HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 24- Rogers, James & Ida Deed ~"~: ,:'1, ., . 4- . ,. .....,,.. .. .r- .M/ WUBAlft'Y DBBD Dail7 Ollr'oD1C1e ~ .!i H :1 THIS INDENTURE, Made this... ......_"..y..'g,t_~__..., ....__,... ....__.___........ ...._...__day of... ....r_~?t~~~__..__________..........___.. h " ij ;! in the year of our I,ord one thousand nine hundred and...._"__tJJ..nty~to_Ur...._m___...................m______,between .....-----'..... :'i James D. . Rog.rs and Ida 0-. ~Rog.rs, 'his wif., 'of Yakima, . state' of . .... ~..~ - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- -~ -- .... ... ... ..-----~----~...__...._..__..._-----~...-._-_.. ..__._~_........._--_. -- -- -- -....... .-- -- - - - - - - --...... .....~ -- -- -.-- -- ---- _..........~..- ..- - - -.-.. ...-..-.. -..-..----.......---. ,,~,~p.J~~_~_~____(.!'~ ~~_~_~_tr.._~f....~_~_~.~~~.1..~.~~P:~~.~. .~___________. _,..".. ------ -,."..-.... .....____________.................m..m......... ._ - - - _. _. ...."...... .... ... - - - - - - _. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _................ - - - - - - - - ____ __ __ _... __. r._.. _.~. __. _ _.... - - - - - - - -......... - - - - - -- ---....... ..-- -& -- --~- ---- -.... .............. - - - -.------ --..--.. ------.....-& the part.~.._____..of the first part, and..___M.ta...C_&r.oll...Q;f...B_oz'..:ua.n.,..~_C_O.Un.tT...o.f_...Ga.lla.t.i.n,___.____.......... .:?:i;~ ~41_'. _ _9.:f... _ 'Jl. ~ ~.~ ~-~.gj;.~ ~...... --.. -. -. --........ ........--...." ......,..... -.......... -."- - - - --............. - - -- - --.,."'.....,....- - - -- ---- -- --... -, -,.. .................... ..-. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.......... _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _...._ __.... ~_ __ __. ..........."......~ __ _ .....__ 4._... ._..._______.......... - - -- - - - - - -. -......... - - -- -- -- - - -_.......- - - - - - - -- - - -. -..........~ - - ~- -- -- - - -.... ...... .-...... .--..-... ;1 . _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _, _,........._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _.. _ _ _...._ __ __ ____ __ _................. ____ __ _..__.... ...... __.......h.- _ _ _ __ __,....... _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _,......_ __, the part.. y.... __ __._of the second p art< , WITNESSETH..L That the said part..ieS__of the first part, in and fo~ consideration oL-------_.....-------------....."..--.o... _ ... t'--~---;;:;...-- ..,: .' . . ....... .' ..... ~.... . ... -..'---- .. '~" . . ". , . ..7..,.'..;"~:~~....Ir~li;ml r.II.... s. ^'lr-' .......1 mW~k..1L..i.;:,:...~.;.:..-...u.u._.u...~I! . ~i iu hand paid, the receipL__.._....whereof is hereby acknowledged, ha___!i._ GRANTED, BARGAINED ,AND sor.,v~M Ilnd by these presents do__......._______hcreby GRANT, BARGAIN AND SELL, GONVEY AND CON.b'IRM unto the said pal't.y.....____of the second part, and to........._______~........__..................__.____....h.e:r._______....heirs and assigns, forever, the following described real estate, situate in the County of Gallatin, in the State of Montana, to-wit: All____t_b.t.. .P.~~_.. _O.f. _:t.b:~....f:.ll':.~~___H~.lf.....Qf...:t!.Q..!..__No_~lj...~~:t__ _91J1I.';~~.~ ...Lf.___l/~__.N~...Jl4J..m__.. of S.ction Sev.n. (7) in Township Two (2) South, Rang'- Six (6) East of M:---n'ta:ns:" 'Prfn:c-ipal"'M.'ri 'dian---lri"thfD.."'the-"'f"o-l-l-oWfDf:'-1I1-'~.IS" a lld-- -bound1!l..-,.-t;oJ.i"':-. .. ,~B.ginning...a1;....___P9.i;~r~u.i.~...t~!.<..~~~~.~mJ~.~.~..__~f.u.~~...~____~~~~.'~,~_..,~Il:___~_~_.__qJ~r...__~_f__,..____ Bozeman, Monta~, ~h:1~h is ~t.tM., int.rs,.ctio~ .of th.. we~t liri~'. ,of c!pr.... .t;r..1:.-r---th.-n:o'.':.' '\8.. a... :~ 11 ouoth .'.-l-on'g'.--t.h.---w..st.--.li-n-..--o-f...Cyp-r-.... ..s.t.r..it;---3t .-..5"'h' f ..t.- _.t.o., .Bab.c.o.ok. ,. 8:t.r....t_;__:_:t.h..:D.c..:u~..J.t...."l.Qi1g...:th..., .north.. .1;t~_':._J~f___J?,~Q,~g.Q~....~:~.i<..