HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 58- Lot 14,15 Blk C Original Townsite Deed i I . ,",' , ,,' . d · . .' ,. '" ,"~' I ' ", 1 .. . J tiilLJi' .le,:) i-YHjh,JlJ'-+ ,,' ... ,I U ?\'O. 1 L\,.,....(!rl'r C'"A.,I'M I)E':~lJ (Col"purntlon,) O;:U.H PU811SMINO eo.. HtlUU., III.NT. ~.~~.. - .. . '~ .-'~'.' This Indenture, Made the....__14___ __.....day ofm..November _...in the .\lear of our Lord aile thousand nine hundred and. .iifty:-:e_ight....H . .....between H."__" ,.........--",...........,.. BQZEHiU\LAERI~..N'O_. --32-6-7 _.ER.ATERN1\L...oRDER. OF EAGlES ,.. ___, , .. ,. ......, ..".'. ..... .. ,_....... . , -" .-- ., ,.".. ,.._----,., . u corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of-_J"JQn~ani::l., . of. BQ~.e.J:(J..a(L,.... _J M .' '-, ",- "-" ," p. ;-"'c fe: 't" Co FL' 'cst IJa"- '- "',. d' Wf(J O~H_aHQ.,- -....H<;..--. -ar.....j---O ,.. n.....,-, "" "....L,.......l .- "'--"--------------.-----..--.--.-------- THS CITY0.:F'. B02El'1L\N, a m-unic.ip.cl,l c.o.rpQr_a tiQnQ[ ..th~__~;.'[.ate .of __HQ~1i;a,L1a, of Boz(;wan..,. NOlltana .. .. .. .. ~ - .. ~ - - - .. - - . ~ . " . . . . . .. ~ - . . - . - ., . ~ . - - .. - ~ - .. ... - - .. - - - - - .. - . - - .. - . ... ~ . ... ~ ~ ... ... ... ~ ... ~ .. - - - ... ... - - .... - . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . .. ,......... ,...". . . - .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . . ... . . ... . ~ ~ . ...... . ... ~ - ... ... __........,,'..,.. ...... ..... _.__.__... ......._..... ..._. .,... ........ __.......... ___...__._____the parL .)C--..- - -of the SECOND PART. .. .:,..: j ...,.....-... ..---- "'---~~--,-' .. - - WITNE..5SETH: That the said part}~......of theFIHST PART for and in consideration of the sum nf.. One.. dollar.. _&. _o.thex_..val:uab.le__ .CD-US ider_ations..... _.... .Dollars. ($.1. ,.0.0. ,.... ........) to ,....... -- --....... ix........, -... -............. --.......... -- -... --....... -.. --............ -- -- -. _in hand paid b..-v tlzr ffl{i . parLY..of the SECOND PART. the ReceiPt of which is hereb,V acknowledged.. do cotll'e.V. femise. ' . ,. .., succes.sprs release and forever qUItclaIm unto the saId parL.y._.m.of the second part. and to-..~-csL-------...::Al<KR and assilIns, the following described real estate, situated in the.__Ci.ty...of__J3ozelnarL,.......... ......____ County of....._G.!;1..lJ.._HJ;:Jn..._..,........__.._and State ot Montana. to~(J)it: " " " .. .. - .. .. .. - .. . . - . ... .. .. .. .. . .. - ... - ..... .....................,............................ - .. .. ...." .","..........,.........."......,............. - .. - .. .. -.. - - . . , , . . . . .. ..,. ~. . . . . - - - - . . ...----,---------.---.....---................................................ .,-............,........................._._-.---.-.-..................-........ All that uart of Lots Fourteen (14) and Fifteell (15), of BlOCK C "br Ig Ihal" tl'o,\T'-i s Ii e"'o I" Erie" t rfy" '0 f"13 0 Z en1aii~' -. Fio:.:; E ;'i~:ia-;'" i 11c lilcfei:r' '{,j:U:IiTii' the" i-ei -l.ow:tng..m-etes....ancl-.. o-cJUttd g.;... .t'o'-wi."t..