HomeMy WebLinkAbout41- Allen, Arthur & Margaret Deed t ,W!>-BAHGAIN ANn SALE DEi'll ,~~." The Standard Publishing Co., Printers ::md Bookbinders, Anaconda, Mont. --.--- ---"-.1r.::rZ.';''3'''::1'm--.'._.''--~'~.'''.'~--''.~~-''-~_._--------,-,~,~~._-~~,_.,,',-'---.~."','--" '..~__"'_'",,'~_m'_~_____._____."'._.___"_"__.'." .---.--.-----...--."'''''.---- ....".- ."..---...------ ----.- ~ . ~ "'" ... .... .J .. THIS INDENTURE, Made the ~~ tlL_ ... ___day of. J::un e -------------- - - ...---------- -.- , in the year of our .J.' 0 rtv _elf' e , between A!:':J'h~~_~___~-:. _~Ll'.i\ ,'j nd Lord one thousand nme hundred and . CCm._".. ',.. ' " ___--.mmu t,~ A 1\ G 111: yr i' .____!~0~~~~t\ !____t~_~~ s b fl n CJ HI] 0 \^!:!~ r~ ~___ of bO Zf'mJ<,n, G,:Jllclti n L_~_1~n_~!'-J----~~i-~~E~!--~2E~!~- ' -----------..- ---------.. - - - - ------------- -.-------.---- t.L [' PJJ.r~J_fLP of th_~__J. i T_;:; t__.P(_~I' t, und 'l'li1 CI'l'i OF b9_~~~~~~~J\ .L a. J~u nl: c LQ_t~J,__Q~) J'P9_T (')- - .--------- ---.-.------.. t50n iIL__G_<:':LLl at LIL~Dun:ty .___J)JIQut_l;:i, Wl,___________________ n _..____.___________.._ -.. ___________... ______._ .u,..._._..""_ - - n_.___ ____.__ ________ .------------.... --. ..----------. . - -- -.- -.-- -- -- -- - -.-- .--------- -. ----------_._._.~ .-----...---. ,.- ------------.-.-- -.----------- ------- . -- ----------....---------.----...- - --------------- ---------~.. _n__________. .. --- ,..-- -...----.-----------. -.-'. ----- ,...-- .--...--- ------- ---- __________...u______... _ .. --. .------ ..- -..". - ...-----------.-.. ---- _____u_.____ the part -:r of tile "econd part, WITNESSETH, tho. t the i;aid p3.rt IF\ G .. of the first part, far and in ~on- 'd-' "-t. f tl~, r----01\,.:. iu\L> 1\l),/lUO----- DOLLARS Sl eId IOn 0 ,Ie "l,m 0 _u..____... .m_____ ___n_________________ .______.____ ._n_ 1 aw1~El.JtJor:ey .... --- ,,------ of the United StaLes of America, to t l-, em . in hand paid by the said parL..-Y. of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, lUill_EL____granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents do -- __ grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of the successors second part, and to it 3______~i'l'~ and assigns forever, all the ____ncertain _______ piece or parcel of land ---...-----,. - ---------- -------- ------- -- ---------- - ____ _n__ _ _______.n ...__ ----., ---". -------.------.---...--.". . u__ situate, I' db' in tb__f?____~i t~y Q.LJ~Q_?C8;:~_~1 _ _______________________________jn the ymg an emg...m_._c. .------------ --..--. -------------.---.---- County of Gallatirl , State of Montana, particularly described as follows, to-wit: ------.....- - -.---------- - - ------ ----.------ ---- The iJf<3t Twelve l,'eet of Lot Ei f)1 teen in hio ck "AT! oJ' Ilarpcr' s II.cloit.ion to fh" en-C i ty-' o":l:'--B OZ f:~m8-il, . Mo n-:rrl:i:lli;---Fi-ccordI riii--to----th-e---pTfl t 6-I'----fl[iI-cu:co{ -,~~-: Ela-AI: and}i_Q_di ti_QQ_L_})'9W QcILJjl e_su_<J___Q_:r___r_~D.9_r_t\__Jn thp ofKtQ__~: oJ' thE'; v_QJJ n tY___~J_DJ:t"_ & heCOTdeT' of Gallflti n C01Jnty, Mont,olnn; ._____._____n ...__..__________...._" n_ _._____ n__ ___,,_.___'0_______ _____n. ~ .., ",_._._'~ _______ -------- ---------------------- --- - ~----------_.__._----------_._- I -- ..--..-..-- . _ ,..______________. ". n_. __ ,. _______ __ ,,_ __n_________ _________ .. ---.----..- _ 0_____ ...____.______....______ n.., .___. --.-- ...------- ----------- ~- . -----.." ...---.----------------- - - ...___.__u . -------------------- "....------------..... ---- n____ _..... .._.___________....._ This deed does not beclr l\c:venue Stfllnp 3 for tIl e r C";' a s () Yl that the cOIl~:;iClerf!tio i, s --tes-s----than ~-1-0t)-~- 00 ~- --....----------------------------.- ...___.._..- .._ ___.______ __.__.____. u ---.- ._. ___..__.,n..._ _ --------- -- -- -- --- ------------------ ___..n._ ... --.--..---------.-- --- --- .--. --..--...-- ..--.-....---.-----.----- -.. . . ....-.-.----.. --. - . .---.-.. .~ ----~ -------.-----------------.--. - . .------.-------- _.no.._ -- -- --- - ---- -------------------- -------- .-------.----. --.-.-..- ..._._.___._..__._______._____. ___n_.__ -.--- -.