HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 58- Johnson, Ingolph & Clara Deed Ii I' , /'U ,",.' ~t'~ .. .. , dUUf\ ,U_d PAUh.i )C ~ ~ NO. 14 - ~tl}l'l' CI.AIM Jl,EED-O. F. STATE. ptlBU:SHINij; eo., HELENA.. M0NT. I THIS INDENTURE. Made the..m~.P..~..__..day of....uA\l.g!J._s_t____..m..._._.in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and_______fifty.'="eightm.m______mm betweenl ___________________ __........__ I.NGQLPH..M.... .JOHNS.oN...and.. CLA...l{A_ _.JOHNSON. -..hu,s.band_..and__m.f~J....9;1;., ._u,____. .... ..... ,_., J?o.2f gman,.... MQJJ..ta.n~........................,".. _ _ _.... _ _, 00.00......00............ _ _ _ __ _ _.__ _.......... _.. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. 00 _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ _ _... ,~- ~ ~ ~ . ~ . ~ - ~ - ~ - - - - - - - - ~ - . . - ~ - - - - ~ - -. .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - - - - - - + - -,. -. -. " ~ . . - &. - - - - - - - - - - - - _ ~ .. . _. _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ~ _ r _ _ _ _ _. .. 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'__..00...... ......... .......... ...00.... ......... ."u__ __ __________00....... u_. .__.the part.ie..s. of the fitst part and ..THE...Cl.TY., .OE__B.oZEMAN~___a..munic.ipa.l ,. c.orp_or_a tion. .of__the._. s.I at~_"_Q.f.______ Montana,....of__ .Bo.zeman~--.Montana.,,-...-----.................. ...... __ _ __ __ _ ____ _ __........ _... _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ __.. __.... .__.....__ ,_ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r r _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . _ _ _. _. _. _ _ _. _ _. _. _. + _ . . . . _ + &. _. + _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,.. _. . _ . . . . _.. . . _. _ + _ & _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _.. . _. _ & &. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _. _ ~ & &~. _ _ _ __ ..........u.......,........______..u________________________m_..............___._........_..the parLY..._ of the SECOND PART. ~/I'FNESSE-TH : That the said parLuie.s. of the FIRST PART for and in consideration of the sum of, Q:D:~.. pgJ ~~J;.. f!.. _ _gJ~h~.~.. y. ~ J.~~J?.1.t?. _ _ ~_~P._!? ~~,~~ ~ ~ .t.~mollars. ($J_~.9.Q...__.____u ) to....................-...----m.---them................________.m.m ._____m..m ......___m.__..... in hand paid by the said, ' + - - ---- ,::!' L D_ ~, party.___. of the SECOND PART, receipt of which is hereby acqnowledged,. do....._ hereby conVeJ}. / remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the said parLy.___.... of the second part. and to._its__s:uccess rs ~and assigns. all tight. title and interest in and to the followinR described Teal estate. situated in the .m.....C ity- --0 f- - Boz.eman.... ,. _. _ _." _ _ _ _ __."....... n. 00' C ountJ} of.. 00............ .Gallat in. _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _........ .......u and state of Montana. to-wit :.A.lLnt.hatnpar.t....Qf..Lots,__2.4._..25.,...2.6..,.m21.,...andm28...mOf ~l.9.k k..::.C: :.,. _ _ 9.r.igj,n9,1...rQ.wn.s.it.~_. 9.f. __t.h~...C i.t.y_ _9 f _ _'5. 9.~ ~man,." J1Qnt.gJ.1~h.. JD.9.111ded w1_thin _ _ .th.~ _. f9.t!-.9.wtn&u m~ ~ .l?_~...~n9-. n1:?9.~:n~.~ -,-.. _ t 9. ~~. ~.~... ,. _. _ _..........., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _................__ l1~.gillning.. .at_ _ _ the _ _N. QJ:.th.e.as.t. nC.o.rner.. _0. f. _ _ said.. .Lo. t...2 4 _~ _ _. thenc. e_ _ _S ou.thet".ls.. a 10 g th_~ _ _ };'.as.tn 15. n.~.. 9.t._ .SJd._d. _ L_9. t. _.24... g:}... 4.i.s_t;:J.J),~ g. _ _ 9.t. .1Q.. J ~ g.t,;.._ _ t b..~mG_e _ _ H ~.$.t!;:t:;ls lO ~~.~ t _ n~ ~.~. t~.TI t., _ f~.9.~_ _ _~p._~.. p_~~_~ U"~ 1...t 9.. J h-.~ _ _ J.'1.Q~J.h_ _ _ ~;i,.:t:l:. g~... gJ _. R_~ ;i,._9_ _ _1.9. t .:?.. ~.~ '- _. 25 , 4R.,... .2.7. J... .and _ _ _2_8 u _a". _4i.$.t~nc.~... Q.f _ _l,?Q_. J.~~.t:. ~.. JJ1QX'. ~". .9.~ _ _ _lg_$. t.? .,... t.9...~.. .p.9.int. mO.n. _ the WeB. t___line_ __of_ _.said..I.o.t,_28.; __ -theru::.en.N.or.the.r:ly:__along.