~................. ,......,................................. ......... , .... ................ "i32~d~~:;:{i~'ig'''at'''ti';e'''s'ou'thea's't-''Co'i::~ie'r'' '01"'s ~ii'(i"Lo't'" F"ii.tee.L1....Cl:s ) , .thenc\;!" ~:'!e !:rt er i 'I" aLong" tile'" gnu trIo ..tin es'" o'f" s'<::! i'd' - t:o t:S". 'i,'1.i fte 8"1:1' - '0.:5'7 "~:mti F ""'t.a p' (/, ) . :' ," t. .,. ,1= /,' /: t 7. ' , "",. .',-' '" ',. "T, - ,-, 1 'c '~d."" 'J' "Q.ld':. -...__.:.1... .':".-.-. _.,....a..u.J.S. anCB...O..l.........u....I....e.e ... ....~[lC.d.....S.':'".....:cl1eli....C...tv0J.:L.I..ler. ):...}-/.:La" le" t... t':./,~ I"L.c;'- L-11'" ()F """-L"":O"" ':;'(),,',."'-':H" ("::,1,) ',I -Jl'S'-'lllCo 0":: 'ili "",:-",',,,'>' _J., U lJ.,_ ~'t_u'-- ~J.t.;:: ,',_ .:,lu~l...,L ,.._,_l._ ._., ,1....l..L.Ll::'i..,;_l1. .,,~_', ~ U ....Lc ,~ ,....:.. ..i...... .........c""'..,I._, t heiie-e' '1~,3.s.t 6fT)' -TO-- 'Fee'f' 'ClT sE:ii:'t"t:.. 'ft'oiri"" 'aiid" j:;ar-aI 1'e r' to"'EI'iEi ---SO'Cll:l1'Tiin~ s of. - .said.- .Lot 6...F 0l132.teen.. (l'+t..-anG.... F.if-teen.. - (1.j.) ..-a.. d-i S.t-dB.0e...o:f--iw.. f.€lQ.~ ... '~e';ii~'(l-~- ~ - ;.r~~~-IGe-~~.e~~.b~.tE~.i f.i "~f~'i~~'" ~~ i~.~l~.a~~.~-iII;ll:li.- 'JI-S' i~'~~"2!~6'li" It~ - .f e-e t-;.. 'more-" or' '1-12 SS''-'' -ta--' the" point.. 'o'f" beginning -.- -. -. - - - -..'.."....... - -...-.....""........ --..... _ _ _ _ _ . . . .. . . . . . . ., .' . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . _ . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. _ _ _ .. _ _ .. _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ , . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _. _ ~ .. _ . ,. . _ . . _ . _ .. . _ _.... ~. . .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THIS COl'NEYi\0rC~ IS HPJ)E FOR Tm,: PURPQSE of providing ail '21 1'1 eY' .tYa:j" "fot.-.. -Uie'--us'e"'o fmtlYe" fiG l.yl i"c .:.... 'lYi - - -6ie- - - c.\R~ iYe" .tlH~' --us-emof' --5 a'id- coil'''' "_" <~'" ,~I'" ';,:> d"' . t".. ''''0' ".. '1-1 C' i ". 11 -~.. ,-,'- i_ E-' -,. t P ,-" ". '... . ,,":y.--~IJ....y---...L-I-u.,j,-.1....Q.l,d.. LSCO-l..1 a..-HU...,. .,-..:c-l.....- .e........1.:.:t. . ...LCVC.X-.....I..O... -J.-l.-S. .. .ar.qT., or its successors. . . ... . . .. .. . . . . . . . " . . . . .. .. ., . " . . .. " . _ _ . _ . . . . . .. r . . . . . , .. . . . . . . . " . ... . . . . . . _ .. _ . _, . . . . , . .. . . . . .. . . _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ . . . . _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ . . . .. . ~ ~ _ _ _ _. _ . _ _ , . . . ... . .. ~..... . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - . - - ~ - . - . ~ . - . - - . ~ . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ - . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - . - - - + . - - - . - - - - .. - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . - - . . . . - , . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . ~ - . . . - - - - . . .. ~ " . . ~ - . - - - - together with all the tenements. hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging. and the rever~ sion and 'reversions, remainder and remainders. rents. issues and profits thereof; and also all the estate, right, tille, interesL._._______.