HomeMy WebLinkAbout13 E Main Register Nomination •+ b 300 1I1-76) United States Department of the Interic- Heritage Conservation and Recreation ',ervice For HORS use only r National Register of Historic Places: 'received Inventory—Nomination F(DrH"ff1 :date entered See instructions in How to Complete National Register Forms Type all entries—complete applicable sections 1 . Name historic R.T. Barnett .and Company Building _ andfor common J.C. Penne 1 s 2. Location street & number 13 East: Main Street —not for publication city, town Bozeman ^vicinity of congressional district •,ras tern 01 state Montana code 030 county Gallatin code 031 3. Classification ) ,- r -� _., r) Category ownership Status Present Use —district —public _occupied —agriculture _museum 4..._ building(s) private v unoccupied i^ commercial T park structure both A_ work in progress _educational _ private residerice site Public Adquisition Accessible entertainment — religious object _ in process L yes: restricted _government _scientific being considered yes: unrestricted industrial _ transportation no —military other: it 4. Owner ®ll Propeirty name A.,;I.C. Sul l 'va:1 :'ho o ra• h street& number Main Street city, town buzoman __ vicinity of state „on Cana S. Location of Legal courthouse, registry of deeds, etc. Gallatin Country Courtijouse street& number Main Street: city, town �ozcr,�arr ' state rlurt Cana . Eftpresentation in EIIIStIng zewrveys title None has this property been determined elegible? —yes --no date federal —state _"_.county local depository for survey records city, town state 7. Vescription Condition Check one V!ieck one excellent _ Y deteriorated unaltered X. original site - good _ ruins altered __.._ moved date _ I a i r unexposed Describe the present and original (if known) physical appearance The Barnett Building" is a two story (and full basement) brick and decorative stone commerc structure. It measures. 32 feet in 'height, 30 feet wide, and 125 feet deep. It is an attached structure located at 13 East Main Street in the center of the block on the north side of Main Street. The structure is rectangular in form and composed predominately of running bond brick. The 1889 Sanborn map shows the building "being built." Construction was complete by 1890 accommodating a tin shop in the basement , hardware and stoves on the main floor, and a We,. Union office at the rear of the second floor. Access was gained into' the basement tin sho by a sidewalk entrance protected by an iron railing which protruded into the pedestrian boardwalk. This entrance has been cinder blocked in. Two cast iron columns (bolted into a lintel P beam) allowed for generous plate glass lighting an display space. To the left of the display windows was an inset entry space leading into the main floor. During the nineties, a retractable awning was added to shade this ground floor space. The second floor spaces were given special attention by visually stressing the west bay of the buidding which held the circulation core. Vertical movement through the building was functionally expressed by pulling the western bay out of the central wail plane by corbelling out the brick at each floor level . There was a. generally unbroken vertical statement, then, from the Victorian-gothic entrance at street level to the paired onion domes above the cornice line. At the entrance to the second floor, the architect played-off color, texture, and material as dressed, white- limestone provided a base for pink brick pilasters which were surmounted by carved limestone capitols. The projecting capitols "supported" rock-faced stone bases from which sprang a cut stone arch with trapazoidal voussoirs. The arch was given a gothic accent by having it "protected" by a pointed hood moulding. A grayish rock- faced keystone added an additional polychromatic effect. On the inside, the stairway was sheathed with V-beveled tongue and groove with plaster above (based on structural evidence obtained during present restoration) . The second floor stairs entered toward the front of the second floor, which was largely open space in 1890. lighted by four double hung windows. The Western Union office was Framed in the center rear of the store which provided an access corridor for circulation from front and rear entrance. There were five windows on the eastern party wall and three windows to the rear. A second floor "water closet" was placed in the northeastern corner. Today, the outline of the Western Union office is still