HomeMy WebLinkAbout05- Nelson Investments LLC; Driveway Parkway Plaza; Mutual Access Easement & Agreement ~ MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT This Agreement is made this -Lt-.!ityof ~i 't ,20()Lby and between Nelson Investments LLC, of PO Box 1965, Bozeman, MT 59771-1965, and Todd T. Stell1metz, of9200 Cottonwood Road, . .' Bozeman, MT 59718. RECITALS: Whereas, Nelson Investments LLC, is the owner of I,ot 4, Block 1, Parkway Plaza Subdivision and Commercial PUD, according to the plat thereof, on file and of record in the office orthe Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County, Montana, Whereas, Todd T. Steinmetz, is the owner of Lot 5, Block 1, Parkway Plaza Subdivision and Commercial PUD, according to the plat thereot~ on file and of record in the office ofthe Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County, Montana, ~. Whereas, it is their desire to use the driveways and parking lot situated on both ofsaid lots tor the joint use .\\\ of each lot. THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 0- TH A T a mutual access easementfor a common dri veway and ingress and egress is hereby granted. The q- '" legal description for said easement is as follows: 0 U) .;; f'l') '" 0 -<n f'l') 0 g See attached Exhibit A, which by this reference is made a part of this document. N~~ N<ii;;J 0>- N~2 THAT Nelson Investments, LLC grants to Todd T. Steinmetz, for his benefit and that of his successors and g assigns, and for the tenants or owners or invitee's of any units located on or to be constructed on -'" - '" Steinmetzs' property, an irrevocable roadway access casement through and across said parcel ofN elson - ~ Investments, LLC's property. - =u -<I) ~~ - ~ THA T Todd T. Steinmetz grants to Nelson Investments, LI ,C, for its benefit and that of its successors and - _ 8 assigns, and for the tenants or owners or invitee's of any units located on or to be constructed on Nelson ==== c: Investments, LLC's property, an irrevocable roadway access easement through and across said parcel of -,~ -~ -.. Todd T. Steinmetz's property. =~ -~ =.. -'" -, -., _0 THAT the parties and their heirs and assigns shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair oftheir =c: -.. -> ~,.. respective portions of the shared access, including the street approach and public sidewalk. -., =~ ~m !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! L -<I) THAT each party and their heirs and assigns shall hold the other party hmmless irom any liability resulting from the use of the mutual access for ingress and egress to their respective properties. Page 1 or 3 . THAT the mutual access easement shall remain free and clear at all times trom all encumbrances. The parties have executed this mutual access easement and agreement on the day and year iirst written above. "- ,~~~ q- '" Nclson Investments LLC. 0 U) .;; f'l') '" 0 _<n STATE OF MONTANA ) f'l') 0 g N"'~ )ss. Ng>,~ N~~ County of Gallatin ) ~o rh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (;) On this/~ day of \) CI.../I~ ' 200~, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the -'" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ State of Montana, personal yappcared SlteyltA...~~_tt:.J/e/f1r'o/r' known tome to be a managing - =u member 0 fNelson Investments LLC., and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instnunent, -<I) _i: and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. ~1- iiiiiiiiiiiiiii E =0 ~o IN WITNESS WH EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year ==== c: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ first above written. -.. =~ -~ -{:j ul.6 hi (l{ r {( ~4-J \\\\\\1\'1"'1111 ='" -<.5 \,,\\~\ B MAR 11111 -, -., ~~~'? .........90,/....'" _0 =c: ~Q? .... -. lP ~ -'" i /~OTARIAL\ % -> ~,.. Notary Public ror the State of Montana .::= " . - -., Prin.te.cl N~me: Rob 4 rt~ t3.lll1d.L1f-'1(s;":5 ~:~~: -~ , . - ~Q) . - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .c: ~ 1. : ~ -<I) Resldmg m _ t3 6 2I JJ1 c.,. t1 '1! .. SEAl .. ~ ~c.J'... ...~ ~ My Commission expires I (d,b(..266!i :;\ 'j)o '. .' ~ ,:::. ~o11{'''''''~\~ ,<$' '/1111 OF MO "", 11I/II/flll\H\\\ .,." ..-".- . r:'/~; ,r~, ", ~'~:"",I "I ,I'. ,,' ,"', 0'" L..'. I f..,; r",~: FJ (J 1-- ---~::::t~~~='c_-<:::-.. Bd~l~~;~r\l, v ;(~()'I~:YA1~~BANK Todd T. Steinmetz ~_, ~ 0.92901654 -<17! 59718 ,-,)P DEPOSIT (lI\ILV STATE OF MONTANA ) -~-~-i E r~ER~'I~'~' ~ > ~ ,~' ._, '. .~. "_.' ~, )ss. County of Gallatin ) On this fL/lhdayof J hi '1 ,2005, beioreme, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared Todd T. Steinmetz, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. HclWJ PublIC tor tht state of Montanl \',\\\ I \ ~ I ""'I RESIDING AT BOZEMAN. MONTANA ",~'S~,\ [l Iv1Afi~/1111 My Commission Expll't. ,'" (j ....n.. <<< ~ hmullry :?6. :lOOI! .:ff'C(' .... ....'tr~ i:) l~~ H C. f' g ... ~OTARIA(" ~ p,... ,[. i :....: - . . .. BIG Sr<~'Ii\i[:SlEFif\1 BANK : : ~ ~ BOZEt-.'-,A.N, \Vli.')l\rl ANA 59718 ~ : +<>-<r : s [ill> 09;;2(::101 654 ~ -::::. . . .: FOR DEPOSIT ONLY -- . S . --.. ~.. E A l .. ~ ~{>>-.. ..~ ~ 'THE PERI< Page 2 or 3 ~ r1.. ..~ *' 'J,i3384:; ~/t: )'(........~\~,~~ 111/IOr; MO \"v.. .. ''':<" II H\\\ , TN WITN ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public for the State 0 f Montana Printed Name: ----..". Residi ng in ___ My Commission expires ____' ACCEPTED: ~-~~ CITY OF BOZEMAN, by its City Manager -. -. ATTEST: .' . I ',' ~Z~ Clerkofthe City Com~ission I " STATE OF MONTANA ) ):ss COUNTY of GALLATIN ) ..., On this __ (0 tL dayof SJll!:rf(0!1b<-1// ,2005-, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public rorthe State of Montana, persohally appeared Chris Kukulski and Robin L. Sullivatl, known to me to be q- "- the City Manager and Clerk of the City Commission, respectively, ofthe City of Bozeman and the persons " 0 U) .;; whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same f'l') ... 0 _<D for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman. f'l') 0 g N"'~ ~H \J~~0v~ , -~/ ' I ' _ g Notary Pub lie for Sf te of Montana n-:- '. (~: _::: Printed Name: /ffJ(.fI/Vl€.- CJyV(Z-V/I)1~/~_ (') : ~ \'.\ ". I- I'" "' ': _. = Residing at: /&lrzf~~ \:'~,~-- c -~~ .. . - ====:i My Commission Expires: ,:; it:. 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