HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 40- Morton, Fred & Frances Deed 311-QUITCLAIM DEED ~ Standard Publishing Co., Printers and Bookbinders. Anaconda. Mont. ,," - "-l2-9-a_oo - ....... ...-"...".....- .- ..... -.--.--"..-..-..-. .". -... .......- -,. " ~ . THIS INDENTURE, Made the 23rd .day of ___________J4ay _",n,_.u,in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and____ forty_-L19_lA,.Q)___between ,t"re_dA. Mo:rt oll__and F_ranaas___F__. ,_j~_QJ._t_Qn_.).___:h-gc~Qgnst__?on_g.___Y!_!J.~_.).______Q_:f___p_Q~_~m~n-#___~~QI~t_~n1J.. T-' the--pa.r-t.ie.8.-.,of---t he---:f.iJalt ____pa.r_t_j___and.__TIIE.__CI_T_Y___OE,,__B.aZ.EMAlL,____a___ro3JU.ic_iral___c_QxJ;.Qx_a:t i_Qn___and___bo.c1.Y___l101i_tic__ ___o_L_~he_____State___Qf.Mon t ana.., ion Gall at iu___Co_unt y_)-____ _ -----------.----- . ..---------.. -. .-------.----------------- --- -... -.--.---------.- --------.- . ....-----.---..----.-----.-. -----.----...-----... _________________ ___00_... _.__.____..__ ...- - .---..---- .----------.- - .----------------.-.- . '''~ the part-Yof the second part, WITNESSETH, that the said partie.~f the first part, for and in consideration 01 tl1 e sum OL__'')n eC'o:___u_QilO.Q C~ 1. QOJ~- '--~_~_ '" - ~_::..~_: . . " __~_-_ ",:", -::-.",":_~, :,.,~_ -. ,~. - .. -: :-:-_- - .. - _"'"::':::__~DO LLARS __Q..~_g___9t;h~_~_ gQ_Q~__Jgl.A__y_~1},l_?:p.J.,~.__Q(:m_~.tg._~ r?-_t_i on~_._________. "'m"'_tou____~_hem , in hand paid by the said part.__)[_of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do ,~remise, release and Successors forever quitclaim unto the said part__Yof the second part, and to._it 61}fiS;'1f;~ and assigns, the following . 1 t t .t t d' th ----.----------.-- C t f GalJatin descnbed rea es a e, Sl ua e m e _____________________,__ ,__, oun y 0 "_",_".,,, ..,_____:__ __n' ----. . -- ..--.--------.-.. --.- and Rtate of Montana, to-wit: m__ _ _ _ - ------------------ '-7'~- j ......-- .. u_ .__.. _ .._____".. t -- . ....-------------- - --------------.. n_.' ."'._~ . - .. -------.------------...-------------- ..-- -.. ---.- ---- __"'___"___,. ~'"._w. __...n n. _._ __.. .__ ______ _ __________________ _ __... --... ..--------------- .- ------ .- -,,-------.---. -------......--.---., .._,., -- . ..- ..~~_. . ------------.. .-- . ._--,--------~::-~~------------ ------- --.---..------- -------------.--... /,.--.... ,/ --" ---,- ------------------------------------------ -. ~;;/.::- .., -- '" -- -,---" .-------,------------------------------------------ ,------------,----------, ',--- ,--,--------------------------- -~__;/-;;;/~~~~~~-~~>~~-~--- ---- .- --- t8] -. /" /,,/ . ...---. --- --- ~-- - ..--...----...-.." "",..-... ".'.- -- . - --- ------ . --...---.-----.- -- -------- -- - Together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and also all the estate, right, title, interest___ --,.". _.~... . - - -"_ - - ___~_:__-.:_~~_::__=~=_::__:__=__:.:_=__:__:_:_~__~_~ ::-~_:~_-==_~_~ -"_~ --property, possession, claim and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said part i e~f the first part of, in or to the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof.__ -.-~~_~~ ~_~_~_~_~:":'"_=_=_""_"cc=_=_":".~,.:_:_"'__:___=_~_~_:_~.~:::.:::.::_:::_:.::-_::'::-_::-:.~'_::,7:~_::_m To Have and to Hold, All and singular, the said premises, with the appurtenances~~ . , ."""'-- . .. -.. -- ----" .. - -- -- ------ -- ---- ---------. ------------ --.--- ----------------------------.- . ".,,---- ,"-.,'-- ._~...__._- . -.--------- --- . .---------...---...---------.--.-"". unto the said part y of the second part, i t_s_ J3_UC.C _e._S 6-~i&lI:SC: and assigns forever. In Witness Whereof, the said part i.~_18f the first part haV~_hereunto set. __n.__~_he~_:r:-_.m n _hand~_ and seaL_a__the day and year first above written. of ) ___7- ~__t?L___~__mn_._______ [Seal] ~ &~ Z::/~A~::L==-~-. - ~-- /~:_.----- " - , """ [Seal] -- -- -----..,---- - ----------------------------------, ---,------------ -----------,------ r Seal J '_"'If - > -- - ~ ~ ~. _ _~ ~ _ ,,~~:~l"l'~'~__'''\ ""~, ,.,,'~..,.,., .,~ ,. ,> j-, ~., "f tr 0~ 'l~ "\.,, t y (;30 ) feet wide,eAst f'nd wpet,Rnd three 11'. , " ~ " f d "... ., , hun<1YOPd S, -:t "/ ~,> . ''"\ 1:.. fPi"t lon;\,north qnd south, off of the west side ..