HomeMy WebLinkAboutVogel, Rudolf Deed .'- . . '.. "" ~ . II- l\3- 20~ f!( I1II Ii i II' II I ; 1 {crulll ul LJ('(,d~, \ 01. I; , I. ...1 j.l~ ,DF.ED~~"..'.:=~=~7" .. ~-C:C'=ICC~ I' !,.J I r " II', THrs rNDEN'~Il'lf', Made t.ht~ Ilt.h rlay of May A.D.l"Or.,"'Ht.w'''ln th" City' f !!; i 'H of Bozeman, a Municipal Corporation of thH State of Montana, part'f Of thH fil'l'+, p"rt, 'll1d t. " Iii! RudoltYogs.l, of the County of Gallatin, State of Uontana, pe,rtv of t,h'; SAonnrl paI't, l"T'T'NF'FR I . F.'I'H, That \VheI'''!&1l tht:! City CouncU of the said City of B07.~F..A.n, dirl, art',I' rllle I\I1d 1'e"'110.1' '., I' 'i '1 proceedtngs, on the lRth day of ,Tanllal'V A.!).1906,pass CouncU ReMllltiNl No.'>17-b entitled 'i t' 11 j .. I I' I 1'1 '1 "A Councll Rfl~oll1tlon providinf(.for thri salA of a pA.!"t of t.he l'Iat"T' workll Farm belonging' ; tl: I i Iii il to the City of Bozeman", which Council Resolution \Vo.A dUly approved hy the Mayor of tha ~aid I' i", I City on the 18th day of ,Tanuary A,D.1906; anti ~'hereas, pnrf,l1nnt to said COllncll Rasollltion I, ! 11 i' No. 317-&,notice was published in tha Bozeman Chronicle and P"pllblicll.n COllrier, two weakl:.. ~ I' I: (, il newsp.. Il.pOra, printen Il.nn pnblished in the said City of BOZflIT"m, County of f(A.llA.t in.. St'ute of I ,I:' I Montana,for thI'fle sllccessive WA<3ks in flach of snid ne""Spl'pMrS, 1101ic!t;nr; seal"d bids for , !1 i the purchase of that pa.I't of the WI'ter Works Farm, c!'lscrlbec] in Mid ;JHsol\1tion ",ith the ex..+ I' " 1 11 'II iI, '1 ceptions a.nd I'f'.servations therein cont.ained and upon t.he t"I'f',S tl1<3;'flln set fortt>j 1 , II Ann wh--ereas the sfll'\lAd hicls Allhnit.t,e(1 ""ere riuly pr"sent. fln to the " said City Council of A"id City on the 15th riA-Y Peb~lnI'y A.D.lCjOfl '\!In by the ,'aioi City Council, jl referL'ed to its Water COl!ilTIlttMJ for considerfl.tion nnd report; Anri l''hA,.eas the Ruld ..atllr com"'.1 ' , mittee did, at a I'egull'I' sassion of the said City C01mcil on the lOt.h d,w ('f AprIl A.D.1906 ' I 1'1' report and recor,,lI1end to sI'id City Council that. thfJ bid e>f Huc!e>l l' 1/08:el "r, '.he rnt.e of~14.00 I, per acre for that part of tho said ~Iater ~'orks ParIT, described tn 8A.ld "e",olution, wIth the I exc'eptiOllS ann reservntions th>l"!lin containfld 8l1,i upon the t,lr",s thArRin set forth, he accept . ed, he being the hi/:.;hes1. and bflat binder anrl l1ajd SUIT, bAtnf\ the hip,hAst A.nd best sum bid,ann I ~ ,I tha.t the Ma.,yor and City clerk, f' sa.ld City be tnst!'llct,ert (lll(j Authori7.11d to flXll'\1te a pI'oper ',1 i II deed of conveyance to t.he said RUdolf Vogel, for thA.t part of t,)'~ said Wa..",r Vl'orys Parm :de- I, ,. 1 I " I. ~ Ii scribed in said Council Resohltion No, 317;< wi+.h the Hx('eptlons and reS<3I'VBtiunS t,heI'ein con-. ,:' ! !i tained and upon the te"ns thflre;n Ilet forth, which report and r\lcoIT'''lendBtion of the sl1.1d Wat- Iii II I': er Committee Wfl,B unBnirIOll. sly approved ann adoptHd bY. the Raid City COllncil at it"! 86.id rep;u- ~.l, 'I' lIar session held on the sa.id 19th day of April,A.D,J90fl, '~ntch Council PBI101utlon NO.;':l7-:!>- Ii I , . ' 1,.1 anti tha proceedings of the Afl,id City Council relll.tlnf\ t'l +,he RBI!! of' said part of SA.id IVat\ll' IWorka FIl. !'Ill , now on file and of record in the office of +,h<3 Cit.y CJ.,,!,l( of thB "A.id City of !IBozeman,are here I'eferred te> ann IT1A.de a pBl't of this Indent.1lI'''; I: NO'." TH"~RF!,nRF, The l1"id party of' thB first. pll.l't,p1l!'8UA.nT, to the said I:order of the said City Council made on the said lC;th dBY of' April, A.D.l906, in I\I1n fol' tha ,lCOnBidflration of the sum of Five Thousand, one h,mdred linn fift.' four "nn 6!i,/loo Dollars ]! (i''5, 154.66) in hA.nd pain, the receipt whereof is hO;'Ahy aokno,"'l...dI':Bd, h"A v,rllnt,"d, harr;ained iland sold, And by theAe pl'eSflnts noes grant., bn.I'gain Mn sell, con'~ ~d confir~, unto the ". ~ l'ls,,"id party of the second. part, and. to hiB heil'R and A-3Rtgns, fO"flve"" thB follow'l1i; descI'ibed real esta.te, aituate in the County of' Gfl.l.lll.tl.n, Stat.e of ).