HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 58- Haynes, Lyman & Geraldine Deed . " )". ,"'~' ~ .. dltu/'\ li..d f-l/iLir:c~;.~l:J NO. II \VAHIIIHIf'rV OF.F.B !;ITATI; PlJtl(.I~HIN~ co., H!lENA., MONT. . This Indenture, M ade them.nmm.,g.~~m.mmmhnmumdQY of......uJ:qJS...'mu..nm_...'. A. D. one thousand nine hundred and....n..__........._nfiJt:y.::~Jgh~.....mmm.....m_"m.,_.__....u.m..mm BET WEEN ...L YMAN. nH._mHAXNESh.ano...GJl-15..i-\LD. I:t1E. _ HA.Y..NE.sn~n.hi.S. nwj.f.e....u.m..___...m.. .....,.._ __ __ _ ________ __, _.., _.._00_. .....n. u. .00. _...... .______ .0000__.... _h_.h...__'. ....._____.n.__..n..__...hun.n.nnn.....__.uunn. ..n.. of "..._____m.. ...n..J?Q?;_~:WAlJ1:.1.JJ9nh9:n9-.........m.h"Whmnm...m_...........part.ies-.of the FIRST PART and CIT.Y.. O..E..J10ZEl1AN"'ma.IOUni$;.ip.al...c..9h:p.9.+: a"t:JQTIn.Q.f...t;h.c;...Sj~a.t.g.., .......... ...... of Hontana of Bozeman Hontana un. ......... __. ._~____ _. _ _.n nun.. .........1.........00............. .nhh'.un ..uu.... u.......... __.uun........ .....n..... .00. 00 n. nun__.' hu' ____ _......... ~ ~ ~ ~~~.. ~ _~ _ _.. _ ~ r r n.. __ ~ __~...... __ _~ __ __ __~ ~ __............ ...... _ _...... _____ __.. __.. ______.............. _.... ~_.... _.... ~............ ~.. _.. __ __ ___........ __.... ___.... __ ~.. ___ __...... _.... ___.. _........ ___.... n.nuu...-........_..,nm....n.mm....u.....mmm............u...hh...u....mthe parL.Y-mnof the SECOND PAR T; WITNESSETH. that the $aid part.; as.of the FIRST PART. for and in consideration of the sum of .Q1J..~ ..I?Q1J{'!~..J~...Q.1;I!:g!;___y.?:1~.~eJ~...~9~~.~.cA~E.~~~.~~9~.......Dollars ($..~...Q.9.___..m.....) lawful mone_V of the United States of America to___....t.hem..........__in hand paid by said part.S....of the SECOND PART. the receipt IDhereof is hereby acknowledged; dOumum....m.by these presents grant. bargain. sell, convey. warrant and confirm unto the said parL.y...mu.. of the SECOND PART. and to t s .Sl1.c..g.c;.s.li~ sand assigns forever. the hereinafter described real estate situated in the city OT toIDn of ...B.az.em.an__mm........___........................ County Of.___.mm.g.-';IJJ9J~j.:n...........h....._...mm. and State of Montana. to- 'wit: 00......... ...............00.00..00..........00......... u..u..... ....00.. n. u u..u....n......u....n.. n.... 0000...00.....00.... .Ih.e.. .So.u:th... T.en. .Es;.et.nQf.fu9.f...t.h~...f9.J;.lQmng ufl.~ R .<;:.r.i-.1?~.4. .P);:gP.~~.t.Y.;. ............. .... '.n ..,.J..!Q.t..S.ix., ...anQm?2.. .:!;g.~L.QfJ..g.t..1=.h_~. .W:~~.t. u.f? ~ 4.~. .~.~. .~2r. ..?.~.y.~~,. ...9:"0-9:.......... m. .,.. ..25...feet.. .aff ..D.f...the....Ea.st.us.ide___QJ..r~Qt.. .EJ.~~.,...al1... t1J....RJ.Q ~l'\... ~.r:;~.I...........u. .... .--. .af. ..the._ Qri.ginaJ. .J:Q.ym.9.~L~..~..g.f..~h.~.. 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IN...THE~..l~:\Q';NJ:: ...s.ai.d...all~Y.>:~ay...5b.al.l..g.~...di.~.~Q.TIt.i.mJ-.~g...th.e..J;.lJ;l~...s.h.all........ 1;"_~Y.~r. .t. ..~I;:.9... J.j~f.!?t...P.g};.~j'".~~...Q~...~b-.~!f.J1~ .t.f ?'.2... .l?~~ f. ~ ?_~2f.~. ..<?."!=.: ...?:f?l?1g~~.~..... .... m. TOGETHER with all and singular the hereinbefore described premises together IDith all tene~ <<Ients. hereditaments. and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anj)wise appertaining. and the reversion and reversions. remainder and remainders. rents. issues. and profits thereof; and also all the estate. right. title. interest. right of dower and right of homestead. possession. claim and demand IDhatsoever. as IDell in lau) as in equity. of the said part.i.eSof the FIRS T PANT. of. in or to the said premises. and eVer),l part and parcel thereof. IDith the appurtenances thereto belonging. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD. all and singular the. above mentioned and described premises unto the said party of the SECOND PAR T. and to......=!-.t.$..J'?g9-~.E?~.$.Q'!;'J?.....n.___......nu....n.....1lMKKand assiRns forever. And the said part.i~fLof the FIRST PART. andnnth.~;i,.J;.___...nheirs. dO....n......hereby co\lew nant thaLu...the.Y-hm.....IDill forever WARRANT and DEFEND all right. title and interest in and to the said premises Q1}d the~ and ~eac.eable p~.~session thereof. untn the sai~ part.y..m_.__._,mof the SECON D P ART.::i.tsn~ ~rftP9Ji~ns. agamst all acts and deeds of the .sOld part nnn+..(:.S....of the FIRST PART, and all and every person and persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same. ...___~_~ __ __ - _.. - ____.~ ~ - - ._~ _.._______________._ ..________.. __..__~ __........._.................... ~ ~~........ ........_ _........ - &A.. ~__ .....__.. ........................ _......~"...........~.. .......... _~.. ___ ___.._ __ _____. ..... _ "'.-" -. _ ~............. -.. _ _ -....... -............... _ _ -- _ _ _ _ ....... _ -- -- -- -- _ _ _ _ -- --- --. ........ ............. _ ..._ _... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r' _ _.. _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 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