HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 58- Security Building Deed 01101\ 12,fJ PAiif:34,8 ~ ~ .. .. . '1>0. 11.\,-Q['I'1' (:1".-\.11'1 lH~I.;U (Corpnr..tion) I S~~~{ PIJBLI~HIH~ 1::&_. tU:LlN"1 ".Nt. ~,.. ,---- .-... . --",'.~~'~~',,-,-,. This Indenture, 1\Iade the....2JnL_.__...da:Y of...QG,tQPQ.r....... ,. ....in the .!}ear of our Lord olle thousand nine hundred and.....fiftY-~eight... ...,.bet'ween ___ ____,__ __, ............_.___... .___. ..__ SP(;U" ITY PUILDI"lG IN'''' ).:, '"" ,..1:,",_ ._..0, I, ['- .,... .L;..,.................. '" ,.,. .,-... -"-- .. . _ _ _ _ _ _ .. . .. J . .. . . ~ ~ , _ . _ J r ,. _ ,. _ . --.". ...---- ---- ..---------------------- a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of- _ .L:Ofl tana, Df ..Boz.em.a~l.., 1UUk. Honcana,____the, _par.ty_o.f..the.__FTI(ST PlJl'I';.--ana '-..__._ .--,. , " . ^ . ^ - .. . . ~ ., . - - - - - - - - TlE~ CITYQF I30Z;~I-u\N_. .a.xn:unicip_al cQrporat.im~ in Gallatin.._Coun.t:y" 1'1on taLta ..,____.._"__"____ "n_ ...__~....~_..~.....~~___~, . "_0" .... ".".,.. . . . . . . - ..- - -- .., "... -- ~. '"~~.~~, ~ . , ,. .. .. .... ....)...., j "_ _ _ ~ _ _ . . . . 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Lo _ _ ----.. --.... ----.. -- _ --..--- _ _ --.. _ __ -...... .ik.......... -- .--. -""....' .. .-.__ ..... - -- - --. - -- - - -- -- --. - ........ .in hand paid hJ)"tEr"t\'f!~ part.Y-...of the SECOND PART, the Receipt of which is hereb:\J acknowledged; do conveJl. remise, , ,succes"ors release and forever quitclaim unto the said partY..........of the second part, and to...J~t.$L...........)~ d . . h f II ' d 'b d I > t t 't t d' th Ci tv 0':= Bozernml an assIgns, t e 0 owmg escn e rea es a e, Sl ua e ltJ e..__....._,I._.......".______________............................ C f GaUa.4in dStt 1M t t 'to ount.!} 0 .......,..,...:...~.__.__..._____.___........an a eo on ana, O-WI. . _. .1\).-1.. ,~.l:\ ~~_1;. .g.<g'.t. _ _9.:1:___L.9 _t.$.._ Qq~... (J) __ _~nq,. .'J)rlx ty.:-: _$j)\:._ _.L3.(,D... 9 t.. .f.)-.9~K....~;:: .,..... , ,: .9~'.i.g_i.l1~J.. :J..'.9~r.~~ ~ .:\-. !;~...Qt.. .:~h~ ...~; ;i,J~J~...9.t.... R.Q ~.~m~~.~ -'-.. .I:'~q:r~!;~x~;}_,. _ _ ;i,.W:~. ~l!9.!?~...y{.t~~!.:_ in tne :Eollowincr metes and bOU:1ds to-wit: , . __ _ __ .. . .. . _ . . . . , . .. . .. ... . , . , .... .. .. b.. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. ........... .. .. . .. .. . , ..' . .. . . . .. .. . . . , . . . . .. .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . __.. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. . .. ..... ...... ... . .. ~k<:illnin''r at the Northwest corner of Lot J. in Block liCl1 ..,."........_,.__(.:;,.__......._.0....................,...................._._.,...................._._..__..__.,..l_...................._._.__................ .,..,......_.. 9_~~. ._tJ!~_ _ _ Q:.r;i,g.i.n.9.J.. J m:mi'?.i. t~... 9J., J\9.~. ~m4;-~_;. _... _t~J_e.~l~_~.. ;:::.4~.'~.. .<:J:lpng...~ ~::.!?.... ..".........., No.J:'_t~J.. _L ina. ..o.f...Silid.. .Lo.t...1. _fL.9.is.tanc ~...Q f..2_./L. _f ~.