evident in the floor framing, and the rear and side windows are bricked-in for fire code .compiiance. The second floor exterior features four evident window bays--each treated slightly differs in Victorian "picturesque" fashion. Each -second floor bay, was originally answered below by a parallel vertical element; the western bay prepared the viewer visually for the prominent entry with its .paired pilasters while the three upstairs "central" windows apeared to be supported by cast-iron columns below. While the effect of narrow verticalit has been disrupted by changes on the first floor (to be discussed) , the present restoratif designs will once again accent the vertical elevational divisions. ANIL Each second floor window is enframed by projecting pilasters of brick which rest on limestone footings. The stairway bay originally utilized a stained glass lunette separat( ;N 8-J00 II t-TBI United States Department of the lnterivr' �..'7 -77r...�.. Heritage Conservation and Recreation service ',For HCRs use - i ,,?...a�.1�LF,•v .• National Register of H istoric Places �rece!yed..,,�� liwent®ry----l�c�r�inaticn ®rr�t z <�'' 'date;enteied"t,�'• Continuation sheet Item number 7 Page 1 a cut limestone lintel over a one-over-one sash window. The central body of the structure has a three window grouping with a central arched window lunette originally featuring a stained glass hunting scene and a one-over-one sash below: On either side of the centra arched window were standard sash windows with pointed relieving arches above that mirrored the pointed arch of the original entry below. Each of the second .story windows had retrac' striped awnings in the 1890' s. All windows were removed in 1962 when a metal false front was added; sash windows and stained glass replacements are planned in the present restoraL Above each central window bay the brick is corbelled out for five courses forming an intermediate frieze that is further marked by, square inset brick panels above. The cornic, line of the central block originally utilized flat cut limestone coping resting upon open brick panels. The central block of the structure is bounded by two key decorative features: to the east , an oriel tower made of one-half round moulded brick topped by a cut limestone onion dome supporting an ornamental iron weathervane, and, to the west, paired onion domes -resting upon square brick plinths. Both features rose above the cornic line and broke the 'horizon in a picturesque-manner. Regretably, this area was impacted in 1929 when a substantial earthquake hit Bozeman. Either as a direct result of the earthquake or the ordinance .that followed requiring the removal of such "hazards" as Cowers and overhanging cornices, the unique features of the onion dome tower and oriel were removed to present a flat cornice line. A postcard from the early 1930' s shows the domes absent. At the roof level , one major change took place in 1891 when a low gable roof was grafted onto the rear of the flat roof. This structural feature is still visible. In the same year the second floor was framed in and converted into offices. The Western Union office space was removed at that time; the outline of the office is still readable on the floor boards.. Present moulding (scotia moulding and "nesfield pies" over the doors) and V- beveled wainscoting is believed to date from the 1891 office conversion of th,s second floor space. By 1914 (the Avant Courier) , the Barnett hardware business had sold out to Thomas H. Rea and Company Grocery. The 1904 Sanborn indicates that the tin shop in the basement gave way to grocery storage. The main floor focused on grocery sales, and the upper floor served both as office space and a dwelling; the extant wall paper and green painted trim on the second floor (toward Main Street) likely reflects the use of this space in 1904 as a dwelling. Wood or coal stoves likely hooked up to the four brick flues along the east party wail . The second floor office space and dwelling appears to be phased out by 1912--the last date marked on the office window. The 1912 Sanborn reflects only 'grocery space. The 1914 Polk directory indicated, that Thomas Rae merged with Robert M. Esgar and added crock,,, to their line. The second floor space, then, was likely Given over to crockery storage. A photo� .taken 'in the 1920' s shows -the building's second floor with drawn curtains and a broken window pane reflecting the limited use of the upper story. United States Department of the lnteri,,)r Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service �^ �f'' '� t For HCRS use'onfy'„ti .t ','.'