HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 48- Masons Bozeman Lodge 18 Deed .., " . ";1' !.\, . . . .--.". ....~ .. ' 1 A. I" I 80UK t r' ')'l'^E' I . '-' r~,HJ " DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That BOZEM.AN LODGE NO. 18 ANCIENT FREl!,; AND ACCEPTED MASONS, a corpora tion ol'g,.n ized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Montana,1 with its principal place of business at Bozeman, Montana, and H. H. DOKKEN, AL GRANTHAM and C. A. MAC KENZIE, as the Trustees of BozelllDIl Lodge No. 18 Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, a corpora- tion, for and in consideration of the sum of TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND '" 'DOLLfi:RS ($25,000.00'), thereceiptvihereof'is hereby admitted, do: her?by grant, bargain, sell, convey, warrant and confirm unto THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal corporation in the State of Man tana, and to it and its assigns, forever, the following de- scribed real estate, situated in the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, State of Montana, to-wit: The Fractional Lot 2, all of Lot J and nineteen feet off of the west side of Lot 4, in Block "A" of Black's Addition to the town, now City of Bozeman, and Eleven feet (lIT) off of the East side of Lot Four (4), and all of Lot Five (5) in Block "A" of Black's Addition to Bozeman, according to the official plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk & Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana, together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, thereunto belonging, or in anyvdse appertaining; and the said grantors hereby covenant that they will forever warrant and defend all the right, title and interest in and to said premises and the quiet and peaceful possession thereof' unto the said grantee and its assigns cJgblnst the acts and deeds of said grantors, and all and every person and persons whomsoever, lawfully claiming, or to claim, the same. This deed is given pursuant to and in confor~ity with a resolution duly passed and adopted by Bozeman Lodge No. 18 Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, one of the grantors herein, and, likewise, H. H. Dokken, A1 Grantham end C. A. MacKenzie, joined with the proper officers of said corporation in the execution of this instrument, pursuant to and in conformity with said resolu- tion so adopted by Bozeman Lodge No. 18 Ancient Free hnd Accepted Masons, a Montana corporation, on A pI' ill, 1948, and for the .)j .., . . . . . , 800h 1 ~c PIlGEli8 -2~ . _. I ~': ' further reason that title to the a bove described property stands I of record in the name of said three (3) T:dStC0s, H. H. Dokken, :' Al Grantham and C. A. MacKenzie. IN WITNESS WRERfWF, Bozeman Lodge No. 18 Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, one of the grantors herein, has caused its corporate name to be subscribed and its corporate seal to be r'.'-- ." ." affixed by its proper officers, thereunto duly authorized~by resolution of said corporation, ~u~y passed and adopted on April 1 . '.".~::~,''',:;~~ ....~":.,....',; .~r"'"",;.",.,"."". ::"".,::,.:.:.._ :~"'''''.-'''1;'~''.,~':'':''.,\'';>:'.'';.'.: :.,"" ":',', " "'1"1 '.'''',~~.,.\,:'.' ., I""''',' ',' I. ! 1948,-and H. H. Dokken, Al Grantham and C. A. MacKenzie have here- unto set their hands, all on this 18th day of MaY -, 1948. BOZEMAN LODGE NO. 18 ANCIENT ,-'. ,". ,,~ ), FREE AND EPTED l'v1ASONS - ." ~ ;, :... ,. - >zl ~ Up;r;~1b/ By . . . , ":", r .-. Presidentbnd Worshipful '~'! ~' ." Master .' .iA ttt9st.' ) . . "'~ '. . - ~A_?~ As its secre~ary ~~ I ~ft~~ .~/ / ' -' .' , ~s the duly iJ~d.' q~alified and- acting T stees of Bozeman Lodge N (). 18 Ancient Free and Accepted Masons ~ ;5 ... .. - '- - - - ., ~ ~ - - - - - .. .. ,. . "., . .. . ~ .~ . I' . -3- 1~ I I'" BtJUK, q" fljli.i[ t;J STATE OF MONTANA j C""' ...~ .0 0.) County of Gallutin On this 18th day of Mc,y , 1943, before me, Roy M. Keister, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, person- ally appeared Robert B. McCulloch, President and Worshipful Master, and L. C, Bergen, ~ecretary, respectively, of Bozeman Lodge No. 18 Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, a Montana corporation, known to 1\.. me to be the President and Secretary, respectively, of the cor- poration th~t executed the within instrument, [md aCKnowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day certificate .-, above written. .. - Notary P the state of ~-. _ .: ~'i" '; Montana, at Bozeman, Montana. My commission expires September 17th, 1948 STATE OF MONTANA ) County of Gallatin ~ 5S On this 18th day of --.M9.Y__, 19M~ , before me, Roy M. Keister, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared H. H. Dokken, Al Grantham and G. A. MacKenzie, knovrn to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within in- strument, and they acknowledged to me that they executed the same ,I ~ " as the duly elected, Guallfied and Lcting Trustees of Bozeman e No. 18 Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, a Montana corpora- . -,\F:iJ - , ~~--Ll.f business at Bozeman, Montana. n.' . '.. I A' .. · ,,--,TIED, OFFICE OF COUNTY RECO ", ~--.. STATE OF MONTANA, RDER, fHIS INSTnUMENT WAS FILED . - COUNTY OF GALLATIN, ss ~-;::"----_X;8}}lp-~-"---- DAY OF ___~~~__~~~~~~ IN THIS OFFICE ON THE ---------.M AND ----'n__n OF.. "-"'n DEEDS WAS DULY RECORDE~--"- -- - -"- , AD 19.. ??, p, $ ---- -----______"- ____._ IN BOOK 142 -,.ee '__'___.._ --..._-.-. .,............,..--,J~AR~..,WALTON ------"-------..---..n_ RECORDS, PAGE..--.___Iii-------- Rt. City oi--B~;-~~-~-~---,------RrCORDER. BY..~ J. >J2 "-.,-- ---- -."-"___L.........,~ ----.-.--,-DEPUTY