HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 40- VanHoorn, George Deed " 313..WARRANTY DEED ~ The S~dard Publishing Co., Printers and Bookbinders, Anaconda, "Mont. , 9 0 ~~ U\4 . . TIllS INDENTURE, Made this_~__!::'.L!~_J:1~.___day oL~___.Q~_C:..0J:r~Q~~r__-'="',,-,~"__.A. D. nineteen hundred and___.___J~ r.t.;L______~c::cccc::,~:,"',:_",. between__~c::::,__(:J.:>"~2.!:'E!?___.'~ ,~~, n ti_~~~_!~_~~_L_~_" \~iS}_Q~'~E L_,Lc"~:~:~___ ,_,_-'~c'~::~cc'~===:';~:: .. _ .:.,___ _~~~":......._~___'...,..., ,.w ~_~_,_______...;____:.....:.;:..:=_..'..._,.::..c;....::_'__.:..<.:....;....:...;.~'.."':::"'::::_'::~..............:'~.:a;..;.o:.A.:.--;u;.J.;O~,..;::..l....-~:;::...~~__~....,.....'..~'.::{,.;..:':.......l_'~_____'_-.:::~,'." .",:_",:,,__:.!-,"',::!..._-- "...---'--.., :.:,.::.-----...-:--.. ""-.. '" ,: :-.:..----':....-----.:;~;~-'.:.:. 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I ,..-', th'" rl)r0,l~n 5 Y1U. cOilf'tit"ti\"f: the w'C,st hnlf ( ,,~, ) oj' ~'ecti"'!l P"lX ((~)~ in 'J' QV,' r) S "', i~} onA ( ] ) sonth of L[,n pop f i 'fA ( ,h, ) 0'\ ~ r 0" tt!P j 0 rl1" !l n " ~Tinc.j_- "(1,9 ] : PTid~'ln, cont'iinl11rr ~~E0.41 0. ~r~e~~ , l"l10'"''''' or 1 e ~, s , 8. ceo ,. din t>' to the TTnited ~~ t, a t p s pn"(~r'i ~~e (J t 811 I've '7 the;'''>of'. Fy cll)~:i:i"e ~ r10\'~' e"'fr~l"., of flny q n;'j '} J 1 Wf'\ LeI' ri~tht or rl Fh t s 8 ppl:rt.r-mt:l"lt tn s,., i (1 1 ~', n r1 n-r "? ,,,(1 l.n connecti r t'rlerev.'i th, or r.:n:l pc,rt thpr"of~ ",M S ch v'nt"'r r:i.rht 0-'-' ri,1-1's nre to 'F' T' '" t, j_ n e rJ :)'T the pH.rtv 0" thf? f"-jT':"t v,rt. Snbi"ct to rI..l J "-'on,1 ~ dit(:)' '):1d otn-:r ~U"0':''-'nt;s now l.n f'orc8. Together with all and singular the hereinbefore described premises, together with all tenements, heredita- ments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and also the estate, right, title, interest, right of dower and right of homestead, possession, claim and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said part~Y-______ of the first part, of, in or to the said premises and every part and parcel thereof, with the appur- tenances thereto belonging. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all andt-singular, the above mentioned and described , t th 'd t f th d d t 1 ,3 snWI~1t"s.r~. f premIses un 0 . e Sal par y__ 0 e secon part, an o_"c_'C"cCc',,'" , e r 'h.a~slgns or ever. And the said party C""n of the first part and b 4 s.,_____ heirs do___ ,.",hereby covenant that tY', P.V will forever warra.nt and defend all right" title and interest in and to thei~~id ~f~rg~~\ gn~ the qU.iet and peaceable posseSSIOn thereof un to the sald party______of the second part "_"'_________ elrS and af"igns, agamst the acts and deeds of the said part y .___ of the first part, and all and every person and persons, whomsoever lawfully Claiming or to claim the same. -...----.-----...----.- .... --------...---..- ,- __ __ _ .___._______ ____________~M -.. -..------------.-- -.. .- ..---------.----- . --- --.-- ------------ - ..--... --...--.----.. -----".,._------- ..--.----- -----,_._-- --,,---_._-_._,-,'._----,~'''".,'..' "--~, ----- ----- ..----------.".. .' --...-." ,.-----------...--. ""------... - - -----------.--.-,,-- --...