HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 41- Northern Pacific Railway Deed . Form L. D. 116 Contract No Deed No 28982E . -' ..." -. - - -.~Mm:T A?J A _..., OIVISION Northern Pacific Railway Company tltbi!) Jgeeb, Made the_.~::_j' () I" 1" t h- day of {II) e q c: t in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred aDdfort:{-cD.~.,,___~___, by the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY a corporation of the State of Wisconsin, grantor, to C:TTY (iF BOZ,EMAN, a mllni cipal corpora t.i on, J. r. l~t)t:l County or GalJ.Bt 1. l": a nr'i ~l~..c. .to" .l:' llif tr~'" ""'\. .~t~ ':'\ la;I""l\~ls""-r-.rt1...,. 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' ...'.: ~: :;:. ~ :, ; ~;1 j :5 ~'~ ,:3 _ T n,;:r,t~ t h~),' \/;;,j:.r.. ':f h:; red .~. tRfl'len 1."-'~ 8 nd Ci ".~,.~), j r t e <,,;- ce~; ". s ~"-::' ~l ,(' 1 ~:." I" '-. 'j rw n r -I '..1 ~.1 r'1\"l,.' ',: ;', (.! ... ... "'......,.r . '.",. C t:': ,P ;) .i-~~ r t,. ~.'~. j, "": .*.. ! ! ~.. . ___ ,," .' ..'.. _. ,., " "" U't:" r ".., ...,., " -. ~ I' . . '1 ~ J ..:l t . ' ., :,',J ''-;:;~[:i q...U )'.' I'_L), ',.rE: S-9.:::"Cj_anq~; an\,) appu:,:' enanr'('1s) u\":'u '(i!;;' ~:I".::-,tJ"H<,n(1 "i~L:;L~r":) f~ c\ r~:.:' "',~f'':~ r If "", . 1-' ] - (" ",' T-1'- A"T'" '~'T" r:~"""-"'-D i" t' t 1 I I :;{~ g;'an'Cl' W::'..i ')Y'f:VI:H' ;d\.Ju',:~1. hHi./ jLI'!';;.,JO,ne .''/ _.8 ,(.' :.!'>11':'~:'::' ses. In _ftlle" _neof. The grantor has caused these presents to be sealed with its corporate seal, and signed by its Vice President, the day and year first above written. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, ~ ~7ifT ~ Siftled Sealed and DeUoered in the Pre.ence 01 By ;' ..;h! -- L..-c-.. V ,;/ " Vice Pre.ident. //---r-- Atted: ", J .(_. I ' . _ \.-l.4,...(..(Ik . ../i ~ ,~a..{ ,L .. Secretary. ~',.. ..,,'~ STATE OF l\HNNESOTA ( ~ SS, , COUNTY OF RAMSEY 4 S1G A. BE~~~~SENnuLnnn ____unun.day OLn-_u__n~T.c:t~~.usc~in~~~e~~~,/, befo,e me 'mm ,,-- .nu m___nOo......._m. ...no. ..'..mmun... .m_mmn...... _.a notary pubhc, personally app('ared..~_m..n..m". u~...-.m.mnmmm'.'._m_"'.._.._.m."'''_..n'''.__.....'m_m_....m._m to me 1m own to be the Vice President of tho Nort,henl Pacific Rajlway Company, the corporation which executed the foregoing instruIlJ.ent, and who hein(( duly sworn, did "ay, that the sea] affixed to said in"trument is the corporate Sl;a] of said corporation ..' i!-, and tbat said illl'Mument was :oigIled and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and the said R. W. SCANDKETT '__mn.m - ..u..._....m_aclmow]edged said instrument to he the free act and deed of said corporation. - u... ___.. __.. _ _ ,. __ . ,,~.._ ___... ,.. _ __ .., "' _., ., .. ".____._ _ _ . IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, I have h(~F~1ll1tO set my hand and affixed my official Ben], at my office, in the City of St. Paul, the dcy aod yen< l~,t afo<e,"id.~ . _./ _u___ UUn_______ .~p/ .;2LL~_",' '~d<.u___.. - N ___ury Public, Ramsey County, MinDlJBota. 1- SIG A. 8ERTf:U:EN, N(ltlry "-'td.Jlic, hzrnsey C'U,Hlly. ""1inn. N:J" C()ll""lss'ull Expi"~s ~b"ch 20, 1947, .- -----'--";",,'":.-,.,....... - . . -- -- -- --_._---,.,,'''-,.._~-.'.,_. .~.,,-.,~-- ----..-,,'. "') ~ ~ - ' 0..../. ':' DEED i "uj~l ~.. . , ,- Contract No,,,.. ......_mn Deed NO.m n.".....';L k,I,\ ~J .. -.-..--...-----.".-..--..... ------.,.----- -....--.---.--.-...-- --..- u_ . .._".".__._ __. , __., _m... ,. ...------..----. l~l J'\ 'U ~~-I?a,ci~j~ Railway . Com:qffrn! TO r,T~ TF D1' : 'I SF L", ' ' ~ . u _m_... n .. un.. m._......'...:..n 0 ~._m._,. .......... .""m.",.. ......n ...;.< 0 ,'~" . Cbecked with Sales BOOl~ U mumm ,. , .".'.' . ;z ..' r ---" .------. . __r_~.~ .... ... ,~_________ _______~ _~~, u_ __ __ . _______ __~_.. ,,~." _. ~____ _ ____ '7' 2... /,c> ";"C!?;j ___..____.___n_ ----"..._----". ...........-.... .. .___"..".._..._.._._u_. "('>: 7d State nLmllIontana_..n . ( Checked with Plat _ . . m. _ "'m _.. -.... -. ~~c1.! J'IF ::;S. Checked with Contract I ' _dn__ County of..._ _nG-~)),':l.tJn._., __ _ '- 1_. .~ OFFICE OF :,j' ..'~ '" : County Clerk & Recorder '.')U,''f.' -..,.,. . -------.-----------.-. -., ...--.----.----.- -. -...--..--------..-.- h~" ~... -...--., I hereby certify that the within Deerl was filed -L}J;.z~/Jk;!~ \..~ for record in this off-ice on t.he....-<'__3 " . . day to - ---- _ .~_..~... 4/_~~, ..1~ ./ ,/ r" OL,L-~-d' ..n..' _nm__m__A, D. 19:"!t_1- / aL/~,. ..__n___mno'c1rockP..__ 1\1" :llld duJy re(~orded in Book____ __ _~__0.__:'__~n of Deed::;, Oil pagc~26,9__n__ _ ~"""":-O-'-'-_' i.neltl-8i~ ,--- /':i c2a-~ J-.--/' -,.- . .~. .I.' ,.".' . .~, I i"" ." 1 /I' ". ..~"...-'-. 7Go-unty qer J:\. ;I ~k .' <:t ~ /-~",~.~ L(_~ ,7- . __--:_ -,ecLt-t~.j~fPP.t}?y:,.y , L.D,356 1;2-2S,J.() 500 Rl' No Fee ,