HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 58- Aerie 326 Fraternal Order of Eagles Deed ~ t~n !~~;~ 12;j rViGi;,A);j ~ ~ .. '0. 1,.L\-Q,l;rl1 (:,L.-\.J!U nJ4a~-:u (Corpol"ntion) .HATE PUaLHiHING CO., MEl.iNA, ..NT. - This Indenture, Made the.___.m14.th.....day of....._November".......in the :Year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and.fif.t.y..~_e.ight...__..........between ___.__........'.....m'___....... .......... HOIE/\1l\N "I'D T "," ~m 326 FI'11 TER\'AL ORDFR OF EAGL1~' S , ., .",.rl~ . J; _.._.....h.._...._..~ ..... .,__. \.... J.. .., ." -- --- ,~ ".......................................... ~ - _.......,.~..." - _. __ - __ __ _' - - _~~~..... ~...~.................... ... .~..........._ ..... - - - ,_ - __ - - - - __ - - - - _.... - - - - - - _.... - - _......... A........._.............. ............... , 'd d .. d th 1 f th St t f HO'l tac '4 ,'C B . ' ." a corporatIOn orgamze an eXlstmg un er e aws 0 e a e 0 ..___...0_..._...<-""""._..01.:__. o.zeman..,.... }.'rW"1l. _NQ (u:;a.o,a_,... tlt<,:;. _ J?a.r.t Ymoi... the.. Ei:c.st _ _ Far.t.,. _ _ _and _ _ -. --. _ _ _ _ -.- -- _ _ _ -. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --.-- ---.-- ....- --...-. TH.b:. _.C;. ~'I'X _ _ 9.f... .B.Q;~.pv~NL... 4.. .rn.h1.~1;i.._c;j.p.~1. .~Q.t:p.9r_q h i.orJ._.. Q i. ~. .t:h~.. .S. t.a -ce... of.. . Hm1.t.an.a , of.. .Bo.zeman,...110Ilta:i..l.a...... .m..m.....m..__m_..._.__.._ .._._.... _,..... ......"".........,.._,..."""...,......... m......_.. - - - -- - - -- &_- - -- - - -...... ~.. ~......,.. -~--.. .~.......~. -..~ ..-~~..--..~.~...... .-.~.- ........_...~..~.....~........ ~.... -"................................. ..... .~...... ..-+-.. _____..,..,..... mm_.._.. ____.___.. ......~....... ...___m..m___._......... _......._____.the part.}:__ ___,.. .of the SECOND PART, ---. ,.~ ...-..-- -- WITNESSE..TH: That the said parL:y......of the FIRST PAN.T for and in consideration oj" the sum ot.. On;;,. _do.lla.x: _ _ .&_ __Q_kheh.__v.a.luaj) I.e_ __ c_Qns_idera_tions_ _. _. _... . Dollars, ($..1_ 0.0.........,...) it' h d 'd b h 'd 10 -- -. ------.. . - --..-----...--.. ---.--.-.... ..... -.-............ -..--....--."'. ...---..... -.......... - - --..'" ....-- - -.IT! an pal o/:,~.t~':h f::a.1 {:1arLv..of the SECOND PART, the Receipt of which is hereby aclmowledged; do conv~.vt remi;e, release and j"orever quitclaim unto the said parL..y__....oj the second part, and to.its/succ.~~~~s 'd ". t1 f II .' d 'b d 1 t t 't t d' tl' c-i ty of: Bo'/ell'in .m assIgns, Ie 0 0 lVmg escn e rea es a e. Sl ua e 1TI II:, _, _ .'-__ _ __ _ ___ ___ ___ _',L . J~ .'.... .... _. ___. __ __ _. C l " G '111 ai-in d St t f M I' t 't 011111' oJ..~",~'~___.____...____ ..,an a eo on aTla,O~WI .' ,\ ll'-'r 1 .~- f L t t'1", t ">',.' (19) T" t--r (2 Q) 'I\"" t' ", (2 -, ) _b ...L.u.a_"1..J.ax_t...O._ 0_ S__. -.l1.l.e. e.....i.L_. _. "... l~eb. }... ',....,..... J~1J. J.