HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 58- Burkenpas, Abe & Georgia Deed J . - \ ....._ _ :t II, "..:. ",' '-;": ;J ii '.1''):( 1.) r'J;t)[ .J.j, :1 Hin-H.,RI..lI~~"-SE OF I:t~".n,~I~ OJ? JlOllr.l'GA.GEH PIlEl\oIJ,sES STATE PlJlIlI:!iHING CO" Hf.lI::NA. MONr. I ~.. ---, - ",- I, " ~ I 1'1 ' . 22 d Jul 19 Y' ,I . THIS INDENTURE. Made thls______....TL.________dalJ of............_____yu.nn_______....___.____.. -- _d.. " t . !i between ..AaE___BURKE.NP.A~,_Jtn(t_G.~9Ry:r.l\..f...L;LC~..~J)RJ..Q";!':U;A,S.,-.J:n.1-.$_p9-1J,d___.:rn4 .wife., 1: li--- of.. B_Qzeman ______n -- -- n __...... __ - __. __ __ __ . __....,n___n__ - -----.. -. - --- ---. - .---- _n__.. ----- -- . -- . - --. - -. - --- [, i! in the County ot..G_allatin.._..___________..._......___and State of ___MQutana-,---the--.Parties---....of !i , .1 ;: the first part. andL_QU.lSE___M_....~RATVOL.LL_S_;LNl<QVlr,Z_J-___.. 11/ fQ);'J:J:).e.rly...L_QU.lSE___M_._..BRATVOIj!D, Ii I: . ,... o.f __ ~_Q~.~ma:n __ ____ __.' .. __ ___... _.... __ _ __ ______ __.. __ _ _ u ..____ __.. __ _. . __.. _ _ __" __ __ __ _ __ __.__ __.... ___...... .._...." ,-- ----." - - -- _"___"00 ' , Counl.l) of G_allat.in.......__.._...____.._.......and State of-...M.Qn.t:..an_a_-1-__P.ar_ty__.__..of the second part. I! ;1 Witnesseth that: 1 f :! WHEREAS. ..s.ec.o.nd_..P"at:_t_y.,___.__.._w__ ________....________bv a certain mortgage bem'in,tJ date " . ' II the______lst___....day of-___F.e_oJ:.UaXS_n______________m.__..19__.5.$.., and which said Mortgage Was. on the I: ii _____.3r_d,.._____.__da1} of-___F.ebr.uary________._______.19.58___. duly and regularly recorded in the office of I! " i the Countl) Cler!~ and Recorder in and for ...___J?_~U-_~~.:!-_I1______....__.._mCounty. State of Montana. in Ii Boolr-___,...74u............of Mortgages. on page..__l.3_L__~________. for the consideration therein mentioned, Ii and to secure the pa,yment of the money therein specified. did convey certain lands and tenements, of :1 h' I 1 . h . f d 'b d .F . E - . It w IC 1 t Ie premIses erema ter escrr e are part, unto _.... _~r,s.t.__ a:t:ties----u.----------------.....-----. II .. .___. _ __ ___ ____......n.,....__ __ __ _ __ _________ _. _ _ __ ___ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ ___ __ _ __ __ __ _, _ __ __ ____..... -- -- ----......-----.....-.... - - __u_ aforesaid; :1 AND WHEREAS. The sai.d part~f the firM part. at the .request ?f the said ~arLJj...of the i, second part; ha'!J_e...--agreed to gIve up and surrender the premIses heremafter descnbed. unto the :1 said parLy________...of the second part and to hold and retain the residue of the mortgaged premises as ij security for the money remaining due on said mortgage; I, ii NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH. That the said part.:l:-.~~_of the first part. in :1 pursuance of the said agreement. and in consideration of the sum of----------...---..---..-.----------.....-------.-- II---.Qne-. .Q._oLlar_ __and _ _ _9. th~;I;"_ _ v ~J ~_~P J_~ _ ut;.9I1_S_ i,4_~J:'_~ t: lm~_ _. (;?J _'_ _V_Q)...._ ---.. - _....00 Dollars. II :: to.~_l:1:~~~~.in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereh' ackno!l1ledged. haYf;;.granted. remised. released. quitclaimed and set over, and b],) these presents dO_m....r;ranl. release. quitclaim and set over unto the said " :1 parL.y.....of the second part, all that part of the said mortgaged premises. to~wit: II .. 'I 'I 1;'.~~~_ - .~.~~ ~ h_ _ _ I ~n _. ,r~ ~~. ~...9J t. _~.f.. 00 :~h~_ _ J 9J 12~tqK _ _ 4_*?$ ~.~ ~ p_~q...2 ;1;_9.P .~.r _t y _:...... _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.... ii !i '." The East 5 f~e~ of Lot S7ven and the. West 27~ feet of Lot !: Ii 8---:tn - -Bl-ock ..JJ.elJ"'or' .the--{)r1.:grna-l- -TownS-I te- -of" the- '-CTty"o:f"Buz eman~"--ac'C or - ii :1 ding.. .to...the_. re.c_or_ded__P.lat__d1er,eo.f._QIl. ._f il e_ ,and __D.f. - rec..ord.. DL.the..Offic e :: Ii of the County Clerk and Recorder for Gallatin County, Montana, more I: II p '~ii:.tTc liT arI 'Y' -ere is cOr i 0 eel' "~rs'" fa 1 Tows -: - - -.. BegTriii iii.g - - at. - a:" p'o in t" "iii" -. trie uNor th' 'i l.ine.. .of-. .said---L.G- t. - Sa:v.en- - -whiGf1:.. i-8 - -5..f e-a t.. .Wes-t-. of. .