HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 58- Nybo Realty Company Deed . ~ , . ~ ... - ~~I\-..-W 1\ IC.RA.NTY nl~I~~I) - Corp~~oll-SbO..t !,i~Ornl. :HA.T[ p!.Il:1l.lSHINr,i c0., HEI.F.NA, MONt. -.--...-.-.- .. ,.....-. . ,,' '-1':(' ".) .\"" " " ,,"-,' ,),. ,'" Know All Men by These D,/vL L.r~.1 ili('t .).J,-", Presents: Thai .NYROH .REAL-D_ __CQ~U~AI;lX_)___~. _ }I()X~~_clJ\~_ _ _C:9~_P()_l:" ~__I;J()P.J. ...~'6-__~:J~._ _J ~_:?. _ P_l:"~P:S; ~ p?-l 1 f b' t B lIon tana . . d d ., d J I p_ aceo- u_s.~nes_s.__a_ __ Qzemau,__, a corporatlOll, orgam::e an eXlstmg un- er t lC a1.Vs of the State of -.- .,------ .------ ,_l1o.ntana, --------.. --------- .---.. __, in consideration of the sum opne__Dollar.__&___other. _valuable. __cous.:L.der.at.iop______,.. ,,- ,p--p,--- ---.-----.---,,---- . ...,____.__________p, ___._... Dollars ($__._1...0.0___ ,______________). the receipt tohcreof is hereb:y admitted, does hereb:v grant, bargain. sell. COIl'Ve];, warrant and confirm unto ,P................__p"___..m..______________.... I __ _..., _" _ ___ ___cr TY _ QT:, . BOZEr:1AN_,___a _ IDUnLc_ip_a_L_c_orp.Qr.atiQrJ.___Q f.J;b.e.. .St.a te_" _QJ..._. -- -- l " ..". p _ _ _ ____ __ __N(~:m_tan_.;1, J... .QJ. J~f'.~~m~J.:1,_ __ Nqnt~n~___ .m............... -- --------------- - --.." -..,,'.... -'.. -- ----. -.---. --- . - .. "- - - .. ., - - .. - - - - - - - - - - .. .. - - - ~ . .. . - ~ . 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THIS__ _CQNVEYANCK.is.. made_ _.for_ __the_ _ _purpo.s.e" _ D_f _ _p.rov.:L.ding_ _ all.ey...f or _. _the_ _ .us_e _ 0 f I the ,:pup_ii_c._., -- --------- ----"... -." - ..... - - -.....-- -." -- - - - - -. - - ------ -.---". -....." -- --- - -- -- - -. - - -.-...., -- ---- - ----- --- - - ----"-.....,.. - - -..' ---- ---------- i IIN THE__EVI,NT said alle)0vay shall be discontinued the title shall revert tal INYBO REALTY --COMPANY'~~. -it~---~~'~'~-~~~-~~-~--. - ,---------------...-......... -.- ----------------.. 'n. -.--- , .. _ .. _' .. _. ., _ _ _ .. _ _ .. _ . _. ~ . . _ _ " . . r . _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ~ _ _ _ . ~ _ _ ,. _ _ _ _ . . ~ . _ ~ _ . ~ ~ _ ~ - - - - - - - - ~ - ~ - ~ . . . - . . . .. . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ~ . . - - - . . '. . . " . . . - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - ~ - - - - - TOGETHER, ulith all and singular tire tenements. hereditament.s, ..____._________._....__..____,,_____..___.... ."__.____________________.___...._________________. ,____ and appurtenances thereto belongina or in anJ}wise appertaining. . .. - . . - ,." - - - - ... ~ ~ - ,- - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ - - - ~ ~ . - ~ - - ~ ~ . - . .. ~ - .. - . ~ - . ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ . - . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ . . ~ ~. - . ~ . ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . .. . ~ I .'. .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _.. _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ .. _ _ . _,... . ft _ _ _ ,_. _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _., _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ .. , . ~. . . . . . ~ . . .. . . . . _ .. " - - ~ - - - - - ~ - - - - - ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ -" - ~ . . . - . - ., " , " - " . . ----~. ." ~~ ~.." ." 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D, 19__58. a (} ~___,_ .__ ..._ _ oJ. ",-_ __ .___ ~. ,',^, .. I (Corpora!:e Seal) _.NYBO_REALTY__GQNPANy._____._.________________ , _ BV.R~{:'if~{.Jt-4J-.-P~~,id~~t..... i ATTESl": I I .. p~ ~ lff/(. --ci~i~ J,' '~1-y ~------.------." ,. Sec;~t~~.~:---- ! 'I I i) i I' :1 " , l;' " 'I ~ 'I i i I l::u b:l ~ 'U;:;e. ,""rjf) t:J ~ I (1)- r.c Q Q ('), :::..:. 0 Q '<; .... .... ()'Q 0, ~ i::.... ,ft." El ~. (1) (1) i:L: Q.. a ~ :...... ::2: :; :::: , C>: (1) :........ t:;j-. Ie' c.n :t:J~ ~ ... -., . Q..; l\) (I), 0 "-l ...... '0',' 'h ~. . "'"1 0""'] '''" , ~ o ""rj "t:<:l ~ \o!r s' i \:, ~:t1 -. A ~ :0 ::::I (1) ..", > 0 'Ill : '-\J : \".> a ~:...., . ::;:0" fl ' l:d :::s i........ ;/. ~: 0' g: t'r1 :~ ;(1) "< . , t-' ('t '........ : V. <::>: (1) ct : : : III c: ~:k""" III :1>> :)~.-';l-' '1 : 00 :tl:1 :........ C ;.:: . '-. ~ :c+ :\...\1, o. S-: III ""rj :0 : ct ......... t'D I : , :. > III :1-'-: . (') _.: L.J ~ :",....,:.-. c.n t'D . , ' ....... . . 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