HomeMy WebLinkAbout64- Bozeman Aerie 326 Eagles; Parts Lot 23 Block C Original Townsite; Utility Easement . ,.... ... O' , .. " . .. ;"'1 1'~r oUOh ". . /' )."., ~. "W 1'/jofL( .) BAS i,.N.SN T THI3 I i~DE~\J 'I'UI-i.E, ~1ade thi.s //.,- / day of September, 1964, ';", ,~' (: by (;~nd between ~3()Z.ti'/ANAMIE #326, FRATERNAL OtWEI!. OF MGLJ::S, a !,:iontaniL non-profi t; co,uoraLio(i, hiJ v'ing itlC:i principal p1uc8 ai' bus- inC\~3;3 Let.. Fk1 Zernrj,n, Lonta.na. , hereinafter referred to as the GFilJ.NTOH, and THE CiTY UF' L()ZB,A~\, a Hunicj.pill corporo.tion of the SLc:te of' ilontana, rlerein::,j'ter l'eferredto as the Cl-lANTlili. ~ I T N E SSE T H : That the said GF0,;\~'1'Oit, for and in ccJnsider2tion of the swn of Cne Dc~11.,b r ;:~,,,l,/.J. . , ~', ,'. ,".,..."",~ 1'< ..:" .~. ~,..~ ,.- ....', I ;':'1 '''\j~' ." ' '~ '\ tCI it ~n ::..; ::"'~'::'(-; ';:.. V':::...i._ u.\~~ :Jj.,\::; ...t,l~,)...ue['..;".'"Lj,. ,.p....U,) u.v.c.;, h:ind rJ/:.'. "l.ll ; b~/ "t.t:l8 SQ,,~ d ::;-)'<-,n toe, the ~'eceipt of ',.;hieh is bereby acknow- ledged, Goes (,ereby grant, convey and transfer un~,o the said GE,i;,J\TEE ilnd 1 t:,:; ::1:::;:oi,,:n5 an easement across and under the following described p~eee, parcel and strip of land, to-wit: An easerlk,nt :icro,'".; the northerly '-30 feet of Lot 23 of Block C, Original Townsite of ~:io~'e;nan, f'lontana; more particularly described as follows: '- A "srip of land 10 feet wiae, 5 feet each side of a line lying 111~5 r:~:;,~ l':{ 'y\;'e ;::~ ":,c-.',:."ly" ;"j,r..d i.. :~r~.i,lI,c1 ,,0 th,; C~::,~ Lcrl.y. l,..~nc o.r sa.id Blo:;k C :"CJ.'oc;~:; the northerly jO feet of Lot 23 of said Block C f01' l~he purpose of electrical and telephone trbnsmission lines um.ler,- '.~:::': ~cou,n.(l ; As " lYir.t of' tJ!(~ l:onsider: r.;ic" for the gr,-,ntin,~ of V:e above de:,' cri ~)(;d oaf; elilenr" tLe i;1:hl\'['6t: eOV8tkults and agrees t.o pay all expensclC> eor:nected vdth t.he movement of electrical and telephone line cCf'nEcU_on3 fr()1!1 th,~ co. st 'j:i Cl e to t:e south sjde of that curt.ain building (hlIlCd c:Jlll O';CilT:":cd b,:; the ::;T:J,xron and situate upon the i'o11owinr:; descri bed lot: Lot Fifteen and .East one-half of Lot 14 (Lot 15 & E~ 14), Lnock :; of' the Odgina.l TOh'nsite of the City of Bozem,:Cn, .!.\/~oClta.na I"~I(J ~-~ \I.~.~~ h ~". Li ~() 'ieT U, ':Lu.: Zln d ~;:i rl-'Ll ~.'j r tI-: e sa,~LO t.: ('CriLl 5 C~, , h"~ t,'h right13 of ingres:o:; and egress unto the said GRidn'EE and i.ts d.ssi6ns for 50 lo'ng ;'].~) the ChAl'JTE2: maintains the said electrical and telephone trci.-DS- mission lines wi thin the herein grnnted ealC,ement; it being expreB ~,ly ,. " ... - . .. . -. clOOk 21 l-WiE 4 ~ 4 ~ , . " unders'l:;ood the.t if and when the GRANTEE discontinues use of this easement as granted, this instrument is voided, revoked and rescinded, and that ., GRANTOH shall have use of the surface for parking and other use and the GRANTEE shall, following any excavation, return the surface to a condition equal to or better than that in which the surface was preceding said excavation and the surface shall be usable condition for parking following excavation. IN WITNBSS WHEHEOF, the said GRANTOR has caused these presence to be executed by its duly authorized officers the day and year first above written. BOZEMAN AERIE #326, FRATEHNAL ORDER OF EAGLES, a Montana non"'profit corporation (/' ,Ii! '----.// . /" By'- / ,'{,tl,,'[ ;. <' /7/ //l~-"i<'1l '-i;///{ /""~ _ presit;i nt \ J.Jo-,._._~_.. ': ~;// ~' h,_<c: --;2{; -' ~-lfZ2,t.J if . Trustee ATTEST: . ~-- ;- ,_ I / 1 / ' ,/ ( I ,/r h'''- / / )..~//' ,/.-.;' / Trustee . ('-r:/ JI l~",u~~z;,,--c;/(-- ,Secretary STATE: OF MONTANA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) On this 22nd day of September, 1964, before me, Harold A. Fryslie _. ._.___. . a Notary Public for the state of Montana, per... sonally appeared William M. McLaughHn, Ray L. Cloninger, Jack H. Cowan, -.-.. ..,--- and H. C. Gossack -.,.-..- _._.~.~ -_._-,--_.._--~ -. ~.,--_.__.. -- .. --------......- -",,-- ,._,,_.- known to me -to be the Pres ident, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Trustee' and Secretary, respectively, of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowlidged to me that such corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS 1I\[f-IEF~E;OF, I have h'reunto set my hand and affixed my official sea~.,. tl1,,; day and year in this certificate first above written. " ~'.'.. ,-- , / / .. ". ~ , ' ."cC/"/C" /__ .,_".',,/ t:-?'_.~/--:. /,__,,,,,"_c "." L (/ . -- .. 'Not~ry Public f'orthe Sta:t'~ of MOntana .,-- Hes iding at Boz erran. Montana .,.. My Commission expires January 20, 1967 _. - ____ ___ ______,,- _n_.._ __ __ -_"_--'~__-' .... j:.>fi4:2 1~.9EXED_ l./ ~ OFFICE OF COUN ~L: ~~~~E~, THIS IN~TRUMENT WAS FILED FOR SRECtORDb IN THIS OFFICE ON THE STATE OF MONTANA ________________..4.. ---------------- DAY OF _____...______~IL_~,m___e_:r__..._____________, A.D. 19_6.4.., CO NTY OF GALLAT;N ALJ1:JQ___lI._,,__M., AND WAS DULY RECORDED IN BOOL____?l___.______..____ U . OF..._____J1;I:_S_G_E;_l..LANEQUS___________ _....________.___ RECORDS, PAGL__A8J______..._ ~';: $Ci;Y~f B~~~;;;~"ll,LmW~_:I:()l'lmmmmmmRECORDER. By~4tff~~~DEPUTY