.+ `,) 7;+ 'i'`';�.i,1;1;+51��6�..• it National Register of Historic Places Inventory—Nomination Form �dateentered.�;��";s 11 i:_!�.�rr;. fMOO:3,.? ': 1S•.:::[1 �,.:i.:LrF:.1%d:+.cJ�..r:..,..i Continuation sheet Item number 7 Page 2 The growth and prosperity implied by Rae' s merger of his business in 1914, a partnership which would last until 1933 when .the business finally changes. hands--prompted modernization By the teens Rae , along with many businesses on Main Street , adopted metal grid and glass prism back-lighting. This change, unfortunately, required a new store Front and did away with the stately upstairs entrance, which was no longer necessary since the abandonment of the upstairs office space. The stair opening was likely boarded in at this time and access to .the upstairs was relegated to a rear stairway and an elevator which was added'to the east wall by 1927. Successive ownership after 1933 of Modern Grocery, and Ben Franklin brought only minor changes. In 1962 J.C. Penney purchased the buidling and the adjoining structure. The west party wall was removed to allow for a unified interior space; a rear concrete and iron one story entrance was added; and the 1889 facade was totally disguished by a metal facade. The elevator was removed and the second floor received no use. In 1980 A.M.C. Sullivan Photo purchased the buidling from Penney' s who had moved to the new mall . The new owners are following the Secretary of Interior' s d'uidelines for a certified 'rehabilitation. The metal facade was removed in June 1980--creating wide local interest in downtown rehabilitation. i While many changes have confronted this building since 1889, the distinguishable character:: istics of this building in its mastery of brickwork are still evident, The more than adequate documentation contained herein makes possible a complete restoration of the. structure that will maintain the integrity of the 1889 build. A reduction of the present architectural firms' plans for the elevation in the ongoing restoration is included, Camera and equipment sales will occupy the first Floor, while law office condominium space is planned for the upper floor, which will. utilize the extant 1891 paneling. The oriel is being restored with one-half round estruded brick, and the tower is being reconstructed. The onion domes, which were destroyed by the mitigating circumstance of the 1929 earthquake, will be replaced (likely in abstracted form because of the -difficulty of mimicing' 19th century materials and craft technique) in either cut limestone or moulded concrete. The lines , rhythm, and materials of the original entrance will be maintained in the restoration. In short , every effort is being, made to insure a sensitive restoration of this important downtown structure. i 8. Significance Period Areas of Significance—Check and i-tstify below —prehistoric —archeology-prehistoric community planning —landscape architecture-_religion 1400--1499 —archeology-historic _conservation law _ science ____1500--1599 agriculture _economics literature __Sculpture 1600--1699 architecture —education ' military _-social! 1700-1799 _art _engineering music humanitarian X 1800-1899 _K_commerce —exploration/settlement— philosophy _=theater r' 1900- —communications T industry _politics/government _ _ transportation ' —invention other(specify) Specific dates 1889 �- Builder/Architect attributed to Vrcelan.d and Kemna Statement of Significance (in one paragraph) The R.T. Barnett Company building meets criteria A, B, and C of the National Register and, therefore, should be eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. The Barnett building was constructed in 1889-1890, a time when the city of Bozeman posse high cultural , political , and economic ambitions. During that time Bozeman made its bid for becoming the seat of the State Capitol or, at lea s-t, by that effort to gain a major state institution by eventually lending support to Helena , the major contender. Montana State University would be established in Bozeman in 1892 as a result. In order to make a strong case for the capitol , visible changes in the_townscape were forthcoming for this rapidly growing community founded upon ranching, agriculture and coal mining. A substantial building campaign was launched which effectively tapped an abundance of local building materials: brick, clay, sandstone, limestone