HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 47- Werre, Ella Deed 513.-WARR. ANTY.. DEED TI'" ~tancl"rcj Publislllllg CO. ., Pl'Jl1tC1S and Bool,bindf>rs. An<lconda, Mont. L i 1-.11.;~4i)- '5QC! .. ._~ .....~-"...~~- .. '- .' ~ -~~~._.~-~-~.- 1 ~ THIS INDENTIJRE, Made this_m_m.__21tt_hm___m____day oL..__....",Apri_l..___........___ _____A, D, nineteen hundred I andm __ __ __ ---fo-r: -y-"",-S _~ v's_n _ _ _I, -19-4:7 _)_ _ __ _ between_ _ ___ __ _J!,; 11a. m~,e..rr~ _,_, _ ,,"_1 _d._ow:.,..__ of .. B.Q_Z,~ m.ap_,___ },:PJ1._ t_ap_a_, i I I - ___ __ mm m _ _ ___ ___ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___ _ __ nn__ _ _m__ ___mmmm_mmm_m__m __.,..,..,_ _ _", no -, _ -" _ -,., -, . _ _ -." _ -".". _ -- --.., ...,."" --,..".... 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OQ~:C-___n_) I I 1 f 1 . f' 't'.d St t fA' t -hei'-- ' h d' 'd b th - --'d---:---Y---'f---th aw u money o. the Um e , a es 0 menca, 0__ _'___m __.____._____m__mn_In an pal y e "al part,_______m,,___.o e i i second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged dO_~_13__________________by these presents, grant, bargain, sell, i i t su~~sors convey, warrant and confirm unto the said parLYm________ of the se~ond part and to__mmmSJm____ _ and assigns, forever, the hereinafter described real estate, situated in the__C.iJy___O_L_J;_o_z;_~rr;_ap_,_.___...__,__m____, County of ___GalLa..t.in______, and State of Mon tana, to-wit: All that part of West KOGh Street vacated by Ordinance No.159 of aaid The City of Bozeman, which lays nortb of ~ne oenter line of said Koch Street and II'KX.<<Jlt betwet;n the west line of ThirtCBnth Avenue, South, in Baid 'Ihe City of Bozeman, and the west. line of Fiftec'nth Avenue, Sout.h, in said City, the west 1i'1:.~ of F1fte':>nth Avenue, South, being also the west bound<:my line of t}ur West Side Ajdi tion to Baht The City of Bozeman an1 aleo the west City Limits of sai::i City, aC'Jord- to the of~1cial plats of said West Si1e Addition and of The City of Boz.eman, on fi Ie in the of""ic3 of the oounty c)el~z. Em]. r'~corder of' Gallatin County, Montana, an~ in the of~ice o~ the ~itv .ngine~r of aaid The 8itv of Bozeman. As a pa~t ~f the considera"ion for th1a transfer ~h8 grantse herein, The Ci ty ot Bozeman, agrees, at 1 ts O\"ln coat anll exnense, to lea relocate the f::mce now on, or near, the south line of eaid West Koch street, on the north property line of Baid WeBt Koch street, and the grantor agre~a to 2U8h removal and reJocatlon of sait f~nce, as aforesaid. Together with all and singular the hereinbefore described premises, together with all tenements, heredita- ments and appurtenances thereto belonging and in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and also the estate, right., title, interest, right of dower and right of hom;~stead, possession, claim and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said parL___mm_m_of the first part, of, in and to the said premises and every part and parcel thereof with the appur- tenances thereto belonging, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular, t~u~~'Joe~~ef.tio~l,:d ~~d described premises unto the said part_}1'____....,__,.n__of the second part, and to,____it".$,,,_,_______~ and aSSIgns forever, And the said part_y__m__mnof the first part and__mh~_r___heirs dO_m____n_____llereby covenant thaL,_th~Y__________ will forever warrant and defend all right, title and int erest in and to the said rremi~s at\lg the !Wiet. and peaceful possession thereof unto the said partnY____n..n...Of the second part___an',im____~~~.fna.'a~~i~r1s, ag'ainst the acts and deeds of the said part.-Y___m___mnof the first part, and all and every person and persons whomso- ever lawfully claiming or to claimthe same. """w 'I ------- ---- . " . ----- -------- il ---- .m__m --- -:.U . --- ----------- -..---------------- _.___n____________., _________________ __....'".. _,_.. _n. .. _n. '"________, . __.. ...._____________ _________.,._____________ _....._______ IN WITNESS WHE'REOF, the said parLY___.__of the first part ha e ..hereunto seL_m___h~:r,________hmd_ andm_m____her________m_seaLn__t.he day and year first hereinabove written, / o/igned, Sealed and~cred in the Presence of [m_____n_______________ .. ,---------- -------- ____I SEAL J ~L.ij-"Li.-~-~:-"""-~~--- -- _t~____~~--------- ___I~EALI [_ / r-::r_-:__I~ , I -m---er:d---j;--.- ______,,________,. .___ ______n____ISEALj ~~-- ,.. ~ .__. _._. _m_. ..___ _.".. ~.'. ._,_ ,..__.___.____..___.._._.._n_._..______ _________.__.____._...___.._..__..__". _,. ~. . _'....'__.. ~_, ~ .._ _ . _. .._..';_____ .. -. ~d ~ tJj ::;:: 0:;<+ 0.3 0 ~ (!l '-< ~,g: 0;' ~(!l H g en ~ I ~ *:, ::l :1'>' i:l : t. ::l co .... '"'3 ~ ! 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