$.t.;. .....\:;iHiX!~.E;.. .;?9.1-.l,\::ll ,.. ___. ._____.r_~h.9,J,l9. J.... tQ._.th~.__!d~.s.t..l&\:; ..Lip.G~_.. 9t. ..J".o.t$...l, .HfI..~t..3.~~._Jn.. ,nJ9r.;.l_~....' ,~~::.. I to th2 r:ortn Line of r:ast EaDcoci-::: Street as now lat:, OL,L: aucl I . _ _ _ _.........,._ ____~_~_._ _ __.~+... .~.....~.~......"........ .~. r, .... ~_~.~..... .... ...__.~._. __ ._~____~___ .__~__. _ _... ....~_~._..___~ _.__~7.~..~.____~~_...~_. "... _ _.' __. _~_<!~~_~. ~~.~<:.~~~.;...... q~~~~_<;.~__.:!lC?~.!=:.. ..:1.. _~.t.?_ :t~~~c:;_~._ .9. ~ _..2. .". :'::.... K_~~.~. _..~.'?..:'!-.. J??~!!-. ~.... . ., _....,. __ .tn_ __[::h.~... N.9.:r .i;:h.. .~~;I)J~_. .0.;...$.4),,4...1;\ g'~~_Q~l\ _. ;;.t:r.~.~.t.. .~J:\~t. __H9_\tl(1 _ _ J:)(,~__J;~ :l:_~:f'_':" sected b\' the West Line o~ Lot 36 if it was exteuded' thence "'.... ......... ---------.-- ..-....;..,.... ........,............ .........- ...--...,.., ............._..---.-.. -- --.... ----.........., .-------.,-... ........--.---- " ."........ .NQh.t.:h.. _a1.Qng..:t:h~.._Qx_t~ng~_d.. ..U;rl,~__ .c;rf ..? ~Jg.. .kQ.t..)j. .J;Q... t!l.~_. ~?q}.;l.~b~~~J ,. _.__,....... .c.orner___o.f.. s.aicl_.LaL.3.5.;....__thcncc__i'io.r_tlL.aloJ:Lt;;...the._Acs.t.J..in_as., .Rf_ Lots 36 and 1 to the point of beainninq. __......... __.. __ __ _..... __ _.. _,.... , .............. ... . ,....... .......".. __ - __ - _.. , , ...... ..1:>.. _ __. _ __ __ __R.. _. _... __.......... T~IS CONV2Y0J:JCE IS HADE FOK TIl!.:: ,PURt;~St:.. OF, yidQrd[l(2: Bc;Z;ci-nal}''';;"EI'C'c'C'' dS ! - '... '" C" C" ., ~ '1- ") - .", ..C" ::> ~ "'Hi S . e ,." ,- . c ,", . ..;.....Qw_._e.)._~'"'t"'_.J..n___QJ._o.er__._I.-_s..~r~y.~(J._c__a9-_ ~_c~O_U,'l. J....'"'.....'-:.,,~-..H.t-.--.-. .1-.....)y:~._.i\ .i):-hl C -n n~ev "Q - tne sa~ct s (ce <;;l. k 0"'" screet sna _1 i)e 'lscontli1Uca t1"C . .+. t; f~.. .$_n#.Xl__~ 9:v.~;t:"_ ;:;.__t9_._'di_Q.. .(;l,;i;'_$. ~l;__ .r!J,~ _i;_;l,~_$_.). __ .'!;tf.E;. ~J;" . p_eJ ;i;"_:,?_.~.. _:_~ \1-,<;:, ~ .~. ~~_qt:;;... ~.J;' as iga s . toaether with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, af;JlllxtlUG'~.. ;.riw;c.IDUtY{fl.ljfUi<llG;X~XlRckx~ rents, issues and profits thereof; and also all the estate, right, title, interesL..___...__.._.___............_..._...____.....__._propert.!}, possession, claim, and demand whatsoever as n'ell in law as in equit.!}, of the said parL;~mof the first part, of, in or to the said premises and ever.!} part and parcel ,thereof-u... __.....__ __. .____. .uuu. ___00.... ____ - - __ - - __ ___ _.. - - _.. ..........". _ __ _ _.. _ _ __ __......... ........__..____. ........ T9 HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said premises, with the appurtenances .---." . ..- ,., _..-.-.....----~~-.-------.-.-.-.--. ----------~-~-~~.-.......~ , . . - - - - - . . - - ~ - - - - - - - - -.. . ., . - - - - . - - - - - - - - . . . . , . . - - - - . - - - .- --....-..." . .. . . ... , . . . - - - - - - . ,. - -. ~ . - - ~ - - - - . ~ - - - . . . . . ~ " . . . . . . . . - y - - - "" ."