HomeMy WebLinkAboutLinfield, F & Ruth Deed " : '\.' t::; ",,'. E93 r I~ ' ..J ",Le. NO. "-WARRANTY DERO ~UT:~U!l~~!;H~~G co" HHIHA, "I~ '."'".._-",.. ~ 'II .,_w ....... -- -~ ..~'~' '. -"..",.",,--,,~ -' ~ , . This I nd entu rei M ade the.....~.?~.9........____._____________..___.a..daJJ of__...J~_l)._~____...a_____...__.__..... I I ,1 A. D. one thousand nine hundred and......f.i.:f.t.Y.7JQ.\lX..._...__mm.m__.__m.___mm...........nnm......m......... BE TWEEN ......r.,. .J~~JrrJl-m~ _n~:r..t'!i;LJ)'._ AN.Q.. fUI1'.~ _. !!-.!....~ IJ':l.fJ ~P?l. 00 .l:t_~ ~.l?~ .f.1.~.. .~~~... __. ,.. 00.. _.. J'.;i,. f!'! 00 n'" 'n_. n.' __....._.....,......... _....... noon 00 _ ___. n.... 00........... _......... n.. n.. n. 00....00.... _...00.00.......00....... .of .__...__m~:!.~.~.'!l_~~.L..~~~.!.~n_.~n..__......n.__._....mh... ......m....._.m...n____ParL~~.~.of the FIRST PART and ........ ..THE.. ex T.Y.. OF... ROZE MAN.... JL.Pl\lJ1J. f: _tp.3.1n .(:.9X P.~""!X_~.tJ.QJ)....1.lJ. _ _G_~ 1J_;\ _tJ_ JL --,lI/X ........ ~.C?.~.l!. ~:Y.!... .~~!!-. t: ~.I?:.~ .t.n.n..... n. 00'_ 0000000000 nun..... 00 _... _.... __....00. _.....__ _ __ _. __ __n _ _ _ __ _ _ _. n. _ _. _. _ _ __ _.__._ _. _. __n. .. ~ _~_ __ _ _ ~~_ ~~~_ __ w _~ _~__ _ _ ~_ _ ___ _ _ __ _ _ __ _~_ __ ~..~_~_ _~ ~___&.. ~_ _.. _ ___ _ _ ~. _ _ _~__ _ ~_ _ _ _ ~~ _ ~ _ _ ~. _~ _ ~ __ _ _ _ __~ _ _ _. ~_ _ __ _ n _ _ _ n. _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _..... _ _.. __ _ _ _ w ~ _ .__ __ _. _ ~ _ __ ___ I n.............m.....n___m.mn.m.mm.m.m...nmn_........__.______.______.___the parl.Y_n_...of the SECOND PART; I WITNESSETH. that the said part.~_~_'?of the FIHST P AHT. for and in consideration of the I sum of 00 n. .Te.u.. UQ l_la.r..s.. .an.d_ _ _Q.th.ex...v.a1.\.\ ~J:?_l~L .Q.S).nf?J.Q~J:a_tDottars ($. ,1 Q _,..QQ...QY.9.) i I lawful mone}! of the Uniled States of A-meri-c(fto....m..th.ela...h....in hand paid b]) said parLYm.of the SECOND P AHT. the receipt whereof is hereb]) ac/enowledged; dO___..mmmnb]) these presents grant, I bargain. sell, conlie~ warrant and confirm unto the said parL.Y-___________of the SECOND PART. and to , . succ ss~rs J_.t~___._._m...ti~~P&nd assigns forever. the hereinafter described real estate situated in the cit]) or toWn of I .__mn___n____mn___8oz.eman.___,__.'__.m.m... Count]) ot..............G..~JJ~.tj.n_mu...___m....mm. and State of I M ontana. to~wit: . u..... ...LQ L.ThJ:e.e.. 00(3) mand, _. th.e... N.Q A. t.h...F. .tv. emG?J. ...f.~~.t.ng.f. ...... .....'.. _. ....... _ _ ....... n..__ __.. __......... ~.C?. ~. 00 r.~.~!:m ~~J.. .~. ~.. .~~.~~.~. :~.'.'.~.~m ~.~~.~. ~ ~.?~.:.~.. _~~.?~.~_ ~_ ~.l!:... _ __.___ _.. ..._. _ _ _....... 00 00"" _. n u_...... .t.Q.. .~Q~.l?.!'9-.~ !!.t_..M.0.!! .t.~!l.~....,........ _ n .n.... n. 00......00 nn noon. n. n.hu" ...un.......... 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And the said part..~.~.