HomeMy WebLinkAbout83- Nash, Murray & Effie; Tract 3 COS 633; Utility Easement Rt: Thomas, Dean Cx Hoskins V'-'--:-iF:jV... . "2 00. .'-.-.- 'I 1 ,.0I,...,r.-rt -~ 44 c ~') - ':,. .' , I ~A II t.:,), " .' .U , (._':'.. :,;. ,." ~-' :./ (~) I"t'r:r' ~.. .; ~ ~ 'I!~"" c.l-.,y St(lle oj 1\1,,,,,., ,_.o:''';Y' n : ;"::":1 ,_ ," ;C"I.1 .." ','('C>N; March _. i' \T,;L. . ":",.....<I"~- '" 17 , ' 1()~(l~~Q~ \.', . ,:: r;. ;...'. ,75 ., f,. _.__~..'''_.'^._~ () I .-/......,..,' DEEDS pu<: t' Ll:~~,. ___'~;~:_;;7~;";"~';;';;;~;,~_<;,~;~I~"Cli' cI cr ~) [l,. -.-L::l;:t~-<.1 ~(l {/'.~ J \ -, - I - . / ~7 '.' / :4 - . . .. '''flU;}' G RANT EASEMENT . HURRAY A. l'JASH and EFFIE JEAN NASH, of ~st 2011 Providence Street, SPJkane, v~shington, herein referred to as Grantor, whether one or more, in consideration of ONE mLIAR and other valuable considerations, does hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey, warrant and confim unto NASH-SOUROOUGH PROPERTIES, a Montana Partnership, of 611 v~st Main Street, Bozemn, Montana 59715, herein referred to as Grantee, whether one or mre, and to Grantee's successors and assigns forever, all of the following real property in Gallatin County, Hontana: A 60.00 foot access and utilities easement across Tract l'b. 3 of Certificate of Survey No. 633, located in the Southeast one-quarter of Section 6, Township 3 South, Hange 6 East, Principal flerichan Nontana, C:;allatin County, Hontana, and being 30.00 feet either side of the following described centerline. Beginning at a point on the East line of the City of Bozeman tract recorded in Book of Deeds 97, page 625, said point being South 26-43-53 East a distance of 33.42 feet from the Northeast corner of the said City of Bozeman tract. Said point of beginning also being South 30-02-54 west a distance of 2134.81 feet from the Northeast corner of said Southeast one-quarter of Section 6. Thence North 89-24-42 East a distance of 48.09 feet to a point on the east line of said tract No.3, being the end of the centerline of said easement, and also being South 28-55-30 v~st a distance of 2110.71 feet fram the said Northeast corner of the Southeast one-quarter of Section 6. SUBJECT to easements, conditions, restrictions and rights-of-way shown or indicated in the public records or plats filed and recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana, or which may be ascertained from a visual inspection of the land, including ditch and utility easements; StIDJECT to prior mineral and patent reservations and exceptions, if any; SUBJECT to taxes and other governmental charges and assessments accruing or imposed after the date hereof. 'IDGETHER with all tenerrents, beredi- taments and appurtenances thereto, and all reversions and remainders, and all rents, issues and profits thereof, and all right, title and interest of the Grantor therein, 'ID HAVE AND 'ID HOLD all and singular the said premises together with appurtenances unto the Grantee and to Grantee I s heirs and assigns forever. Grantor does hereby warrant and agree to defend all right, title and interest in and to said property, and the quiet and peaceful possession thereof, unto the Grantee and tile ~ranteels successors and assigns forever, against all acts of said Grantor and any and all persons who may lawfully claim the same. pl/ffHf/ IN WI'INESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed this ~ re. day of Fcbru.:tty, 1983. ;: .. (') 7}~. ~~-~~.. <iL-~-T) / E.F 1 E JEAI\J/ NASH HURRAY lI.. NASH STATE OF WASHINClIDf'J ) : ss. County oC, ~, ., . ,.J I' ) fo. j \.... en this ~ day of .T2ebruary,' 1983, before me, the W1dersigned a Notary Public for the StatE; of V\lashington, personally appeared MURRAY A. NASH and EFFIE JEAN NASH, known to lie to'lJe the p2rsons vvbose names are subscribed to the above instrument and acknowledged \:0. Ete _ tQ,~t they executed the same. . , ., .~ /- -.:.>.':.;-lliv.JIThlESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal theday~and year first above v~itten. , NJtary Public for the State of vi/ash. Residing at (Notarial Seal) My Commission expires