HomeMy WebLinkAbout801 S 7th Register Nomination MONTANA HISTORICAL/ARCHITECTURAL INVENTORY # 0 HISTORIC NAME: Panton House Y �_ ADDRESS: 801 S. Seventh LEGAL BOUNDARY: Capitol Hill Addition, - Blk 5, Lots 1-3 OWNER'S NAME: John A. Mcllhattan , OWNER ADDRESS: 2717 McIlhattan Road SPECIFIC DATE: 1893 S r ARCHITECT: Unknownx ® d BUILDER: A.J. Svorkmoe ORIGINAL OWNER: Sam & Maude Panton ORIGINAL USE: residence PRESENT USE: apartments UTM REFERENCE: 12/497400/5057320 ACREAGE. less than oneU.S.G.S. QUAD: Bozeman, 1953 „�, STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: Applicable Criteria: C r -- Number of Contributing Properties: 1 This large, well preserved brick house is significant as one of the few structures of note built during the economic depression of the early 1890's, known as the Panic of 1893. It also may have been the first structure built in the Capital Hill Addition, which was platted in 1890. In design, the house closely resembles several built in the first decade of this century by local builder A.J. Svorkmoe. The designs for Svorkmoe's houses were clearly derived from pattern books such as Fred T. Hodgson's. The Avant Courier of April 8, 1893 noted that "Sam Panton moved into his new and attractive house on Capital Hill last Monday (April 3, 1893) . " Panton, and his wife Maude Panton, were identified as the original owners of this site through tract record research. However, the the name Panton appears in neither the 1892-3 nor the 1900 city directories. The - Sewer Permit for this site of 1918 lists Jonas Henderson as the owner. The house stands in clear contrast to the numerous Bungalows and post-Bungalow style houses in this southernmost section of Bozeman's historic residential area. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION.- This detached, two--and-one-half story, single family residence has a L-shaped plan with an open front porch. The porch supports are paneled and the apron is infilled with beveled siding. The two-bay facade is asymmetrical and consists of two offset front entrances. A frame, projecting vestibule has been constructed in front of the north entrance. A half hexagonal, two-story bay protrudes from the southern ell. Two window openings on the first floor of this wing were infilled with brick, likely at an early date because the brick matches perfectly. All other windows of the house are one-over-one double hung sash, with the exception of the fixed cottage window on the front. (east) facade. The frame construction is finished in brick veneer. The house rests on a concrete foundation. The cross gable roof is covered with black-brown asphalt shingles and features gable dormers and boxed eaves. There is one central brick chimney. Ar BIBLIOGRAPHY: Bird's Eye View, 1898 - avant, Courier, April 8, 1893, p.3 Application for Sewer Connection, May 21, 1918, Jonas Henderson -FORM PREPARED BY: James R. McDonald, P.C. (1983-84) ; Matthew Cohen (1985-86 revision) ; Patricia Bick (1987 revision) , State Historic Preservation Office, 225 No. Roberts, Helena, Montana 59620 (406) 444-7713 Roll# 59 Frame d6A-7