HomeMy WebLinkAbout35 N Grand Register Nomination V P,i•orm 10.900 +ra.I • LIn ted States Department of the Interior ationaf Park Service For NPS use only dati®nal nec�i5ter of -historic Places—"—received Inventory—Mornination Form date entered See Instructions in How to Complete National Register Forms Type all entries—complete applicable sections 1 . Name • r historic ' Ketterer, Emil Residence and/or common 2. Location street & number 35 North Grand _111anot for publication city, town Bozeman b4vicinity of Wes tern state Montana code 030 county Gallatin code031 3. classification 7 - Category Ownership Status Present Use district _ public X occupied . —agriculture museum v_ buliding(s) - -private — unoccupied —commercial _ park — structure both — work in progress educational _private residence — site Public Acquisition Accessible, entertainment _..__religious — object ____ In process' —yes: restricted government __._ scientific _ being considered _x_. yes: unrestricted _— industrial transportation n7a _ no military X.. other: legal, of i_ic 4. Owner of property name ypt'J-prpr tarty I - — street &.number P.O. Box 1322 city, town Bozeman n f-Icinity of state Mon t ;111"I 5. Location of Legal Description courthouse, registry of deeds, etc. Gallatin Country C9Q_U .C11ous(` street& number 400 Wort: Main Bozeman i� ont:nna city, town state .6. nepresentation in Existing Surveys Iltla hn+i tl+l'& propfirty beel+ dOrrrnined eliglble? yen no date federal — state — county —local depository for survey records "r•��.'_T�_._`"l"�� __� _L�'-g - •r _ ra _ - ._ - -_ _ �i"K +e. _ '.t 1^'�'�rr�+ .� �. w�.'s. 7. . Description Condition Check one Check one excellent _____ deteriorated x unaltered _.x original site good — ruins altered moved date t � fair _unexposed t Describe the present and original (if known) physical appearance The Emil Ketterer Residence is situated on a .corner lot, located one block west of Main Street in Bozeman., Montana. Although this area of the city has undergone a transition from residential to largely commercial use within the past 10 years, the Ketterer Res- idence has retained its appearance of relative grandeur and its historical architectural design qualtities. Set off from the.-surrounding environment by a border Hedge cf caragana and screened by mature spruce trees, this 21-2 storW structure is a substantial and endur- ing reminder of the prosperity enjoyed by an early tradesman in this rapidly growing, western, agricultu�al community during the late 19th- and early 20th centuries. Stylistically, the Ketterer Residence represents a transitional design, incorporating motifs drawn from a number of historical styles. The general proportions of the building are broad and low and it is basically symetrical in plan. The central portion of the structure is nearly square, with projections protruding to the east (front) and north. The overall massing of this residence is blocky and yet somewhat irregular. Prominent ^o.lonial Revival detailing - the classical columns, fluted pilaster,-,'articulated cornice, triangular pediments, deeply cut rake eaves, open balustrades, and the oculus set in the gable end - combines with remnants of Queen Anne styling - the slightlysirregular floorplan, a single stained glass window, a clipped corner -detail with cut-out verge- board, and a corner pendant. The overall impression put forth by the Ketterer Residence is one of solidity, permanence, and self-assurance. ' 1 he residence-.sets on a- random coursed, cut stone foundation. The two storey, wood framed walls are veneered with brick laid in American Bond. An 18 inch wooden frieze nuns com- pletely around the building at the eave line. This frieze is detailed with regularly spaced dentils. The roof is hipped with a gablad protrusion to the east and is surfaced with asphalt composition shingles. An oculus is centered in the east gable end. There are three gable-ended dormers; each features fluted pilasters flanking paired or tripled casement windows, deeply cut eaves in the pediment, scalloped shingling, and decorative inset panels beneath the window openings. All wooden trim is painted a cream--white color. An open porch, supported by Doric columns wraps around the southeast corner of the build- ing. A.low pediment and a small, open-railed, second storey balcony mark the main entrance. Another balcony is' located on the south facade; the support brackets for a third are found still in place on the north facade. A small, shed roofed porch, enclosed with lattice work, is located on the south side of the building. The west elevation of the Ketterer residence is regular and plain in composition, punctuated by double hung windows. All windows on the second storey level are of a large, -vertically proportioned, wooden , double-hung type with 1/1 panes. The first floor windows are of a similar type and proportion except for the large fixed window with stained glass ornamentation on the east (front) facade. The interior of the building has been recently rehabilitated. . The wooden floors have been refinished and the extensive amount of oak used originally for doors and running trim was either refinished or matched and replaced. The attic space has been finished in a manner complementary to the character of the first and second floors. NP$�-oln 10.900 a OMB No 1024-0010 •• an) Ezp.10-01-d4 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service For NPs use only National Register of 11istoric Places received Onverltory—Womination Foo, di date entered Continuation sheet Item number 7 Page Page 1 The building was constructed without any hearth fireplaces. The original central hot water radiator system for heating is still in place and is one of the earliest examples of . total central heating ire Bozeman. The rehabilitation work has been consistent with the original historic character of the building. At the south property line is a wood f.ramed outbuilding, squarish in plan with a gabled roof and pressed metal siding. Leading from this out building to the house is a newly constructed wooden ramp for handicap acd.ess. The hand railings for this ramp are sympathically designed to match the historical open railings of the front porch. 