HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 10- Anderson, David & Etta Deed ".".'.".... .~A"~:tVPEI!:D "-' THIS INDENTURE, Made this..................... .....,., .......,.,.,.,....................,...,..................,.............day of ....mm..m.mm.m..m......m........'...............................................mm. m..mm_ in the yenr of our Lord, one tho and nine hundred and......~..,...................,....,...between.......:............................m...,.........m'..mmmm. .. ......'tt!..~...2!L..........m.............,..........m...m....m...........'......'..m'............ ..,......~......,...~.....~.~....m.. ~-~------- -----------~~-~....... ~~.....~.....;::~=~;.;~~.~.;.::::~:~~_~~.::..:....:,:."':'~..~::::::':..""::.:..::::::::::::,...:..:m......:..:.:.:.,:...:..,':.'.:m".'.'.,.,.,.,....m.,::.,:.'.',.,'.,',.::....:.".:::.,:~,..~.;: " . ~~ ~.mm.........mm ....m...mm............,......................... ..m..mm mm........mm...m..m....... ..... ...............................p.........C.m......mm.m..m....m..mmm......m..m.....;.. ........ ..............................................\.......................................................................... -...........................-...-....-.....................-......--..............,..............................................-........-...--....-... ~_......_....._..._.~..... ....,.......,......,.,.,......",.,.,.".",.,.,.,."......""",.,............,......,...,.....,.",...',.......,..,.,.,.,...",.,..",.,.:.....,......,.,.,...,........:.,.,...............,."..,"",.,""',.,.......",.,..."",.".,.,...",.,.,..,..""...,.""...,....."""..",. the part?...ofthe second part. W 'ESSETH, that the said par~ofthe first part, in and for the consideration of..................................................,..................m...~... n."........,....,'." ,..,_..,.....,"""'~,...,",.,.".........,::.,.................".,'"""""""""""".",...,................,...........".,'...".",. ""...,.......,."".."".",.".",...",...,...",.."..:,...,...,....:,',...,..,.:.~,.:."...,,:..:,.:~~~~~:~~...,=.,;,:.....".,:,.. OLLdJi$ .".',,:'''',:,.'l I"Q~,";~-"';''''-';: in hand paid, the reoeipt...'!I..whereof is hereby aclonowZedged, ha~,GRANTED. BARGAINED AND BOrp, ." and by these presents dO..;::;'..m.hereby GllANT, BARGAIN AND SELL, CONVEY AND CONFIRM unto the said part.,IJ:1......ofthe second partl...a. ruj;to..~.&....m':................m..........mm....m.m..m.........m............."...........................................heifrs and assigns, forever, the I .' .,',.".".., ... _~~" ,:.... ..I.... ,...-./ ., . f4E~~jff~~~~~~~.~...~ ~~~~~~:._----::~~.- / \ ...... ...... ... .... .......__, ...................,.. .,........... _..,.............,...,...,.....................,...... .......,..........,............. .,.."...".,........ ..., ......,........................... .... ........__m.......'__...............,........,............. .......---._.~......................................._...._.....~.....~..~~---_........._...._...........~.-....---........-._..~..~......- ......-.....-...-......-.----..-.-.---........-.......................................................... ....... -....................................................................- ____. ..._....,..,.,....__ . _...___,. .__..______..__.___.._, ._..__.__.._............................ ....._.......... _____.___._.._._...._ ______.__.u___..__.____.. _______._._______. __._____._.._._..______.__._.._________..._. _m "'.._ ...~ _._ _ ...__...._.................................................__._......................................___.__..h___._._._.._........_..........................._............... ....--. ---..........-.---... --.--- -------..-.-------.--.-...... ----.--..----.. ..,-..,."...-......... . .........., _. - _. - - __ - - __ - - __ - - ___ .. - - __ - _.. _.. - _... - - __ - - _.........................................,... __ ._. _. _. - __. - ___ - _. __... _............... ... ........ ........ ............ .~..~.............. _..... ... _. _.. - u_ ~ .......... _. _ . __ _ _.. _.. _._U ..__...................................._.... __._____._,_ _____.___._____._....u_. _._.__.._......_......................... ___..............._........___._____..___________ _.. .___..._.. _. ..._ ,-.- ---------.-.--,-.-.-.-......,......"..,....," ...._. ......................... ............................ ..__...____.__.._...._...........~.-...-..... .......... ... ...... ................_._ _..... ........... .... ............... ._______ ___... ._.___.. _. .__. ._... .__.. .__ ._. ___. ._____________n__ .___ ___________._______....,~ .................................._.. n...__..____._____._ ___n.... n....___..._..........................................................".......................'" .n..............................................................."