-:',Oj.J..Q......i-. ..). Twenty-'c\Vo (22), and Twellty-tbree (23), of Block C, Original Town- - site". 6f -. 'lIte' - -Cl__t~r --o:f'-Bciz eUidi'i~'..I1OIytc'itia'~'" 'iiicTtiQ"eG" ',\"i'tLyifi- --ehe"'f"til"1ovting metes. and-. -bo..1nas., - .:to"'1;!,lit:. - --,... --..-- - '" ... --. -- , . ---.-- --. -. -- --. -. -- ---- --............... -- -----....... . ......B.Cghuilrigat' the"N6itheasfC'orner""o.c--said'''L6CNlnefeell' (19) , . t-hlen-0I]' - ,\'h~-st:erl-Y"\3; loag., -the. .i-Jol;.t'u".l,ines.. 0:(" 'sa.ia, ,Lo,t:s- -.t'J.:b-~et-eei.'l..{19}.,... T'''E!(~ ~y._ _ _ .<f_V) _,.. .:~~~!X!-;Y.'. ~.g~!:q.. .(~J).J.. J\~~r.~ ~ Y::: .!;.\:?g...( ~ .?).J... ~g4...TYr.'?_\! _~ Y.:: .1;X~E.~ ~~....G~.3) , a distance of 130 f~et, rllore or less, to the Nortnwest Corner of said Lot. - !r~verl t-y....tI:lree... (2'3') -;. -.... .thenc-e" -S-outi:rer-ly-' 'a long" the" '\.lest'. -1 inc"'o f- -.s aid I Lot T"le'ltv--'-n:ee ("'3) a dist.J.:i.:'ce QC lO"::eet'-benc" qac"'c,X::'iy 1;"'7ee,, . _ . ' " ~ _ ,..___,L.! " ,,_ J:..._ . ,,__ . < _ '" "'-___ _..J..., , ...., l... r _ _I,;,_.^,' ".>,\..\C,O ".H_ ,,_ .\,.....,J,.. I.- ciistant from and parallel to tne North lines of said Lot Twel1ty-three . tz3J;: -'T("e'i'ity ;..;n~jo---(2'2)';- "Twerity-:":oiie'" (2T}~'" T~je'l~ity.--CZO}~" "ali;:r--Ffi-iie.te-e-~r" (19 ) . a - -ai-s t:an~.0.. of. ..130" i-ee.t, -'.' mo.r-a.. -01; -. -le SS' Y'.' to-. -a- - fJOi:fl:t- - -0(1.... the- - -Eas t...1 i..:J,e...o.E ,~,~~~_.. !:.-_<?_ ~.J\1~_1.1~ ~~.~. ~ !.1. ..JJ ~ .L...... ~.l~~~~~.,?: <::. __0I~!.tJ~~.~~ 1." ~.~ ~Il_&_ __s.~ j..~.. .~~~ ~ . 1 ine a d i s - tanee of 10 feet, more or less, to the point at beginnirig-.--.m,............. . - ------~~....._~...... .~.~-~....,. ~..... .... ................ ...... .... .... - .~~~...,. .... .~... .~~~~ -....-------- - ---..~. - -.... .~- ..~-- - - ------~.--~..._.~. ..-------- ., _._ _ _........... _.... .J,'J:U.s_.. C0.NV_EYANGt; __J,~. ..NfW)~. __FQR.. JJlE.,. r.1J.RP_QSi~. .9_:h__F:( 9.yj..4.;i.n..K_ .~n~.,. alley ~'7aY for the use at tne public, In the even t ti.le use of said . aYI: -eY"'vmy" s'J:'mt'l'.b~".d i'S'c<YrTt-inu0(j-; - -..ti.'tl~---s ria: 1'1" r'~'\r0r't.-.'t-o - 'll"ir.st...p ar ty , .or. ,i..ts..-succ.ess.or s ~......... H" ..... ........... -- ........ -.., ,.,................ -. - -, - --. -- -- --. -. ....... ........ _......_... __.. ....... - - - - . ,- - - - ~ - - + - . - - - - - + . ~ - .. - . - - .. - - ~ ~ . . ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . . ~ . ~ . - . ~ . ~ . . ~ . . - . . . . . ~ ~ . ~ . . .. + ~ - - - ~ ~. . . . . . . . ~ . . . - . . . . - - - .. . - - - - - - - - - - . . . . - - - . ~ . . . . ~ .. .. . . . . - - - - - ,- - - . - - . . . . . . . . ~ - - - . - - . - together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and the rever- sion and -re1'ersions. remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and also all the estate, right, title, interesLmm__....