~of the FIRST PART. and_"_,-___the_l_J:uuheirs, dO__.._mmherebJ} COliC" tlant thaL__t_he_Y.__....._uwill fo-rever W AHRANT and Dt~F EN D all right. title and interest in and I t? th,e said premises, and tg~~~J!r1ifgceable p,ossession thereof. unto the sai4 party_; ________.of the h :SEC ON D P AHl -its-- "a a assIgns, agal11sl all aeis and deeds of the sard part...1.es_____.of the I, I ! FIRST PART. and all and eVer]) person and persons whomsoever lawfull]) claiming or to claim the i I same. I ~~~~.. ...... _ ~ +_...........__ __+ +.. _ _ _ __ ___ _ __ m _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ ____ ___._ ___ _________... __.___.."...~ ~..~ _.. _ _ + _ ~__ ~__ __.._ _ ___ r _~ n _ _ ~ ~_ a ~_ _ ~. +. ~+&.. ~. __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ --~ ~_w _~ - - _ ~_ ~~-+- I ......_ __ _ _ _.. _ ____ __ __ _ ___ __ __ _____ _ _ _" r~r_7""+_ ~~._.._..___..~...... ___ _........__ ...._....._ _ _. __ ~ +.. ~ _ _ __ __.. _. _ 7 ~ __ _ n _ _ w _ w w_ ~ _ _ __ _ ~ _~__ r ~ _r_~r _ r _ _ r ~ ~~~ _~ _ _ _ ____ _ ~~ _ _ n_ ____ I . _ _ _.. ~.._ _... __ +_ ___~ r ~ +_~ _ _ _ _ _.. _ ___ _ r _ _ ~ ft _._ _ _ r ____ _ ___ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ ~__ r_ __ _ _ ___.. n __. _ _.. __ _ m ~ _ _ _ ~~n _ ~ _ _ _ _ ~_ _ _ ~_ _ +&. &+ ~ +_ __ ~ _ __.. _ _.. _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ _. _ __ ___ __ + a ~+~&_~__ i IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the said part...tl?.~.____of the FIHST PART lw.Y.~___.___mhere~ I unto scL..t~~.t.~u......haTl~.mm._and seaL~__..__..the da}) I 'year firs her . befo e written. Signed. Sealed and DelilJered in tnh huunu .um'm uu m .n uuu uu (SEAL) I the presence of I ,,, _n.....~..r;Z...m~m moo. nm.'''hm (SEAL) tl mmuum.nmmnumu........n"'hu...uuu.mnn) ...... ...... ..... .................... ..................... .....:::.:: ::::..:::.:: ..: .:: :.. ::.: .::. ::.:.:: ::. :::. ~ :::~ ~ I I I I Ii I I C" v 5 'NT 694 STATE OF MONTANA, } [IL, ",Ii," ss. C aunt)) of _ _ _ _ mG"~Ll~ .U.!L...... ..uu 00 mmuu...""" On thiL_.____.~~X.g....m..m.....m__....da)J o/.......J.unem_m....._.......in the J1eor nineteen hundred and . ..__"..mf.if.t.}L~.f.Qllr...........mbefore me_....._...Da.n..R._...Lo.v.el.ace....___....u.........., a N o tar}) Public for the Stale of fl.lontana, personall)) appeared__..___r..:m~_~r_t..q._.~_Ln.~J.~J(;t""~n.~_J~.l,!.tl:1.._~,~...----... _ _.. ~_!_ ~J :i:~.}. g., _ _ _ .lJ._~ ~_9.~ .l~.g.. .~nfl... ?!. L f~"".... __.. __ _...................00... m _ _ _............ _....... muu 00..... mu.....m.. um... _ ~ _ ~ __ _ _ _ ____ ~ __ _ _.. ~. _~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.. __ ~_ _ _ ____ _~ ~~___ _ ____ ~~_ ~. _... ~& ~ ~... _ _. __. _ __. y. r_ __ _ _ __ __y ~~ _ __ _ _~_. ~. _. _ p_ _ - -- -- - - - &_~ - ~- ----- ---- _&_~--- -- --y-- & _& -~~., ___ known to rTle.... 00 00...00.......... un. 00....00..._. _ _...... uu......m.._._" _ _ _.._..... ...............n" 00.. ...00 "u'u.u ..u...u ..uuu.. u....... ~*~'flt'k~tlk:~~1t&... - ,.... - -".. - -, -..,... - - - -. - -. -- - - - - - -.