HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 58- Sinkovitz, Louise & Boles Deed ~ , . w' .. . , :\10. S-'WARHANTY nF.1UI STATE; ~1)H!..I:t;lit~!} LO.. HF.L[NA. MONT. Th' I d' ' . -~ ~( - IS n enture, M ade the__...............~oo_oo..=.......mhhmda]) Of-m.....J.1Jly...m.........um. A. D. one thousand nine hundred and..........moo......h...iiLty.':".eight.mmmm.___..._.m._........mmmun BE TWEEN I-10U IS_E. ooLU\ATY.QI-JD...S.INKQYJ.l.'.Z".," .fQJ;:W.~.+:: Jy. J~mJi s.e. .J~'n .D.+.a.t.y'Q.1Q., ...__ _. 9-_ml_ .~~~E_S ." S.lHJ\QY.r~z.~ooJJJ.~;l;...h.g~l>.?:n9-.;L........... ..... ...__..........m.......m...m.........oom.n...... of .....m________l'iozemau,..J1Qu.tana..moomoom....m.....m....__u.....uoooo..parti.eS...of the FIRST PART and . .00. ..0000. __C.IIY...Qf.ooJ?QZI~~~N.loo.~.ooNY-.TI;i,..c;.J I?9: J:... ~ Q.n?.9.IH.t;i,.g.n. ..9.f...th-.~..~.t~.t.~ ...... of 0000 Hon tana,.. .oL. B.Q z..ero.a.n"'h.HQ.nt.ana moo. ................... ... _ _....... mm............ m..... ",........ oom _..... un. ---- ... ~...... - - ~ - - - ~_.. - ~........ -...... -.... --... ~...-... - -~ -.......... ~" -.... --.. - --............ -- --.. -...... -- - -- -....................... ~ -.. -........... - -.. -.. ......................-... ~.. -........ -............................................ -~.......................... mmmm.m......m.....................moo...mmm..m............mum.m..the part.~..hh.of the SECOND PART; WITNESSETH. that the said par6:t;.$..of the FIRST PART, for and in consideration of the --'" sum of ..Qne. .D.o 1.1aroo.&..oJ:he:t:..y.aluab.leoo.con sid.ex:a.tion......Dollars ($.....1...QO....... 00.) lawful monel) of the United States of America tOm.......th.~mn......in hand paid by said parLY....of the SECOND PAR T, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,' do..................by these presents grant. bargain, sell, conVey, warrant and confirm unto the said part.y.__......n of the SECOND PART, and to sars its ..Su.c.c.e.sLiEi.rs and assigns fore'Ver, the hereinafter described real estate situated in the city or town of .-....-...mE~o.z.eman..mmmnm..nn...m.. County of...........Q~JJoa.t;i,.n....m...h....m..u...... and State of 1.\1 ontana. to~ wit: .00........ ..................... ..................._00..00.. ..... "...... .... ..............00.............. ....... .....00........... Th~.. !? Qg~!}_..T: r.~..? ~~.~..QJK ..~J.oo~}!:~...~9J.J.'?~,!.~..~g.. .~~.I? ~E~~?~~...2~5?P.~E J.;Y.:.. ... ....... ...... u m..The..E.a.s.t.. 5...f.~ e.t...QJ..l-!.Qt...S..9.y.~nngnQ.... ~h~.. H~.$.t; ...~7.!.-i..f~~.t.ooQ.f..1.Q~.. .Q...in......_ m' );U..Q~l~. ..~_c _1.. _.Q.t..hh~.. Q~.tZ;.I:1~].mI9.~m..~!.!;~.. .9.J...j;h~.. .~.i..t.Y.. ..9.f. E:Q.?~m~n.. .~~.c;.QIsU.ng ...- - to. 00 the...:r ~.c;.Q);".Q ~9m rJg.t.uth~f.?'QJ. .9.1:1_J ~J~...? [19... 9J.. I.~f.9.~ 9... .;i,.n..j;.l}~.. .9..JJ;i,s.~.. 0 f ..... the. - GOlin ty.,. C.lerk..and...R.cc o.r.d.e.r. ..fox... .GalJa.tin. .Co.unty..,.. Hon.t.ana,....mor.e.. .....p aJ:ticular.I;y... d.e.scx.ib.ed.. .a.s.. . f.Q.J.lQb1:s. .:..... .u"(!g.i.nning...a.t...a ..p.o.iut. .in...th.e..m .m.Nox: th....lin.e....Q.:h. ..$.s1.Q .J_,.Qi;...~~Y..~n..y:1h;.<;' !!-.. J.f?.. ~.., t~.~hn l{ ~.$.hoo .9.L .t[l.~.. NQ~x.h.9..;J.;1 t corner of said Lot; thence East alon,,- the Horth 15_nes of said Lots ........ - ~ . '. ~ - ~. - - -- ~ ~ ~.. . - . _' ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ ~_.. ~ _ ~ __..._ ~ ...._ ~.. _~... r........... r r____ ___ _ ____ ___......_ _.. ~ _..,~ ~ ~ . .l..