HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 52- Kolman, Elmer & Laura Deed
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THIS INDENTURE, Made the~t day of April, 1954, betNeen ELMER M.
KOLMAN and LAURA A. KOLMAN, husband and wife, RAY GENTY and EMMA L.
GEN~Y, hUAband and wife. JOHN E. SCHWAB and LUCY SCHWAB, husband and wife,
LESLln E. HOUSE and ANNA GLADYS HOUSE, husband and wi fe, POLIJIE E.
DAVI"S, a married woman in hpr own right, MARGARET HUTCHINSON, a stngle
woman, ~~ARY MAtTfJE H. PR:,\'i'T, a married woman tn her own right, DICK
CHAT'L)i~I,,;R - a,:,J.7::Tf,mL CHANDLER, husband ana w-i -( e, and CLA.RA 'w. "RICl'UtRDSOi\,
a wtdow, all of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, tho parties of the
first nart, and THE CI'~Y OF BOZEMAN, a municipal corporation in Gallatin
County, Montana, the party of the second part;
THAT WHEREAS, the parties of the first part are owners of
prcpcrty on the West side of North Grand Avenue and the East side of
Norfh 'f'hirel Avenue bet.veen West Short Street and West Peach Street,
in the City of Bozeman, Montana; and
WHEREAS, no public alley now exists in said block; and
WHEREAS, desiring to avail themselves of the benefits and
advantages of a public alley in the rear of their respective properties
hereinafter described, the said parties of the first part desire to
transfer and conve_~.J:l:.n~o the City of Bozeman tcn (10) f.ee~ff_ of the
rear (If their respective properties hereinafter describel. m~re or les~1
THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the sum of One
90llar ($1.00), lawful money of the United States, in hand paid to
thn parties of the first part by the party of the second part, the
receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties of the first
part do hereby convey, remise, release, and forever quitclaim unto the
said party of the second part and to its successors and assigns, the
f()llowing described real estate situate in The City of Bozeman, County
of Gallatin, State of Montana, the same being a portion of their
respective properties:
All that part of the Northwest Quarter of I-he North-
west Quarter (NW1NW') of Section Seven (7), in Township
Two (2) South of Range Six (6) East, included within the
following described metes and bounds, to-wit: Beginning
at a point vhich is 134.0 feet east along the south line
of Peach Street, from the Northwest corner of what is
known as Mrs. Anna Rigg's Tract in Beall's Third Addition
to The City of Bozeman, Montana; thence East along the
South line of Peach Street a ni~tancf' nf ~iy (~) feet,
tI"l81l('f' Smith a rlistaT1,~(> f1f One Hundred (100) :ec', :hcncc
Nest a di,st.ance (~f:::;ix (6) feet" thence i:{')rth a distan'~c
of Onp Hundred (lOa) feet, more or less 1.0 the point of
hc~inninr; the same being the property of Elmer M. Kolman
and Laura A. Kolman, husband anel wife.
All that part of what is known and platted as Mrs.
Rigg's Tract, in Beall's Third Addition to The City of
8ozeman, ~/'-'lllana. included within the f('l'owin~ metes
and bounds, tn-wit; Cnmmencinv. at: a point nn the south
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line of Peach Street, said point being 142.75 feet west
of the west line of Grand Avenue North, thence south a
distance (If 100 feet, thence .ves~ a distance of 8 fep.:,
thence north a distance of 100 feet, thence east a distance of
R feet. , more nr less, to the point of beginning; the same
l)eing the pr<lperty of Ray Genty and Emma L. Genty, husband
and wife.
A 11 that part of what is known and platted as Mrs.
Rig-g's Tract in Beall's Third Addition to Bozeman, Montana,
i.rlcluded within the following metes and bounds, to-wit:
Commencing at a point which is 150 feet south and 142.75 feet
west of the intersection of the West linp of Crar,d :'\vc>n1]p
North and the '~()l1',h line of 'Vest Peach Strp~tj :hencc
=-~ ---. -.'--_ ,,- ,:E......~ ~?,,, 4'l no j ",I of tH.,!Q" i nn i ng' . south 50 fee\., ; hence west , 11.23
fcet, thence north 50 feet, thence east 11. 25 feet, more
or less to the point of be,/Z'inning-; the same being the
properly of ,lnhn E. Schwab and Lucy Schwab, husband and
All Lhat part of what is mONn and plat Led as Vlrs.
Ri q;g' s Trac t , tn Beall's Third Addition to The City of
Rozeman, Montana, included within the folloNing metes
and bounds, t'()"'Nit: Commencing at a point, vh i c h is
100 feet south and 142.7.) feet west of the in tersec t. ion
of the west line of Grand Avenue North and the South
1ine of West Peach Stree t ; thence from said peint of
beginning, South 50 feet, I-hence West 11.2'1 feet, thence
N(crth 10.0 fee t , thence East 3.2S feet, t',hence ~orlh 40.0
feet, thence East g feet', more or less, to the point of
!leg:i nn i ng; the same being the property of Leslie E. House
and Anna Gladys House, husband and wife.