-..... u............ 000000....0000.....00.. - --..) I , to be the !.lersoTls_m_____u,llOse namd:L_um.subscribed to the within instrument and ac/rnowledgcd to illC thaL.._._. ,..Lhey.......___m_executed the same. IN 1.V ITN ESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set 111" hat/d a11li affixed 1111.) Notarial - - Seal the dal} and .!Jear first above written. "''',''', Q ~ ,', . /...., - ~ ,:~ I .~__~~W&__~ _._-~-----,-;:;-----------_.._-~~------~--_...._--- ,,' ..',.,,-' Notar)J Public for the State of Montana. . { , t- .. " " , ". Residing aLm...~.9_?&lJ!~.l)...I....MQ.l}t~.l}~.......m._____.. ;. /'". < ,'~ ~,~ .,'., : : , " M}J Commission expires...S.ep..temherml. 19..5.5... "---.- - - --- --.. ---.- ! vi "...... : ~ ~ "+-. : ~: ~ 0 0---: l::: ~ 0 '\ : _' ' \,.... :' ';:>j '-0 : I;::l ~ ...::; ...: \. "-l '" '" I;::l' r-..... 0,) 'J. ~l -J I 0 0\ ~ 0\ ~ "-...j 6 ~ "'J: 1'i II I ' Z - : - ~ __ <.) 5 ,: Q. C -.. Cl: < : . <; 0 0,) <.) "!: OJ ctI ~ u..J ..::Ii,::S "'l::! Q ; : ~ ~ ~'" i Q : e o ~ C) ~. 0: ~ 4'" : 0,) ......: 0) t-'.!!' ,11 0 t-l: 0-1 N ~ N: ~~: : -c: ~'~:: !"l ;';',;" rz..: \7:Ll: 0 "::t:: ..... : .... : : .......... ~:: 0 ",,~', ..... " --.... " L., >- Z: ~ CO h'rl: ~ : : O.rl ~~' : c.q ril ~, ....., . , , , ., . ".. ~ 0". I-- """'" ,.J: z: rz., ~~:: : : : : ~ :0<:: ...ll:'.': I . 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C -- ",: 0: ~ : c __ --' ,: ..... ~ " I;"""l '-V" 0,) 0.> C -- " , , ,;:>-, ""tl en: ...-I: ~ bjJ;:>, 0 : l::: , I '0: ~ u:> ""':i' ~ : : '- I;::l .... \ ' ,"", 'I' C: ~ '" a'- : : 2 0... 5 ~ :-.3 CIS: I;::l or..t..: :0,).-0.2 ;:>j 0,) , .: ' Cl U :"';'5 0.::: Q U V) cq n::: . ... "" . i .. J .. :} C,<HaSS1OM'; IISOLUTION NO.; 1621 .,' " , "'" ~ A US0UJT10l0F'DIBCOtIttISIOB OJ! ,1111 'CI" OF 'BOZIIIAB. H>N"1'ANA. AUftOUZIlIG tHE MAYOR AND CLlU: or 11lE CITY COIIIISSIOM TO IXECUTE A .WAlUWITY DUD. ... . II ftllSOLVID .t '.t'IIB COMMISSION OPScmorlO!llMlI, AS l'OtJ401S I 1'batthe *7Or of the City of Iozeman, Willi_ E. Crabow, be and he hereby i.authorised for acl on behalf of the City of Boseman to make and execute a "arranty deed tr...terdng and conveying to Dokken-Nebon Puneral Service,Ine, the foUowlng d...ribed r...l property .1tuate in the county of Canatin, state of Montaa, to wit: Lot '!'bu. (3) and tbelforth Five (5) feet of Lot Four (4-) in Block liB" of A1d.non'. Add 1 Hon to Doze..., Mont..., ~ aceordll\& to the official ...p edplat on tUe and of ..Ilcord in the offlc:.e of the County Clerk and aeeorier of GaUatin County, Montana. - PASSED AND ADOPTID by the City eoa.l..ion at 1 t8 reau1ar meeting held on the 10th day of October, 1973. , A'l'"l'ZS....t /';..),', ," //~~ "-' ,,' '" L'!Y_ , tJ('n4:-'" /" c. ?7''- JQIA V.IlAPJlDtG, ~ Clerk of the City Commie.iOn '~.~:j < I