HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 58- Canfield, Vivian Deed f .., . t I . 1 1'" fj4 ~.~.J' /' t "~ ~ _ ./.....,1" ~ :' 'hij[ W l\ -;~ FU\ N'TY DEE D _.."^""--_..._'''''~ ,,_.._---~._- 'rillS L\I)ENTUl',E, lVlade the 1:2Ui day of TV.arch, l'\ . D. One thousand nine~lLlndred and fifty-eigh t, between VIVIAN CAN.': IEl..JD, of BozeE:an, IV ontan:l, the party of the [iI',,; t. part, and t.he CITY Oi: EOZ1'_1'v AN, a rClmicipal co r'pc;~'a Lion, of Bo'/,en'an, l\olltana, the part.;' of t.he se cond part, \V I T I\ E SSE 'r' .h : That. the party of the first. part desires to plat landE:, owned by her as ievelall~[ i\ddiiiol''', ,-{ sul)Lirb to 'Ijo?~(;n' a'i1, 1\ ..'. OIl i': ~.J_ n;1:1 ,-lIld th.~),t 1,..,1Cpal.ty oi' t.he s(:~cond partc-Ias rcquil'-'::cl tl:at. fir:'3t r;arty' convey tel the party of the ,o;ccond T'art the hereinafter' dc,3cTilh~d lot a,;; a condition to t.lr~ C'jty approving the plat of said addii"ion in order that ",aid lot. can be held, LU3ed or sold for City park rlurpOr:Cl:; of the City of Bozer(,an. :\OW THEI-:E; O;\E, in con:3ideration of satisfying said requireulent of fw pa r-t;: of the :3e ccmd pa rt, the party of the firs t pad does he re \'))' f.;rarL, ba rgain, se 11, conv("y, WctlTant. and confirm unt.o the said party of the second part., and to it.s SlJCce:,,;sor~:; and assign,',;, all righ t, title and interest in and to the following cler;cribed real est.ate, situated in the County of Gallatin, and St.ate 0[' tv on ana, to-vv'it: Lot 'T'welve (1::) of the I Cleveland Addition, a suburb to BozenJan, :\, on tana, Hituate in the South East ' uarter (SE1/Ll) of the )Jol'thvJe~_;t Cuader (I\\\1/4) of3ection '1'\-\e I ve (12) Township Two (:2) South, 1 ange 'Five (5) East.. , lV~. P. lV . TOGE 'I'IIE; Jl, with all and i:lio[;ular the tenemcnt~3, hereditarcerlh.;, and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any \,vi:3e appert.aining. And the f3a.id par'ties of the fir'",t part and t.heir heirs, do here by covenant that they will fenever Wi\HHANT and DE' END all right, title and interest in and to :,;aid prCI} L;es and t.he quiet and peaceable po:,;sel,;,,;ion tlereof, unto the ~,;aid pa of the secend part, its heir':::> and assigns, againc:;t all act::; and deeds of the :,;aid partie:,; of t.he first part, and all and every person and persons vV[,oILsoever' lawfuU\' clain,illi' or to claire, the dan,e. ..J ~ ) Il\J WITNESS WHE:(~EOr, the said parties of the first. part. have bereunto ,.:;et theLe hand:::; and scal~:; the day and year fin"t hereinbefore written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in t.he pref,ence of ~';-., iI", . " _ _._______'n -_.._--,.._~'--_._- -_..,_..,--~._.,_.__., ...-..... ~-- ~_~~~~.____~ (.:~;e_<l~~._~_ (Seal) .'~'~._---,--~--_., ..-.. '~ "..---... ---,., '-_._~".- ,..--. ,----,-"..,"'~--,.. .' '-,. ,~..._--_.,-- ",,-'--."-'..--- . -..-.-"...--- ---.. .-.--....-..'''''- .. ~ .. . . " , .' , soaK 1 '(.''/ PAGE 65 STl\T}~ OF MONTANA ss. County of Gallatin On this --1f!-~- day of lV,.arch, in the year nineteen hundred and fifty-eight be [ore Tnt:' Ii. A Bolinger, Jr., a :\otary Public for the State of Nontana, pc rsonally appeared VIVIl\N Cil,:0;FIELD, known to me to be the penson wil0se ii:1ib~~ Is stibscribed to thc'iithin instrun;2nt and ::l.cknowled;:;ed to me that ;:;:~S executed the san~e. IN WITl\"ESS WITEHEOF, I have heretmto set 11';y hand and affixed rny Notarial Seal Hie day and ye a r [irst above written. Hl59 , r ,-, , , ' .-.. '.-' .', ' .'. / ~ ',' ,"" j;./'" Ij "i<, J',~.r" .:: ~ ti:~!=_~\/j,~-t$~S~-r- ',,-j '>".,.. ~ ~~, ,~. ,K ~~ " State of Mont.. County 01 Go]lGljn s:c. F'''r~ I(~T -'cord______~:r_~h...?~~.h_____...m..___________..__,__, U~l:, at 1:45 PM.".,rl'<-,;.~"c c,_ .' .--12-7- of Deeds po' 0 dJ-f- ._..."'._."'...........__..__....__.._.._....._~~~~~_. ", l...i..,",..'-.~.J.~.' , '. . "______. - ________...._.____ ~l;u.. -.. ,... "", "",~~:rl Wal ton HC'\,C1i(i2r By.atdi./:1:!:::~i<.-:~,..2..C1l..,c'..:/___Di;LY >.,' Rt: City 0 f Bozeman