and timber (which was augmen' by local planning, sash, and door factories) ., It was acknowledged by the Bozeman Courier '2 million dollars was expended by the city alone between 1889-1890 for the "erection of' buildings and permanent improvements." No doubt the banks were cooperating by providii loans for private development. The substantial public buildings listed were two brick school houses , the Gallatin County courthouse and jail , the Bozeman Opera House and the City Hall (the largest and most imposing structure of its kind in Montana) . All of these structures were built by the firm of Vreeland and Kemna which attests to the' firms local significance in an era when the town' s maturation was reflected in the change from log and frame structures to masonry. The Barnett Buidling is attributed to the pioneer Bozeman architects Byron Vreeland and Herman Kemna. Their firm, along with the Hancock brothers, provided the only professi design -work in Bozeman up to the turn of the century. It is largely on the basis of the typological evidence present in a comparison between Vreeland and Kemna' s work on important civic and commercial structures_, especially the Bozeman Opera House, and the R.T. Barnett block that the attribution is made. " The Barnett building may be described as Victorian eclectic. with two stylistic references , the Byzantine revival and the Victor; gothic. The most .obvious point of reference in comparing -the Barnett building to Vreelan, Opera douse is the onion dome oriel placed at the SE cornerof the Opera House, complete with and identical iron weathervane as is found on the oriel feature of the Barnett building. The rather exotic stylistic gesture of placing an onion dome atop an oriel marks an impulse Loward Lhe "Byzantine Revival" which is very rare in Montana. The archi Luc L ' s u,sc rif Vic1-(,rian clotIIiC elc;nwil11, , Lhe. joxt,-gj ,,i1. ion of o variety of ma terial , colors rind LeXLures and the cxc3lgc 1-aLion Of Llrc: scale of decorative feaLures , is evident in both buildings, Both Lhe Opera house and Barnett block display the polychromatic merger of pink brick and gray limestone .and the Barnett building also incorporates . light sandstone, both rock faced and dressed ashlar. Pointed brick relieving arches over the windows are employed on both buildings. The use of a stained glass lunette as in the west side window of the Opera House is a window treatment also favored in the Barnett Building. Finally the entrance handling of the Opera House with the flared cut limestone base, brick pilaster and carved abstracted capitols recall the upper story entrance The Bozeman Opera House has b(,(,n -ittril,cric.d to U r,�•1-1 ;f?IrFV, ;, 1 � I� -sr if r nri h�,� h h� , , f K t United States Department of the Int-r�riar w,�•y,,,,Y �,w,� Heritage Conservation and RecreatP.an Service )'FarHCRS'use'onty�`•' National Register of Historic daces orb— i�oni� '• .-, .:" .: i/�LtiLi;��j,` ., ;•' Invent nation Form Continuation sheet Item number 8 Page 1 to the Barnett building. It is reasonable to expect such redundance of stylistic feature. and materials to take place within the oeuvre of a firms work in two projects done during the same year. Added architectural significance i.s lent to this work by the fact that, the Barnett building, if indeed by Vreeland and Kemna' s hand, would be the last known extant example of their work in the state. !� Robert Barnett, the original owner of the building , arrived in Bozeman in 1866 just two years after the town was platted. His former residence was in Pennsylvania. Attempt to capitalize .on the various nearby mining interests in the Gallatin County area (viz. Red Bluff and Pony) , as well as the rapidly expanding building industry, Mr. Barnett had his building constructed in 1889 to provide (as his 1892 advertisement read) , "Hardwa stoves , and tinware. Mining Supplies." The sturdily engineered 12x12 chamferred posts in the basement demonstrate the anticipated loads Barnett felt his ironware would require The same circumstance of mining and building expansion in the Bozeman area would require temporary lodging; therefore, R.T. Barnett became the proprietor of the newly refurbished Northern Pacific Hotel by August 7, 1980--just five buildings down from- his hardware business on the north side of Main Street. Hence, R.T. Barnett represents the enLurprisil entrepreneur found in the early days of Bozeman' s settlement and is locally significant. 