HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-26-18 City Commission Packet Materials - C10. Resolution 4896, Intent to Consider Growth Policy Amendment to Figure 3-1Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Mayor and City Commission FROM: Chris Saunders, Community Development Manager Martin Matsen, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Adoption of Resolution 4896, a resolution of intent to consider a growth policy amendment to amend Figure 3-1, the future land use map from present rural to industrial on 69.47 acres at the intersection of Frontage Road and Nelson Road. MEETING DATE: February 26, 2018 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution 4896, a resolution of intent to consider a growth policy amendment to amend Figure 3-1, the future land use map from present rural to industrial on 69.47 acres at the intersection of Frontage Road and Nelson Road. BACKGROUND: The City of Bozeman adopted its current growth policy, the Bozeman Community Plan, on June 1, 2009 through Resolution 4163. Section 3.5, page 3-15, establishes the future land use. The map depicts various classifications of land described in Section 3.4 of the Bozeman Community Plan and the City’s expectations for the future use of that land. The Present Rural future land use classification notes that the City will likely expand into those areas but no urban designation was provided in 2009. It also notes that areas designated as Present Rural should be reclassified prior to development. It further states that if development is proposed, it should occur at urban densities and with provisions to connect to City services. This growth policy amendment is submitted along with a request to annex the property for development. Passage of Resolution 4896 will not amend the growth policy. Rather, it will initiate the formal process, including notice to adjacent land owners, to evaluate whether the requested amendment is consistent with the overall policies and purposes of the growth policy. The Planning Board and City Commission will hold public hearings before any final decision. A full analysis of the review criteria found in Chapter 17 of the Community Plan will be included with the formal staff report prepared for the Planning Board and City Commission. The proposed schedule for the review of this application is as follows.  City Commission Resolution of Intent February 26, 2018  Planning Board review and recommendation March 20, 2018  City Commission Public Hearing TBD (likely April 9, 2018) 84 UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None. ALTERNATIVES: As determined by the City Commission FISCAL EFFECTS: None identified at this time. Attachments: Vicinity map of the project Application form Application narrative Report compiled on: February 13, 2018 85 RESOLUTION NO. 4896 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, STATING THE INTENT OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO FIGURE 3-1 OF THE BOZEMAN COMMUNITY PLAN. WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman has had a comprehensive plan (growth policy) since 1958, and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman adopted its growth policy known as the Bozeman Community Plan (BCP) through Resolution 4163 on June 1, 2009, and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman adopted its most recent amendments to the text of the growth policy known as the Bozeman Community Plan (BCP) through Resolution 4195 on August 3, 2009, and WHEREAS, the Bozeman Community Plan, Section 17.4, establishes criteria for the amending of the document, and WHEREAS, an application has been received to amend Figure 3-1 the future land use map of the growth policy, and WHEREAS, in accordance with 76-1-602, MCA, the City Commission must adopt a resolution of intent and conduct a public hearing prior to taking any action to adopt or revise a growth policy, 86 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, that: Section 1 In accordance with the requirements of Section 76-1-604 MCA, the intent to consider the application for amendment and possible corresponding revisions to the growth policy is hereby stated. Section 2 That a public hearing be set and advertised for the purpose of receiving public testimony on application 18055, the Park Place growth policy amendment to Figure 3-1 of the Bozeman Community Plan. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 26th day of February, 2018. ___________________________________ CYNTHIA L. ANDRUS Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________________ ROBIN CROUGH City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________________ GREG SULLIVAN City Attorney 87 RESIDENTIAL INSTITUTIONS PUBLIC PRESENT RURAL INDUSTRIAL FUTURE I-90 Frontage Road Nelson Road USGS, Source: AeroGRID, Esri, DigitalGlobe, IGN, and GeoEye, the GIS User Earthstar Community Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, NELSON ROAD PROPERTY GROWTH POLICY AMENDMENT FIG. PROJECT N:\2286.007 NO. 1 PROPOSED GROWTH POLICY DESIGNATION N:\2286\007\GIS\Landuse Map.mxd DRAWN BY: NPE CHK'D BY: MEE APPR. BY: MEE DATE: 01/04/2018 BOZEMAN MONTANA 2880 Bozeman, Technology MT 59718 Blvd. W. Phone: Fax: (406) (406) 922-587-6702 0721 SEunrgvineeyoerrss PSlcaiennnteisrsts COPYRIGHT  MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2018 1 inch ± = 600 feet Legend Project Area Future Industrial Community Plan Future Land Use MPMAP FU PI RD 88 89 90 91 Nelson Road - Growth Policy Map Amendment 1 Overview The subject property contains a total of 69.47 acres and is generally located at the northwest corner of Nelson Road and the I-90 Frontage Road. This application proposes to annex and zone the following property: A TOPOGRAPHIC, AS-BUILT AND RETRACEMENT SURVEY OF TRACT 1C AND TRACT 1D OF CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY No. 1372B, LOCATED IN THE SE1/4 OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. And The Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE¼NE¼) and the East Half of the East Half of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter (E½E½W½NE¼) of Section Twenty-seven (27), Township One (1) South, Range Five (5) East, M.P.M This application is a request to amend the Future Land Use Map of the City of Bozeman Community Plan and allow 69.47 acres to be designated Industrial. The current Bozeman Community Plan designation for the entire property is Present Rural. This request is in conjunction with an Annexation and Zoning Map Amendment (ZMA) intended to zone the property Industrial (M-1). Please refer to the attached exhibits. Support for amending the land use designation is based on four main principles: • The adjacent and nearby heavy transportation networks (including I-90 Frontage Road and Nelson Road – future collector) are appropriate and desirable to industrial uses. • The need for more M-1, Light Manufacturing, zoning districts within the City Limits. Changing the zoning will promote positive economic development within the City limits. • Municipal services are either near (8” city water main to the Montana Department of Transportation, MDT, facility across Nelson Road) or soon to be near (Davis Lane Lift Station – City of Bozeman CIP WWIF24 project) the property boundaries. • This area continues to evolve with increasing intensity of both institutional (MDT Facility and City of Bozeman Waste Water Treatment Plant) as well as other industrial uses (mini-storage to the north). The Community Plan is meant to evolve and adjust to promote positive economic development within the City Limits. 92 Nelson Road - Growth Policy Map Amendment 2 Responses to the Growth Policy Amendment Criteria Note: The following Applicant responses to the four growth policy amendment review criteria are being provided as part of the overall application for the above noted Growth Policy Map Amendment Request. The criteria will be listed verbatim, in italics font, from the City of Bozeman’s Amendment Checklist followed by the Applicant’s response. Growth Policy Amendment Criteria 1. The proposed amendment cures a deficiency in the growth policy or results in an improved growth policy which better responds to the needs of the general community. The proposed GPMA will improve the overall land use of the subject property by responding to an emerging market trend that would indicate a need for the expansion of the industrial land use designation in the City of Bozeman and this area. The current Community Plan designation is Present Rural. This is generally the dominant future land use designation for most of the “donut” area around current City limits. In essence, it is a default designation until growth and expansion of the City help shape and define what and how the “donut” area should develop. As proposed, the GPMA will allow for industrial type uses along this section of the I-90 corridor. A major theme of the Community Plan is the utilization of the existing Principal Arterial and Collector streets adjacent to the property: “INDUSTRIAL – This classification provides areas for the uses which support an urban environment such as manufacturing, warehousing, and transportation hubs. Development within these areas is intensive and is connected to significant transportation corridors. (Page 3-14). A well-designed industrial center can provide a buffer and transition to future residential to the north and east. The zoning designation proposed with this request is consistent with the current land use patterns in the surrounding area. 2. The proposed amendment does not create inconsistencies within the growth policy, either between the goals and the map or between goals; If inconsistencies are identified then additional changes must be provided to remove the inconsistencies. This GPMA will not create inconsistencies within the growth policy. Future development will maintain and impose the values of the growth policy by the creation of a quality and viable industrial park adjacent to complimentary uses, major infrastructure, and