HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 58- Smith, Wilbur & Harriet Deed 11 I' , . " " .. I 1-" ' '. '_-'c) . ... . .'," ....,,\ '," ',' - iii I "'Ii i!.""j 'i';lt.J{k ~ I! NO. 14 ~~ C}lT1'li el.A I;\of DEI~n-o. 1~'" :S:TATE PUBL.I:SHING (:0,. 1-iE:I..ENA. MONT. II I! THIS INDENTURE. Made the.......2D.~!?:.......da]) ofmf>..lJg}HLl;...............__..in the ]}ear of our i h d' h d d d ." ", " b ! Lord one t ousan nme un re an __..___.A.;.~A.:.t;l.'::".e~ilt___n............ etWeen .......____..,_____________._..__ ,.HlLB.UR__X....SMITlLand... HAR B.rJ~T. .E......S.:,U:r.H..... _ ___.... _ __ __ _ _ _ ________...,....... _.... _. _ _... m.._... _"........ ,. 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Dlllil i.c ip a1_ _ .corp or-a.t..i O..l.. o.i. _ .the. _ _S t.ate. _ _ o.~ 00..... }':!QH tana,___DL _.Boz__~n,'mHQni:.ana"............. m................... _ _..__ _ __ __, __ _ _..__ .._____, _ _ __. _ _ _...._...__... ...._ __ ~ ~..... _ __... _. __ __. _ r _. _ n.. _ _ _.. _. _... _... __. _. ___......... _. _ ~ ~ _. _ ~ _ __... ~~ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ ~ _ _ _ ___ _~ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" __ r _ _.. _.. ~.. __... _.. _ _.. ~ _ _ _ _ ~ _~_ _ __ _"n. ~_~ _w__ 'wi'riVEs'sETH .:'."l~h~~";h~"~~;;i' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"~;--~h~oFIR~h; ~~~-T.' f% t~~}~C~~~e:~~~; Ii the sum of---QD.2...d.allar...&..o.tllC~r---valuab.1e...co.l.lsi.der..ai:.nDollars. ($ml~lLCL_______n) , to.n.._____._____..______.__...__________......__.n......................... --........._.._..._______.______........in hand paid b]} the said"-;".'l : t- ~ "} J.... "- ~ , parLy__.. of the SECOND PART, receipt of which is herebJJ aclmowledged; do....__ herebJJ conveJJ,/ I remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the said ParL_Y_m.. of the second part. and tOu_Lt~...su..c.c es lor s }neiD; and assigns. all right. title and interest in and to the following described 'real estate. situated in the .0m...G ~.~.Y...9. f _ ,P. Q_?' ~m~m. _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _m... _ _"."00" Count]} of-...G ;';LJ1.<< :L;.~.:,~... 00............ _, _ _ _ _ _ _.. _.... _.00 m 00 and state of Montana, to-wit: ......... ....._.. _ _....__..0000... 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I TO HAVE AND TO HOLD. all and singular the said prelnises, with the appurtenances .. --. -. -. _..~.~ - ~- -~ n__ _ --. _ _.. _ _.. ___A ~_..~ _~ ~_ __.__ __n _ _. n_.. _ _. __ _.... ~ ~ __... _. ~~. _ __ __ _ _ ____ _~ _" _ __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ _ _.. _ _._ _. __ &_ ~_ ~. __ ___A _ _ _ _ __ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ __ __..r._ . ~ - - - - . -.. - ~ - - - - - - - - - -. - - -. - - . . - -.. - - .. ~ - - ~ ~ - - - - -. - _. _ - - - - - _ _ r - _ _ _ _ . _.. _ _ _. _. _. _.. _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _.... _ _ r _ r. _ _. _ _ _ _. "_. _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _. _..... ~ _ _ _. _ ~ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _. " . . _. .. _. _ _ ~_ I f ~"" -- -- ------ -- ____r___._.... - ~-.