~_.. ~ _..._ .............. _. _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ __ __ _. __ __ ____ _ __ _ _... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ .....5. e.v.en.. anQ...Ei.gh.t...fJ.... gj..~t.9J!~.~..Q~...3.2-!.-l..J.~t;.h;....th.~m;.~...S.Q~.th...QDmg.. .U,.n~...p-ar a 1 .....Ie.I_ .1\li.th _. and..2l;~ ..f.e.et...\-1 :~.st...Q.f... then.Eas t.. _line.. .oL.said..Lo.t.. E.ight...a.. .di s ... ..... tane e..o.E. .l~~Q.. .f.e.et...tQ...th~...S.QJJ.th....lin.e... Q.f ...s.ai.ri..1.Qt.;.nt.hen~e...Hf~.s.t...a1.Qug n... ~1 a.i d. ..9..9:tJ t ll..J.in.?.. g.. .~tt? .~.?Df.?..9.t. }.?:l.i..J ~ ~.t;.... 1; D-./?.TIf.?...E Q};".t h... ~ ~!-.9.. .J. ?~.~... .t.9... tll e ~ 1 (" b . . .....]) .a~..c... oJ:... J;;~J.nllJ..nz J<...... ..... .noo... 00'" ........00............ h........ _.... n........................ ......... ........ ....... ____,__ _ ___ _~_ _ _ _ ~~ _ _ _ ~ ~_ ~ ~ _ _ _ r_ __ ______ _______~__ __ _....._..........._..... ____.......___________...... _... ___ _... _ . _ __ __ __ _ _... _ _ _________ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ _ _ _ _____ _ _ _...._.._______ _____ J:'I-IIS CONVEYANCE IS 1.J1:..DE for the purpose of providing alley for the use 0 the"'pubI'ic'~ "".m.'TIlE"T\TENT"s.fita'.aITeyway" s fiaTI .. "l:Ye'''c!:Cs'c onfTiitIeo"'fIYe..l:Tf 1 e to ..-s-ai.J.. .fl"l?01:"eF.t:Y.n9lTal.1..~-ever:t:...t;G-..f.i-};.g.t ...pa~.t;,i-e6.5...-ti.1:a.i.J::.. aai.r,:sT" &l..100as-&or s nd s s i::;ns .TOCET H ER with all and singular the hereinbefore described premises together with all tene~ ments. hereditaments. and appurtenances thereto belonging or in an])wise appertaining. and the reversion and reversions. remainder and remainders, rents. issues. and profits thereof,' and also all the estate. riRht. title. interest. right of dower and right of homestead. possession, claim and demand whatsoever. as well in law as in equit]J, of the said parti~.~..of the FIRS T PAR T. of. in or to the said premises, and eVer]) part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances thereto belonging. TO H AVE AND TO HOLD. all and singular the above mentioned and described premises unto the said part]) of the SECOND PAR T, and toits...su.c.ce.s.s.Qj:.s.......mh....nh....h.mhm.~ and assiJ(ns forever. A nd the said part.ies.of the F / RST PAR T, and....,:theirm..mheirs. dO.m'h.....hereby cove~ nunt thuL........t.hey.__....will forever WARRANT and DEFEND all right, title and interest in and to the said premises and thr;.ll~~~~Qceable possession thereof, unto the said parLy....._...__n..of the SECOND PARTi.t.s.r~ ,,;n as~gns. against all acts and deeds of the said part ....i.eshmof the FIRST PART. and all and ever}} person and persons whomsoever lawfull]) claiming or to claim the same. ----- --- ---.. --.. -----.. ~ ~ - --.. ------....-.......----......................--.......-.... ................ ___ _..___.... ~_ ~.. _.... ~ ~~ ~ ~ ....... _ ~ ~... _~ ~~.......... _.. ...... _,~............ _ ~ ~ __.. _..~ ~ ~... ........ ~_.. w __ ___..__.... ______ ... ,-........ y................. II'.......... _.. - _........"......................... _......................... ......... ___ _......... ___.. ___... _....... ~ _........... ~ ~ ~ _....... ~ ~...... .... &.................. - _.... - _.. - - _.. - _...... _.. - __ - - - - - - - _...._ ..__........'...... -,. --,- - -.,-- --- --.. --- - -- -- -- -.. --- -..----------- ..-....-.... ...-- .............. ----.........-- ------.-..