HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 59- New Hyalite View Sub Water Dis. System Deed e - ~ . i3u,.J'i J4~ ." -117 . . , . '. ~ , I, ..'~"'" '. ~" ~o. f-~:\--ilJ,'illf.l .CL~-\.,I.lU J)J,~lj:l) ((.;nrIH):rntitnl) ~HAU: PUfH,I$tUNIj co., "tlt:~..., MO~f. ". -- - -,~._..... .....'..~~,...,- "". , -.,..... ..,," -. -,.,~.., - n. '__.'" '.._. .. __ .~.. '.". ... This Indenture, Made the...~.?~l1.__..__da.\l of._p(2<:::_~rn:b.~.r__. _".. ...in the .\lear of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and... _ .f.~J:t;Y:-:!lJll~. .._..... ....between ........... - __ ___....d d_d... -.....-.... __ __~_.. _.~..,~... ..Co. ,,_ -,. ..JNC....r.....9. f ..l?Q.?~m~n.,__ _..M9:rl tana_,_____ __. ......"..... _..., ,.,. ....,. -- -- ,--.-- -.__.__.. . . " ,. .. ., .. _ _ .. _ _ .. ~ _ _ . .. _ . . ~ . . " . " . _ _ .. .. _ _ _ _ . . ~ . .. .. .. ~ . . ~ ~ . ~ . . . , .. . ~ ~ . . ft . . . . . ~ . + _ _ _ . . .. ~ _ _.. .. .. _ .. .. .. _ .. ~ _ .. . ~ _ .. ~ ~ _ _ . ~ _ .. _ .. _ . .. . . . . ~ . ~ . 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WITNESSETH: That the said parLY-....of the FIRST PART for and in consideration of the sum of- _On.e_. ,D.o llar_ _ _ tic_. .Qther... y.alJJ,able. _ .CQnS ider a ti.Qn_. - - -., -. -.. :Dol:bJHf{( $__ _1_0.0.0.. .o.vc--J 10 it .,.. _ .._____._____..._____.__..____......_________._..___.__....____..._.....__in hand paid blJ the said fJllrt-;...-~f t;l~--~E"~OND PART, the ReceiPt of which is hereb!1 ac!~1~0~1;dg;JJ~' co~;!1~;ef,;;,~: I d . I ' h 'd h d d' t succ~ors re ease an forever qUltc amI unto t e Sat f.lUrtY-.....---.of t e secon part. an to_..~, s..._______... s property . d '., 'li" d 'bd~ . td'! C1.ty of Bozeman an assigns, t le to oTlJlng escn e . sllua e III tIe.,. .........'.,.. ,.. -.. .".. . " Coun!.\) ot.. ._,~<3.JJ=<3..t:~r:>:........_______.and State of lv/olllana. to-wit: 'I'~Ci.t_." C:_~J:"t.~j.._lf" _ ~~:t.~J:"...9,i.$ t :r.~P..~ t.t.9P_.. f:>Y f:>_t. ~lll_. ;fClJ:: _ _ N~'vV,. kiY g,_l:i,.:t.~ _. 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