HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 00- Maynard, Mrs R. B. Deed .. - ""WARRANTY DEED-BoZEMAN CHRONIOLE PRINT. . .. ~ Qt:htg ~nbenture, Jlfadethe....,..,~/........,......... .dayof...... U;~,~.....,...." ~ ~a~.~5fJ~~ hand~4;:~~. ~mmm~1~2/m.. /~. . (m. mmmmmmm mmmmmm . .m'm m~ m.m. , . ~ the parI.. . of the first part, and.kz ...~mmm. ..mm.........................m..........~~.....................the ;:::;::~..;eo:nd..;~~ ~ That the snid part....rof the first part, in nnd for the considerntion of .n.~.=~"'~.,.."..,..,....,...,..w,..,.:::::".........."...,.."........,.",.,....".,....................,...,................,.... _,....,.,..DOLLARS, ,.---" ,,' -~. ......,.........,~~. H-' in lkuu~ {Ju,ut, 1JIw reuipt wheNiiiTis herebyaoknol.vledj'ed, haLqranted, bnrg{],ined aral sold, nnd by these -- . presents, do..,.::Qihereby grant, bargain and sell, convey and confirm, ll-nto the snid pnrt..ofthe second , , part, amI to..~~~igns, forever, the followinJ! rlescriberlreal est. te, situate in the I C:;P~~"to~/? . L,~mm,.&m.... ..~~ ~~. ~ .mm~2~ ~~ifff;~~~ r-- ~~~~~~~....~m ................................ ....'.., ...,.." ...-----. . ............... .................-"'......."...., ............................ -.......... ........ .,.",."...............- ,......:. . .................................. .... ...'''....'''--------.....---..... --.----.--....--.........................,.,..................... --.......................-.. .....---""..."....................--...--. ------.------...--........... ...- ...........................--...--.... ......"... ..""-........----....---....--.--.....-...............................,...."...",....."...-.... ...----.......""'... TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditnmfJnts, nppnl'~ennnces, waitT nghrs aruZ wlkl~,' ~ r:!telt8S to tl:; same belonginJ!, nnd nll the estnte, title, interest, clnim a,ntl demnnd of the snit'l pnrt.7..of the ,~ ~ first part..jherein. - . . ., '.. TO Hd VE ,1ND TO HOLD the above d"'cr~;;""', with the appurte""ne", ond privi/. -~- :-i;es~ Ll-nto the snid part...... ,of the second pa,rt, nnd to..~....,.... .. ..~orevfJr. ~ ~ , S or ,. ..n.n.__..m.__............,.."..,.."..,........,.... " , ....... nn.... "nnnmnmnnn......nnnnn nn...}",;r". rids:; m"tnbslroturs UIHZ lkss[gns, ':hrd...........nm.....___m.__ .......m..n..nn. n..lev<<.'; wZZy o"';~c,{j, .J! IH;lJid 'fJp.3mis9s, till'bii /;h@t t}.,,,, o.",:J., '+-,'. ------ '~,~ p>""mi"<'Q are /""<1 fro1'l~ (,lZCiH8ulH8r w'c<-~I); ~mmn:::.:-::=::::::n..nn_\5l! nnnn"_"'~HLl fJ'~1L S. 1'P111IJu. f~. J ,~<<,,':h.Jlll!./ Lv ~ 'ffflJO QI'I:""'~e~ Un! J tJt~~8..................................._.______________.___...N,J":ll, (.(J,~J._____...____.___.lhei]"!B, :l:flminiat. lf~,J1 a '-'(/'(/11 (.(/~,,"~.i'tJ;j lj}~(.