__.__..._____._____._..................property. possession. claim. and demand whatsoever as well in law as in equi(y, of the said parLy...of the first part. of, in or to the said premises and eVer]) part and parcel thereof.................. .......... ...... ..........' _.....,....., __ __ _ __ _ __. _.__ __ _.... _... _ _ __ .__.. __ _... .'...... ..._ ....... ......_ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD. all and singular the said premises, with the appurtenances -- --- - - --.. -.--.... -...-. -.-" - .~~.... ..~ ......... -.-- _.__...._-~-.---.-........ - ----- -.-.........". ..---.- - - --- -. ---. .~.._---- --.- -- -..,... .-------.... .--. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - . . - - -. - - . .. - . . - - - - . - ~ - - - - - . - - - . - - - - - - - - . ~ .. " . - . . . . ,. .. .. - '-. ....... - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . , - - - , , . . , . . . . . - . - - - - - - - .. . . - . - . - - , , -- --.. -- -- --..,. - .. - , .. . ... .., ..... - . . . -- . -- .. -- -- . -- - -- .... . - -- - .. 's U'c c e ti's' 0 r- s . -- -- - -- '," .. ' .. ... .. - " -- -- . . - .. -- .. -- - . -- - -- .. .. , .. unto the said parL?-l..of the second parLi ts'; - - , .~ and assigns forever, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said par(1J of the first part has caused its corporate flame to be sub- scribed and its corporate seal to be affixed. b.\l its proper officers, thereunto dul]) authorized, on this ___....,___JAth___.__.._da\l of ___._.Np,,~mq.er..............A. D, /9.5.u.., '/ BQ7r.'M^'t,1 b";'PI1~ '~IO '::2( Ti""""PT~T"""'\I O'T-'D\:~) .." " _', _", J - ""'""., ".",'" U,,' A", '- _'Al"'l-..r;_".4,l,~,' ","',\--_C . ,,,,..),...,t',', __ ~"-,\.\,;,-.-J.,." "~',' ..t),;_t,,'i... h .!. \. , /- ~" 0.,<,., I (;, I .. ~ .. ' . .....-- ......_. ,. ...r /.. ,_u..l oJ _,J,,~,~ ~ / " . , , ,.,,,," ( . ,:.-' / A TTE, S,'~L"'/ t>L-j~-.-:-- B_ ".':;:~L~ -- - ~~-;:~,. ?:(:~j.~ >::::<'_ _ -tP-:t:..-:. .uu. _. _. ,-..." <,/~r -"i P ~d t ____._.__..p_____..._..~~,--m---..u.m....m..... ... '~~~~i~;y:.m-'rJ'h'; Ie' t'S' , ," resl en. . (no" / 1i ') I' ) , / '~--',,',',",,-:: \/V<Y/, " .." ',,',.., -, -J"," /{;/IN,,~..lI.t.,n, ., ;f" {l--r /';1 [t/1/' ", , , , (16":'" ~:''l)--y ""'7:. .. :r.._~~c:;{ 'L;V'-- .:;C7;:~~:.~~~=o'~...:T~~.;:/' " ~ :' ' II ' ", 1.. ,,' " ,,' {" '," ,.",'" D(IUn ,L..,--' r'f.jictl,.J1 ,h ~ P - ... ;1 Ii STATE OF MONTANA. } ss. Co n r::a' " d'-- I u t,y of ......\._....J....,.,)..J..L._........._..mm II On thiL....l?J._th........da.lJ of........_,Novembex:.._.............._....._.___.in thevear 19...j[;.. before me I". ," ,', "'-, ," , "-".~ c' ,-,.1 N t P bl' f h il ,.................m.....;.H:..wUI..Uel...';;..i-6-:.1~.......___h.mmm... , "....-.--....-.-------.------..... a 0 ar,V u IC or t e r State of M on tuna. personallJ] appeared.... --. ..-...___.. ---... - -- -.... d.......... _m.. -----.---.---.. --.......... --- ....... ...... known to mer or proved to me on the oath of....