___..____...--------...-.-.-.....-.mproperty, possession, claim. and demand whatsoever as well in law as in equitll, of the said parL):nof the first part. of, in or to the said premises and ever]) part and parcel thereof........ u.......... ....... ..... u ....... u. _ __. __.................... _., _,. _ __. __.__ _......,..... _ __......_.__ ...... ...... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said premises, with the appurtenances - - . - . - ., . - . . . . . . " . . . . . ~ "..... - - - ~ . . - . . . . . . , - .. , - . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . & ~ ~ ~ ~ . .. ..., .... - . .. . .. . - . . . - - - .. . - - - - - - - - . - - - . . , . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . .. - - - - - - .. ,. - - - - .. - - - . - .. - . . - ~ - . - - - - .. - - - ... - . .. . - . . . ., . . . -. , . + - . - ~ - . ~ . . - .. ~ - . - - . - - .. - - - . . . . .. - - - - - - - - .. - - ., - . - - - - - - , ., - - - ". . ., .....,... - - - - - - - ...., ..... ~ - ,. - .. . .. . - " ,." .. -. - -- - - ----- ---,- - - -_......_-~.... ~_.~., "...........-. .-... ..~..,. ..._~....._-~-~--~.. ...... - -----.- -- - - --_.._-~- -. . - -.,.. .,', ....~_.._-- ---- --.'- .-... ..~~....~.~., -...... . succe~rs unto the said parLy..of the second parf1.t.sL______..X! and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said part,'\) of the first part has caused its corporate name to be sub~ scribed and its corporate seal to be affixed, b]) its proper officers, thereunto dul:y authorized. on this _________ ..J4.th....mdav of ___N'O.Y.e,m~.~~__.m...___..nA. D. /9.5iJ.., . ....-. ~OOT"1'vIAN ^ ''''1' I'~ "TO "2.' F" IT".. N;f 0- D" P" e~u'~""uuu<u"u'u "n"~tmY'u uh'c\u"l{ruk. it" -- 4 ,OF f,' L"'S' ~ "/r;~ / ATTpT: , " .... #..." B]J-:c:.<:!:~--L,,'\:..-,,:~00:~i4.~C!.<.I.'(..-~.L ....-.___..... .----y~',. 'I; -; ,.." ...~....."..._...Z(,.................. ~dent. '~.,>,~'" -' ::: Secretar:v. 7;, {I ( r G ,'. '. v') ~("-I- tl" ,/L ll~!"-/~lla \-," -~;",~['y,.,;o / " v ~ /~ c_;~)<_,"_ (;,: z.)Q+r,.!jl:;Z 'zI- I A' '-cr-c- ~ / ;-' '-- I .. "\?,\,,, ,,' A7 /1ii (l'1I"- ' ::1/'::-;" ',~, ,.:'c:,..,~i '~r" ~ :t",'" ') U(!L'f' 1......,.1 f'I'iI'Cl.H ,l f ,STATE OF MONTANA. } ss. ':: /\ n ^' T' Count.lJ of .__~,.".J.!j."..zLr:J:.~L.......m.m......... On thism..._...._.,.._____...daJ} of......_._J:~~y~~.1?:~:t:_______________.._________._.in the J}ear /9...58.. beforc me .--.--...........___._........ ....tllli..und.e:rs.igaed...____... __ __ __ __ _ ______ _____ __ _.__ __............. a N otarJ} Public for the State of Montana. personall.1) appeared...., d... ,..... __ _ ...._.. _... _.....,._.......................... ___ _. ____ __ ..