HomeMy WebLinkAboutBogert, John Deed ~ ~ . ~ . - I ' <7l;o,.. .......,..... _J'lfftl)t~ f2 cqhrn (fa t!lJ1YOCh1:lWllOtlP Y 4' 7t- , ~ u ~ lJJrp fi(#, II f(;\ !lAIC & flAG f.[1ili tl f:IC 9 J\Ia d e t 11 e H day 0 I f~~, in the )''-'' onc thoooon" eight hon~"'u and by and between JOHN V, HOGE'T, of the County of C;~t1htin amI 'J"Cr(it'oryof l\lontana, TIZLSrU: OF TilE NORTIlERN I'~ U~I[]~.._.._____ )mt, anu ~f .... . .'. ...,........ ........in j.lyr County of .n~~L ------ , ',+_;__~_.L)';,. ~,-- ~:!'~"'-~)f -yz:t~~-,. )~~~t'-(:f t-]w-. ~ ( . _ _, In the ..~""""'_,~ .. H 'f'HHU! ~ - ~ec)nd Ila1t. ~titi1/,~~, - con,id"ation of the ,nm of ..... 'HH ~"HHH Dollars, to him paid at or before the scaling and delivery of these prc~sellts, the receipt whereof is hereby ackno\vlcclgcd, has granted, barg:lincd and sold, relca'icd, c):weyed ;\1ll1 confirllleJ, and by these presents d.oes .gl;;lIl.!, barg~~in and sell, release, convey and cunfirm, untu the said [>,H( A/of the second .-(17/(:r~"'/,'="..',-:.:.1: s<>_ ~ par;;'\H, , ....-"==.:,~, L~;" .,.~.,-I ,,~,;~... " the full,c~~(~Qed tr,act ()~- p.lrce! ~)f 1.1:](1, ,lying ~<ln" )CII".ln tl.le Northern Pacdlc .\ddltlol1 to thc 10wn of huzeman, lil the Lr;ylt)' of (j~.dlatln In the " A ~'~ . ~,- -y-of Montana, that is to saY:~~~~~Pu.///e~~'~~-~~ ~ ~'V~de/~~~bifA~(p/~,/~p'/~/~ ~~~///4;;rt2u, ~a/~/~~~tfad~~-/~ /?P~C-C#-u?~~ /~~~(;~~~~/. 7k~~~--r;;,,)4 ~'/U~~~~- ~~~~~;1;~t:it::.~~--:z~~ ~~ ~p:-d~~ffi~~~ _ O\~~~~~ ..':'.l~2 -. ~,'<f"on hie In t (. olfice of the h.ec()rdel~d~ In and fO~ld County, to- 'U r;cther with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances therellnto belonginr:, or in an}'wi'ie appertaining, gffi/J ~L(f!L0.@ (lXOu!l ~{) )~L1)1,dl the said described P:~:,~,=l,..,,?~. !.i,~;~;I;,...,\Vith the hereditaments and anpurtenanccs, unto the said part (t./or the second part~';:_:='''~"",''-'''''---~''',:-h;.t,..",.. ....,.1 ...,..,-,:;:;-=', t.o and fur A -/,...' \\ ,,~, . t. ~ the only proper lIse and behoof of the said part 'Yof the second par~c,\T ,". :~._"..:,..".., :....:.:~:.Jl[i 1 ....d ,_"",:;:,~ }'O[(EVER, And the said party of the fi:'st part, for himself and his C;l1cces"or", duth hereby euvenant, "rant a...e4<..Jp~.-f,,,'<' b and ;Igrec: tu and .~th the saicl part (t/of the second part, /\ heirs ~ a;sig..,.;, t]Llt ht', the said 'P4~~ '/~JZ..L, / party of the first p'-trtA shall and will WAIUZAYf A:\;O llLFF:\l) the title to the said premises unto the said V . 