--.-- ..-.-.. ----------------- - - ---- ----------- - ______ ..____ .~._u_. .__.__.___ .____.______..____._______ --.- _.___ .n_ -..--- - ..-..-.-----..-.-.- .. ..__._.__ ._____.._ __...n __u_._____.____ .__._________________.______ _ ...__..._ ..-------------.---- .- ---------.- .-. .. - -.- ----....---.--.----.---------.---.-.-- _.________._________.___ no.. __ . __ . _ _ _ ____ u._ __ ______ ____ ____.n . --.-.--.----..--.--- . - ...-----.---.-- "'-.".-'--.-. . ------.--..--------.-- -- .... -------------------------- . .--------.- 'j'ogcther with all and singular, the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, rema~ncler and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and also all the estate, right, title and interest, .___________._______.__________.__._____ . . __.____._____. . - n .-......-.--.---.-.-.-- . .__.___.. .._.____...u _ _.__.__.__..._..__ .on_._ __________ _._ property, possession, claim and demand whatsoever, f:.s well in law as in equity, of the said parties of the first pal't, of, in or to the said premises a111 every part Hnd parcel thereof, with the appurtenances. '1'0 Have and to Hold, all and singular, the said premises, together with the appurtenances, unto the said "11 c C f' S C'O T ,. r' ~ its U , "' .~. '- L) .:-) ..,.,. ., ".. ~.. pctrtY um m--. of the second part, and to.u.._.... _______ NPl's and aSSIgns forev,,]. In Witness Whereof, the said part i e S __.of the first part haY t' hereunto set tl1_t:1T_m _ _u handS::md seal S ____the day and year first above written. th~__al____~(SEAL) , Sign,d, S..I,d ,nd D,liv~"" in th, """'n.. of } l- ::::::::::::::.::.....:::::u'::........:..:......::::,:-:::::....::.::::-::::..:.:::.......,.......::::::-:::-.:. ft..uf~G~~~LJ I ... no _ _ ___~_~..~_._~ .._.. ..~_ ._'_ ...__..___........_.._. .m_._.__. ._....._.._..._...__...__ .__.____.._._._.___.__._...____.___...._.n... ..__._. ._.. __ _._.__._....___.__. ..._.__.__...._.. . ...... .. ......_ ....__......___.__ ..._un. .._ I t---;-~-------- ____~'__,._~_..~'~M , .... .. . _ ._',.___._~~ . .~'~ .."~_.,_".,,.,~~ ... -.'1\ i i STATE OF MONTANA } I sa. County of ___G_allll_t.iU_m. ___________ __ On this____nn_n_Si_tlLm ._..______._.--.-_.___.__.._....._.....day of ______________JW18______mm____nin the year one thousand nine hundred and j! or_ty_::-::nne_____ _no_before me,___RQY l"Lo__J~_B.iB.ter - -.. -----------...--- _n___' a Notary (Name of Offieer) Public in and for the state of Montana, personally appeared ilTtLuI' HoE_LLeIL_and__MclTR,aTB_t___EL (Nan,e of Party) I }}:L~~~"!_~.__~~~~!!?_~ d. __;~!~~~~__~~~~_!~_~_~__ -.-..-------".--- ,. ...--.....-- n____.___._._______ known to me n_..__..____.___ ,..u_ __.". ____.________no_________....___.."._ (or proved to be on the oath of ..m____m__mmm__.. __.._m__'.'..__.> to be the person ~3____whose nameJLf~:r-e subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledge to me that the Y executed the same, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and my Off::j'~l the day and year first above written, 1M.l z:;-- \ '..A -- .-- ----"'.,..,----- ---------~---- ~ ::~~ --- -'----------- -------- Nt P bl" f th St t fM t, . 'd' t b07eman , Montana o ary u IC or e a e 0 on ana, reSI lUg a__n.. ._0___..____--.-__.---_____________ My commission expirei3_B_pt en.LbB_L__l-'L____19__!lLo I t I 1 1 I I I I I --'---.'-'.'---.--- "'- I ~.I I \i ' ''''~ -, \ '. "'~"1 .., , t " 'f !,.....-li , J ' ~ , , ~ '<t'i , ~ ;..; ,;. 0> <l.l +" x: " ! ...... ..... 0> '0 ;::S ! '-I j .1 0 ...... 1--< p. ~1 0 ; "'~:~ r.w Q .... Q '\:) 1 _ '-> <l.l , :~!l_ Q +=01 ... Vi <l.l "-'I': Cll <ci : . ~ QJ! I = 'i ,5, \ I rn Q' , : : ~ ~ Q Cll , CD i I ~ " , i.'i..~! 1 S 1'.;71 I:-J! ( , ~ f~i 0 Cll '-9! +" 1,1 i i 6 C): ' ..c: '" i 10 '~1 E-i ,Cl; , . Z .... \ cd ~' rr-l p. ~~ ' I ' : l<< I ..... .... < cd ,Ij; (' . wi t/l bJJ : 0' I' ~ 't:l <l.l cd 0' . i 1\ ' ~ ~! Cll +" ~J <l~[ ;>-': \' ", ;:jl 'l:l ;::S , ~ "" ,5 c "'~ , C) [-"-'4: r oJ i f-';)i 0 ,i) (l:;1 Cll S .,., '0 Hi" Cll <l.l ~~j u: '._. ,~,._,~,w._ '0 " ~i ~ <l.l , <l.l ~~i Q 0 8: ~:.l'.~! +" cd , .0,.,1 1".1: Cl +" : ..... ' ,-"-I' 1-""'"'-4: cd : o ' r:! 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