... '. . .. , -." - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - -. ,. - " ." . - - - - - . - - - - - ... " ,.. - - - - - - .. - _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . ~ .. ... r . _ ... "".,_ _. ,,. "" _ _ v.,..... _ _ _ ~ _ ~ _ _ ,. .--------.--------- --.. .--. .... . --..-. n_.,. "'"""_._"_ " " jSj,cces"orc:c Uflto the said part.1...of the second parL __~,J:;.O...., mn and ass1gns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said par(l) of the first part has caused its corporate name to be sub- scribed and its corporate seal to be affixed, b.l) its proper officers, thereunto dul.!} authorized, on this 2'; .' d f Qd' '("" A D /95(: _______ ,_,1:\.,1............... a.!) 0 __.. .;..'......Ujj.;~J...____......____..__ . . u..Cu.. "f' ") r ' '~'r"cup 1TY J'DU-pPfG J,"f" ".' . ..v ., '7 .."'"' '.."" .. U'..... ".e...._.................. ~ " ,',' / " ) ( " , .. , ... ~ -.. ,~' ,,.. .. Ar(' , """':";;'" '/<"/" ,B.!},-..--:y..!:.~:.!~:(~:(!,)---..::<:,..-../.--i--(J-'~-.:.?J.f.:.(,.__t. < <_' i':j?:::cu. :~<y~~...T1~;~;~f:y:m . (preSident. ... ~, (~' r:'/r,~ ("~' , !' f ~: ( ..,.~.,}_.: ("( ,I~, ..;: ,;; ,..: "...or,r~01!cl;:.e" ,-)~al) '~..;.~~'f':,~~ltlll. ,,'" \" ~ I )1" .;, .... ~ ' I I' ~: i..f' " , ", I t I~ I I ',.Ii ".'., \. , ~ IldU' f-.J liltl! Ui-i.J STATE.OF MONTANA. } ',- ss. , ' C' 'I:L i' i-111 Count.v of .i....,.. .....-:.-...m..g."...,..._~....m._,__..__ O fh' '"') ';"~d d f 0," ';.o':'c>r . th /9 j b f n tS""""","""~___...mm a.-v 0 m...__..'"".':-:...::.O-:....__'..'____._._____________.___..'" e )}ear ....~... e ore me ....... ......m.. ..........t{~c__~...t.ndc.c.s.:Lii;lU;;;l.m.m........ __ _..___.. _.........,.. ...........m. a N otarJ) Public for the St t fM t II d ""-'rc'",:: ' "','('-'"<'..""" "...,..-: r""...'i";,, l' 'C'",,-"" ."'e"- a e 0 on ana. persona)} appeare _..>_,,\';..__-!),.H...,~.._...h.._h_'"'.:_~,,'J...L_;;.o).,..._..._.)..j.............:L__.,_.....:l,...._h~q._L....:J ,_ known to me (or proved to me on the oath ot....___..__..........:.m.'.....___..m__................._....._____..........m...) " ,"'" ," ,::.:cfipect~v,:~l\/. . . . to be the.';:XJ2..sInCl8".lt...aUIJ...S:2.Cr:2 ta:;:.yl____ ..6f the corporatIOn that executed the wlthm mstrument and acknon,ledf,fed to me that such corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I halJe hereunto set m.V hand and affixed m,1) official I :, seal the da.v and 'year in this certificate ti:~labq~~written..: C::" " ' i ',:' .' .......<...___.m...~:::':::::'~~..n~.'.)....~mm.....mm__ .' '" l' ,~, '1'~..,.:';-. ./ Nota(l) Public for the State of Montana. " '\ <' ;::"; ';~", ()'~ ,....~",'v;,. (:>""1"1 ""'lC-"''-'-' '1" .. ,.", ' , '", V'" Re$ic/Ltlfl at-,.~...A'~"'.Y_"M..,1,. .,...L .~"....-"k''''''....n__"___..._M 1) CommIssIon ~xplres..., ..,._ .m___ ___._ '__h"__ ..19,j,wh' ~ n "'~-"\"" ' ~~.. ~ .: '\ , .,.- ~ ,.l.. !~'~~'~"'~.~r~'-\ ~'r 1 ) ,~ ,., I I I .I I i ,I \ I I ' _<xl' .... " - . ' 1- 0 : t: "'tl 0 ~ I . 1.(\:... ll,l '::: ., , '") P) : .... ll,l '")... ...., P) ...... 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