01'.:'''1' l' , . f ' '., part '/ of tile second part, /'.' ...lelrs and-aSSigns, orever, ag;llnst the lawful CLlll1lS of all per- sons WhOlllsocvcr eLtiminf.; under or through the party of the first part. ~n ~lJl)[~nz~~~~~ J'J)lMlff,lJ'Pc1J1; The ';.Iitl p:\ft~' 0f tl1[' first p:1rt h;ls to the3C' present.; set his h:1nr\ anu "ai, t'", ,by am' yM (",t ahove 'Hilten. g , Sig'''''/, -",'a/,'! a",/ {)di",.,',.,{ i" pm,.,,,' 4 ! H_n__._. '''_'H '.__ ? - ....._.) ~ ACKNOWLEDGIYIEI"IT. ~-~'~".". , 1\ 1lIJ1I)H1'OllY OF MONTANAi? COUNTY OF GALLATIN~ 6 . .1\, ]J, ~f?' ~bcrorc l11e .~........~..... (~ in and [or ;;aid COtlllty, CllliC ..........." " , ". .,..., ,.". " ,..."". ,......". ",.",,,.,,,,.,,,... JOHN V, BOGERT, TRT)STEE, wlH) is personally LnO\\"Il to 1110 to he the person dl:scribcd in :Hld \\1111 executcd the annexed instrument in \niting, and who acknowledged to mc that he had c:\:ecuted ,llld signed the camc, [rr'I'1\' and voluntarily, [or the llses and purposes therl:in expnscd and set forth, I, \\'IT\IC" "I \\'IIICn I herl:llllto "cl Iny hand and :d'{ix my ~eal, at m) "lfllC in 'cilid nO/CJII;:,;, the (1:;:: "ud ::(':11' lirst abovc written, ~d@&d -( .. . ....... t,' ,;.!-t...>.... _:<~<....f'!l.LM""'f.4, ~ I "'V'-- J,,,'..-.. .,. 1'".",.,-" 1/ ,.-:::'"-~ .,....'~ .'I/~. :.S",!. f/':r ti:~"....<".' .,. ,. I~ - -. -....-- . ... .--.. -_',.~....__-i-._,& -.- ~ ........-. -"...._" , ~. - . ~_.. '~"-".~:;."~!.~<'~ '~"~'~.~~1.'---'i~"~-'~"'-~.~ "... ,) '-, ""-". :::0"0."::: _ '-<'; '~ 0' ~ ~ W m !'iJ' .":---' . Q+' ~ . - . - <:S 'l)' ~~ m ~ ;:; V , : ~ .~ - ~. ~ \. ~ Q .' ,:- >c:.; (; \ 8 ' u ';;, -- <%l \. ~ ::: ""-:' 0: q · C) :>, r{ I ~ .:: ~ ~ I,~--< ~: ~< ~ : . $" -5 .. 0 \ >-.. . ~ ~ ~t : \ ,_ " ...,.. >--< _". .C) t-:;' \"1 q 4 ;)'~" 0; ;0:; _'-', ;'Q {fT ~ ' I C.J :.)Q N. c, p:y" ~~- :' "" u ] kj I I .., ,~ ' ' () :~' - , tb f1 ' ~. ~ ~ {j -' tl ~ I 1I1' ~ z ............j......J 0 GJ ... I, ...i--> :..........,...... E--< t:: c, ;: ,{ .0 " ~ ;.......It::,,\ lZi ~ ,~ 0" 0 c~ ' 0 >-'l '.-: '-' \; )' ,0 ~ ! ' \ q ~ >-'l '\ ~ ~ r~ "J ~ . , -' i I I"-i C> '-' ,..... . · r< ""--- i o r.. l.-..), ...... r. r:~ ".;..,,J 0 >, 0":":;:; .~ \ '\ " , l>< ....0 (-+--< ..j \ .,: ............ \ . ; -I-<.j r.J ," u ~ . c=~' ~) H .. ~o ,.1 i OJ" Z OJ () "'-J "0 . ~ --- ~~;\ I::> ~ 0 ~ .::: '; 5 0,.-". rr~ <.> H (}. U ~-~ ~ . " t;......; ;c. "-' .'-....~' w. .... 0 ("d ~ H :,~ ~ ~,~ '.. '\