HomeMy WebLinkAbout8 W Harrison NominationNPS For,'n 10.900 {Rev. Oct_ 194701 I1nitcd States Department Of 111L Interior National Park 4enr jce ,A.TI rTAL F-EGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACE REGISTRATION FORM I. '- arrne of Property ty historic name: Jack Barrien I-iouse olhE,r name site number: 2. Lnizzition street & number: 8 W. Harrison rntyitovwm Bozeman state: Nfontanzi code: MT county: Gallatin code: 031 azlp code- 597I5 3, StatelFLderai Agency Certification OMB Na, 1024--ula neat for publi tion:na vicinity: nta As lhie designated authority under thio National Historic Presarwation Act of 19% as amandeiG, I he>eby certify that 1hl5 X nomination _ request for date inatian of eligibility meets the documenta&In stama€ds far regiisteiing properties in the National Register of Fiisl*ric Places and meets the proce qural and professional requirements sat forth in 36 CFR Part 60 In my opinion, the property � meets goes not meet the National Register Crite I r GOrramend Rliat Rhipaoperty a c;�nsidere# signifirrnt _ nail4naily 7{tatriwide X lacafly, k- Si�nat�re of eertifyang ❑fFi - l7itae f}ar Molita - tJ i5 'Scry ciZ Sta':e Or Federal agency or bureau See COntinuation sheet for attditional comments) In cry r<pinion, Rhe Property _meets _ does not meet the Nat Qnal Register criteria, Signature of cownenting or Other official Cate and bureau 4. Nafiunnl Park Ser -vice. Certification J, hereby certify ?hat thcs property is: Signature of the Keeper _entared in the NatFOna[ Register _ see continuation sheet determined eligible for the Nat ion aI Register _ see wntinuation sheet deiermined not eligible for the Nati6naJ Register _ see tiontinuation sheat removed from the Natiorral Register _seg cOntirruation sheet — other ;explain): Fate of Action Jack F3utlett Haus Name 0 Prop"- -- 5. C°la,ssirication Gallatin CQuaty Muntam County and StatB Ownership of Property, Pyivate Number of Reiiouress within Property Canlrt�vting NoTtcantributing Category of Property; Buj[di ;g building(s) Number of wFitributing resources previously site$ Ilsted in the National Register: nia _ structures objects Name of reJated muitlpte property Ilsting, nia ® TOTAL 6. Function or Use Historic: Functfons, Current Funcilons: C}ONIESTfC/Single Dwclli.ng DONIE.S`1-lC:'Singlc Dwelling 7. Description Archltsctural CIassifir_atfnn: Mata%dals, Laic 19th and 20Eh Century Revivals: foundation: concrete Tudor Revival walls; woad, brick reof: asgbalt other. Narrative De-,cription The .lack Bartlta House is located at 3 West Hanrgon Street in Bozeman, Montattar and is found at the southcastem t:rlge of a large historic residential neighborhood between the town's MaiD Street comrnereial district and ;Vlom na Stale University, The boundaries of alae Batt Ton and South Tracy Historic Districts are. found 'half a block to the east and west respeetivcly. Most of the homes in this vicinity were constructed during the first three decades of the Twentiedi Century and tend to reflect Arts and Crafts nr Colonial Revival stylistic innucnvcs—a fact which lends a saracwbat contrasting and distinctive Tudor Revival character to this Murc rcti.en* coristnicted residence.t C ortstrueted on lots 1-6 Block 7, in Bozertaan's butte Addi.titari, the house stands on a landscaped 150' x 1511' corner lot that is bounded by 'South Tracy Avenue io the east, We -5t Harrison Street to the north. and a dcdi;catcd allev to the wept, The residence fronts onto tree -lined West Harrlson Street and is sauatt(t to the west of center an the lot, behind a mndest, cultivated lawn- To d -y rear, is a l,argi� privaic yard enhanced by rnaiur4 vegetation, hICluding UR 2()TJifcrs and deciduous trees, nLIuro hedges, and rather ornamental plantings- A small period sited. echoing the house in design and materials, stands near the western proixny line, adjacent to the north -south alley. Thr; property is in excellent rvondition and has had very little alteration since its ednstrttedo n in 193940. While Tudiir RL!vivLd homes arc 5nmcwtiat ultcutnusun in the iutmcd ae vicinity of (he Etartlj.0 Residenrc, se% -ural stttullx`r, ]Miff: co,flive-iikv ._U,trnlcr, ilt -lac 51% Iv da inn Cram the 19345 con are found between tkte: Bail Lind 500 blocks of West Clevcland titrect. just OItd btuCk ix, Clic south. These incl Ac 115 wesi Ckv&an�d stn:-ct (e, 1At 31), 411 Wrst Cleveland street. (c. Mo), 509't eA Ctevclnn i Sucel 5c. tQ351. 515 Wusi Cleveland Strcct (19361, 516 W'rn Clcveian,d Str€el (193 1 J..:usd 521 '44 est Cleuciand S3rcrt (1936. Frrd Willson is credited with dcSiianhig [hs homr'tt 509 West Clevuland S rect