HomeMy WebLinkAbout317 W. Main Nomination • His Fr=m+0.rl ri a+i of Cie Interior 1I� National Park ServiCo For rtPs usa only l ■ w llL�1�.7 ����CL7i�,t1���•.�.�4:�k�d��{19u..�����d� L'wtLC'(. LJJ L�:if.ne�IrS�'(} . See instructions in !-low to Complete National Register Forms Type all entries—complete applicable sections a Mamie r historic Ga17.atin CougLy _ andfor common (-,allat_in CQC11111V ili stor.i ca7. So j er r Alt,�ri,m _ street & number 311 West Main NDL not for publication clty, town Bozeman FA, vicinity of •.so -eoc:a '.ti:ct: — state Montana code U30 county Gallas ij1 code Classif icat9®n Category Ownership Status Present Use � district —public —occupied . agriculture h_ — museum w _X__ building(s) X private — unoccupied commercial ;^ park — structure �_ both " work in progress educational private residence site Public Acquisition Accessible entertainment T religious _. object — in process yes: restricted __ government scientific _ being considered _ .. yes: unrestricted industrial transportation 1-1/E1 no __ - military _, other: name Gallatin County street & number Gallatin County Courthouse, 'West Main SLreet city, town Bozctl,an 1VAvicinity of state ;'ic�iit.11it1 courthouse, registry of deeds, etc. Gallatin CounLy Courthouse street & number Wo s� l` 0 i is S L rc,c,L city, town a uz' .0.tan state 'Moo Lmm ew, title Nonce _ — has this property been determined eligible? _, yes _;{no date ___ federal _ state _._ county local depository for survey records Condition Check one Clicch one excellent deteriorated 7 unaltered _N original site good __ ruins altered --_. moved date —_ fair unexposed N Describe the present and original (if known) physical appearance _ The red brick"L"-shaped building is located on Bozem<an's .Plain Street; jqusL of th�a Galiatin County Courthouse. Large cver.greens frame thQ building. The i:r_onL secLjon aicasurus 50'-0" wide and 36 '--2" in depth and Ls Lwo _star.iOs it) height. This section ha;; a flat roof with a slight_ pitch .to Lite north for drainage. The rear section extends to the not th measures 37- 2" width by 76' 1" in depth and is , a lofty one story structure with a low-pitched- gable roof. 'The cells for male prisoners are located in this section. The east wall of both portions is continuous. The south facade facing onto [Jest Plain Street is distinguished by a brick battlemented parapet capped with cast stone blocks. The one story open entry porch also is topped by a battlemented parapet wall. The entry is located off-center to the west, projects from the building, and has a large brick semi-circular arch on each of its three sides. These arches have cast stone _b_locka at. tbeir springing points. The windows are wood, double hung, with 1/1 lights. The windows on the second floor are barred iri the .detention areas, while those of the first floor office and living space are not. The windows of the rear section are also wood, double hung Qaith 1/1 lights and are barred. All windows have cast ston.e. sills and lintels. The Ifront door gives entry to a small vestibule. To Lite left is a room u.sexI originally eiiii,tiifor the dining room and to the north behind Lhat a pantry and kitchen. A staircase rum the dining room leads up to a hallway and roof With bath that initially served as jailer's quarters. ln .1961 a one story addition was put an the northwest for living quar.Lers for the sheriff to replace an old brick house that pre-dated Lite jail and had been damaged in the 1.959 earLhquatke. The kitchen was incQrporated in the ne.Yer living quarters. To the right o.f the entry was the sheriff' s. office and a private , office to the _cast of this. A large vault opens ofF the first office. Thro:igh the first office to the north lies a large two story room that served as "joi.l�r. 's office.'.' A room that was originally a padded cell and later was used as a TV survsill.ance room opens off the jailer's office, as does a rpstroorn. There is also a smal..L screened cage for visiting purposes; th-.