HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 52- Jones, Maurice & Kenneth Deed . '. ,.. -. ~ .. ... *' . ~ ~ . . :I. .. ~J [1 J Iq P .~ I l.f. Ij , ~Ul'1: CLldlvl ~ THIS INDrt:hI'U!tE, Made the n-"t{ day of O(~tober, A. D., 19)'2, between J. IvlAUr{lCE JOj,tc;S, a single man, and KENN.ti;'l'H M. JON.c..S and CLEO C. JON~S, husband Bnd wife, as joint tenants with ri~~t of survivorship sn1 not as tenants in common, all of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, the parties of ~he first part, and {h~ Ciri u~ J:30Z.~Nih.,\I, a mu~icipal corporation in Gallatin County, N:c'ntnnn, t'1e party of the second part; WII',~ESSE'l'H: iI'B.A'I' VVHc;l'.EAS the narties of the first Dart are owners of property on the west side of North Third Avenue between Villard Street and Beall Street in The City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, and are desirous of having an adequate alley at the rear or west of their respective properties; and \'W.t'~l'tt!.J-I.S, in the platting of Karp's Addi tion to The Citv of Bozeman a striu of ground ten (10) feet in width wa~ set aside and dedicated to Th~ City of Bozeman for alley puruoses along the east side of Block Five (5) of said Karp's Addition, which adjoins the respective properties of the parties of the first part herein nW^;lc:1; '}nd WEEhSAS, in consideration of the benefi ts and a dvant8p:8s to - accrue to the narties of the fIrst part herein named, the said parties of the first uart desire and a~ree to transfer and convey unto The City of Bozeman that portion of the west ten (10) feet of their res-Dective pro)erties hereinafter' describod for alley"mr-poses. 'I'H~1{J1JFOhE, in consideratj on of the premises and the S',,1m of One Dollar ($1.00), lawful money of the Unit~d States, in hand paid to the parties of the first part by the nartv of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties of the first part do hereby convey, remise, release, and forever quitclgim unto the said party of the second part anJ to its successors and assigns, the following described real estate situate in The City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, State of Montana, the same being a portian of their respective properties: Beainning at the intersection of the East Line of the North ~nd South Alley in Block Five (5), of Karp's Add:l.t~rn to The City of Bozeman, with the South Line of Villard Street, said point of intersection beino" also the I~orthwest Corner 01' ttlat certain tract deed~d by Kenneth M. Jones and Cleo C. Jones to J. Maurice Jones on March 3, 1951, and said deed bein~ recorded in Gallatin Count~T Record of Deeds, Volume 10)~, Page 531; thence from said point of beginning Southerly along the West Line of said deeded tract 100 feet to the So"]th- wecJt Comer of said deeded troct; thence Easterly a10np' the South Line of said deeded tract 10 feet; thence Northerly 10 feet distant from and parallel to the West Line of said deeded tract 100 feet, more or less, to a point on the South Line of Villard Street; thence Westerly alono: the South Line of IT i lIard Street 10 feet, more or less, to the point of be~inning, the same beinv the property ofJ. Maurice Jones, a sing1e man. ' . .. II< ...... .". . . . . "~ 1tfJ . ., . .. I & '~:"Y"~' ( 1i' <:~ '.". ,J; J~.t' _', _, ..., -L.- Beginning at a point on the EDnt Line of the North and South Alley in Block Five (S) , of Kar"p I s Addition to The City of Bcz eman, loc8ted 100 feet Southerly, when measured alan? said East Line, from the Sou t~1 Line of Villard Street, and said point bein~ also the Northwest Corner of that certain tract deeded by J. Maurice Jones to Kenneth M. Jones and Cleo C. Jones on March 3, 19S1, and said deed being recorded in Gallatin County Record of Deeds, Volu"'e lOll., Parce S33; thence frorr SAid Do;nt of befJ'incinp' Soutr2erly along the West Line 0 f' sat d deedeJ troet t. i, r-'Aet; t1--;enc e Easterlv parallel to the North Line of said deeded tract 10 f~et; thence Northerly 10 feet distant from and parallel to the West Line of said dee~ed tract 6J feet, ]"'lore or less, to a point O~ the Nortl-! Line of sa:1d deeded t ra c t ; thence Nesterly along the North Line of said deeded tract 10 feet, more or less, to the poi~t of beginning, the same being the property of Kenneth M. Jane", a"", '1 Cleo C. Jones, husband and wife, as jo;nt tenants with right of survivorship and_ not as ten ants in co,,.,mon. together with all the tenements, her;djtaments, and appurtenances thereunto bolong5ns, and the reversi,>n and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof; and also all the estate, right, title, interest, property, ')ossession, claim and demand whatsoever as well i'1 law as 'in, equity, of the said parties of the first part, of, in or to the said nremises and every part and Darcel they'eof. ~0 HAV~ nN0 10 EuLD, all and singular the said !'Jremises, with the appurte~ances u.nto che said OUr'V; c f' Lhe seGel;; ':Oi!Jl"t, its , , successors and assigns forever. This conveyance is for a ccnsideratirm of less t}:jan $IOO.ClO and as such does not Y'equtre any United States revenue stamps. IN WI TN.c.;SS .ulL:."~~O}i the parties of the first part have here- , unto set their hands and seal~nd ?"-]st above written. "<'~ ...fA. (Sc.AL) . aurlce nes ~Sb~L) CAJ (!~ ~..J IS ,i ) \ \... ,L.~" 1-: Cleo C6/'Jones " . ~t- "'r-' ~ ... .. .. ... 4! ~ . .. - .3 - ",\ ! j 'i · I, W"i:k ! .',) '-13, .~. '>> S 'TA 'T.c; 0 F Nl 0 i~ '1\1~ LiA ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) On this ~day of October, 1952, before me, the undersigned, a Notarv Public for the State of Montana personally aDpeared ' J. MAUHIC.c; JUN~S, KBNNETH M. JON~S AND cL~o c. JUN.c;S, known to me to be the )Jorsens whose nameS<:lre subscribed to the vd thin and foror:oL'JF instrument, 2nd ac]mmv] edc-erl to me, each of then respectively, that they executed the su~e. IrJ ':iII'l'NBSS WH.c,REOf, I hereunto set mv hand and affix my Notarial Seal on tho day and :'.rear in this Certi ('ieate first above written. __ ,~ 2 Notar~iC for the State of Montana ?~, \' Residin~ at Bozeman, Montana '" ;,,',.' My Comnission Exnires ..?$~t...,?~.1 /~~3~ -)." .~ I," ,. I............. r . ",')t' .,. ", , - "', ,:,'?:~ ~'~ ,o' " ",f 4 r\ . L:;'..:!;, R () f" R ~~ :':~:'[il;;:'--'"'-: :)-'~~-v-rr , .F T ", tE:i~;;~'E.\)_.,_...~l' f "," "". , ':", ,r ,,; ", r'-eR FECOLI.: N THI,S '..:$- _'.. ....., "'F COU"tIT,,\r RrCf)' ; R } , _....,.., ,"" A'1 0 A" ,-.'e 19.._,..;2, CT '" J.i u n.l -' ..,... , ex /, ' ~--" L t!:I '. .''''.:, \( ;.<'", . , -',::-:, : iJ c) ~ ,,:.,-,;:-.. - " , . ,,' "::: J':i,."..!d..l..". 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