HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 48- Nash, Murray & Effie Deed I, I II I'. ~ . . ~ ~ il NO. 8-WAlUtA.NTY DE~~~~~_ ~=-=-_ ~~"_~_ "'T1'".L"~I~:~O_~':':[N" MONT, il I II This I ndenture, Made the.m...9..th,....."..__......uu.....day ofmm.Tune------m,...-....w-.----- I ii A. D. one thousand nine hundred anduJ:Q,:rt1.~..F;lJ[:1~:t___.__.n__mm____.m,uuu..uu.....___m_mmmn..._..-----. I !I BETWEEN ~:\:imhY 1l.. N ASII and :~;:T;':~E_: J"~!\.~: =~ASE ...f}}:.~~_?D5L~_~(~m\'{;'X~, I Ii nnn nn~;~::n::-~n_n n;:::_. .-:..:: ::- _-::nnnnnnnn_nnnn_~ n~n.. n --. n n"n' n_. nnof I II _"____._....::-::,('c,:"__,,_,:o~ocl_l. no,A1.t.?:.;J.0.m.m__' __m____.--.-.m_m".,....m__..._m.,__.__parLJ._e_'XJj the FIRST P AHT II II and !\~;~..!Lrr:~_..\;~~~., .~:~:;.':'.~"._._"LL _0.._@:_nL9Jp_ll:L ,./~.Q x.~:~!.r. g.tJ,QXL,m___m....u 00 "._00_"."' __ - ,. u_....of ii !I t:l':;,..~,t..Q.L(;m.o_L.,,,Q_~:l.t,Jm!..__ln.__Gall_atin, C.QUnt.y.!~.~,:~~lt7te parLY:m..of the SECOND PART; i ~ W~T~ESSETH, ~ho~.the soi: ~or~_:~_"_~~.~~e Fl~ST PART, for and in cons:deration of the I, ,; sum of .;,J.:t_uQL __Y_o..lu.o....!.l",., .Q,I,n\.", ;L.'.l><l_Q,t,... ><,.). ..::;U1\~LmQnB::...~..,..':":~.'".:".:':.Dollars ($._-~-oo-.".------"".J II ii lawful mone]) of the United States of America tOm..m~t)j~;n....____nin hand paid b]} said parL.:7-uof the I. '" II I~ SECOND PART, the receipt whereof is hereb_v acknowledged; dO__nm.____.__._.by these presents grant, 11 :i bargain, sell, convey, warrant and confirm unto the said parLYummm.of the SECOND PART. and to ;i :i its ~1.,I/:'kJ:DY-' d' h h' d'b d 1 . d' h' . f II " ________mmmm S an aSSIgns forever. t e ereznafter eSCTl e rea. estate sztuate In t e qjb ... ...~.~o.. II nn__.mmm.______.w___mmmmm'._____n________, County ofmmmG,allat.inmmmnmmummmu. and State of ,I II Montana, to~wit: ...s.. .p.ar._c,el." .QL _ _lan:J..__lJ:lnc;mi rL.t.t~~nJS_OJJ.th.c.n.s. t. u:~u .ar.tflr.., .LSE.;;,lm III c{' t:'8 C')u+-Yes."'t:']l'l"t"r (~"R1\ of c('ct~Qn C'ix Cr') TDWU,.l1i"Q'Il,ro.e ".~""'~"~r~l_l_.?___.:-d~~__.;._\..t._",.._..~~~,u,u~r'r'oi':;':'~.~':':"___~.~.rr.~n~~,4..'_u"r~_.._.. .&)....~x..J. rlt. _ v_~ ___ .t..t _+__~ _ t,.l,-l. ~ ___ ,.l ~..I.." ..~_. " 'I ~ -'1-'.-- ('1" '7 0 ) .f r" ., rr C" "'. c< t (':' '.":co) {' th H ..\ nt Dr ~ - " y 'l ;,." . '-'1 ~ <: II M.iJL.".J..___\..~..I1.J_ ---.0 .m ld.l..\;",fL_>-/.l.X..-"-<:Lo_ ,--- .,\.D....;. ...,.o_.m e..,J."~_.J.._ ar",,?,....L. ....J.JlC.L.l.l ....-er.J~".,.L:J.n :, (, ~.) . \ 11""'r"""""(+81' to be lrnown o::>c< ;Ino"e'-nnrl '..'in... tc'r "rDxh::" rb~a.ct ,.Fum~er :1 _.,~_.J._...'~'~_.A._-,;;'__l_'u___.J..._,_}.Jr"-~),.{,~~~ _J"~'_'~__.__ .__,..___~.n"!_"M io.....~~MJ. ",'., 'H~_~_nn~' ,kI.. ~_..!.;.<.. ~u...1j" ....... u_ILL - J..~ --- - - -- J., 01. j, , i V.DDo ~l....._. .&}.JT..\._. .,n Q J-~. 9... 0 ,D. gI'J~)'.Q _1,1 l_m~ .+,... o,:J. G .C;. C, JLL_,,~:.d.. a;......:.. 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XLL... .i,... g Xh 9..fL j,.lJ ufL .U.Qx:theast.e.:r.l,Y-udir.e. c.t_ioU1n, .beari nr ;i ';:0 l't1-: 3~3J ;2'7 ' 4.0" :~as t Tl:re e l!undr ad One gn;;t.x.l;i.D.~:::.t.~D.tlll\. Le.