- -- -.. ~_....... -..... -~ --.. --.. -.. ..-....---..... .....-.. -. -~ ~...- --.. -..-...- -.. -- -.. ..---- ------..- IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the said part....i.~.s......of the FIRST PART hamy.g.......here- unto ,.Lut~iLu.._hand.s...m_and .eaLJi'hjhe daY:;lJ"t herembefzen..J ~ Signed. Sealed and DeliveTed in \ T-<-"-< ~)~'-<L<,,(! ...-.-u-<-A~ the presence of "} ..~. ,..................... ...m___~...:...~:.:' ..'... "...........m - 1 _______ __ u_Uu_________ _u__________________._._.u._._uu ~ -$. &~.:. '''''Hi?! 1-"<1.:;'-- - uu___u._ U_'Uu (SEAt ...._.... ... ... ._..._..._ - .._____._..._ __.............~, _::._:.:: __::::: ::::::. __::__e__:_::___:__-:: ;~:; STATE OF MONTANA.l ~ss. Count)) ofm..m.Gall.a:tin.mmnm.....mnn....uJ On thiLnnnm_~~~uJ;,!nmmnmdaJ} ofnnm._Jw.1Ynunnmnnmin the ))ear nineteen hundred and .mfif1:y-~..eightmmmnmm.before mCumnmt:.h.e.nunde.rs.igned...mnnnn.hhm. a Notar:y Public for the State of M onlana. personally aPPearedm.L.QJLIS]~n.uI\l~~.~~';m.L:Qms..b;NKQY.IJ~~.)mg9j::m.?.~J.Y. Immm as Louise H. B:atvold and BALES SINKOVITZ her husband of .00. _ ___00..____..... ..n.nnunn .n..u,n.' n..... .n....>un.nn.'..n._n.' .....'.n....n__.u..._n...:1.u.n.u. u.....n.""_"...~n..nu.nun J?Qz.emaIl)n JIQut.aJla.nnu ..._.. _.." _ _nU __. ....._......... un........... ...'nn_.......nn.n..n....nn.__..... un.,.. .....n.n.nn. knolVn to men..n.,.,.n....nn._..,. 'n.n....,.n... .'n....... ..n.u...__..n.._ ..nn... ......n.n,'nnu",_ ._,..n.. .nnnn.n.h'h....... (or proved to me on oath of.m_mmm.m_.uu_nmmnmnunm.umh.........n.u...mn.....) to be the person.u[.Lu.uwhose name.S...ar:.Oiubscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thaLu...nnnt;.nhenY.............executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. / have hereunto set m:y hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the da:y and :year first above lVr~~tt;.n,,/) ," ' /i / ....--!~'~~~ik~;;~~........ Residing aL..._J3_Qz.ema.n.,...klRntgna.........n....... My Commission expireLn....June...2tL..... 19..ISQ... I' \ ~' _ ,,' J N ~; '(;<0 ~ ~ ~ '"c , ,,-..-.,,\ E-t r- _A_~ ,f'\ . I::;l II) .. , '.'. !,...., H : ~: 11)';;' ~ p, ,:i. L.-I:> 0\ :'"I::;lc\ ~Q I-- '"I::;l""5 .., LU 0 -' '-~ C .... R :: <';'~ Co II) UJ ~ ~ c::i: tt: ~ Q 1/,/ 0 ~ ~: OJ Ct: (/) ~ . " ~ . ....c:: Z ~ r. d:, ,: .P-.;..... 0 g >- A Z ..-. OM: :: - E-l ...! ____ ~ < ~ ~ ::0\: ~ C t-l i: ;.,.; I-- ~ I 0 0 :a 0 m: .,. -c;;.N;: 'M m -< ~ I :~: I Z I:> ril """,.-I:...::: v,.-I::~ d S:r, 1:4->:::il . E-i f-...w <:;.-i:........2: :aj m '-' ,:....: I <(~ I <Ii 0 It-t., m: ~ . .<.) ~ :.-i +' t-l p, ':O;;>l P:: a:I C;l:- ~ Co :.-i = p:: r.:: :: t>< ~ '~ 0 ':2 !~ i~~~g f:.C}. "..I Cil f:5 lr..J Q:; :: V : ~ a..z.. (/) h ,>- i .S ~ <( H P-l ~ _0 . ....., k..c , :::> E-t "O-;""I::;l.u o..,~ -; '~ 0 H he '"I::;l '~bo 0 I' '"'I:i V) e>~ :.... tj,e, E , H 0 II) I;:: .- . 0 R... I::: II) :::! ... ::sk, .I.)::s.... ,- ~ I:j - c" : II) I::: 0 I::;l >, 11)-< Q U ~ ti~ out;} Q:J Q:; W a.ro,V) \-, 'D ee.J\~";,,~ ) I t 0, . "1"" 0-'- \J'~"\<,,,'~ 'i . '~I'V\';~O"I~~ +C:...~\ Gr333 t~~! R t. ~~ ~..\e ~ ~ SJ?e t'ce 6.e~ , \. I ~ J \ll' \ 0 , , " '0'1"" iJet - "'~i K l"tC.1 ~ ~ 1 .. 1_ I~ (~~~~;.. 131~e""'~", -~-t I i....h,. 41.~~, \ ~ i1.p;- ;11 'i"~ ~ ' .. ;-~ . 4, ; :~~ . " (.. r"t\"1 1< \ i.t.c.~ ':,.:l t I ~ ~ rote, ~\ t. 3Jrl'~'" ~.'i N ;>,~'I(,)j.t.~ "':'c.~ r't.~'~;1 ~:.t-'''l 'c1"\V' lQ+:.r 'N :,.'\ ~t Vt eo ~ e...r.a: .~~ 2.." , ,." '\'" p.1'""",.to \. ) <.. ") r "'0.... i' r--,t ~