~- -- - --- ---- .--- -." - - - - - .. -.... -- - - -- --- - - - -----c:.- u-.'~.-(.~~'-=)-,,'. ~~-O-.~.:. ~:7 -. .---...." - - -.. --"- --.... .~-- - --- - - ___r ..--.-. -. -. ...- i unto the said part.:;l-------- of the second parLits-!~:...~~~,~I:i'assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parL.......m of the first part hm..mh'. hereunto seL_mmm. handm....... and seaLm.... the daJJ and .!lear first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of "'--,-------- --- ." --,,- .",... -" ----, --. - -- ----- -. ,,',.' . -.. --- ----.---- .;j:_.:_.~/i:::::.<..,:.L.t.~::.~~:,,_~":~_.~__"'_,.,,:~:~:?(SEAL) __ ____ _ ,_... " ,__ __... _ __ __ _ __ __ __ ____ _ _____ __ __, _ .,no.... ....____ __;_~:;:~:w'::: > _~::"t.~~m"i;.~~..'~:,:~:_ :_'_ !_'_~_!:(__ (SEAL) I Il -. , - 1 l' (1' '~) n " /] '1 \ "', (""" \ B ' ' Ail tlLat l!art ot ~ots ,..cn U, ",',.Le'/ca ~_.LJ, ~U.,.l l\r~l.\iC L.:_1 ot ,.l.oc;.: " C) Origiaal Tmvnsite of the City of Bozerna,l, HO'lL"-tlld, included Ylitniu the folJ.,owing metes and b01.1nds, to-wit: I p ," ('r -' -,- ,- . ,- 0- ,t" t ",<,0>'::: .,- ': '", . c> "t' r "... ,"~ c, ::: -:.' -- ,-, ""' l' ..'",.. (, (,,) ..}'_bldilln~) a L_ ...OULLlilc., Co.t:'.lcr c.. ~_L,.L .1.'"'__' L ~,,_d,!_' , ' t~encc ~asterly along the South Lines of said Lots Ten (1(~ ~leven (11), and Tvlelve (12), a distance of 7"7.5 feet--, inore or less, to a l:oint 12. j feet :lest:er-lv from the Southeast Corner of said Lot TvlClvc \12); t'llerlce Northerly' 12. 5 E,~e'(: dista'ilt [rom ac((:'1 para11c'>1 to tne ':_':<15L J..LLC of said Lot T~,'elve (12) a distance or 10 feet; thence \'Jcsterly Ll; :J:eet distant from ana parallel to tne Soutn .l.Eles of sa1.G Lo.ts Tv-J\::d~\Te (12), Eleven (11), a~ld TGrl (10) a ciistdLlce of 77.5 feci::, I~t.O'L" ~'., (')-~ -I p" <0' i-O d' PO;i:l t 0"1 '-"'-', r:>' I \',,~S t l'ill'" 0 ':: c,." -' d': 'I U'- j" T "::'''1 ('t' 0") . -'- L 'l"":" C P }.,~ l_ .l.. .....__k;;tl,...l-: L- ..... ,_ L..J..1,.lo....... ill:. __ l,;:: __ I..')~:..L ..J. \-- ....~J.. -- , L,~,."L"-...... Southerly on said ll]est line a distaace of lU feet, EtOD2 or :!'(~::;~3, to th,,~ point of beginning. Also an undi-ilided one-half interest in and to all bliJ.t part of Lot TvJelvc (12), of Block C l O:::-iginal Towns ice of the City of Bozeman, Horltana included vTithin the following metes and bounds to-wit: Beginning at tne Southeast Corner of said Lot Twelve (l2), tneace 'destcrly along the Souttl line of said Lot T>:velve (12) .:l c.l:i.s -;:aiiCL~ of 12.) feet; thence Northerly i2.:5 feet distd!lL'. fr011;. and parallel to the East 11:1e of said Lot T\iJclve (12) a distd.il(~e of LU i:eet.; tLli2i.1CC: Eas terlj lU feet. dis tanto from and parallel to ti:';'2 SO(ltll lli1e oJ.:: saili Lot Tuclve (12) a dista~nce of 12.5 feet, morc Ci- iJ'SS,LO a roii1L u,~ .t",:, "'''''','' -:.i...,," 0'" "'a'-.l'uc: TO^,t TT'l,::.j.". (12)' t'l"'C"" <jo"l't'j"'("l'v' a-lo'''p S""l~U:' ll....... __.......".... L.. ."'