~.t___C~Jl. 9) I Ii :t:;~:;:~~~:~:::::,:~~:t~~:~;:~:-::~ ~~~:;:;:::~~:::$:~~~:ti:,l::~(~:z:~i:;:~:4Q:~:~:._:;}efJ_t.__.EQllr__.Elmdr3.d..:0~iJr.t;J_~.f i ve (445) Ii fee t n) (', J'\ ~ p, "" ()- r t i' e. r 1 .... 18' 0. ' l n G' 1;',) I~ t"'\ 40 it '2: , ?o " iit' (> "" t fi'Q""'" TT, '1'"' '1" r" ",1 "I t. .. v.., .....- L'-" -" "n_...I.. ....", ~ .,~...J...J. ,.,' ,I. I. +,Vr_.~_ ~ ~ ww.l..Ir..J~ "__""~ u..,..l,,_m~........."-".I........ -"""Ur il ';;;;~'~;;t:~m;'~-~-tt,r~?;~~;~m~~~';,'t::;~;~~-~t;~:J~:,~""m'{:;~-~;'i ;') ~ :}~'/ 0/12 I~O ".'! est One (136!' 6 ) :i _~-i~~~i~;:~;i: ::i:i~:.i,:~~~~~~~:i~, ::~;. ~i :::~: :i:;:~t:~~.~il-;~~:,~~:~: t~:::itl:~~;:~_~:: :'~~~:~:t~;;:;~:::~~~::-:i~~:::::: I I: Souty] :312024' 40" ',lest 'I".']\) Eundrccl Fort"-one and slx-t_9l].t.'J-.:'LJ.9.9.~mmU::;,:11. G :1 -"---- -- --"- ""uuu. u.,.. u... - -,- ......-- ..-- ".. ,- - ",,,.....",, .._.. _........ _ __._.....,... u__u. u..." u.unn u .u.. unn _. ._. n'"".. . II .~_~~m t:b,9n..Q)Jf.7. ~.t?\ ll_9JW. tl1_JJn Q_ _ J. n. J~[~? Q, S~YY,,~~:.; no .Ui lQl;.. utJ:Um.9.Q ___~m.l:t_~~&~~I>.lY-_'m b_~.aY' 1_ n I. il~~L~,l, t::~. .-Q-(:)- ~~ ;2. ~ .gQ.'.'. u ;.~.~U2. t,_. _.~,~J3:f]j:;., _ J;~n.lf_~:~.cL.f..~.Ltg~[lm0ng__ JJ:!.r?_:,:_t.9.D.t1J.,u J~~~,,?t. n (0.4. f) . 5 )1 i, al'-'n'" tLc> C\r'('-::)'ixtecn+-~l (1/16\ 1 tne in roudwa.' to tl:c ')la"c nf.' I II . - -~~-y~ - ..~-~ - ~ -.. -- x.. -~ J..?"_ ~ ~~_. ~ 4l... - -. r__.'. w.. .Y__.. ~,... -. ~ - -..__ n..L~. _____y'7 ,._~_... _ _.. _"__n_ __ _ __ ___ -----..--.-1'" _ __. _ _ ~___.. _ ___",___ _n no,Y. r _ __ "v. Ion _. YW r. _.. ~_ :! J.j.Q_C~ -~ ;:1, D. Ln E_! _ _ _ _.. ~ ?_~_ J... 1:-. r ,0_ ~~:t... 9. gn:t JA ~ n 9.. .9.,!.Q.,..FA Q!:. ~ p.... ~r}9.:r.g. _.9. r _.. 1. ~. ~.p..! _.. _ __..._................ .. P II I~~ I-~- ~ ii ,I~>, h " ~' :~ 1111-1":' '"~ I ~~; ': ~ ,--,'I"~ II;-~' 'II~~~~;;~'~~"~-;~~~~~~':;~~~~h~;'~~~h'~ii";~~~~ 1'1 . ~ C 'al1 f~ j ~ ::rt( . ') 'n anYDnse appertammg. and the reversIOn Ii ~ I j: I ~. ,r :;~, < ( j I err. , "i' l ~ ~ ~' fits th~reof; and also all the estate. right, 1'1 'It'! I TI~,~ ~ ' ~ .'1d t ~s i I ~n. claIm. and demand whatsoever. as well .- .''''// I '1ui :l; " ',-^ "c,' , . .art J, - ~-'!1- _~: . . _ : ~.I. of, in or to the said premises. and ever]) II ',", "'I:el ,~he at1purtcnances thereto be10nging. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD. II ' ;1Q/ , f3 Tltioned and described premis~s unto th.e said party of the SECOND ,I ~ _---:----: : t'm.m.~.~~f_~_'i.i~.7'...:im....__uu~ and .asslgns forever. I ~l And Lite siil"aparu,.e.~L.._of the FIH,ST PART. and_umtlw.lr.umuhelrs. dOuuuum.hereb:v coVe- I ': nant thaLm.UW:;;c...u._____will forever rv AHHANT and DEFEND all right, title and interest' in and !I 'i to the said premises and the fl&ici and l.1eacwble j'Jossession thereof. unto the said parLi{.~---muu.-of the ill !i SECOND P ARTJJ~_"?___:s._~tfRd ~ssigTls. against all acts and deeds of the said parLug.?uum'hof the i! FIRST PART. and all and eVer]} person and persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the II same. Ii :1 'uu.. .,"u, ...,. - .... ". ..uu.. ... ...... 0.., ..u n. uo.. ,,,." ...."