HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 10- Lang, James & Hattie Deed .....'.';;0. .. WAR'FlANTY DEED ii- - · .... Bo.e..n.CI~ori""]e rrint ..,,~ '-~,,----,-" -. .------=c THIS INDENTURE, Made this. ..... ....,..z.8...=......................2.............. ..day of =JJ..ecember.... in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundrea and........t.n. ..Ll,Qlol.== ....... betu.'cen .. ......J.AME.,S.......E..........:L.AN.G......an.d......lIAT.T.lE..M.........LAN.G.., __.hi.3 ...w.ife.......c.f ..Galla.t.i.n...,c.ounty.. ....St ..ate.....Qf Montana---.. -...---.......---- ,.......................................1......................... ................................................................ ............................. ..................................................... ... ... .... .... .................. -,.,. ""~~'~~"_. - -. '."'-" >.__un................................._..... ..__________" ____..........................,.,. .__n...__._________.____..nn......................................... ..........................................., ,...,............,.,.".~,..".........mm .mm____..nnnnnnnnnnnnm......m_m.m.....m.....m.~.m......._..... tJr.,e pal'd_'#..~fthe first part, ana ... ....,THE......Gr..TY.....DF...13'O'ZEM.AN.., ....a......mun.i.c.i.:pal.....c,or.po.r..a:t.i.o.n .af..the ......~..~..?,~..~.......2.r.,J4.9.D..:t..?:.D..q.J. ..............,............................................................. m..mm.......m.m....m..m..m.......m......................... .. . ........... ,--- . ___._m__.__ ............................. .... ........0... ... 0.... .'. .+. ._. .._._ ,. ..... ...... .... ..... .... .............u. .,. ...................... .......................' ........................................~-_.__.---_......~-...~~~..~~.........~...........................................................,..."............,.---,--.... _"...,.."..........................,......,................................................,........,....u.....::=,=,~:::.-,:.:::.:.:..:::::..:.:..:.::::=.~,.,::.::=~;,..::._,:.:u.u..u,...u.....u.._,..:",.....u........::,=,:,:......, the pnrt.y.-...of the serlond part. ,.f;:} . :?kWITjrESS~rH;t~tt1tt,:~..pqrt"i..e.Jgf the' ..--: ._~ ,., , "" " ' " " .:..~_.....~~..~->--......_~' . ."'lIr.fie.l1\.irtd:ied~.'f.frt,..aolla:te-:lI1 ,. . . .' T ..' ..... '~~ha~d paid/the receipt..~..whereof is hereby .jrtl....,.~.'~t.fil'll.....,.:',~llfht,tJt..i'~:~. , and by these presents (lo.=....hereby GRA.NT, BARGAIN AND SJlJLL, CONVEY AND CONfi'IllM tke said part.....Y....ofthe second part..;mri~~~lv.<PUCCes$.ore..u.uu....u............ h8i~ (u~d ((,ssigns, foreuer, the .....", /, ,.- foUowin~ de-scribed real estate~,8it,dnte_ ~n ~~w.iy of Ganatin, in the State of .Montana, to-wit: .- .... .......r.,h.~,t...<?..~,~~.(;l.tD...up.t'?.,9,~~~~'9..'F..~Jl~9~1.u9'I....:1,. .~,9:,. J r!,g,Jy.,9., .~9..... ~~rJ..t.p.t 1'1. uu tl1.~.,..f. 9." J, J.9.'N. .tn-K. f.eecribed mete13 and boun?-f1 ,-~~i.t:_ u...:.............. .....,,,. ........__...________________.. _____..... ......~............... ..__..;__~_.______:_._:::~_~._~:~,. ...":":-r.. .....,;-......... .._.... ...... ............. ..._ ....___....__....... __d ........ -..... .--.......". .-.....,............,~ "............" .......... ..'