All that part of Beall's 1'hird Addition to "he City
of Bozeman, Gd,l a till County, Montana, which is k:10wn and
.__. p 1 a.Lt..ed af;; 'Mrf;; R Lgg' s Trac t . narticlllarlv dnserihed as__
follows: Commencing at a point which is 100 feet Sou t h
and 131 feet East of thpNnrthNest corner of said Mrs.
Higr-'s Trac t ; thence from said point of beg-inning, East
6.0 fen t . thpnce South 40,Ofpet, thence West 3.25 feet,
thpnce Soulh 4:'i fee t, thence West 2.7,) feet, lhence North
8,5.0 feet, more or less, to th0 point of ~eg-inning; the
same bei.ng the property of Pollie E. Davis, a married woman
in her own right.
All that part of Beall's Third Addition to Bozeman,
Gallatin County, Montana, which is known and platted as
Mrs. Rigg's Tract, particularly described as fn lIONS:
Commenc Lng at a point, which point is 1 R :j fpet South
and 134 feet East of the North'vest corner of said Mrs.
Rigg's 1'rac t ; thence from said point of beginning; East
2.75 feet, thence South 53 feet, thence West. 2.75 feet, thenc()
North 53 feet, more or less to the ,poi nt of beginning; the
same b~tng the propert.y of Margaret Hutchinson, a single Noman.
All that part of Beallf. Third Addition to the City of
H()zeman .,_.---'''1:'0 tana, which is ~na~~ and plat~0d as ;h:o; . Rif!~1"'s
Tract and Lot "A 0' , more particularly deser il-,0--'! as f,'\JloNs:
Comm0ncing at a point 'NhLch is 23R feet South and 1:11 feet
"~as t of the Northwest corner of said Mrs. Rigg's Tract;
thence from said point of beginning; East 2.75 fpet, thence
/ South 52 feet, more or less, to a point on thp. South line of
said Lot "A", said point being the North line of Short Street;
thence West along; said South line of Lot "A" 2.75 feet, thence
North 52 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning; the
same being; the property of Mary Maude H. Pratt, a married woman
in her own right.
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All that part of Beall's Third Addition to The City of
Bozeman, Montana, which is known and platted as Mrs. Rigg's
Tract and Lot "A" and more particularly descri.bed as follows:
C0mmencing at a point which is 245.0 feet South and 142.75
feet West of a point in the North line of said Mrs. Rigg's
Tract. where the West line of Grand Avenue North and the
South line of Peach Street intersect; thence South 45 feet,
more or 1 os:::; , to the South 1 ine of said Lot "A", thence
West 11.25 feet, thence North 45 feet. thence East 11.25
feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, the same
being the property of Dick Chandler and Ethel Chandler,
husband and wife.
All that f'a" '\1' Beall's '~'h'inl Addition to The Ci.ty of
Bozeman. Gallatin County, Montana, which is known and platted
as Mrs. Rigg's Tract, and more particularly described as
follows: Commencing at a point which is 200 feet South and
142.75 fect West of the intersection of the West line of
Grand Avenue North and the South line of Peach Street (being
the North line of said Mrs. Rig-g's Traet) thence from said
point of beginning, South 45 feet, thence West 11.25 feel,
thence North 45 feet, thence East 11.25 feet, more or less.
to the point of beginning; the same being the property of
Clara W. Richardson, a widow.
together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances
thereunto belonging, and the reversion and reversions, remainder
and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof; and also all
the estate. right, title, interest, property, possession, claim
and demand whatsoever as well in law as in equity, of the said
parties of the first part, of, in or to the said premises and every
part and parcel thereof.
TO HAVE AND T() H0LO, all and singular the sald premises, 'NUh
the anpurtenances unto the said party of the second part, its
---- :::.ucCt:.,,::,;U.l..:> al.lU aSb:tg:nS forever.
This conveyance is for a consideration of less than $100.00 and
as such docs not rc~uire any United States revenue stamps.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties of the first part have hereunto
set thpir hands and seals the day and year first above written.
'..~ /C; ~~~:Y- ~. _2~~.~SEAL)
".lmer M. ~
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S'~'A""'E OF MON'l'/\';,\ )
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Cunty of Gallatin )
On this~, day of Apri 1, 1974, he fore me, the undersigned.
a Notary Puhlicor the Slate of Montana, personally appeared
CHANDLER and CLARA W. RICHARDSON, k:lown to me tn he the persons whose
names are subscribed to the within and fore~ning instrument, and
a" knol\'lecl~e',~1 t c, me, each of them respectively, i'hat they execut:e:l
the same.
IN WI~N~SS~H~~fOF, f hereunto set. my hand and afftx my Notarial
, """,." 'h d oj yeal' in this Certi.fica'c f:.r"": above ATitten.
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