..rl.......:..".- ...L."... i.......j ~~ ,-_\I \....- ,.... \...,.'\'.1.'-1........ ... L _L........~.1 ...10 \"..4 Eas t L_1l2 a dis t::L1.C''C> nf :'C: fpee) marc 0'1:' less, to tile point of bcgilL1LlE. THIS CONvr~YANCF': 1.S j'iAD;;; ,FOR TJ:IE PURPOSE OF prcYJ:l.Cl.Llg all al:(ey '.\lay for the use of the public. In tilt.:' eve~lt t,,[(C' said ailey \-I[:ty shall be discon ti:nued, trle ti t1c shall revert La Firs t PartiE~s, or their neirs, successors or assigLls. I , 8iiUI( lc..:~) fYli;t..Jul STATE OF MONTANA, } ss. C ount-,) of... ..G.~JJ#_tJn__.....__........ ..__m.. On thiLm_ .?~_~~~____. ...da]} of-._Aug:~lst___ __ ________nineteen hundred andm. f.i Lty.":'_a ight. .__m____ -..-- before mem.ttle___und.e.r:signed____,__..___.._.______......._._....___............. ..m,__.__,a N o tar]} Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared_._HILB_UR_E__.____SN.ITH.._.?-I1:4.)IA0):U_r.;'~___~_~___~!\!IJ~~.II.._____ , ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . 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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set m]} hand and affixed my Official Seal the du'!J and ,'!Jear in this certificate first abovewrittm.:? //) , <",-, ,~,/~ " _' ~--'P/&Z-~~?-!./ ,........,-:;'.::-;.:...-:J~.........................,..-.......".."""" N 6tar]} Public for the State of Montana, Residing aL_....__J3.m~emaIl...".No.ci.tad;;:L..--.---nM-l}Commissionexpires---5.l..?-.0l5.9.mn. 19....____ I ,I , ,~ ~ . a \,\ .i II \..., ...; -: ""=I "> - ~ r-r" '" 0 '(0. l:: ""=I 0 ,;J) f rj ~ ,;J)~l:;I~,,>t: ..: ~ '.. t:::I: ,.... ""=I::S lU.... ""=I 0'\ . ""'"l .... 0 ""=I::S ... . _ ~ 0 U l--' .Q. o - ~ ...... ~ 0 lU u.J ~ . : <;) o::lU ~ ,,.... "'=" ""'" lU ' ""'"l u.J """'"l : : rY' . <:; .' , ...... i, 0 :;t: "'=f' 0 ~ p..,j.s ,;J). , !1 ' '::-' ~ "< ~ rl ~ : 0'- ,.... "'-.:,. H <( E--. .rl 'N""'" Z l::, ' ;,", , -< ~ '5" ~ ~, ! r-l ~ ! 0 5~! . ~ I -<:n ~ 0 m . : E-l cjI"' I: I · <( 0 N r-1.::3 ~.: s:: : HI: ::> . . E--. 0 ~ ....." ':S $..,:...2 : !'rl ro: < 't)~: I: I -!%1 r:Q C1f ""=I (l): ~...Il:: :~ C:::3: ! : I:... U I:.t., a ......(1: ~ <;) c~: ro m: : I: ~ ~ r~ 0 8 5: t--. 0 : rl +:.: H ,~p " 1-::::>> 0 lU 1>>: C"'\: t!l '-3: ....-I s:::::,:r::: ~: " ~ t.I.l e::: o!..! C\-,.: ro O!~ ! :3 . """",...::l ;:... h..... Q): N: .S ): 0 :a:: pi] : lU --' H: t'....f ...... 0 Q r-t: : . : I:.t., a~: H ~ <;) ...... : : ~ : ", 0 E--.,;J) ""=I::~ ....:. : CI').... lU ' '.... 0 ' l:: ':-;:: : : <;) o.i lU : " ::s [. : : ~ t:lO .... ... _ ' <;) ",- : : lU l:;I oS ~ U : '0 e::: 0... V) C!j ..