thoroughfares. The following information is intended to demonstrate how this request 93 Nelson Road - Growth Policy Map Amendment 3 complies with the growth policy by identifying specific goals and objectives from the Community Plan with which this proposal is particularly consistent. Goal LU-1: Create a sense of place that varies throughout the City, efficiently provides public and private basic services and facilities in close proximity to where people live and work, and minimizes sprawl. The approval of the GPMA will help minimize sprawl to other parts of the county. The future industrial park will inevitably create jobs in close proximity to residential areas of the City. The creation of employment opportunities within the City Limits provides resources to retain and restore the City’s transportation infrastructure. Goal LU-2.2: Provide for a limited number of carefully sited regional service centers which are appropriately sized and serviced by adequate infrastructure. The subject property is located near other current industrial type land uses (Bozeman Wastewater Treatment Plant, MDT facility, and mini storage). The property is also located adjacent to major transportation networks (including I-90 Frontage Road and Nelson Road – future collector) which can handle the anticipated traffic needs any future industrial land uses. There are also existing and planned water and sewer infrastructure facilities (8” city water main to the Montana Department of Transportation, MDT, facility across Nelson Road and Davis Lane Lift Station – City of Bozeman CIP WWIF24) in the general vicinity to facilitate any future industrial uses. Goal C-2: Community Circulation – Create a circulation system both vehicular and pedestrian that is fully connected, integrated, and designed for ease of use. Future site development on the subject property will include expansion and connections to the street networks that will provide for efficient movement of traffic both to and within the property. These local and collector (Nelson Road) streets and trail corridors (if required) will provide efficient access to I-90 Frontage Road. All street connections and internal circulation routes will be required to adhere to the requirements outlined in the Unified Development Code (UDC) and the City’s Engineering Design Standards. 3. The proposed amendment must be consistent with the overall intent of the growth policy. The overall intent of the Bozeman Community Plan is to provide guidance in the various land use decisions that contribute to the growth of the City that is consistent with the goals and objectives identified in the process that created it. Inherent in the Community Plan is the recognition of the evolving nature of urban growth that justifies the need and ability to make adjustments when and where appropriate. As noted throughout this 94 Nelson Road - Growth Policy Map Amendment 4 application, the modification requested is in response to the changing land use pattern (Present Rural to Industrial) in this area and the need to expand the City’s industrial land use (M-1) base. 4. The proposed amendment will not adversely affect the community as a whole or significant portion by: a. Significantly altering acceptable existing and future land use patterns, as defined in the text and maps of this plan The proposed amendment is consistent with the existing land uses represented throughout the immediate area. The amendment adheres to the policies outlined in the text of the Bozeman Community Plan and would complement the land use designations of adjacent properties. b. Requiring unmitigated larger and more expensive improvements to streets, water, sewer, and other public facilities or services and which, therefore, may impact development of other lands. Modifying the land use designation as part of this amendment request will not require any unmitigated improvements. The provision of services, beyond those which would be anticipated for this area regardless of the underlying land use designation, will not be affected. Future site development proposals will be reviewed for impacts to all public facilities and mitigation methods will be prescribed accordingly. c. Adversely impacting existing uses because of unmitigated greater than anticipated impacts on facilities and services. Existing uses will not be adversely impacted as detailed above. Future site development will include provision of public service connections that are of a possible benefit to the existing service networks and will increase the efficiency of service deliveries. d. Negatively affecting the livability of the area of the health and safety of the residents. Approval of this application will enhance the livability, health, and safety of the area with appropriate future site development that adheres to the standards outlined in the Unified Development Code, the City’s Engineering Design Standards and any relevant building codes. N:\2286\006\Design Docs\Agency Submittal\ZMA & Annexation\GPMA\GPMA_010818.docx 95