HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 52- Lee Marcus & Lena Deed . . . ' " .. , . . . r {,,::l} , '" ",UTI' ~ LA I tvi ~ TIllS IND~NTUH~, Made the .s / sr day of July, A. D. , 1952, between ~RCUS H. LEE and LBNA S. LEE, husband and wife, ROY IvI. SURF'AC.s and ~F.F1E SUrlFACE, hus band and wi fe, ELIZA CAMP, a widow, the NAITE R~AL'rrY C 0MPANY, a Montana corporation, having its prine ipal place of bus ines sat Boz aman, Montana, 8AliL w.c;I\NL!..R and ELIZABE'I'H A. WillRNEH, husband and wife, HOM.liR F'181-11111. and JEWEL FISH~R, husband and wife, JOSE CALDERSON, JR. and PHYLLIS D. CALD.!.RSON, hus band and wi fe, and HARRY llNUERSlVlA and SADI~ UH~;.c;HSlvlA, husband and wife, all of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, the parties of the first part, and 'fHE C IllY OF BOl.ciJV1AN, a municipal corporation in Gallatin County, Montana, the party of the second part; WrrrN.8SSE'rH: 'rHA'r WlIER.8;AS the parties of the first part are owners of property in Block Six (b) of Babcock and Davis Addition to the City of Bozeman, Montana; and liVhErlt.:AS, no public allay now exists in the major portiO{i of said Block; and WHERBJ\S, desiring to avail themselves of the benefits and advantages of a public alley in the rear of their respective properties hereinafter described, the said parties of the first part desire to transfer and convey unto the City of Bozeman ten (10) feet off of the rear of their respective properties here- inafter described. 'l'H~R.ta"'o HE, in consideration of the premises and the sum of One Dollar ($1.00), lawful money of the United states, in hand paid to the parties of the first part by the party of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties of the first part do hereby convey, remise, release, release, and for- ever quitclaim unto the said party of the second part and to its successors and assigns, the following described real estate situate in The City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, State of Montana, the same being a portion of their respective properties: The Nest ten (10) feet of that po.rt of the Northwest Quarter oi' the Northeast Quarter (NWtNEt) of Section Seven (7) in 'I'ownship Two (2) South of Range Six (6) East, M.P.M., included within the following metes and bounds, to-wit: Beginning at a point 623 feet east of a point in the West line of said Quarter of Quarter Section, which is 4l~9 feet South of the Northwest Corner thereof; thence running East 194 feet; thence North 100 feet; thence West 194 feet; thence South 100 feet to the place of beginning; the same being . ~ i: '~ .j P/1C~~ ;, ~1 ' . . . ".1,) ~ . . the property of Marcus H. Lee and Lena S. Lee, husband and wife. The West ten (10) feet of that part of the Northwes t Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NWtNEt) of Section Seven ( 7) in Township ~ (2) South of Range Six (6) Eas t, M.P.M" included wi thin the fol1owin~ metes and bounds, to-wit: Beginning at a point 23 feet East of a point in the West Line of said Quarter of Quarter Section, which is 349 feet South of the Northwest Corner of said Quarter of Quarter Section; thence running East 194 feet; thence North 66 feet; thence West 194 feet; thence South 66 feet to the place of begimling,' being a tract wi th 66 feet frontage on Wallace Avenue North and 194 feet deep, and being p~rt of Lot Six (6) or Bloc~ six(6) in Babcock and Davis Addition to the City of Bozeman, Montana; the same being the property of Roy M. Surface and Effie Surface, husband and wife. 'rhe Wes t ten (10) feet of that part of Block Six (6) of the Babcock and Davis Addition to Bozeman, Montana, included within the following metes and bounds, to-wit: Commencing at a point in the West Line of Wallace Avenue (Formerly Wallace Street) which is 217 feet South of the Northeast Corner of Block Six (6) in Babcock and Davis Addi tion to Bozeman, Montana; thence West 190 feet; thence South 66 feet; thence East 190 feet; thence North along the West Line of Walla. ce Avenue 66 feet to ~~e place of beginning; the same being the property of Eliza Camp, a widow. The West ten (10) feet of that part of Block Six (6) of the J3abcock and, Davis Addition to Bozeman, Montan~_L___ included wi thin the following metes and bounds, to-wi t: . Commencing at the Northeast Corner of Block Six (6), Babcock and Davis Addition to Bozeman, Montana, thence 217 feet South on Walla ce Street, along the East Line of said Block Six (6), thence 194 feet~~es t, thence North 217 feet to the South Line of Peach street, thence East along the North Line of said Block Six (6) 194 feet to the place of beginning; the same being the property of 1;;1"1e wai te Real ty Company, a Montana corporation having its principal place of business at Bozeman, Montana. The East ten (10) feet of that part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NwlNE!) of Section Seven (7) in Township Two ( 2) South of Range ( 6) East of the Montana Meridian, included within the following metes mld bounds, to-wi t: Beginning at a point which is 4L~9 feet South of a point in the North Line of said Quarter of Quarter Section distant 429 feet East from Northwest Corner thereof, thence running East 194 feet, thence North 116 feet, thence West 194 feet, thence South 116 feet to the place of beginning, being a paroel of ground in the unplatted portion of Block Six (6) of Babcock and Davis Addition to the City of Bozeman; the same being the property of Earl Werner and Elizabeth A. Wer'ner, husband and wife. The 6ast ten (10) feet of that part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NWiNEt) of Section Seven (7) in Township Two ( 2) South of Range Six (6) East of the Montana Principal Meridian, included within the . . . I. ~ i i' ~. ~~ . )1 . ;:.;/~nj r 'I r \ <t f''-. ."