____..._......__.....m......m......m.....m__......__........___..m........) to be thc......m'..m_._..___.............m...m......_.__._._____.of the corporation that executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. III IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set ml} hand and affixed m},! official seal the da,l) and year in this cerfificate .first above uJritten. " q , ~ . , . . . . . " _ . . . . . ~ ~ . . r _ . . _ . . . . . . _ _ _ . . _ . _ . _ . r _ ~ _ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ ~ . ~ ~ . . . . . . . _ _ .. . _ . . . N otar.v Public for the State of Montana. Residing at. .__B.m~J2LHln+._MQil.tana._..... n...... ,....Mv Commission expires. .._..____._.___ ___.._._._... .19........ STATE OF MONTANA ) ss County of Gallatin) . On this 14th day of November, 1958, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared DEAN N. HAUSE}1AN, JR., H. C. GOSSACK, W. P. BOHART, FRED VAN SPYK, and GUY WAR- WOOD, known to me to be the President, Secretary, and Trustees, respec- tively, of the Corporation that executed the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same. I I IN \HTNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my oi- I fictal seal the day and year in this certifi~ate?-,first above., written. I ' ,i r 1,,_./ "(> .. \, ,'{,(/ 1M, ' ,(';..'j..(.A,(J!.,x... ," _I., "C.. .." ,M__' 1\."'~""'a--i:7 ,PUD ,,1 ~ 'Cor ,-~'...., c......{.~ 0 Mo'n"'ana 'I l'llV t"... .L.. j ". ... _L..... ~l.. ....il\;- u l...a If.,..~ ..L .... l.,.~ Ii Residing at Bozeman, }'lantana II Ny Commission Expires dbi\r. 31 J f 95'T Ii I,: I " ji Ii ~ '! II: i I II Ii II Ii I i I 1 . i I' I: II I I ' I I . I!'----- " I! It I' I' ! r ........ I ~ .. I I ~ '..."'1' I 0: "l::S "l::S "C ;>1; ,I' , , CI) to, l: lU ...., l. : I , " r_~ ..; ;>. ll"\ : l:l lU '" l: : ~ -: ~ ' ." , ....... '" l:l '. "l::S:::S: lU ,_ I,' .~ ," -C H ,---^--; "l::S 0\ . Cl .... c : "l::S Ji:s I , tl.. QJ 0 : : - ~ _ 0 V : ... ,Ii Q. " '\., I.. ,. < c ~ ' c ~ lU ;, j ".',: CIJ . .... < : : r\ ; . rY : u' ,.... (. ~ I' :~ 'V r:iJ .. : : ~ ; :....... ~ Q): """'-I : . ",',,',""'" N ~ ., " ,rY ~. ' 'j ", ,,',' &...I ........ : 0: . : : lU :.....; : ,'" .', ~ .,' ~ . z ' ' I, ",,' t- - . 0 .:; : r-f: "'( .: : - : 0 ;>.~; : I' " ....' , ' " ,- . I l: 0 .... : : : 0..: ; '- : e-. l: i 1:.-.: ,/ ,. E'] Z ec:, z ~ :j: : : : 0'1.: ~!:l : H 5 ~ I: ~ . _ ~ ~ gg 0 ~ 6 m:;.g : : ~: ::G ~::i v ^; I i J I to Q. H P::l ~ ~ ...,., r-f: - :..l!::-' : ; <11 '11: : : CJ II - 6 0:: 0 N ~ rj: "l::S H: :5 : ~; r-f ....,: H I)'; ~: I II U r, r:LI 0 'u, .... 0> -.. . ~': r-i ~. 0:: I' ,"" I: ~ < H P:! C3 0: ~~: ~ g ~i mQ: < \ ~ ~ i .,. <( : rY 0>' .....: ,.,... CY): 0 :e:: Pi! 4 ' ~ ' ,~ I '-'I ~ I, ~ II ..... ~ ~ 2:> Lt:l: 0:..: l:: ; . ~ 1,1', · - :?', ~ ' ~.::; 0>: N:'-: : ': tot., ... (:i'j <"-> ........ _ "C - c:::l: rl: '1:l; , ,: , .... N"'"'........ " "lU' --. " i 01 0'.;0;: E--l t.;;>j'"l:l::"l::S: c : (""'I'l'I ....... v ' . .... . !i j:Q ~ HO CI') 5;::: ;co.i ;u : I; ....... ' ...., _ ' . u t>tJ..... . . II · . u' i.; ~ ~ J; ~ '" , II