-. Beginnin g at a p~int~~nJh~ e{Ction line between sections twenty- ..t'l'i'ne.'u-(-'2.g'}'...a:nd....thi'ri;y~'tw~.3~~~.::'-.tn.....t.ownErh'ip.....o.ne....e.outl>r.'.o'f'...'f'.ilnge...'.r3.ix'u e'tie't..;..... I; ai d po i n t being 315 f-e,et ....~ t,: o:f.,~t h~.. r::t9~.:t.tl.~_~.~..ec;!ct;j;Pl'1un9.9.I'.P.~:r.'n..9..f...~.~..9...ti..Qn ...5'2..~..'..Iii'...8<a::rd......t.o'\vri5hfp'...I:i'ncr'O'rarig,e;;:;,:..~:..t:E'en6ue' north a.t rightangles to Baid . ...,e.ec.t,i..on..",l.i.ne"...1.4.0....te.e.t..j.....th.enQ:e:..,w.e.e,f,':..paral.1e.l....t.Q.....eui.d.....e€c.t-i.0.n ...li.ne....31L..14,.. feet; thence south a.t rightangles 140 feet to a point in the said. sea- ...ti'on-...1-i.ne...'.b'e-.tvreE n.."elri'd'...'ee'o't'1'on.e...':~i'2....ti]'fd....Z9";.....".'thert.c'e.....e'Ei,.s.t.. alO'hit'..ue.aI.ij'm.i'fe.c.;;,;.... ~i~~~-=~-,~~~;~~-,~?~~;__1),e__p~ID~__Q.~~~~~i~ ..........,....._. _________....._.............................._.. _ _____. _____............................._.....____ ______.__._. __..~.....' .,~H~:~:~.........,.~~.;,.;~'~'~'~JJk:~~~:~:..........,.....~j..;-:~.~:~'.~.." ,-..,-.. ..---.--.....,.... --- ................... m.............................................._...m.'......m.....'......,..,...,.................. m'.....uu.. ._~~:_~~?-".uu m m.....' .mm..... ..nnn..n..nn.m.n.... .mn. ....... -- :..'....... ..................._ .............,....,. .................. ......,.....'__........, ~:':::'~'~'~'_~:"" .,...,~:.;;;:?-"'.. ...... ........ ........ .............. 'mu'muu' uum. n' u mmm nnuu uumm. nn. mm .um. m n.. . .n_ / ~- ./ ... ................................ .' ....,.... ................................... ..,.......... . _ _' .. /,............ ....... .".. ",,"m.m".m"'.. ..................................................... .............................. .... ............................................................ .........m. .---:" .....- -----. ~ ...... ..m.............................m..... .mu::>"~..........,..:.... ".........::,....~::.:.::..;............~:...................,.......................................................................... .......,..........,............, .......... ... ----- ."~ ~ "... .........,uu~~~:...~'~<..~.,~.................u.......mu.u........:........=..:....:.-:....<~......~.............,........... "......._......... mumo'...... .m." .m.m.."m'.. m.nunn..... uu TiiG:ETHEltJ,lpit7vu..ll the tenpm,~;....1l&:J~editnments. nppurtennnces, wliItl?nig'7qt!? md L .\:lld. J~jvl"va to' the ......... ., . ~ '" -:.- ,., \ ~ , -!I NTrI:R. befun1f;ntalffl, aZUhe estG.te;#~Ze, interestyfJlat.m and demand of the said pa,rti...~J:()f the first part therein. , TO 1.IA VE .J1ND TrFHOLD the'nbove des6ijbe4. premiselb, with a.lZ the .appurtena.nces nn.d privaeges, lU~to the . '. .., ~ it'''' I.'H"lore fjQiilfpart.~Y.tJfthe see ond part, ,.-r"nd to,..........~......!:!.U,Q.G..~~.~nd assif!ns forever. And the so,i.d pnrtiefJJf the first themsel ve's tne lr h" a" . d . a - 'thO 7' .'a ' part, for...,..............m.m..m.....,....ana............................................... ez,r~ :l:z,nz,strators an asS1,gns o..m..m...covenant. wz, t. (,c. sa.. .../..' . ..... p. ....m t..y.. ........ , , , , ..... . . i teem c c e B 0 l' s .. . + 1.-. .......; >.Qjthe second part. and.wl.th....."....................mm.......""................ I adm;('nLstratorsand .G;ssz,$ns, thaL..,...