__.._._.... ._..._.. known to me (or prolJed to me on the oath of...----.._.............m...........__..._...m...........____..................._,..) to be the._....m....mm.........................___..__......._...,.of the corporation that executed the within instrument and cicknowled~ed to me that such corporation executed the same. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set ml) hand and affixed m]) official I seal the da_lJ and )lear in this certificate firsl above written. _ _ _ _ __ _._ __~ _. ~ _ ~ _ ~. ~ ~.. .~.__ _ ~ _._r~ ~~_____r_~_7~_~~. ~ _~__ ___ _~ __~ _~ _. ~~.. _~..~ ~ N otarJ} Public for the Stale of Montana. Residing at.., .B0.;;~~mau,..J:Iorltan..;..l.__...........__..mM]) Commission expires.___..,......., ,_.. ,..........19........ STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss. I County of Gallatin) On this 14th day of November, 1958, before me, the under- signed, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared DEAN M. HAUSEMAN, JR.., H. C. GOSSACK, W. P., BOHART, FRED VAN SPYK, and GUY WAR'~OOD, known to me to be the President, Secretary, and Trustees, respectively, of the Corporation that executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed myoffic:Lal seal the day and year in this cer,tificate fit;st above writte ) , , , . ,/"' ( ,ii' i ."" Not~ry 'P::!1;~o~!thes~:~:::~~ntana I " Residing at Bozeman, Montana My Corrunission Expires .JA-A/3/ " 19r;/y', I i , I I P- I -, - ... - . I . O"CQ: """l::l 0 ~ :ff.l .: l: v.... .. '(I) ... Pi l.i\. I::l v ... C ... ~ ....: ... I::l: .f""\""l::l::S v.... ..." r-l r---^---. '"l:::I 0\ . """'l ... 0 ""l::l::S QJ:bO ! : - ~ _ :3 U ... Q. :ctl : : . ' ~ v, :3. ~ CD '-0 :r.il . : : Q : : e:::: v....... C N: ~:::::: 0:: ,Q, ..: , ~ . : ('t\ ~ , ' :.:-:: r-i: "'" 0...' '..t: : ' ::>-, """" .:0 ''<:'l< e' , , : :.... , , ....~., t: 0: , ,,::: :0'>: _ : :z t:: ~ E.S Z:N 1::; h'r-!::; N: ~ : : 0 ~: >t; .... .., '.., ctI, ,:>.j.),' r-l' . . .~ r" I I::l ... '... d' oc... ....,',. ,.,--......., I',' ; · -... '.-i:'lj 0 l'<: 0 CTl :.E: : s::::: : H : I i CJ I . _ 0 ~'M [-., <1), ....-I.... . ~ ' 'r-!, ctl' < , I' CJ IlH "V P. IU:O 1:':1: ~ rl , : <.) : : -+-:I: s::::: ~ ~~ I i I - 6 -<; 0; . ctl: 1: :...s : ~ ctI i ctIi : I i ~ U" '-' j:Q, t. d: 0 M' <.) ...l\::'"",'r-f. .j.)'H : "' ......, '", ' -.. <.)'. 0"",' " , ,..., I '--....:... r,.' 0: v Q): 0 Cl :r-l 1:::0::: : -6l9- ... ,'U .....,' '..0' , , . ctl 0'< . I ctl, : s:::: 0: i e:: m: 0 i 0:::) m: r'" ~ : r_'~: Q.l ..... E! : H ' t.t.1....:: t: J: "-' """ : ......, : 'l) I ._ (I) :Q) ...,,: [-.,. 0 : -:T:._: : . k. I ~ N :-+-:1 ......: ....., ....., 0: ..: ""l::l: . " i -.II 0 :... -+-:I' ~ <;:) ill: N; 'l): ....., " I 01 ,'I' '.-i' I r. ~ '"l:::I r-.. -,. ""l::l' c: : :M : ".......... ~""":"'; ... : : ~ '~ 0: V) t:.- : : 0 v IlJ . , .. ::Sk,' ,\"l\:lQ - , ... ~ :: 'l) I::l ,'::! ~ .. , u '~e:::o... iv) m