� prisoner was placed in a similar cag:- from the cellblock area. A steel staircase leads up the east wall of the jailer's office- to a balcony which runs on the .south and west sides of the space. Doors from Lhe balcony lead into the; second- floor detention spaces. A large room with two cell,., and bathroom housed female prisoners in tite southeast corner of the building abo'.c! Lite sheriff's offices. Two separate rooms_wiLh toilet and shower facilities were designated for juveniles and infirmary. An interesting feature is the steel-and-concrete form Lhat served as "dro�' for the gallows. A huge eyelet is mounted in the ceiling above. The rear section houses a formidable space. The f-r.arit section of the space contains eight detention cells, four on each side of a cor.-ido,<. At the end of the cor,rido?- there is a Loi_let, basin and show->r. Each ce11, containing Lwo bunks, is 5'-0" x 7 '-6". The cellblock is barred on all sides, has a barred roof and steel. floor. Wide corridors separate Lhe cellblock from the outside wali.s. ' A second cellblock abuts the first one, with the corridors continuing ar.ouad it. 'iiis block of "bullpen" is one Large: call. containing 24 bunli s. It has toilet, shower rand basin on the steel solid wall separating t"4�Lt from the detention cells. ' NP5 Form 10.900 n - -" Oh10 No 1111-pO10 (3 821 Exp. 10-31 84 Uriitecl States Department of tC3^ 111tericr National Park Service Continuation sheet item number 7 Page 2 North of theae_s-callblorks .a narrow corridor run: er1sL-west and beyond it .lies asioLlier room Containing the isolation calls. Tliese cells are the "Pauly cells" patented in 1.374 that_ were-.part of the jail, in the o=.d r.ol.trthausO. the walls of these cells are woven Strap sLee-L. 'lhor.e are Llirru col.!s on each side.of a r.onimon corridor LhaL c:onLains a one piece tui.let-basin that i5 reminiscent of: the more modern Loilc:L-bnsin one piece stainless steel units found in train s.loe.per compart.meats. The floor, of the cells are steel, laid over concrete. The roof of the cells is solid steel panels; L-he common area roof is barred. The building has a partial. basement 'Located beneath tho j illerts office• in the rear of the front Sec Lion of the buildings. Tliu area served as a loundry room and also at one time as quarters for a trusty. A ninriel from here. iinked the jail with the corrthouse so that prisonurs could be_ Laken from Oie. jail to L11e basomrrr(L of the courchosu- thon to the Lhird floor courtroom by elevator. An varlior. Lunnel had connected the jail with the farmer courthouse, as well. 1 .ww+�.�w`_."��__��+w�v�-.r�T^_«--_»._ -- - of «+u r -. s w .� r-. � r.. arr ar.y.r� � . +� +a Y�-a� w «... • a — .�..�e'�. Period Areas of Signiticance—Check and j•1: tify.below prehistoric archeology-prehistoric - comm,inity planning landscape architecture _ rclirglon _.� 1400-1499 _.._ archeology-historic _.-... conservation Y. law .,ci,:ricc —__ 1500-1599 = agriculture economics literature «:_ sculphll'e 1t;00-1C99 _ architecture _.__.. education onilit.ry ^.ir" 1700-1799 _art _engincr_ring music I,t o.:,nitarian _ 1600-1890 ^—comrrierce erplorationlsetttement philosophy __. .. theater X 1900-- ____communications industry politics/government transportation invention other(specify) Specific entes 1911 0uiIder;ArchitecIt. Fred F.I Willson, zlrclait�cl� Statement of Significance (in one paragraph) The red brio: 'structure built is 1911 stands besidu the Gallatin County Courthouse as a reminder of the desire for the es'tabl.isliment of permanent local law enforcement . institutions that prevailed in the early part of the 20Lh .Century. This period was also a time in which jail reforios were occurring in this country. The jail incorporated some of these e�tt_ures, inc_ludi,nh separaLe areas for m?n, womotz, ,and ;juveniles. The .Tail also wcl.l represents t.ho wor,l; Or Frc,d F. [:ill:;un, rt lor, tl .ly rifnificnni, arrthitcrr . wil .lt;r,rt lreel.y imrrowl,d, mixed , .tiul 11)(Idifi,•<I Iti>;I „rir r:cylfnl ic: fct:tlurr : if[ Ili!; fr>t tltr- II:t fill,rItur; I,Irltl lc• l,ltlltllu,, ;. •I'r•,, i(1,-11, ,-:;, ::,•lut(,I •:, 'r )Iuarl-IrI.iI i)nf1dIii,,:, rr,Ii:;II'Itr•II-d f.tt L I i v h )m!Ili:ttl ,Iron. TI,, 1.1!"(. o1 I ILt..lt mritLt r_! h,trr.t1)ct. : :t:> tJc I L rt:; Litt.