- -."..., -..--,----- --- --.., [Seal] - . - .- .. STATE OF MONTANA, } SS, I County of........... g,~.~.~~~~~_..__________,______.._. On this.......:..~.~.~~__.......__.....___.......________day of.~___-----.---------Ma.r-oh....----,---L.--..-...in the year one thousand nine hundred and., .t\i..D.ty-:: t.Q U:r. "........... before me_ __ ---E.e- _:.c_.__'Jla.ii::.~,,_______________,.___ ___________:____ __ _____"_________ __a Notary __ .' (Name of Officer) Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared__....,_____M~_\_~_,__Gl!.~_~!_'___.,'~...:~J~~.!_L_________________________,__________.__. (Name of Party) . - - - - - __ - __ __ - - - - - __ - - _." ~ _............................. .. . _... - - - - - - - _. _.. - - - A....... ............. ...... _ __ _ _ _ _ _. __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _. _ _ _... _" _..".... .................................... _ _. _ _ _ _ _.. _ _. known to me..... ,p,e.r.B_onal,ly___________. __________________________________ ___ _~___.____________ ___ ___, ____ __________________._..,.. ,._. ",.,.__,___,_______ ____ ___ __ _____.,., ,_.... (Or proved to me on the oath of mmn__n" nnnmn' nmmn..m.m.........nn........) to be the person___.._whose name_______.i_._______________subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that ';M,he..,-.:e:r.:ooutedtlle 16me. . . 1"'.' - ~""v' . .... ,......'._~,,",.' . _, lK..l'll%DS8WIfIIIBOF.I.Qve .,reuntn.etlRY .hlltul and .M:K'ed myN: the da,.. .aDd. ,..... 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