8.* Significance . Period Areas of Significance—Check and jusoify below prehistoric —archeology-prehistoric ___._ community planning landscape architecture _,religion 140G-1499 —archeology-historic —conservation __— law __ sci4rice 1500-1599 —agriculture —economics literature sculpture 1600-1699 X__ architecture __ education _ military pociatl 1700-1799 art- engineering _ music humanitarian _ 1800-1899 x commerce —exploration/settlement philosophy theater -x 1900- —communications industry — politicslgovernment transportation Invention 43ther(specify) Specific dates 1900-19.03 T Builder/Architect Builde, :_Louis _Itxe_ugex,_lzricictna&on Statement of Significance (in one paragraph) Architect: unknown The Emil Ketterer Residence, located adjacent to Bozeman, Montana's central business district, is a' significant example of late Victorian period architecture and represents the economic propserity enjoyed by a skilled artisan and entrepreneur who provided an essential service to this burgeoning Western agricultural community during the late 19th Century. Although the design of the Ketterer Residence has not b(>-n attributed to an architect, the building clearly exhibits a sophistication of 'design and a melding of stylistic influences uncommon to non-architect desig:ted buildings in Montana. Indeed, the Ketterer Residence manifests the turn of the century transition in residential architectural-design from Queen An eclectism to the calmer, more staid Colonial Revival styling. The Ketterer Residence has retained complete historic architectural integrity and is in excellent conditi The Ketterer Residence also gains significance due to its long association with the orig- inal owner, an early Roseman businessman. Emil Ketterer, born in the early 1850's in Germany, immigrated to the United States at the age of nineteen after completing an ap- prenticeship in the blacksmith and carriage trades. After two years in St. Louis, working as a blacksmith, Ketterer moved to the Montana Territory, in 1874. Ile was employed by the Montana State Company, shoeing horses at stage stations between Virginia City, Bozeman and Helena. For one year, Ketterer worked the mail lines between Bozeman and Hiles City as a circuit riding blacksmith. In 1878, Ketterer opened his own blacksmith shop in Bozeman which was then the fastest growing agricultural center located on major transpbrtaLivn routes through the State. Here, business prospered with both the Local trade and work for the stage and mail companies. Three to five skilled workmen were employed at the Ketterer shop. .Emil Ketterer's "General Wagon, Carriage, and Horseshoe Sinop" was the longest oper- ating blacksmith and carriage shop in Bozeman. An enterprising businessman, Ketterer in- corporated automobile servicing at his Main Street shop; the shop later became known as the "Ketterer Garage". The Ketterer Residence was built on the city lot behind the shop building. An earlier, 11g storey frame dwelling, which stood on the site of the present Ketterer residence, was demolished ca, 1900. Emil Ketterer's-brother-in-law, Louis Kreuger, a brickmason, super- vised construction of the house. The Ketterer family owned and occupied the house until the late 1960's. See- attached sheet 10. Geographical Data Acreage of nominated property . 22 acres Quadrangle name Bozeman . Quadrangle scale 1 : 6 2 , 500 UMT References A LLL2j 14 1,',1161 940 1510 15181310101 BW �� i L Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing C W I. { f {I I I i I i ,I_� o W I I 1 I I I i I I E L.-�--� { t r I t t I L I I p W I f ` t I I LL-I - I I-1W G W LW�L...uJ [ t- [ -t L ► I H WW WW,_�►W Verbal boundary description and justification E',:t:,l 4, f,rtl: E Fd , nttcl :t I I Iml.. ., 19 , 20 i tt BI oc k ' u ' (A '!')-;Icy ' First Addi4_ion to Bozeman, Montana ' List all states and counties for properties overlapping state or county boundaries state INTONE code _ county code state code county code 11 . Fore Prepared By name/title David L. Leavengood, Architect organization Kommers , McLaughlin & Leavengood date street & number 87 Cobb Hill Road telephone 406/586-0283 city or town Bozeman state i✓on tans 12. State Historle re'se ration affice-w Certification The evaluated significance of this property within the state is: national __state local As the designated State Historic Preservation Officer for the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Public Law 89- 665), 1 hereby nominate this property for inclusion in the National Register and certify that it has been evaluated according to the criteria and procedures set forth by the Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service. Stale Historic Preservation Officer signature _ title date t.For HCRS use only i l hereby certify that this property is Included in the National Register ,€ < - date Keeper of-the National•Register Attest: _ date �'Chlef of n"Istration -- -- - NP5 Fai n 10.400•e OMU No.1074-0016 0:82) - _ EKp.10-31-64 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service For HPs use only National Register of Historic Places received h, Inventory—Nomination Form date entered Continuation sheet Item number 9 Page 1 3. W. E. Ellsworth, comp. , A_ History_of the Gallatin Valley and the City of Bozeman, (Bozeman: Avant Courier Publishing Company, 1898) . 4. Ken Karsmizki, Emil Ketterer Homes - Bozeman's Historic Past; report, n. d. 5. Malcolm Storey, Manuscript Collection 889 6. R. L. Polk and Co'•s. , Bozeman and Gallatin County Directory, 1892-1893. 7. 1891 Sanborn Insurance Map of Bozeman. 8. 1904 Sanborn insurance Map of Bozeman. I