..... uuuu. ._....uuu.....u_u.nnu_.._.n___..........u.."............ uu......u........ II: :'::: :::,-::'---"::,- :':.-:: :::: "',' .-- ---:. ":' .''-. ,": :::.:,::,: -:'-' -"::..:" -': :" :::::::::: ::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::.: ::: ::::::::: :::::::::: :":: ::::::'::"': II IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parlLe.s..of the FII<ST PART hauv.e__..,...,.....muhere- . .' '. A iI' s.' . . Ii unto Sel.-__'!.,~.~c_.:.__m.,m_.."__hatl.dm,,m.~nd seal......".the day and .\lear /Irst herembefore wntten. ~ S,gne~h;:::n~;~feI.vered m .. h.~n: .hm . h >;;j)n (SEAL) ill _..,,,...,.~..... . .'.........m."lZu...............,.,. (SEAL) I' '....__o___m..............._m_hm'umm..'.'m'_h..,...m' // //1 _ / :1 ".'_, .. mm...un___ u.".Vf..m.'/-~..",.. (SEAL) il w W m w ~ ~. ~ ~ r _ ~ ~." '" r ~ _ n, _ _ _ _ _. _ ,. _ y y _. . . _ _ ~ ~.. _ .. _ _ _ ,. ~ . .," ,. _ r r _ ~ _. r _ _ _ ~ L." Y I' Ii ""~' u u,..u..___._....... ,,'...".u..,.....'..... ... ....,.. .,........ .... .............., ,............... .... _......_0.... ............... ..... ....... '.. (SEAL) ij I, ,I j! I' 1 'I I I I il :' II ]: I S~U~MOOU~.} ~ 1 a 11 County ofw....G.allat"luwmu..............,.... II I On this....mn..9.th......,,,...m..m...mday of...mJ.1.11lam...,"-_....mmin the ))ear nineteen hundred and I , 1 fg",_~.Y.=_~J!;hL.... __moo__..._b.t ote m.oo___.....____C!,....,\.___Ug_$_h_oo_.._oooo_mm__oo _______....00. a N otar~ Pablic I ii for the State of Montana, personall)) appeared...,l.Iur.r.<1;i,.li.o...JJashnand..3.ff.iIL.J.BLln,..Nas.b... I il Ii Iii 'n... ..lUl,s.b DJld.. .an.cL.w. if.a........ h",,'n... n.n n..... ......... ....... .......n....... ..... n ......... '''h'h''.n.n... --...... .....,.. II , I 1 I ! I il ..nn...n.....n."....h...... ..... .......... -,,'..... ..... .d.... ......00.................. .._... .......n.......n....... ..... .__..nn n... n.n., .....-. ...., I '1 I Ii _, ;' known Lo men........,..........,.,...n".... "".u__.. _...."....""..".......n_. _........n..,_ ..-.. -....... n"....nn."....' ..,..n_._.n.. - ..... 00..... :i ii. (or proved to me on oath ofm....mmm..mumnmm__uh.........m.mm..mummn....mm) I: II II II to be the personn.S......""whose name.$,..nOX'..Gsubscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me i' I I thaLm.__mn..the.:g...,mm".executed the same. I J IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed m)) Notarial i I! S.al th. da~ and ~.ar tint above written___ D J I Ii ..---.---- ----~~P~. --- ,_..L_... ........-.-----------........------------.... I ~ . . N otar)) :ubrlic :0'( the; State of Montana. I II ResIdmg atmm...JD_z..el_an,_._,,'Luntanam.._.mu.._.. I I! M C .. . 1 1 19 III Ii )) ommlsSlon expIreSm -,,:,-_2.~'._.h__h___m, .51m, II Ii (, II ,; II !i II !: , !i i .q jl il II !i ;: :: i' ii ,i ii II ': ,. j: ii I! ,I ii 11 ;; jl I. ( II : II 'I I! (; I ii I Ii I il I iI II ii :1 1\ :,' ~'i', . _ OJ: '"tl ... ......: .J; ~ r"I' ~ c ~: l:: ~ c: ) : . -.-1, . _ . . " It '. " . . .: ~,""" "<J1,..---'----' e : t:l Q) ~: h ,: PI t '~' \ I '"' I I _ t ..... 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