~t 103 f.et; thenc.' north31 3.5 f..t to the south line of Main stre.t; th.noe '.alit -..iil.ong---tJi.....s.outh..--l.m.".of"..M"a"in--.lJt-i..-t-..-tu...'th.:--plB:c:.....o-t--.b.gilln;ing.;....a-l.l--..., in:" 't'h-." -0 i-t;y" . of- -- 'Bo z-.iDan:t..:. 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"0. ..... ,~ . !,I~ .~::-.J~.:::::::::=~,~~~,:i::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . , '- d ....,._ _. ':~, _ ....,' \<.,.,::..,.:,........."..._ __ __ _ ___ _ __..u....... ....._ __ __ __ _00"00 .m.....nnn.__..'n____..._................._ ____._ __ __ __ __.....,.,........ - - -. -- -- -- -- ---... mmn.... __ ......00...... TOqE)'HER with all the tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances, water rights and water ditches to tbe same belonging, and all the estate, title, interest, claim and demand, of the said part.l......of the first part therein: i TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above deserrhed pren1ises, with the appurtenances and privileges, unto the II !mid part..y..,.....of the second part, and to_____________....h..r......"..,..u....heirs and assigns forever, And said part.itl.!L.___..... 'I il .' themselves .'., . ' , . ~ of the .fIrst part, for....____..................m_.____.....,n,....and..~h..ir....helrS, admIlllstrators and aSSIgns, do_...h..r.by............ ' I . ~","'",:,.;d party..._of the -- - Ud .........________~--...--mbe;~ odmiuiatr.tor. and -_ tIla. , ,. . ,:.u,.I;::'.:::.:i;.;...~;,;,.."".....................;.!fJ'..~ "-11:' ..~ ,,- ...,-_.. ..- . "~'~"--. _~,,,.'~'''''' '.. ...... --" .' ~.. ......1';. ......."lr'~ '-"""~~jn i) !1 free from all incumbrances; that.....:t.h..,......m.....'____..........han.:v.................good right and lawful aut.horityte tell the 8IJJlle and that....:.~_.y...._m__...,.will, andn....th..lr......n.........n...heirs, administrators and assigns, shall warra~t and defend the title to said premises unto the said part..y....,...of the second part, and_.,._._h.r......___.__.________heirs and assigm, forever, against the lawful claim and demand of all persons whomsoever. " IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said part1.:'of the first part hai.__hereunto.set........t.h..ir_______,.........m....:... 'I II hand.s.________and seala._____.."the day and year abovp. written, ___~mA2/1~------(SE1>J,) 0 :1 " Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of _ " .. r" ~__ _.............. _..__ ___ __ ... ... ......" - -. -- -~-- -... .............. _____..w.~..._&....._____...__ ____md1~~--mv?~m-_...m-(SEAL) ., X ~ I ...nm...m...__.___unn:nn..nm___m.___m...___...............m._______ (SEAL) Ii .> , . r.".. ...._~..... .......... ... - __P-."...... .... ...........".....~...-.-.....--..-_....----.........---~.. u........u............m__.......u............._______.______...........nn...nn (SE.AL) ...----- '!>' - II .,'.,,~.. ~""""..,,,~ \~';;i';.' !..~,! .., '" .,< .;:......,,;.. I ! Acknowledgment I !I - --. , " , ... .. - - -... ~...""'O.'" ~................_............ _.,......................... ... ..... 7 'Or...... .._...... ... _...................... _oo.......... .'O..... ~ ~................ _............... ......... ----.... _......... __...... .__...... .___....... ....... ........ ............. ___ __.... ~ ~.. ___...... _._ _ _ _ __._ _ _ _.._oo J.. in and for aid.~,.._.........................,perSOnallY appeared .....l.am..-..D,...:.Rog.r..B...a.nd__.I.d.a___G..,_~,_. . -.- n...~o~.g~.~.~J....~.~.~...:!Jf~..'.............h........................... '0" 0 ........,---.-..........___.......... ...........................mm.........m.........o............ ~~ . ~~:'-':;::~'~"::'--"':"~"',:I.----'.'--"",,",-~.,-.. ._'.::.,~-:--'__'__~__,"_~ - --.- -'-.- - -.~ .,,-.- .. ---. ,.-......,.,........:.,............" .__n' ~ :,....'i..J;...~, '.;.1,:"._. '_.' "',.,~_., "', .. .. _._;>."h. :,","li>..'l%_i&ii~~F'W'''; "",' -_.. -. 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