HomeMy WebLinkAbout220 W Main 1984 MONTANA HISTORICAL AND _ ARCHITECTURAL INVENTORY Site -� - Legal Description: Story's Lots 5-16/Blk C _ •+.'lij':l Address: 220 West Main Ownership:name: Roman Catholic Bishop of Helena ❑ private address: P.O. Box 1927 , Helena, PTT 59624 Roll# 7� Frame N 14-1 public Historic Name:. Holy Rosary Catholic Church Common Name:_ —_ Unknown Yl1907-1908 ❑ estimated Date of Construction: �l documented ^ fy) Architect:._ Unk Builder: Unknown .: C,E AT �� � Original Owner..___ Unknown i--I - Original Use, Church "37 E E 7 M R-! Vt/ Present Use: Church Research Sources: ❑ abstract of title ❑ city directories ❑ plat recordslmaps Elsewerlwater permits IN' h i I i, ♦ El tax cards El obituaries y. ❑ building permit ❑ biographies !a d j /! �i Sanborn maps—dates• 1912 Il -- Q Bibliography: { -* Avant-Courier-July 11, 1907 Willson List - See attached sheet � Tfa STRF E ? Department of Sanitation PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Describe present appearance of structure/site,then contrast and compare that with it's original appearance, noting additions,alterations,and changes in materials.Discuss significant architectural features. This church was constructed in the Romanesque Revival style, using Hebron granite brick and featuring sandstone sills , slate roof and Munich stained glass. There are squared turrets on the front corners and lower-level squared corner turrets of the same style on a 1981 vestibule addition that extends across the entire front. There are three arched entrances to the main part of the vestibule and arched stained glass windows in the turrets and main hall of the church. An eight-sided spire extends above one of the front turrets. The running bond brick coursing has elaborate detailing on all levels. It sits on a cut stone foundation and the gable roof is covered with ,­dar shingles. Outbuildings include an education center at the rear of the church. The axis of the roof of the church is perpendicular to the street. HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Justify how the persons,important events,and/or historical patterns associated with the structure/site and surrounding area lend the property significance. This property was built in 1907-1908 to replace the earlier 1885 frame structure that was located at North 7th Avenue and Mendenhall (now moved to 1528 West Main) . The Holy Rosary Church rectory adjacent to the church was built: in 1912 and the sisters' convent to the south was built in 1928, designed by Fred F. Willson. Fred F. Willson is the son of General Lester Willson, early Bozeman pioneer, who was born in Bozeman in 1887. He attended Montana State College for two years in architecture and graduated from Columbia University. After studying abroad for two years he returned to Montana, completing several residential , commercial and civic buildings between 1910-1956. This structure is potentially eligible for the National Register because of its historical associations and because of its architectural significance. INTEGRITY. Assess the degree to which the structure/site,and surrounding area accurately convey the historical associations of the property. The historic integrity of this property has been retained due to the survival of original design and materials and continuity of use, setting and location. INFORMATION VALUE: Explain how the extant structure/site may demonstrate or yield information about its historic use or construc- tion. None. FORM PREPARED BY. GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Name JAU ES R. `':TDONALD ARCHITECTS P.C. Acreage: Address- F'. Q, uU% 8163 USGS Quad: Date: MIuSOULA, MONTANA 59807 UTM's: '.' -J 1984 //,,d7 ,/- y ; �ell ZVIzr 4<1 /s4w v C� gV' �� ��'p � �, � � ' T 7.` i l � /� �d- � �� 7 �� � � - ���-�-�� ��s � �r yam, �� �� � ���'�' � � L��`�� �r� �'�y �i�i� �� ������ �, � ��� � � S�` ,� i � � �� �j i'� __ �� �/ ' }. . T �t i . �.;,�:, �. ;�� �, �,� ,� ,ti -III i:.�`� � � -� �� .. ,lI �I II' �� i�,� . � ,i � Qq �� 00 f:raio admits them to t!w Gallatin County. The Gallatin Couuty Iligl, School is nu• (:rre) High School, which is a part of the der the control of a county board appointed e,I..cational system of the county, by the Couuty Commissioners. It is under the;'Ile city schools employ none but pro he direct supervision of a principal and nine or ten teachers. It maintains f�=.�aior,ally trained teachers and pay salaries, f•;r experienced teachers ranging from $70 a standard four-year course of study auvl to $80. Industrial wort: has been confined vrants a diploma to students completing the same. This diploma, besides admitting n; file first four grades. but a plan to adopt to the various state institutions, admits the manual training as a part of the system holder also to the State universities and is being considered by the board at the colleges of most of the Slates of the West present time. and Middle West, The city schools hold an annual school Hpsidents of Gallatin County have an op- exhibit, showin, the worts of all pupils ill po::unity for educating their children at 6,, schools at the close of the year. They hol,�e that cannot he surpassed by many maize a special exhibit of work in all sub- communities in this great Western country. jests covered by the course of study at the Excellent county schools, a splendid 'city Interstate Fair and also at the State Fair school system, a