__s.aid..H.es.t..line..And i s- tanc _e__ _ o_f. .1.Q.. .f~e,t _ __to... J:;h.~.. .NQ1:.t_hW:~~.t....9. 9X'.n.e:+....9. f _ "saJ_g_ __~Q .t... k.a;... .tb..~nG,~. _~_a,s t er y al9.ng.. tb.~" _ N QJ;. th... .1j..x!~_$. _ _ 9_ f _. .$.~J.~ ..1g t~__ _ ~_~ ,. _ __? l.L. .~.~ "-... f ~.,... ~_1"!4_ _ _ ~ 4. _ _ ~_ _ _4 t.!? ~~1"!~ e 0 15.0... f_ee_t....mor_e_..or_..le.s.s.. .to. ..the_.p.Qi."()..tn9.f..h~ginning.... "________ _..______ _ _ _ _ __ .00...... ......... ,~~ - - ~ - - -. -. -.... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ~ - - - - - - - r _~~ ~ _ _... _ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _. ____. _. _ ~_ __~ __. __, ~~ ~~ _ _ _ _ ~_ _~ _ ~. _. _ _ n _ r _ _.. _ _ ~_ _. __. _.. _... _.. ~_. _ ~~. _ &... _ ~ _ ~___~ _ _ _ _ _. _ __ __ _ __ hi s - __Conv.ey.anc. e_ _.r B__ _Made...F _o.t' _ _ _Th.e.. J\u:OP_O_Sg_. _QJ. ._pX:Qvig.in&-. .an. .all~.y... Ior__.the.. us e of the public. In the event the said alley way shall be discontinued~ th tit Ie" 'snal1:--r'-ev(~'rt:n.to--Ftr's.t.. 'pa.rti'es-;'""Or-' .their"heirs';'--succ-es-s-or-guor"Hss ign . . ~- ww. -" - ~ -........ -. ~.... - - - - ~- --- --- __ __ _. _.... _ ~_ _~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. _ _. ~." _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _~. _. ~ r r _ _. __.... _ __..... ~.." _. _~_... _ __. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _w ~_" r _.. _ _ _ _.... _ ~ together with all the tenements. hereditaments. and appurtenances thereto beloTlRing. and the reversion and reversions. remainder and remainders. rents, issues and profits thereof; and also all the estate. right. title. interesLumm......___,....____m.m..m.....m....__._.___propertJ}. possession, claim and demand whatsoel'er as well in law as in equitp. of the said parties.... of the first part. of. in or to the said premises and every part and parcel thereof.,________.._.__........ .... "_u.______ _______._ __... .___. ,.. .....00...._______________ ___. ___.... _. _ ,_____...__ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD. all and singular the said preT;nises. 'With the appurtenances . - - r _ _ r - -" _ _ _ _ _ _. . _ _... ~.. _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ r - r _ _. _. _ _ _. _ _ &. _ _ ~. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. .. . ~ _ _. _. _. ... _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r r _ r _. . _. _.. . _.. . _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ _. . r r _.. _ _ _ ~. _ _ _ _ ~. _. __ ,. - -. -. . . . -. -. ~. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - -.. . . -. ~ - ~. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. .. - - - -. - - -. - n, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ r - r _ _ . _ . _ _. . _. .. _ _ _ _ ~ ~. _. _. r _ ~. _. . r r . _ . _ _.. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _. __ -...... -- -----------. --,..", -- ------ ----............ - -,,, -- --------- -.. ..---......... .s-ue-ee-s-so-rs------ -- -- 00... u ..__....._. ,_____u_....._._,.... unto the said parL-y_______ of the second parL~...its.../xlxeirx. and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the said parties..... of the first part huav:e.n hereunto set...the.i.r hand._..5.,__. and seaL..S... the day and .'\lear first above written. Signed. Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of t ., . 'I -~ .. r w r _ _. _ _ _. ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ .. _ ,. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. r r _ _ _ _. . . r .' " _ . " _ .. _ _ __ 'iJ~ti~u~~tiJm :::,4 "'9L(SEAL) n . 0 nso ...._._j -' ~/ ,,''- --'pC /t."",./ -G">~/t ...."...,-----,._---------------------- ..-.-.----'------------------------_... .{tifa-<:j-~J~Oh{ ,,,b:....7.._:________ (SEAL) I I , I I .. tiJ ~,'\:l:::U a . (") I \e" I:l: I:l (\\ ': o~ ' , ...., tIO. I"> ,'"t'] l:: :H :~ (\\:;0 ~ : : ~ a r - (") ::;;:: , 0" ,,(\\ It' .." 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