HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 58- Lot 4,5 Blk C Original Townsite Deed ... '(. ... .. .. /l' 1-<', , ',:: ")' 'I' ",:' , ' '" [, ,,', 1',. ,1...'.J 'I,,~~.I'- , 9~L:;~:t~. .:;.~./i ~LL.2'\ ...~;) '.flU:) INDi~NTURE:, i,lade eJ.H:': 2Jrd day 01: Octob:::r, in the :yca,c C,-i2 i..:.;CUSdi1U l11.11C c,unurcCl -:'Ll.(l ...:i:fcj--C3ibc, '),;,L\J';C:il SF:cuaTY .b Lrl.f,~: } ".J.: -. ~ ~L i.) ~ ., Q :~, ~CY:' t ;~~C~:~i~~.;, ....; (;~... Fe,;.... ~'l ...: i 0':,1 "tdJ_ -~-= .: L L. ~:.' ~~~. :-..~ '~. ~'- ;".<1 J~ ;,"} de (~ O..L .':',-. -~ ~uS:"tleSs .J.t, ~~':C}Z'~;.lf![:~rl, [\'l()d":,,',(:I..::l.:?: - ~~n,~~ J)i\I{'.'L"{ (;,',? J;":....."': J..I l..;,,~.~)'.i. r. J.~ '. ;) ']l.~~'; 'f!'F~ CITY OFr~OZ2;\L~.N, a ;llunicllal. corporatio;1 in G:111<:L.:::L1 :":ou.<li.::y, l'((:uta,:u, [,:,: PA}Cl'Y OF TE,: SECOtT) PA,RT, ',aT:'J::SSETI1 : T.~at the said Party ot the First Part: _',:C;: iLl COI),s:L- (':"':>'-""""-1(")'11 O' :-,'1(' <"'11'1' o'~ 0...,',' '0' 01"1' ,~- (:';1 (:i) ''1'',', n;-".<'r ,d'l""l'L':> '"(Y'''- "-4-C,J,~ ....1-1._........ . .... ' ___ ,\.....- U'I.... ._ ..'-~ . ..:...41.. ,. _ '-' i.......1._""""""~" ,_~~'..~_ ...11-.1., ~u.._, -.\.,.:. .......... I. ;~dd(:~J~;:ti:::\.ons to it in band r;dJ.C J)i>l~; saic! Tari::::1 0-,_ ..-,,:..:: .<:,~;C,lC }. ar t, '~,,; C,<-', e il_, t 0 f ,Vi; 5.C~1 i s ~le':C:)! aci:,}o';-l L ; ,;:loffi C 0'1',' e ,~;, ~;rT' t: , remise, ,:_'i::, lco;'.lS 2 ana toreve:.: qu.~t:c~i_aL~l 1.1l1tO,.J_<, Sdl.G fartv O.C:: Ltc S ec C).:'1\.'.'~ L;' la~c t: 'l ,1'nCl t() i "[5 ~)tlC C C~ S S (..1r S 3.1."1C1 :1 ~3 s :Lf,:\l.-i[J) L:l" ~:,~ _,~. () .:.. .1. ()\]~L I~'l~~., Ci t.'~ n - (>:1:'1. ):.~~;. ~:~"(2~'J.l C~Gt~_~1'~~.::::'::: SI.L\.,.'c(1;~2Ci, i';."l ~:,'.'1('; C::.i..,c:.r c~f C<~<'-:::~..:.:L ~.~ (~(JLlrl.:=''t,,:7 ().'L (',IL.LTti:l .J.'.::~ State OfIOl.li:.:i.Ula, -:.:o-wit: \!-i '-'-1''''a",;' p'ar'L'- 0"::: l,o;-,'FoLl"" (i,-)' a"1(' I,''-''?''' (,\ (1i:-: '<'10("'," ,: ,l.. .J_. ,...:.... L _ ..J... ~ '--....) __..1.. ; k _l .!.,. " __ ~: l,,).~, :.~- :"~; 0' ",,- ~ Cr '. ,. 1 1'('1 "1 {.' _:.; t ,..',\ .... .;''::: .' -"") ,.:r. r"l~. "- '.: . '. .;'': ~'::: ....,. "."':'\- \ ,., ',""': i' ,10" -, ,.