'It is in the important year of 1889, when Montana was admitted to the Union, that the Barnett Buidling wa.5 .constructed, It was a substantial commercial structure built with permanent and costly materials for a town of this size; its construction was clearly predicated on the promise of the future of Bozeman. The associations desired and attaine in its fine workmanship, flamboyant design and costly materials reflect .a self assured business venture on the part of Robert Barnett, and a belief in the continued growth " and prosperity of Bozeman. The Barnett building clearly demonstrates the "Boomer" optimi present in the year Bozeman wanted to be a Capitol--and built the structures and streets to prove it. The Barnett building, therefore, is locally significant as a reflection ` of those patterns of state and local history. None of the principal civic structures (} built in 1889-90 (previously named) exist today. 1 The Barnett Building was in 1890, and promises to be in the finished restoraL ion, a very significant example of Victorian eclecticism in the State. Though the oriels were destroyed by the 1929 earthquake and the entrance was altered in the teens because I of changing needs and the demand for back lighting, sufficient documentation is available 1 for a careful restoration of these .two major features. The integrity of the building 1 at present with regard to brick craft technique, rhythms , scale and the use of polychromal effects is still intact and promises to be enhanced by the current restortive efforts. f r I f r 9. Major Bibliographical 1. 11eferenices - 1874, 1884, 1898 Bird' s Eye View of Bozenia,i 1994 , 1989, 90, 91 : 1904, 1927 Sanborn Map , - Period Photos (Museum of the Rockies, M.S.U. and Montana Historical Society) 1892-1930' s Polk Directories 1 - $ N w2 paper, Bbz2man , Montana/Bo an DitTly Chronj5;1(,__S_Q(1-1y 10. Geographical Data Acreage of nominated property 1 (less than Quadrangle name Bozeman Quadrangle scale UMT References A 1, 2 4 9 '7 i 1410 15 11 11 B W L_L_I 1 1 I I 1 Zone Easting Northing ! I Zone Easting Northing C `' 1 {�l.�.L.1.J O L Lj I[ I I LL-L I .l 1 I I I i I. E LL-J ' ! 1 ! ..� F J _ J _ ! I 1 _ 1 I11 ! 1 1 ! G 1JW 11 I I i H L�l LLB►� 1 Imo_! t t Verbal boundary descriptions and justification Block F original township Part of lots 4, 5. North side of Main Street, Center of the b1t, bounded by Black and Tracy. TIS , R5E Section 7 List all states and counties for properties overlapping state or county boundaries state code county code state code county code 1 I ., Fort," Prepared By name/title Kingston Heath, Assistant Professor, Architectural History organization School of Archi tecL'ure,Montana State Univ•date June 2-8, 198o street& number Bozeman telephone (406) 994-3832 or 586-4290 city or town Bozeman state Montana 12. ' State Histeric Presevvation Officer Certificati®n The evaluated significance of this property within the state is: national X _state _local As the designated State Historic Preservation Officer for the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Public Law 89- 665), 1 hereby nominate this property for inclusion in the rational Register and certify that it has been evaluated according to the criteria and procedures set forth by the Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service. State Historic Preservation Officer signature title date EFor HCRS use only . :�. ._ �� •. `R - _��-_, is i fs <, I hereby certify that this property is l6cluded in,the National Register":,:;;"`:. � `` � -• - 7. - +. - ; :.,i',.- :r�- - :,�,,- ;r' :1:.�`?3,',.`-,,::,ti-i..�6'?� -Yz rr`J.F-•,r.�iiF..-.�3�•-;�!"' - '. , - __ • 1 - 4! .r� "-�.�ac • �y �.p 'i•'.�.7.w 4.:;• -....=+y: .0.f r,. • •.,(f• '�h� 1 date Keeper of the National Register '' !_ r :i, .:.=�'t •' 1.. = j = - -'�°:F•�`=' � i Attest:.. _. .. _- . .» - •• ,a-''�'_- - - _...• - - .. 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'�-1 ._r f'F' - IYf'�!' vy,r Sf' ;'1� JS`i'��,�}�lti'f t,�4 NN.ItSLS • �p11j�.w BARN ETT III I U)f NG #10.1 SOUTH rtr+nsni, .rt llr e:e►unl y ► ;a l�. 1•il E! r•r'L u.l I t•J I•vnl 1 rllGt: ul '"r` � �•, fsic;id(, rua oI-;tLion — SoLiLh L i T [JUILD:NG RESTORATION AND REMODEL ' c�•f3act;r1A41 r ,Mattson, Prue h & Merton Aw sr W r^, 149 E. Main Street AN MT. '��"� '' AK 1ttglt • Ltozcniall, MT Gal.LZILin Coutiey ArchitOeL•itrnl clevaLionS of ,,,• f:3<;t!<IC r�:�LLtt—ZLIONO — Norch NZILLso❑, Prugh & Lcnon 109 L. Mani SL•reeL :ti••.., `. 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