~~,.,.~'''''._.....7.'~?~1 ':';;~dZy'seiz.edof said premises, 'and that said'premises _~"...I_:';~'.~I~)....',;.#:;'i:.irlU.; ,~:'~.,':...l~~_. ., '.L. .' .'". ' ..1. ";".'. ,:;.~ ",/:.,:_..",;.,;",\,.;}"r.~:,.,:>... .-r;'~i,:''''''''':'''~' '~,"', ";i.~:.' "_' , ',"r,'>~':,<::~,~y~I.;":..,':'-',...t~':o~~'" h.({,...;;.e.......iood nth" and lawfuZau,thmi;ty ttrsdl "h~ .... . .. I .... '. . .'. '.' .'. . ....!r.lI!tl!,....... .' ,mmm .. mm. ...............~..,.rs; administra. tors and assi1!ns shall warrant and ~.".........-Itt. kto. aaid..' . pre. . mMh u.."'to _td.. .parlJ/..........of. . ......~ . t 3u(:jce~li~l3 . Ii........ .... . ._ond part. and...m..m]... .S'mm.....m.mm and assz,~ns ~;<~ tke 1"awfN.l ol.az,m and denwnd of all persons wkomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said partJ..f}..~ofthe first part ha.ye.herennto set......t:tt~.;i.,rmmmmhandmf$and seaZ...e.'1 the day and year nbove written. SiJaed, &aled and Deliu",'<<' in the Pr",.""",! ~...~,rfjL..... ....... SEAL) ~~;:lt~t, .......... (SE,AL) _'no" m.......m...m' .m.m...mm....m.m..mmmmmmm...m.m.............m........ (SEAL) ........................................................,............. mno ..m....m..m..m.. . ................ ............................. ...... ...m.....'...'....m.m....m..m...............m....".......m................. ..... ........................................ m' (SEA L) ',,0 .'"to". '.,..,< ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF .MO.NTA.N.A" ~ County of Galla;f:in, SS. A. 0";' this.. uu...'2::..[...~............day of..~ uuu.;Pe...Q..~.mp.e..;r ...u........:......................................... A. D" 19.1Q.... before me ...u...... ..G.e.Q.;r.ge....yr...P-at..t.en.,.......a,...Ho.ta-ry......p'u.bli.e.. in and for said .,==::-..S.ta.te..................,........... uu'" personally appeared ........,TAJJ.:.E.S....E........LA1TG ..an.d.....lLATTIE.....1t.... ...u!:M.Q..,.......h.iJ.'L...w.i.f..e...u...............................u.. u.u. .., u........ ....,...................................................... u ....u.... ,.. -~. "......". ..,,,,.,,"'.,.. .......................".. ..m..m....................,,"'.. .-.. . -- ~-~-- .."..".m,__. ...... ..,."..... .... ...................."... .".... ........ ......................,." ............................ ,......."..,,,.,. ........m....................",,,.,............,, ....m. m............. .__..........''''''. ",.."....., ..... ...................".--....,.... known to m,e to be the person...s.....whose name 5 ....a.r..(!)sl.(,bscri,bed to the within instrument and" acknowledJ1etl ~. that.......::::::::=:.....,~h.~y........~''''''''"""...........executetl the sarn-e. iJ( Jt-irXESS WHER1JOF. I Mreunto set j'..' ~,.. M1f .~.i"'...D,.;.z.e.man..,..gn,t&n4,.,.the day - - ... - '. .^ - ; .............................,...,.,.,...,., -,.,' - - - ~ y - ..',.",. ... - -- ~/ -^ " ;,," ~OTARY U13LIC;( . ^ ..' ." - ,; '. .........................."........u...... . . ... ....... ...Qruu..t.h..e.....Stute......oi u.1'Lontana. - r::- ---:'" - -. - ..... - _~"" Re3iding at 13ozemari, :Montana. -- ,. .0... ~ . - ~' .. .. ... ,,' .;.....:.:::. _. M~ Conmlis3ion expiree January 3,1911. -. ;: - """ ........---- - - ',' - ~ - --. - ..., -- ~...-" "'- '-" '.' - '- " ,~. .<...... -.... 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