........., .....,... ..................n........................ ....................." "..,........."............................................ __..._......................,.. _____._____..... ___._____.__.._____._...._................ ~_......._........................._......__........_._._____...___._.._____.__,______.._ n__._.......___._._. ____.___._. __.".__.._,.. _ _.__, __...__.____......_.._.... .......... ....-.-.-.-.-_.--.. ...-.-----.-.-----.-....--...--...................................................-.............................................-.................... ~_.--_.-- -------.. _______. -..................-......-................. .-.-..... ....... .--- TOGETHER, with all the tenements, hereditamen~rtena,nces, wafrrri.J!qf,i and H,rd:(1r dit(;I7:~fj8 to the same. belonginJ1, and all the estate, title, interest, claim and demand of the said part~of the first part therein, 1'0 HA Vl;!: ...d;A!.'D_;fO HOLD the above described premises, with all the appurtenances nnd privileges, 7{,nto the said par~:off:.he_f!:1:.8-~it;P-r:-rt, and. to.m~m...~;r:/i8 forever, And the saidpnrt~ofthe first part, fo...r. ~iu:lf.,:~.............hdrs, administrators ~tS do.-:::".....covenant wi (, the snid part..?.. ...... '. -/ " -r-- .-...- .-...- " _' / .. ".~f.-O t.... . ' . ~ oj the..s..econd pg,rt"and Wl.tkC..",...~...................~mlu78tp a ssztns, that............m.m.......m..m ..... ............................._law- ,.~' ' - --...., , full1iSeii~ ozsaid prefIJ,:ises; ~ that said premises are free from all tt:::;ances,. thaL. h((,'"'.~g~od rtJ!fh{anqT~ftJ 'Uzdhorityto sell the SOJIW; ((,ful thaImm...m .m.........m...:... will, iuitT ...mm .m....~~.. heirs, .admin-ist7'a~7hd a$~1,ns shall war:rant,a:ud defend the title to said premises unto said part"7.m.of the ',"'"'-~^^-~~ second pr;trt. and.....m.........u...u..m~.,.m.m..mh8il"S alld (H~i~ll$ forever, aJ1ainst the lawful claim and demand of all persons "/". ".- .. 'Z whomsoeve;;..,____.../ \..... . . ~ IN WITNE!:!]) ~W"'H]j)RE()F, the said par~.ofthe first part ha~hereunto set..mmmm.m......mhnndS.a1Ul seaLS'1 the dny and year nbove written, Si,gned, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of ~ _ ~ _J!...J../;'4f.uL4:4...~~(f (SllAL) ..~............uu..m~..' - . .. ..gjk c..~ ......... (SE.1LJ ...m............u.u.....'...m....... m......... ........mm.m ....... ............."...... (SEA I) ................ ................. ....'m" m.m.......................u............ .,....................................u.............u.... . ...............uu.....................................................,................_. ...................,..............'m........., ( SEAL) ._ ','. "'" ~...... ""':,:-;',_~,,::!.,::i":.:-,.. "~ "_.~,..~,'" .'~:~"'~~'~'~rl': ,",.:,.:, "'\Of\", ;.;" ~'" -:'I< "'ACIlNOWLItDG'MENT ,STATE OF.MO.N'TA.N'A" I o"",nty of Gallatin, i~' ~ ~ On 'h"-d-~~y of....:,I2 . .~ -D7F''}--''!' fl., 19L{i, before me~~ V.T:'L__-T~ tl.;l! .. ~ I/~ j", and for said. . ~,......,..,' ......... ,... personally appeared ,.....,..... .....~~. ......~.... ... /?-- '. ~ a.v, ... .....~~.m..............................mmmm...............................m.....?"..............~m..............................m ... ............m..m..mm......mm.m..m.~ ~..,~mr............ mmm................................m...m .............. m ..mmm.............. .........m. ..m........ ..m..mmm........m ~ Jmawn tofp,e iO~be.t~,e..~%8on..s.....whose narne...fi.....~ubscribed to the l~ithin instrnrnent and (wknowled~ '''.-.' ~'/ to me that..."".......:........._............, .....>".:......................e.x;ecuted the same, ~. ""'.' ~. ..'~ . - -'".., -'. """,~l '.. . ~N W1TNESS~IWh~OJi', V he~eunto ,,' my lwnd and uffi.v~ 71. ... ~~. ..~. hit my OJ7!cc'n5~~...~~.'rI!(~he duy and year first above wrt,l. \ . ~.' .. : ~ -::,',~f/~~iTPmLtclo<"e" ....-,' "'''~_~~~~~_----- Reai.in&, at Bosema.n, t a. MVI""rnmiseioll .expires Se"t_ 14..1911 ........................." ..............................,. ......."...",.....".,..... """'''' ................."...."., ........................................,., ............... ~ .,. .L:~~I!r. ."-- , -Mlte'f '!llt, -'1 ~2l"k~~ ':tj b:; I ... G':f. b:; l;l ~ ';:b t:::1 a b-i '\ '" ~ i l;l~ 'l;l' c ;;i . C'> '" .... ~ i '" I ~...... c ~ '" Q> i.:::3 ~- , ~, i ' .... i:':" . t::; <::> li<.. ..., C':l.... ; .....! ; C'>te l;l- l S,',-'. ~. ~ 0 '"-i i-.;; c"':l j """ c .' .. ...... C':l ~ . ~ E: L......... N./~. "'i, .... ... t:>i , '- '.......'" /! ~'~ .... . ;;ro '''" g;. i c !..--.... ' :t. . ""~" ~. ~ \'l> a ~ a : "':'" j :~}\i ~t\~/f.,~-a../>r... '1'<.(~ ~ ~ ~~ ~; , . \ ! ;,.. o;..,.;..).-~ l;l}qSi::! 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