-, ,~ , .;. ~ ~, ~J'blna _ _LOtV':..:'I.I_ '- (n. CLC ._._'_I_j' 0... ).)0.:.,,-"..,..:1..) c~O,,'Cd'1d, Llcluded -';vil:hL-, tne l:o}lmving Ekl.:C:; :;Ll(~ :)ot'nds, to-'iilit:: T:c:~;_j,n,"lLlb at :l J:,oint :Ll t~lc';oU;:n L,i.;~,~ (L Lot. I'. o,c P.1' OC'i"c i 1''', C', r 'L.':i'l (' ()-'l' n'l' Ila' 'i "'0\")' i,' J' L"" e'- :':' -I) r- '7 D_ I, J.....) _ r"..... .,j ') ~ _..~~ .J.... '0 h. ..l... 1_ '\j~,........ .., ...... J.i.._ ..I......J..~""'- :In:1,l, wnicb POil',t is I).~) ieet I~ast of [:.le ;)outnwest \~G1.'ner of said liot /;.; cLlencc J\~or LLLI~QrL,L,.,~.L to t:18 ,J,,:;st Lot Line of S:lJ_U Lot It 4 distance 0:":' _L' teet; ;:.:t:2n(~e East paral1.2l. .to tne SouLa 1...,0;: LLl':~;; of Lots .::tad 5 a Ql'sta;lCC~ OJ~ ?c;',::; feet to a FOl:i,: ") f(~et '::.lSt en dlC West La';:: l...ine ot Lot j ;i.:..l:,::~1(:,~ SO'utc l-,drallel to tile ,-lest Lot LLcw of Lot 5 a ,-i:I,staGcc~ of lei feet to tne SO~lth Let Line;:: c.,,' ],,0:':' .J; ;::n2nce ';1es t alol1>'-- tne SOU.C~l Lot Lines of Lut~] ~) ann '+ a distance ~f 28.5 feet to the point of Lcsiuning. i\.ll trlat part of Lots Twenty -nine (29), Tnirty (30), 1'>'l'rtv-o~n I"?-j) rr~';T'hl-'tT'70 C"J2) aI:1d "I""'"l."'r't\7-"~"'l',--e'e:> __, _,. ..J i.... \..- \ _~ . ,_ , __ I J. _~. <_ V\ J l ~ -' L...l ,J... (, '- '-"'';'' '"'Ir,,,, I,,"'" (")',--"rc--'l"; """",'1 ,"'.- t~)" (''-'t'u ,-,..,), ,1..". J.I,) ,}_O,_~, ',>, ,-,-..1,.:::;1_,_,-,-,.- 'l",'",S___ C,L ,.,-.....1,' OJ..: DOZ(~ji}aIt, T';OliUii."ld, :l_rlC},iU';,'Cl \.J~'_ttlj,-: ;:.,",'c .__('i_'J;\)'_"ul,':~;.:::'; anCl .iOUnClS ,to --,;,,1... c : Beginning at a point in the South Line of Lot 4, whiCH point is 6.5 feet Eas t of the Sou thv-les t Corner of said Lot l~; thence ;:::ast along the South Lo.t Lines of Lots .,j J.. . ; . . . . ':'!; J{ ;,t' Ii ."'~ t:, ,~1 t t..,,\., "7. t}l'~" ,Lt.."" t,,;._~J 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, 143.5 feet to the Southeast Corner of Lot 1), which is also the :'-Iortheast Cor- ner of Lot 29; thence South along tlie~~3.~;t Lot Line of Lot 29, a distance of 20 feet; tnel1ce West J:.arallel to the Nor 6, Lot Lines of Lots 20 and 30 a ~istance of 51.5 feet; thence South parallel to the East Lot Line of said Lot 3u a distance of 141.5 feet, mOTe or less, to tne ::iorth lL1,-~ 01:1:<1[; i:: l'<I;)COCL'~ Street dS now Ldc cut ;,Fld COL'ist:c,-lctr.~(J;;=l':.::.-li:-' lest :l1Onr: __ tlll::: L~Ol.tn Li-cw o ,c.- E~asL~ Babcoc" StT:~"'t =1 \..\ ."";."