(;~l WlLI rut"l ,..,..,</ "'fJfal~d, V1-if) 6,',fh,", u{ .J'~"IZ pI fAlc[ses U,I~[(J [he 8'-',;,] InN "-............,_o{ 6ht! M();'}N,iL 'fJ<1,r/;, iutd nn.nm......................n. nn.n.............. luJiWl (Nul Ci>sJil'M, lal 8U{), I (i;t;J,iFu;t th" lUll'flll 8lr~im 8;NA4 rlc1JlM'''tl. 8{ ltll PC" ~l)fU,~ Wh(J"~o>ueuM.. IN W11'NESS WHEllEO F, T~",a'd pa."...:..'1..of the "cond purt ha,di? mm hereunto '"t~ hruu7,.....rmd sen7 ....., the dny and yenr first nlJovc wnt'ten. DeUve"d in the p",""ce of ) ~.& R~, lJ.,,AL<<F a/ld)Seal, ....... .......... ., . ..... .......,..... Seal, ...................... ..d.............................,...... ...................... .......... ......... Seal. .. .--_._.........~...... .... . --------.--..... ................... ...........uu.......................~ .......................... ................... Senl, ACKNOWLEDGMEN1->. ~. THE STATE OF MONTANA, ~ 55. County of Gallatd' 1[\ /900 On . .....~,.2'~ of ............................................................. ................... D., Hifb., before me, ~..../;~q_~~n and for ,aid County, came~ ~~~~~=~~,:;.~=O::t~.?,;~::::~~ ~~'.'" , ',- ....'"-.- .,' -"-~~ -- '............ .'-'" ei~~ the annexed Deed;"a,&gra,ntor......,.. .... ...m...-:..:::.......-:arur:acknoUJledg~(ito me th;;t,~!..\..h;;d exe~uted the same freely and voluntnrily, for the uses and purposes therein expressed. _d.rul the said, _..,..,.".".... ..,.......",.... .,.,.",. .".. ."."m'.".. .....,.. ..,...,.........,..,.., ......"........ ... .... .... .,... .................,......lJJi:'f'1'lJl tlw ~id ......------.----- -------- ......... .u.......'u.. .uuuuu.u....... .u.............u................. ...............uu UtaH l>y me fit"lt rYJorZfl n"g"airill!il wit.\ t}M elm~ __-.}7Frr$<lflfmirf1-oml'frYfilUeB, (INti (Ul."t.ndBdt.'Jd to me, nFl ""'Q1'il%inr.tti"'t, '''p'Hl/''Uffl-((,nd wahout the hean~ -. - h~h]JiI., fh"t 81M e.l,cd.tJtt,cl U~'" '~(Mm5llr:",ly 1(Jt({ volUnl-ar ;'ly, ~itQ ('lit fJ.fq,Y fBflr IJ1 (,.}"b("AJ[...~(}n, UI tj,llllrr;g , ., ..... - ! Notary Public I" arwt fhI' ... .. .u..........uGa!1atin.~ounty;. State' iifMiili'i;;iii;........., .................... ... --,-............,... ~,.' _. -'~' ,. ,~.......:......~"...............,"jja.'..-".,_..; ~~'-',- ~'._".....,.---,"-~......~~_:~,'~ -:.-- ';""'"-~- -'...........-~_. -~'.. :..,..~'.,ot.l~;... - ..~r- ~_ 111 ~ ..;!-'._~~. J:- .~.:...:. '__ ".;;i"J.I' It" ...:.... _ - - -,- '-.-~' ."'--'-.....'- - ,,,:",-. .' -.... 1,,,,- 'V ~ ~' ,~ 1 j ~ .... "',.1.-- : ! "" : . i ; q :;:::., , --!) "" ;.~ : ; i ~ . 'B- :~ ~. iA ~ ;R. '-'< . ..:,: ~ ~ ...',;~ '... :"" 'i1\'"'i : :;s 8 ~: i~ "<.~. - : ~ ~ r ,,>;' .~ -~ ~4 j ! Q ~ "" : l'{ , . :;s j /, . ~ ..." : ~ ~ i '0~ ; ~ i E-; . ~ t::; ; ~ : : I . ~ ~'B- ;::" '" ; ; ~~ ~ ~ $ '" ~ ..,.; ~ . ~ ;::,,~ ..., ~ 0 e i ; ..., ts 1i: 0 ;:::., - : ;:5 Q ~ e'i;) : ~ 8 ~ ~ ~~ . i ...::l h~~~ 1 j "" ~ ~ '<:> %, GO ...t: ~ :~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~i~ ~f C,,): . ;i ';,.., : . ] ~ ~ -.. c ~ 1.:l ;:q '"' -... '~ )