}I .." . I ) of e. trn ct of l.nnd nescribed by metes and bounds A8 follows: Commencing at the Q,uArter Corner COffinon to Sections 7 Bnd 18, Townsh ip 2 South of J1tenge 6 EAst, M. P. M. , and running thence South 88026' West A distance of 602.9 feet;thence South 00141 EaRt along the West right of way line of Ga1lptin Valley Electric ~----- ~ l\el1way a distance of 181.4 feet; thence alon~ the 11ne of 8 curve to the rlp:ht,ha.vlng A radius of 1407.7 feet 8 dist~lnce of 604.2 fef't;thence south 89050' West n dlstance of 606 feet, to the polnt of beginning; thence North 360 feet; thence Ea,st 210 feet; thence South 360 feet; thence West 210 feet, to the no1nt of beginning, being p. trHct of 1n,nd 360 feet north and south by 210 feet east And west, ai tue.ted in the l!routh''V'E'st corner of' thAt certain trt'lot of land deed,ed by the GallAtin Valley Electric Railway to A.L.Love and Jennie E.Love, by deed dated June 14, 1910, which seid deed 1s recorded 1n Book "42" of Deeds, B,t page 572 of the rpcords of the County Clerk and Rpcorder of Gal1et!n County, Montane,. The atr!!> of land hAI'Aby conveyed is for street D1.rrnOSes end l1es Just east of and adjacent to the center l1ne of Mrecy Avenue, Sr)Uth, end between the oenter lines of Harrison Street And Cleveland Street as platted in Butte Addition to The City of Bo~p~pn, Gp.llptln C()'J.nty, MontAna. STATE OF MONTANA } Gallatin SS. County oL_________________________ .---- ../;/" //) / On thiS__.___7>-;z;;:c:______________ ________ day oL_____. -----,;t:::j;~'~.m in the year one thousand nine ;J hundred and___J.Qx.1:iy:._.L19_~Q1 __._____________before me__-I-___t_b._~_ und_~.r.~ i gne_d___________ .- , a Notary (X~ 1t>1ntllt) Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared____r~~_cl__ A_L M_Q~t on __J;LTI._g__.:F.I'anG_~_~______E_,L_MoItt_on, ~miK~ _____h1Jci3 Q_a._n~L_an.:;L__wJ._:t:~." ,.,_ __"",_..___ ------------.. -,.. .------------- ,----------------. - '" -- - --------------- ,- --.------------------------------ . known to me____ per_s.onally:_____________________ --------------- - ,-------------- ,------------- ---------.------- mnrMe,4;...1:R: ){lW^O);l.xtblX:Q%~ ::QK- ,.---- -----------) to be the personJ.l__whose name_e_ arfL____subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that_____tney______executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. ____ ____G.~2~~~i0:?{<~~:i-:;l.- --- ----- Notary Public for the State of Montana, residing at__.JjOZe_man,. ._________________, Montana. ,) '// ,.'- My Commission expires__ __,/-4t;?2..____/;;__.___19_~C;;. < -.- .....-~._,_.. I . J \ ( , ': '" . , f:ri ." , 'l\ E- ,:, <::I: "d ...... ...... ...... . " ,..-II ", , ,.., 0 0 ...... ~ : ; I: ~'Ii. \ I ~ I ~.,...oj ~ ~ '.:~: ' "",' . ~ ell Ul aJ.c j:;: 0 ~ ~:81 t'j--, j.::..j(>;-,: ~ ~ 'B 'O:::l.!:<l ::g ~ ,-i( "" " ..... , '0 I ..... 0. " , " ...... _, """,' ""'" 0 ^'..... o:l "'" . "" ' <.l "" ' <:..> ~ <1J '1:l ~ ,~";. ',' i"'Jl (:l ~ ! &1 i aJ (:l 5 l'l Q +io: \ I . '\"J '::, ~: ~ 8 j,~ : I : , . <l1 : C'r'Ii . :>; ::>.:>. o:l . '-If! f: J i ~ ,-') +-J: ~ ~ s:: ~ t( i : <:..> u-! : d d .0:: p.:; :. I i ,9 ~ i :::s::S . 1 I I C,) I I 10 0 0 ~ ~~f ! 0 , 'i .0 : tt) l ~ i Q 0 0 , .I"',' ~ ~~f ' E-i , .!:<l rl: ~', ~: _ . -, , : I I 0 I I I -v till 'jl ,., ~i i: ~ "d .:1:, oW: :, i <1J ~ ~ ',,:: d ;..; '-<: '^' "" " '0 .;:: r 1 ".~ . I ~ I 0 I V I....... 'i ~ ~ - ...... . ~ f ii' " r : I 0 jo-j .~ , , ~ ~,..::,', a3 l' i r< <1J : i "~ ':d ~':' , ...... ;..; ,~.:::: bJJ " a:;..... '::l "" ~ Ii .H 0;..; : ' "d oj '''-' j ..... 1U : il< ?'-. >-----, '., ~ 0 : : <1J 0. ~,\ '< ' ..... I ."-J io-I "dl- ~) :>. ...... : : '0 . : ~ : $:l I '1:l ~ I"'.J w:', c:: i ..... Ul . "--i ~ aJ ! til _____ f.l:,' (l) .....::, gal: gj I;:J " ,...J. I J I I I "'-'I (\) I p-~: ,q 0 l'" " +" 2,~: ' :>. ~ ~ : o:l " 8' 0 r:<. '~/,~ ell ~~, '{:Q 0. i w :::. '" ._.__._._..___.~ +-_.--~. ._~. ..._~.".....'~~'.J'''_.._ ._ n. ..._..__..._.___..__._____ ._, ~__N_~__. .--".--".-----.....-.:..-..------.~.:. --.----.--~.-._...--1-..-..-,,-.-...-