..,,,... (}-,-- 20 feet; thence Nortl' parallel to tlle:~as'L ,Lot fine of Lot 31 a distance of 141.5 feet to a point wnich is 2(; feet South of tbe North Lot Line of said Lot 31; thcn~e West faralle~ to the No~!h .Lot Llnes of Lot~. j1., jZ, a.nd :.3, a alstD.nCe 0.': /1.. .l.:2et to a L)oi"lt \\}'tllcn is 20 feet. South dild D.) feet T~:;.l.SC of ';:,.-cC ~:orthwe::;t C;o::ne:c of Lot _I,':;; L:i.lC'Llce Nort;} pnrat ',_co 1 to ;:':(2 I'ices t Let Line of Lot 33 a distance of 2'....' ..:.,::;",,_,-} tile Foint .~., " .. or DC;:;ll1.rnng. T'I..IIS COr:TV~._~;Yi\i,:rt~}: 13 1..u\D ~ l1'OI-~ 'rI-1..:~: r~Ul'~FoS'(I.~ t)"lT ~::IT:(),/~L(.i:j_\'1G an ::: llev .i:or the us C~ 0": tile Vllb l:Lc . Iii,.:, Ie event ti.:I.:: C" ~:, "..:) r -I -! 8"- - ,":. ~"" "'"' ,-,. ";"j """'\., -" ~ ;: .l~ i .J'l . "~t"1 : ~ ....' ...-" c": ": ',..., .:,.,,' '"', L> d 1." a 1. L... y \1dy, , ~ ll<1 1."-.. 'pC: d 1. SC Oc1 L _1.1.1,;:.,., , ,_Co ,_ .. ~~ __1."':: ;:,. .<~ 1.,- ,'::2.'~.rC:,~r~: ~:O L~l.',:~.C ~.'~~_.::~;-~ 1 a~~tJ_(;S, or tL'l.Cl..J: l~(~:~,_l"S, ;3l.lCC,(~SE~or~; (Jr l~lS s l_gn~) . To,::etilel" with all the U,JneElec1t~; ,,1ereditmuC{lts and :;,ppurtena.nces tl1e:;:(;u.-', to be; .Longing, aiX!.:txtrl:mx;:r<i'XV~::i:o:Jxj;a;m.:tz::,:'X'z'Xc.~'?3:;:}:r~rnj:;:l:-:l::rr:. -,-- .,,~-_._._- ailJi'~<.z~n;~.iLlrl~;:~~:$";";. i:~ (~~~"i. L~, .i. S S ~~:,':;~ ~~:; Uti',.. l..J'i l.) ~'= ~ ~ s t:J..~I..:~:.~~ :'~.c; =':=:; :,~.{i ,.:.~~ ~ 1., ~:~ ::: .~~ -I ,j t~~'~~e c. ...:. .~:~:l t '2, r :L::~.t'1 t, tit 1 c, iLl ';':(:r c s t..~_,~_.,_.----.-,_~.,__..---._.._..".~"_....._,.~..,___,.,,.__._,"r__"'w'."~,.__~ I)"r<]I> :3:~.~ t:,T , ."os~;::;S:JLO;-l, clair-i, ana dcn3.l1d o-iJa.tsoeve-r as ,'lt21I. :1.:: Llv.! as in equii::\?, _. .... .i Cj.~< 'Lt'.i,!.,;; caic\ I?Elrtj7" o:i~ ti1(; 1~"'1i.,l:3t= }art, ()f:l J.. ~ c:: to t;,~i:'2 ::; l-:'~:.~':{~~i,~~,..~:\ _:'::'; 3.(1([ ':':'V;2r::i l art and parce 1 Llercof, TO }-L'\'Vi~ AND TO HOL!) , aLl anG SiilSUl.:J:;: Lcic: ~;aia prcr:d,ses 7 ,r;"t:l tLe d?r-i.Tt(~.l""ldce::; l.m-i.:OC::U:2 s~l:Lcl 1:';1':ct:.' 0,,: ,,;:.':,:cond 1 ar.., it::; SUCC2ssors and assigns lorevcr. :u:; ;.'JITNESSI;,l;-rjc::.~:.~OF', Scd.d Farty 0:;': C .:' :'::;L'~;C I.-art t)a~; C;]USCC: l.l:S corjJoratc name to be scbsc:ribed and its c0:cporai::(;: s,2al to be affi:.:cd, by :L ts proper officer:::;) thereunto duly author:Lz(~d, on this ~_._3~..