--"..------ .-..- ---.----- . ----,. ".'._-----------_._----_."'---~-"- - ,.....-- ...-...- -.----------- .---- ------ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party__._ of the first part has" hereun to set h is ___ hand and .. . seal the day and year first here~nabove written, Signed, Sealed and Dell"'ed in the Pmence of I ___~~ cY~-/l..Q-~~ [SEAL] m. ...,P .h.. f..f.,4 ..... .mm_\ . --.--..------..---..--.---... [SEALj [ SEAL] ----- - -- -- .- -- -- ...- ..- -- -. -. ',~ -.- - ..- ---.-- -- - -.-- --..- -.-- -- ...--..- ""-.- .......-...-."'-..-..---...... -...-..---...---....-.- -...-,.,--...,.. .. ._-". ...- .--..---. ..---.---".,.,-."'. .-.-..---.-"-. ..-,.-.---.. . - ._---,-,..,-_..,. ._,----_.,.....,.,-,_.,,_..,..._,. .._._-,-,--,-"--,,....,,-- ..._-,,--,-_. n__.__~.__.._, .,. County S:ATE ::l~~:~::~~ d__ } '". On this';~~I'_CL___day Of_e"___:IJl.nl~!LrJ. in the year one thousand nine hundred and__!:'J2~~t\' - QIlfL-"", before me_.:~,""_' __;? _ ~m_L_~____C; () 01S_____'ccoc_""..,:,"":':'~'c~~c"'~,_ a Notary Public in and for the state of Montana, per- ~~.~~, sonally appeared____ -, ,__il ~_9 ]:' E~~___~'_~!._r::',b _R (_'J' rL~___,~L___\l<:'_t.(L(), ',' PI'._~----'c'c"...,,"c:","""~.,_c,''''c____c -------- - --- -------------- fNmne ufpa,rty) ------..--- ..-,....---.-----". ,~--------- .,'~."--------..- --~----~~--_._------------,._-~------_------.:..._---~~-_........:....._-----~...._---~......._--------~~---~ Known to me__________,_______,___,_ _____''''." "__"__"_c_, , ,_"__________ ___________________,_______'_____________________,___._ "._________._.______ ,__ _ ________.. ---------------------- . (or proved to me on the oath oLd __,____________) to be the per.son whose name J_ S "subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he__ executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF', I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal the day and year first above written. .--- . .------------- -------------- -- ,.f---ht-.---C~-{lk .-.,-------- Notary Publi:c for the State of Montana, residing at ',30 z P'!,!~_~!- , Montana, Me" .;;'P-J"'IF'r" In 1940 y omnllsslOn expIres "_,_"",__-"",,, ,-",_,___!_ --.:.!c_.'--_________" _,_,,__.__ _._~ . '~\' ; r ~ d.l .--< .'\, E !" "i ~ oj , M <lJ}ji. . ~ Ul It-. >> 1;; i : +-J P. '\~ Q) ~ >=: : ~ 'd " :;l ~:" 5. H~ ~ .~~ I' ell o , <:.) ~,o OJ -1,' " .!; : II :- ~ ~!~,~A J] I . '1 +.-.l I I lI:=::'4 ;;,~ ~^ 'd ;\~ io-I" 'I ~ ' I 0 Q) Q) I', I ~ \:,J~ 'i ~~~ ..... ;>- .r:: :',: d I ~ : :;;: , .1""'1 _ I. \ o ;::I" : d.l ..... " "iJ l:l~:\',,~: .1: a3 >=:.~ .Yo ~ :0,",,-: rn~ 0 ~ :, ~1 ~.~ tJ) ~~:O~ ' " , :....' c:l Eo-< ' 0 ~'" ~J i--I i"'- 0 'd 'H oj ,)1\", , I"', .. f "l >1 H 'd ~ Po .5 t-. -- ','} f , t;'~; 0 o ~ ".." : I ~ t-. ~ . ~' : C! i'I"' <li dO.: 0 ~J I'" ~ ~ 'd (j) (j) >>, I'M ~~'. ""') l: -i-..J: .r:: <:.) , (j) ~ 1i 8 ~ ' ,:."; . ~r.:~! o :" ~ ~~ "J 1..'1 lf1; I \\'~~ (:'~f" ,:- "':r q f;il 0 'H t-. ,- , o : ... I _ ~" q E-i ~ 0 I.' <:.) : .~! Q) , \ \: ' : " '" >> :--1 ~ ~ ~ ....1 (j) , b : ~',: >=: :'., Cl <t: ~ ~ ";:'; 0" t-. : 8 \xl, ~ ~. * e'j .! E-i I=: .~ i .... I'"'.''t Ul ;::I :-1, ;::I ~ ""- ''- ~ lf1 H Q) ...... d.l ~ 0 S oj ~ ~~ o t, '.>> Q) Q) 0 'd d o i ~'~ r... ~ . ,<' . -' , -,