free county high school at Helena. The Bozeman schools tool: more of the highest standard and the State Col- prize money on written wort: than uny lege of Agriculture and Bleclianic Arts lo- other school system in the State at the sated in I3ozenian to fiuisli the student State Fair in 1907. with a college education. I Churches of Gallatin County By ONE OF THE OLD TIMERS About the first missionary lvork done in and neat house of worship at Pass Creel., Gallatin Valley, we think, waS that begun in the northern part of the valley. by Rev. L. B. Stateler of the Methodist The .Methodist Episcopal Church (improp- Episcopal Church South, though W. W. erly called "North" to distinguish it) con- Alderson, late editor of the Republican- strncted in Bozeman the first church build- Courier, of Bozeman, then a local preacher ing in the valley. This was in the 'GOs, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, had and was largely the "vork of W. W. Alder- settled in Bozeman in 1861. But as this son. But in the early '80s they organized article has to do with the county work, and acid built churches at 1lirldle Creels, Sales- i as Bozeman was ]mown as a "city" before ville and East Gallatin. In 1897-8 they built it had a half dozen log houses, we will con- on tl•e Fort Ellis Reservation in brick what line our remarks to the suhject in hand. The Methodist Episcopal Church South. Sf Willow Creek, was organized by "Father ��� ;�0 rateler some time ill 186I or 18G5. He breached his first. sermon here Christmas. 1Si)4. The church is still in a flourishing t4 �% condition and the congre2�atiou worships in �r� a neat little bt-ildiug l;nntsn as the State- J State- lei, Chapel. Rev. .-1. ll. Hoyle is at present o °' "'• �:. { pastor of this church. _ ,lwi On November ?-I, 1S137. 'Mr. Stateler organ- ized a church nn the West Gallatin River. 1, four miles south of Central Park, with a'•I1t1�1L a a 1 11 six members. On January3S. ]SGS three „` „�w�;`5�•"''•; �r �'�, ,� 1�p� ' ethers united wirh it, antonP them the ]ate ,1;'. Jnrige Street and his daughter, Adela, wl:o „ -•; �'.'��_ir. r• �S i'\�'�'�•�I�.n`— � w.•re Preshyterinn,. I In 18GS of 1SG9 he organized a church at l.allatin Ciiy, a point not far from where I �l. a+,•��( - 4 �_� tilt, flourishinZ town of Logan now stand;. This denomination has a church at Doze. } n:an. Rev. Hartman, pastor: at. Belgrade. �� Rev- J. T. Keamcs. pastor: the Sale.sville Circuit, which supplies Cottonwood. \Ii l ile Creek and 11oilrorton. Rov. Thomas Ray Vie-` ll n!i c'iirir ti t t'.izrrran, iorvte.l ]?0�. 'It col[ of ❑holtl $.,5.30 U.•—PhOt pastor. They aL o have a flourishing chnrCll t a;hert tic t.rl lvn, I;ozen,,n. 1 , A-80 in I I t f � ----•--�L�,�p�, �.:t r;tic.ci _-__, I �) .�._� j ll� - INf-1--� '{"11I In 1l14^,�j.• 1 ...-- - _i. -- ~!— `_`� �.tr`3� P=S1`i t -,c tsa`ri j•t j I a. far r •--*'_" � ,� ',!I T Y PI GAG �1r1G�s ; i I ' e i 1 pl— r M (( Toujeprvrt I i N G1 Y`�I•\•C Y� � t MAID "LIO P VLl ► , i MONTANA HISTORICAL/ARCHITECTURAL INVENTORY #3 HISTORIC NAME: Holy Rosary Church Rectory ra ADDRESS: 220 West Main LEGAL BOUNDARY: Story's Addition, Blk C, Lots 5-16 OWNER'S NAME: Eldon Curtis, Roman Catholic Bishop Roman Catholic Diocese OWNER ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1729 { ;� A 0 Helena, MT 59601 n I SPECIFIC DATE: 1912 tt < q P ARCHITECT: Unknown (' BUILDER: Unknown " ORIGINAL OWNER: Roman Catholic Diocese ORIGINAL & PRESENT USE: rectory UTM REFERENCE: 12/496900/5058160 ACREAGE: less than one U.S.G,S. QUAD: Bozeman, 1953 STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: Applicable Criteria: C Number of Contributing Properties: 1 One of the early works of Fred F. Willson - virtually the only active architect in Bozema:: between 1910 and 1956, the Holy Rosary Church Rectory is derived from 19th century architectural forms. It is similar to the Gallatin County Jail (listed in the National Register 1/19/83) , another public, brick building designed by Fred Willson just two years bp-fore this one. Although individually eligible for the National Register on architectur. significance, this Neo-Gothic Revival style rectory is also indicative of the growing ears 20th century wealth of the Catholic Church in Bozeman. The building is a significant landmark on Main Street, especially when seen next to the Holy Rosary Church - a large Gothic Revival style church, which is non-contributing due to alteration. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: This two-story, brick church rectory was built in the Neo-Gothic Revival style with a rectangular plan and the Gothic arched entrance marked by a small, crenelated overdoor protrusion. The facade is symmetrical and consists of a central front entrance with a small, double hung, Gothic arched window above, and two sets of one-over-one arched winder, with stone keystones on each level. The windows of the front facade have Gothic window heads and stone lintels. The detailed brick design on the parapet features a corbeled blind arcade and stone coping. The axis of the roof lies perpendicular to the street. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Sanborn Fire Insurance maps Fred Willson Job List FORM PREPARED BY: James R. McDonald, P.C. (1983-84) ; Matthew Cohen (1985-86 revision) ; Patricia Bick (1987 revision) , State Historic Preservation Office, 225 No. Roberts, Helen--- Montana 59620 (406) 444-7715