-t he- --No r-t.heas-t-.. C-eFiTe3: " ~ of said Lot; thence E~st along the North lines of said Lots Seven ~ :1 .i"lld-- -tiglif--.i' -a fs' t;iric-e.-o'fu-3"2~- --fief;" .---Uienc e- - -Sou 1:11 --011 u a--Tineu 'p-araIre~C wi th :: afld---2-~..-feet"-We-s-t...-t)t- --the-' Eas-t;-. -lin-e.-o-f--- s -aid. --Lo-t" - E-ight-,--'a" .di'st-anc-e-' of-- 140 !i t.? ~.t:_ _ _t5~L t.h~._ .S.R)J the _lin~... QJ _ __$.<:I,i_d _ _ L.Q 1:; _;.... _ .th~AG~, _ _W e_~ t_. .al_Qnz.. s_a i..d.. S.Qu_th___l ine , ji a distance of 32~ feet; thence North 140 feet to the place of beginl.1.il.1.$. ii -- -- - -- -- - -". - -- - --. -. -.. .. --.. .. .. - - -'.. .. -- -- -. ,"......... .. . . .. . -- - -. . -- -- -- - , -- -- -, " . . - . . - - - . . . - - - - -- - -- -- -.. . - -- u.. -. -- 00" -.. . . .. .. . - u -- -- -.,. --,'" - -- I: !i ,___"00_ ___u ..____.... .....This".r,eleas.e_ ..is."_given_,. tD__ ,enable_ _Sec.and..P.ar.ty - _,to_._give__.a._ il !! deed for public alleyway purposes. i, II ,---....-- - ---- --., --. -. -- -- -" - --- -- -- -. -- - -- -- -- -- - -.. - -., --- --, - -- -- -. -- __u . -- -- -- -' -. -- -- --., -- - -. --. --, H_______.U --------- u.. - --" .--.---------- --.... Ii il ,I ~l ,_______________________. ,.. -.----- --------------- -- - -. - .---- - - ------ -- ------,-----------~------ ----- ~._. ___.___~____._.._________,__.___~._._.________:-__~M__ ii II II . a ~ ~ .... .... ~ y .. .. _ .. .. _ .... .. . _ ~ _ _ ~ _ _ . _.. _ _.. . .. .. - - - - .. & .. .. .. .. .. .. .... . . - - - .. - - - - .. .. . . .. .. - . - - - - - - - - - - - ~ '. ~ w - ~ - . a ~ ~ ~ . _ " . . . . . - - - - - - - - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ & - - - ~ ~ - . . . - . - . " . - - - -"'" ~ ., - -.,..., ~ & & ~ ~ . w w - - . w . . w r - - :: " 'I ii together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto bclon~;ing. and all the righi, title and ; ii interest of the said (,JQrt_ie.s_of the first part. of. in and to the same. to the intent that the lands hereby :i conve}Jed may be discharged from the spid Mortgage. and that the rest of the lands in the said Mortgage ;1 specified. mal) remain to the said parfJ.&?>...of the first part as heretofore. :1 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the lands and premises hereby released and conlieyed to the said i t Y.. f h d t her h . 1 'f] f f l, ,d J' 1 d f I, par m ...0 t e secon par. ____....mn__.___..___ errs am: assl"ns. orever. ree, c car an lSC wrge 0, ': and from all lien and claim under and by virtue of the Mortgage aforesaid: " ii IN WITNESS WHEREOF. The said parLi_es____..of the first part hav_e.._"""____hereunto set ,. ii m._____th~ix.__._...hand___$.... this ....._____22ndmmmda,l) of ____Ju.1Y-_...m...m_____m..m__.____uu____ 19.5.8.. Ii . .. " i -: ,,/",. i/' ,,," SIgned and DelIvered m Presence of ) ...____..._'.__..__:._~;_._":_m__..__u,';,......;....----------------,-..---. " . I / ' ,i_ __.."" _, _,' _ _ _ __ _ _ _" _ __.. _ _ _... __.." _ _,__ ___._... ___... .____ _ ___. _ _, _ _ _ _.... ( ,,:,'~,,:';_,. _ _ _ ;;'__:... ...."",.. ___ ___'_______ ::.:_::.. .:... ..__::::~._~_:___. " , ._..__________. .____~__.__.__.___r__&~~&r_. ~_~&~~~__W .wr_. w_____ ____A &~ &___ ~&.__ .. ._~_. __~~_ _ _ _.. _.. _.. ______ ....__&__ ____&...& .r... wr_ - -- - ---------- -.."- ~~& - c...... i::l !::l.... -.....,.."...... _ w u,;. ::! ("0 i::l::!,A.) \J 't""i _." '<::' r"> '<::' _~.......o ~ 0 te... ~ ~ ~ro S Vl c::: t&=-- t'D of# : Q Q., : t-4 ~ ",' ~ ~ G' '-l 0 H tJj t:>> l\) ~', ~ 2... : tv. c ro ......" (f.) t:<j ~ .,,; , ' . . 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