- R,.,ut;u h tctr,gtic arc exemplifies Willson's eclecLic. delaili_ng daring an early period of 11is cstreer. The previous jail was loch Led -1.1-1 the basement of Llie c,ld courthouse bui.ldini;. This bllii.lding was cortstructrW i.n 1880 acid was dc,mu l_i slied twhcn th-e 1>YEtscizt C: t11aL:in County Courthouse building w;ts erOcLecl art Lhe samo in .1935-6. An exerc.i:;u yard was -ILLachod to the west wall of the old courthouse. The 10 fcot h ash brick' wall which euGircled this yard was dismantled and the brick reused in the construction of the 'new jail in 1911 . The isolation cells found in' the rear of the 11ew jail were patented in 1874 and had been used in the old .lock-up. A ;allows teas included in the plan;; and was constructed in the central "jailer' s room". Fred F. Willson, Lhe architect for the Jail., was a LOzemati native who graduatc,d from Columbia University with a degree in architecture. Willson practiced architecture for, more Lhan 50 years. During this periocl, he employed several different sCy]Q:,;. The Jail building is one of his early taork� Cie opened practice in Bozeman In 1908) . The breadth of i•;ill.son's stylistic vocabulary is demonstrated by a comparison of the Jail with his later tart Deco Gal.l.atin County Courthouse building next door. 14il,lson's buildings dot Bozeman and may also be found in leliows'_one Park aitd Wester;1 Mont.ana. Th;s bui_ldiog has recently been leased to LTtc Gallatin County Historical Society which plans to '.cave some of the c.:,llbl.ocks to place and open otlzcr.s for museum. displays. d�1 "Cokn-thouses and Jaii.s in Gallatin Country, " ',l. B. Burlingnmc, 1982 C<.i1.1nL.in County Comm.issior=s.Journals, 1911-1912. /04NEvening, Courier, June. 5, 1912 Bozeman Sanborn Insurance 1.1aps, 1884 & 1891 Data Acreage of nominated property ^less than 1 acre Oundrangle name Bozeman OuadrangZe Quadrangle scale LfMT References I 1 A 1 2 c 1 6 71 5 0 5 U 5 8 ,2�0� a Lam! W_1_l�.i....1 LLJ Zone Easting Northing I l Zone Easting II Northing ( ' E L_�_J I I 1 l I t ! t I t- F I[�' 3 LJ j I L fa 11 1 I � i 1 L!1-j Verbal boundary description and justification Block D, Lots 7 & 8, Tracy' s First Addition to the City of Bozeman T1S, R5E, SI `�\1;'�, sect i-on 12 List all states and counties for properties overlapping state or county boundaries • state N f A code county code state' code county code rl'i I « 'E'Tam Uree anvod BV nameititle John N. DeHaas, Jr. & Rov Stine organization John N. DeHaas, .Jr. Architect date September 1 , 1982 street& number 1021 South Tracy telephone (406) 586-2276 city or town Bozemp.n state 1'loilt-ana M State G-Ustowle Neservation fficere Ceretifaca'tion The evaluated significance of this property within the state is. national —_state �`�local As the designated State Historic Preservation Officer for the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966(Public Law 69- 665), 1 hereby nominate this property for inclusion in the National Register and certify that it has been evaluated according to the criteria and procedures set forth by the National Park Service. State Historic Preservation Officer signature ,,,,`,_L` ,.• - ��,,��, title �j S It (�� bf date For HPS u, :s cn:y 1 hereby certify that this property is included in the National Register date Keeper of the National Register _Attest: date f:hief of 11rC;i-ttntiorl —. .-' _-- -___- ...___.._.._�_ _--___-- __-• _-• -s-^.^�-.r+=+:--^+rr 7•c----yrar�--�,e-,,..,..-.. _-�T-- r- r ._.. — .r_ _., s _-_--. .r. -a.�. .-.��-..,,-..,,.—..�.__ _. . • 41 iq J gi 1',Rf - 1�1 � 'k ri 44s. - I - jp •4A N .Q F. " *.. . A A Fri, 4 1 0 "all—11 it Till 1.T a .top IV e.--r K-m, lee, J7, Jvi14 .14 CUklftj Aa,07�1 r QZT,1 j r j, F-rrnnAhD Tit 1, ?: f='- WIII.T •r---,-.oa4W t" I I!I I t arR ­7T. 9 111 -t -7.1 he IX P11 J I -A' Pa 46 ia,- ij JA- PfiA t I. it It, if Plot it it I wil IN NI 10. .;Ij TR7.t all I i FL j:f I." I I"Ill , I '�.�Nc�l ij -4, —f 11l ljq 'i-Y1 V, jjFT J IN- NA I 1i L 11 I j "TIN'Lpt, Jet -I 011 I;..I ;j lsl I' iot,lrr W k At, igt ? �;'' l r I,Itt !: I:t 1 ,. li I i Ir I FI ,! 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Gallatin County .Tail �q; Bozeman, NT Jo"' UTNt scot References: 12/496750/505825(1 T IS;R51's SE14NL'=4 Sect:. •'1 'Ift'ItI . • I� �1� I •'•I'. 1 �k1, I ;r' j ' I�� 12 - 5055 -�. ,t,...•_..r-L. ,_�bewly sots I ( uus J �` tea. o I . w 4, •Flarlin ; 1 5054 •. 0,rc .tr 504:-••'•F._..—t-� _ .SOtl�• 21 ) r f oticrson 1 i i) le.Atrtotr CAr,A� I cP{,t• Ranch / I • jl B7lmont _ [,,atr• r :.FrC .SOSs--•Jw _ .gf+��_ oPrson ?,.,,,�•..+:•.mil.. ItIN' IiSwhrtvl;[iM �. 4 Stail t� I �,,