HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 99- N. Story & L.S. Wilson Deed ." .;3,11~-Q'iIITCLAIM DEED. " Tho Standard Pllblishln~ CO.1 Printors ;l[u1...BiIHh,rs, ~nacoIldat I\'lont. III Uhis 5nbenture, ~fnde the ~eYenth .n___day olnn_ -Tuno .. .__n__.Jn the !fea r , . ninet'r-nine N. Story oj OU,T Lord one thOll-sand eitht luuuZred andm.n__nn_nn_nn'-:nn_______. _._ ..__. __ hetnwen. 1 W. " ." II " anU L.S. :Lson, SlP"vl"lnr, t.rustens for the to~m l)f Roz8Man,HontQna. the parties of th(~ first. part and t.he Cit~r o~ Bozeman, a Municipal corr:oratiQn,loc % Ad in (hl 1 r.t, in Count:r, ~tat,p o~ Hont;r'.na, kbI ~ t.he gllCcASsor 'of th') Town of Roz ema,n. Mont an 8., l/ie Pllrti oflhp seam II. part, WlT.NB'SSh"l'H, fhatlhe sai:I POl.t1'eS'oj: flu' first !)III't, j'or IInd in eOllsidcru./ion oj' lhe Snll/, O/'n__One nO_~}'?:.t' (1l1~m?!,.~.'~!'".__~~?:~1~~:~t)~?_?OnS 1 dernt 1 em - - - . . . .~' ":'ti&r;r;'/f.lls . ........... -.. . -. ., 10--- . _--~tli\\;I.n.l money of' t,he"JJni t, ed St, al, '38 to tll.eci------- --~,.~-..,_.". , , "" ___....u_____.____....__nn___n___u__u u_____uu_____n__n_______n_______ I ________.____ .....in h.u-nd flU;'(/. liy the ,mi/l PllrtY of' the secon(/. fluri. Ill(' receipt of whieh is herehl ucknou'/edged, do rfln ;sc, rcleuse. und ,r its 8...<A.-L ~' oK/~ jiirt.'U('l' <Juitdniln unto tlw !:Jlli(/' /.Illrt-! of the second P/u.t,/(.ful to... ~(I r.d .'1:.'1::/ tn!', the j()lIoroi.nr;' 1'''',(,7'> / ,.' , .'1 L'l '/ ,Cit,r of Bozeman , .' Gallatin I (SU 1)(,(, ) UI. (state. S/. .(l-((,U. rn I. u. .............,.........-..-................................ ........................._..Count;y of- und ,""tute oj' ./llonl.llnl1, to-wit:.. . ~?~~l!~..irY'L at the Southwest co~er of th'3 N. E. 1/4- of the S.E.1/4 of Section 7 in Township 2 S.of R. 6 E. an 1. U13l1C G east on the south line of SR id fo:rt~r acres four (4) rods. thence north foM:, " (40 ) rods, thence west twenty (20) rods. thene ') south '" Fort~r( 40) rpds.t.hence ea stJ Sixt~Hm rods to the plan'3 of b ~;innint, except.ing that parcel of land sold to Nelson Story h~r D.E,Rouse and Susan E.Ro~lse rp-co!"ded in Book · I" ,Pat!;e 26 .-Tuly 3rd,I872.of the recn":"ds o'!. n.HIJ.atin Count:r,~';ont8.!1a. It i" i.ntnnd(,~d h~r this deed t.o tranRY8~ to th'} sadld party of tha _.. Jlr. second part all right.. title and interest in t,he land de'1ded to Sf,or:r. .T.<;.~~engAnhall,L.~.Wilson and C.Rioh as"'I'rust,(WB fo!" t.he Town of Rozeman,by D.E, Rouse and C;us8.n E.Rollse. which deed is rec- orded in Rook "I" on page 171 of 1.h'3 Reoords of Gal 1 ai, in Count.y. J .S.Mendm'ih1l1 and C.Rich being now dead,and The Cj.ty of Rozern'm b :?lm" toh'1 -S1l0C8SS0r of the To~!'n of Bozeman. .1...."1' .", .",... ...^."" , ""..n.""",,,,. Tor; FTII/(// wL{h all:. the tencmenls, IwreditmJlents and appnrlnulIlecs tlwrl'ludo lrclOIlf::;1-I1J,'. alld Ihc l'n:er- ,'~i.on. (1I1d )'cl'cI'8ioIlS. remainder and I'ernainders, rents. ;.ssnes and JlrojUs thcn.'()f,. {uul also a1l Uw ('slale, riS!/.'hf, litlc, (1Ilerest, m _.. ....___n__.._.... .....n........___......_________ . property, possess;.on, daim, and d en/JlIld /clud:,oe(.'I~/', liS {('dl in 7(1 (I' liS ;.n cqni/.!f, ot't/w sai,/l P{'.rL;/.e~oj' IItc jil'sl pari.. oj'. in 0/' 10 the Sll i.d. prl'lJ/ ise8. o nd O'e)'!! fi(ll'lluid IN/reel thereof as$.~\1(:tJ,tll,f)tf:H~8~:or th.; T O\Vl"l.qf Boz 8rlan. tIo 1bavc anb to IDolb, AU mul si,nS!/.'II.{(()', the s((,id pruni.w:s, with the 1I}i!)((J'/l.'fHI1/CCS. .un. nn.u um f tl-"?/ a CL'AA"~- ~ ..fU.-t-c. U/J..-( {"Y:.-t- unto f he s((i,l !)/(rt y oj' I he se(:ond !iart, m..nuItS 1\ h..:i.1'!} ane. ((I;...i'~In,i, jiJl'cper. 3n 'ijlJlitncBB ~Wbcrcof, TIll' soj,d flO rt/U, of the first Piu't Iw."ehcf'e;mlosl'l thei~ <hnndS IMut sent'!, tlll' fZa?!1I n rl !{I'{(f' first aliOl'c IlJri /len. \/"1/ ' , '1 I -- __~r - , - -~-t./"r . .....; / ~~ {7 ., IJ d -1---- ,< . 'l!' -~~-... ",It 'J ~ _:( ~(y~ 1r- f !I. ,/1 /-- " -1/ (>" _J' '", fSI':ALj I . _L -- -.- _n nn.. .nn.u.) u.umnu.m ..nnunnnunuu.uum u mummnuum mum n.uunnn [HEAL! ". ~(" .' ! . ~ . " . . .., I t;,;, , b '; ~ ""- V:J 08 I '-I:: ~ \ ~ ():, ".. ~: ;-l eIf C> "'" :::> i' ~ s '" "'" E]J i'i I . ~ ~'. ~'\ 2' '" ~ \) i-3 ([) "'" ~ ~ ~ ~ i C> ~ ~ I ~~~ c- ~ 0 !.~~ .C;. !~ :f~ '; ~ a I;-J. "", ".. ~ ;~ "'J ~ Z )~ ~ . '-< " . 1:.Ie. t;,;, t:-+. :..;;...I II~ '-\ en ~: \~ ,~ " a II.' (~ ~ ~ 0 c:+ '~ ~"' , ~, ~ ~ ~ 0 i:: ':" "..'.'... ,,'.<~:"~ \ 6 ~ '-' .... [~ ~ f. .e:::., bj C ~t< i'.. "'~ '....\ c-.. ,'~ c~ ~~ ~ ;;- '- 0 t""a :!,~" ~ ~ i~ ~ (> t:4 ;l!~,~ ... ~ ro . 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