(ontAnfl., to-wIt; I The north hll.lf (N~') the northell.st qllart.o t' of t hI" A01,thw"st qllll.rtel' il(NAt of Sw.t) "nrt the northw~st quaI'tilr of thfl southea,st quart."r (NV~~ of H"''*) of '~Hction I,Thil"tv two (32) tOWTcship One (1) south, ral1i::;'" six (6) East, ).~.r.v., Aa"inf; I\l1n AxoepT.ing frOlll lithe foregoing deacribed Ianna two tI'acta or pfl.I'c'lls pl<rticlll/Cl'll' deacr<bAd fl.A follo\'/a, to- liwit; I' II . Beginning at the northeast. cornflr of Mid SAct.i,'n thirt.Y-hlo (:~2) said il l~ownShitl and ran,;", thencA 'louth alonp; th" east. line 01' RIl.i1 Rflot 'nn, "our hllndr"n feet (<10Cl) " "themce w~st .parallel with tha north 1 ine of sfl,i d Bflct ie>n, "ight hllrHII'ed (1'1'10) f"er,; t.hAnca I~orth pAral J el with +.hAe&st 1 ine 0 l' said Rect ion "Oll!' h1lnrtrHd (!!-on) fe\lt to thl; nor-t.h 1 infl ' Ipf Baid sectinn; thence east eight hundred (800) feet to thl! rl/\ce of baginning, "aid tract ' I~ontaining 7 and 57./100 aCrflSj Bef'inninr, at the s011thwest corner of t,h" ROl1th..''''At q11/\rtel' '-, I'~f the nOl"thwest C'l'lart>Jr UW~ of NW;f) of said Section thirty two (32),. l1r<id tov''Ooh!r, and rn1l>6.1 hence north ",tong the west line of 98.id Secti(ln Aight h\lndI'ed (I'\on) feet; thence '''"St th'r- een hundred and twenty (1320) feet., more or less to thp. flal1t lintl of sO'Jthwest, q11e.rtllr" of he northwest quarter (Sw,!:: of Nw!) thence south eight h11nnrAd (BOO) fetlt to the s011theRat cor-, er thereof; thence west thirteen hundred and twenty (1320) fellt, 1',0rA or less, to th~ pIRce f' beginning, said tract containing 24 Mrl 24/100 acres, 1',01'8 or 1eSA. the lands hereby con- eyed containinF, three hundrerl and sixty eight and 19/1.00 C"6K ,\. 19./1(0) RCres, more or less ,: l\.ccording to the Unitfld ~ta+'es C:lovfl!'nrnent Survey. II Excepting out of this conveyancA end aIwmrs reI1Hrvin,,-; llnto the flaid party of the first part,the City of BOZflITlan, full and f'r"e rip;ht and privileGe at all time. s peI'eafter to repair, or relay, the pipe line, which ie no," on the foregoing described landA. ~r which rna,v hereafter be constructAd the.~llon, And which is, or may hA hereaft"r, 11slld in onnection with the operation and rr.RintenancA of the Bozal''d~m Cit\~ Wl\ter i"orks, o..med I!.nd opel'- i ted by the aRid pRrty of the first part; Ol' to lay down,c(,nstruct anel Ir,aintain new and 8ddi- ional pipe l,inea over and acrOSB thlJ for"going described landA, 'l.nd to constr11ct and maintain a rOAdway over and acrOSB the foregoing deAcribed land" fIlld alonG "aid pipe line now in oper- I ation. or which may be heraafter constr11cted, by whll.tlJ'Ii-\r I'oute mac' be most com'",nient in reaching B8.id pipe line, the reservoir 0,. Lyrrlan CrfJek; ann fllrther, /1,11. watH!" right.. Rnd water ditcheB in an,y way belonging or appertainifif! to thH forego ;nr; descri!1ed 1".nn9, hereby conveyed, are h!:lreby exc-apted from t hill conveyance and expressl~' res":,v'"l unto +.h<3 satd par- ty of the first part, the City of Bozerran. TOO ETHER with all the tenerr,ents, hereditA-!:lents and at'pUl'tenances to the sBllle belonging, and all the astat,e, title, interest, claiI'1 and dflIr,end of thB said paI't.y of the first part ther-ein, Bub.1ect howev'"r to the exceptions A.nd I'BSHI'Vo+.ions htlI'einbefol'e set forth. TO HAVF: AND '1'0 HOr~D thll fo!'eKOinl': desct'ib;;o l/1,nnll",it,h the Ilpp\lI'tflna.n- cee and privileges, aubject ho\'/ever to the ex~eptjons w.d restJrv".t. ton'J heI'''inbp.fol'll set forth Into the said paI'ty of the second part, a.nd to hiA h'1irs and "ssignB fotHv"r. And the said arty of the fir-st part., for its self and itA sllccenso!'s, dOBS covenant ~,ith the Aaid paI'ty II f the second pal"t, and with his heirs, A.dministroT,ors and assi//,nt1, tt>fl.T, it is IA.wfully A!:It\!:- d of aa.id premises. and the ""id premilles are free frorr. all inclln:brA.ncellj and that i B has, s ahov!:l 5e+. forth, good right and lawful authorit\' to I)e]] the sAme; Hld that it will and ts 3UccessorB ahall warrant and defend the title of /laid prerrl Res unT,o the Batd PArty of he second part, and his heirs and assigns forever, aga.inst th\l lawful claim and demll.nd of 11 persons whomsoever. :1 ~