>:,~~l.___.. dD.~; or ()cl~('ik-'i:-, /...JJ., ,,\~, Cd~,I UU,:l.Il":,G, :c.r:., ( ", ,/ : ,/ :; / i "'I'.."".,,' "i........-""' TlV'" it< 'j' ,( ,J -- I I: .") , I ,'':'", _l..,l:!..),~ . : .'J.L : \. t., <..J '<J..' (I ! '" L,( "Io::, C" "~~,"","" ", / -, ~----1t,t J.res:rfr1,'nt---'-- )'" '~., . ~ -- -...- :',,:, , " -........ .. ,"'" ,---~-'- ""T::- ~" <', ~ J.:;::'~~ . ':. (--.. ..........1 ,,,,_..r, r..-., ,- \ ~n_~~~~~~,; ~e'al) . -\ .....,f....I .L..):" \..) ~ ~ L:5~;. '...1 ,., . '" 2 . .. - .. . . . ';., '"r'C ~, .'{ t~.. - r'I;;';i:~j,J- STAT .'~ OF NO:t\fl'AI'JA ) . S3. County of Gallatin ) On this 23rd day of October, 19'::;J, ~)c[ore me the under- signed, ,",' P 1 " > for 3.tate oi Hon~a'-ld, personal.ly a,.'!O "[dry ,. ~l) 13_c t'te 8.DU 2:~ r c (i __2'1 :C~LL (l _,~<o ~.l u~!:.L_~~~~t;J::.;..!...lL;~:_::..:..._ _::,_i:.-_L".~~lLl J-,"~:L.:__....._..__._._,_.__.._. ~~.,~~-- ~'^--~~~...~~. iC'i.10vhl ";:<) !no to I)C the ,~. r (' ~ LJ Cll,L_,__,_._ em d _....i..:~,.' '::' (:' .I.-dD .,,--~.,,- re:,;pecti\/c~ly , of the corI')Qration that e);e2t~i::ed Cne within instru- ment and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the samc'. L.r \HTNESS 'i-JHEREOF, I havehereun to set 1'l"~~a::1d and .xZfixcd ''"n"T o ";:iC:1:'ll "'eal the day ane year in this certificate first above l..~,.) J~.<_ ~_ L) vrritten. Jt:~/~ .,.'1 10 //, ' , ' ".:/ /--;/".-----... .. . "---,-,-,.,-----~ ~ .._"--,....,...._--..--.._"~._-'~ , ,..., ''1. ,.. i\fot:1r-' vubl-L~' Fa 1:" the ("'~'ltQ 0;- -\f()nt~n.:l , ;' ':," '(i~t:arl Se"-l,L) ..- ':. Y.....>'" . '-,.- ~ H ",'J, l, '-.. . / -' ,,_- < "'H.l.dl:!.... at, "0" ~~'la '1 ~~ t\.l....u :-1.5' Li ~ +...;~tt, :'., l'~ ",- ~ "l'" +... ,,,I' ~ fl'", ...': 2'I~' conllnis~>i.O~,l :'xec -~::~-2~.,~_.1.t'61 'r" ~ 1 ~ :. ''\ . ' ~/"/ , ~~ .~,-,," .... ~'t f M t C t f G 11 f;' ,~~ ::";"'0 I~,- ~nrr;d December 1Q 191;:.,8 .....Q eo on., oun yo .,0 Q ",1 " ,- ....'m.........___"..........,.. __moo.." V at........._m}.?.;}~_______Mf_!. M.. ail'.:: ~' . Book, 129.__()L"P~EDS .}'~ ge..:;;!..gj) EARL WALTON 'j ~J.a;~ D" tv ~.,..';o,;'.,...'...lobll....._...._'m..~.............1"..~.._.................._..~___......_ .---..............~~.."._.~_.--- ..n ~__'J. .\,~'" ...... -'.. ........~.. ....' ,.,-"'" . -.- ,I ..... ... oo _ .... epu.. J -J .