HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 54- Anthony, Clarence & Dorothy Deed .. ~ '" . ~'" ,"" ~ " " f" {"., ,,;~~ 7 _. l, . . I :\"(). ,1.'-(tl,II"I' CL;\lil1. I)I~;I~~I) (Ilh:,:ht. 'I'itf,. ..nd In1t.l.t,.~i( Oul;t,). SH.HP!lFll.t~IIIN"CO..H[U:NA.M9NL THIS INDENTURE. lv/ade the ______3J_f?.t_______.da}J of __~.':l~y_____._._______.__.____ in the }!ear of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and _______~~_~.~y.::~_~~!__________________________________..__.________________. bctDiecn ...' ..__.C.lax_en~_e___R..____AJ).tp.9.nY.. ,~.n~L _p()_:r()th..Y...~.~.., All tJ~()~.Yl.. J~1,l.~~.~I!~. ..~,~~.. .\V~.~.~_t_____ ........ . D.!. _ _He l.ena.,__ _ Lew.i s...anct. nC;t, ~.r.~.. .C9.U.IJ. t Y,'n. .M9P.t_a.t:l.a_ _... 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B__ ____... .............. ..... ......__ __. __. _ __. ____..__..... _...... and State o.f Montana, tOe mit: A t act ..QJ..J.ap.(L.7.-'..!?__.r~~.L..tlf.__~~_~.~.~m~~.~_~.t.~~...~.~...~~~.~~...~~.y.~.I?:...(!..L_~_~___~_I:1.~___~~.~.~y.~ew ddi- . t i 0 to __ B.o.z.e.man.,..__MQ_n.t ~.n~.,... ~.mL~_l)_.J~.l().<;:.~...'.'.~. ::...<?r __~ 1.~~.~.~().J:l::..f?...~.~~ .If.~!'!l.~ nt.. :t;.<?...f~ :t~v i e Add tiol1___t.9ma9.~~~~~.1____~9.~J~na and more particularly described as follows: Be- , ......t 00.. . . . .. .. . . _ __.. .. _ __ n .. __ _ _ _ __ _ __... . . . . _ . __ __ __ __ __ , , . . .. _... . .. .. . . . . . . . ...... . ... ...... 00.. . .... - ..._ gi n i ng ..a.tn~n.P.Q.;i,.t:l.t___.(m___tb.~__~9.'!-:.t.h-...~A.D:~__.Q:-L_~plJ~K~...~~!_~~.t....~.9.~.~~~.~._J~9_..r~.~_L.W.~s te 1 y fro th~...~()~_tJ:t_~~_s_t _Corner of Lot One (1) of said Block "A", thence Northerly long t.he center line of" t'iie"'s:ile'y"'vac'at'ed"'i)y: jr(fIi-i3."iic-e"No-~"-2-E"~"'paEise(f"t;y"'fiie"'c'i ty - . ~. ~ _.. n. .. - - ~ - ~ ~ ".. . .. . _ ~.. . ~ _ _ _. . _... _. .. _ _ _ ~ _ _ _... ~ ~ ~ n.. r" n. n _. _. _.. .. _ r _ r.. n. ........ r. ~ . _ . . _ ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ .. .. ~. _ _ _ _ _ _ _. .. . _. .. _ _ _ . _ .. .., . . ~ . ... ~. -. ~".. ~. ~. ~ - - - - - - . Cou C iI, .o..f....t.he. ..Ci_ty. __Qf.._RQze.Dlan..o.n...Mar.cb...3_ ,....l9..Q_~ .~...a.. .<U_S. t3.n~_e___p_f...7.1...9.a...f e.e.t., mo e ore s s ,_ _ _.t.Q__ _~n___;i, D.t_~X.~ ~.9. jJ.9 P-... wJ.t .1)... t .11~_ __~~.f?.t_Y{~.:r~. _ p.'!-:.9J ~.nK~~.!.9.n_ _9..( ..1,1:J:~...N9XJJLJA ne f La t T'Nen t.y._.t.wo...~ 22.). --of.."said. .B.loc..k...8eY.en., ..(.1.). j....t-henc e-.. Eas.t.ertXe tlong...aaid..wes t w rd pro 0 nga tion. .a, _distanc_e__ _Qf_ _.1__.5__ _ f.ee.t..;....t h.e.nce__.So.uther_ly., .1_..5.1. 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Coune-i-l-..o t - .-the ..Cl.-t.y. ..of. - Boz man 6 n arc ~o!~thel )t~*'all and singular the tenements, hereditaments. and appurtenances thereto belonginR. or in atl}J1Visc appertaining, and the rents, issues and IJrofits thereof. if an,\) ____._..___......___............__.____....__ _ _ __ __ _ _ ___". ~. _ __ __ __ __ __n_ _ _ ___ _____ __ ___ ____ __ __~____ _______ r._n. r" .~~n~ ~r. r _ _ _ ________.... _ _ ___ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ __~ __ _. _~~ ______ __~_~_ ___ _. _ ~~ ~_. .__ _ __..... ~ _ __ _~. __~. _ _ _. _ ______ _r _~__ _ _ _ ____A ___,,~.~______ _____~_n_ ~___. __~"... ~_"nr ~r~r _ _ ~_ __ _____. & _. __ ___. ~_ _ _.._ _ _ __ _ __~__ ~___ _ _ __ _ __ ______________ "~nn_n. ~__ __ _ _~_ _ _ _ _........ _ _ ~_"......".. .._ ~ ~ _.._. ~____. ~_. ~__~. _ .__ _~ __. .~. 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