HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 57- Story, Malcolm & Rose Deed - .. ... ~ }/:' " t41 I t~ , '-, } (,. , NO.8 - ,VAIUtAN'I'Y nF~IG" S'I'A'I'E PtJRl.I:C;HItH; co.. l'H:I.EN", MeNr. This Indenture, M ade the.m.h'o..o.""o..m~f;~oomoo...m_.._.mda]) of _........ .J~\. 2 ~:~,:.:..~;;__t..,............. _...... __............ A. D. one thousand nine hundred andmmoo._;~'~LL;.:L~;jg.:!..;c;.~~'h________uo.mo.mmmummmnm__unmmnoo.. BE TWEEN .C SlJ. ~.!'..'. :~n ..G..... ;~.t. L:;~::;.. .:J,11 .~L .8.Q.i?'~.. d~.~.. _.~! ::,9.;:': ::. ,... .2:l ~1 B .i.~ !-1-:.,'_',~.. .r'c']:~~.. ..'.: ~ .:; SJ........... ..00................_...__....................._....____....____...00..................._____,.___...._......_.............00............................, of T' n ~'" ," '( +ap": h FIRST PART .'.-,'.9. 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TOGETHER with all and singular the hereinbefore described premises together with all tene~ ments, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereto belonging or in an])wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof; and also all the estate, right, title, interest, right of dower and right of homestead. possession. claim and demand whatsoever, as IVell in law as in equit]), of the said fJarLLesof the FIRS T PART. of, in or to the said premises, and ever]) part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances thereto belonging, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the above mentioned and described premises unto the said part)) of the SECOND PART, and to---.J.:t's.-m3Dcc.CD.Gr;D.J.:3.___.m.....n..._um.m.::hcir'$:and assigns forever. And the said parU.Q,:'L.of the FIRST PART. and_...t.:"teJ.'J:mm___heirs, dO_.mm....hereb)) cove~ nant thaL..hthe.;:l-..oo._____will forever W ARRANT and DEF EN D all right, title and interest in and to the said premises an~~ll~,~/&j{J./!!1d.):/P:.ceable p~.5.5ession thereof, unto the sai~ parL__:~_:.-::;--m.of the I SECOND PAR T..._...m. K' arid aSSigns, agamst all acts and deeds of the Said part .m.....mn__of the FIRST PART, and all and ever]) person and persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same. .. ".. -....,. -... - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -..- -........ - -.. - - - -- - - - - - - -. 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