\'"..... \-..,.~ '~" ". , . :. ':.\ ~ .,- I' ; ~ ~ ,. '....t following metes and bounds, to-wi t: Beginning at a point which is 283 feet South of a point in the North Line - of said Quarter of Quarter Section distant 565 feet East from the Northwest Corner thereof, thence running East 58 feet, thence South 50 feet, thence West 58 feet, thence North 50 feet to the place of beginning, being a parcel of ground in the unplatted portion of Block Six (6) of Babcock and Davis Addition to the City of Bozeman; the same being the property of Homer Fisher and Jewel Fisher, husband and wife. The East ten (10) feet of that part of the Northwest Ql)?rter of the Northeast '<~uarter (NWtNEi) of Secjion Seven (7) of Township T\'D (2) South, Range Six (0) East, M.P.M., included within the following metes and bounds, to-wi t: Commencing at a point 227 213 feet South from a point in the North Line of said Quarter of Quarter Section, which is 429 feet East from the Northwest Corner thereof; thence running East 194 feet; thence South 55 1/3 feet; thence West 19)+ feet; thence North 55 1/3 feet to the place of beginning; the same being the property of Jose Calderson, Jr. and Phyllis D. Calderson, husband and wife. 11he t'~as t ten (10) feet of that part of Block Six (6) of Babcock and Davis Addition to the City of Bozeman, Montana, included within the following metes and bounds, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the East Line of Church Avenue North, 172 1/3 feet South of the Northwest Corner of said Block Six (6), thence running East 1911- feet, running thence South 55 1/3 feet, running thence West 194 feet, running thence North 55 1/3 feet to the place of beginning; the same being the property of Harry Ungersma and Sadie Ungersma, husband and wife. ---,- ~-- together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof; and also all the e s ta te, right, ti tle, interest, property, possession, claim and demand whatsoever as well in law as in equity, of the said parties of the first part, of, in or to the said premises and every part and parcel thereof. '110 HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said premises, ~ th the appurtenances unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever. This conveyance is for a consideration of less than $100.00 and as such does not require any United states revenue stamps. IN WITNESS WH.B;REOF, the parties of the first part have here- unto set their hands and seals the day and year first above wri tten. (SEAL) (SEAL) I/O "" ... '"". .. __ . R . . I' . 11 It H .. ;:...,. t f) "nn'/ \ 1-' PI~h(: I' Ji " t;~,,',i;' . _...'._'. ".." ,- L ,,~r...... ~.. --.l~ /VI- J 'k~/I,:u:--e/ (Sill\L) /'j ~. ~\lrraC,e" _~_, " f%.. ~~' -- (SI!;AL ) ffie Surface ?;fia- (!~ (SEAL) Eli Camp " .-, \, 'AI'r~; R.t!.ALTY COMPANY',:' " :: 1If' ..' " ,". " ,'11 T ...... (-I':' ~,'" ," , ~,,"',,-l,i- ...- ".; "........ ,)...-i \: By , ..~ k~':""_:.:", '"';;; J , ",' fI \..... r ~ \ .J ~ . . ,-. 'oJ ,~ r", 1 ,,, 'r '\... '. ,./ Presld~nt' ._~,l \, \. ,~", : C-'l!~ ~~ .....' .C .- l~j"'/-g.-L...~(iSZ.4L): '. Earl Werner . ~-~L 0'.W-L~ (SEAL) , Elizabeth A. Werner ( S.ti:AL ) ( SBAL) ( S EJL ) Phyllis i J / ! /4-~r~~!e~8~~~, (~~L) ~~-~ ~'4..L-'r..-;tZ";Jz<--i'-l(SEAL) Sadie Unger)fma STATE OF MONTANA ) ) sa. County of Gallatin ) On this JIST: day of July, 1952, before me, the unclersign0d, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared I'iJAhCUS H. L~B, LENA S. LEE, HOY M. SU.t{F'ACJi, BF'F'IE SU RF'ACl!:, ~AHL 'ivEHNER, BLIZABE'I'H A. v~ERNBR, liOMBH F'ISHER, J'EvVEL FISHER, JOSE CALDBRSON, JR., PHYLLIS D. CALDJ.:<.:RSUN, HAR.cf{ UNG-JiRSMA and SADI.&; UNGBRSMA, known to me to be the persons Whose names are sub- s~ribed to the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me, each of them respectively, that they executed the same. . .'" . . . . · , Qrynv 1 {l~.l ~x;~ \ ' t"l ' . IN Wll'NBSS NIlliR.lWF, I hereunto set my hand and affix my Notarial Seal on the day and year in this Certificate first above written. ~ "',' ,.,\ co ( '-"", ~~ / # ,\\ . ., /, "--- ? /...... . ,':::"~'<!.."'>" "::,.~~/\. Notary PtM c or The s ta te -or Montana ............. ."~ ""..' ," ") ....... \ Jr::.."/ .", ,', "" " \:...r,"';' Residing a t Bozeman, Mon tana ;>::1: , ," T"'~lK",Y* '; My Commission expires August 12, 1952 " \~1 \, ,;' ',.,,~ , ' . .~. :; ~ :\ ') ~ ,* ~ I ,,' 'I ,',\ S'fA'fE OF MON'fANA ) ) s s. County of Gallatin ) On this ~~~ day of July, 1952, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the state of Montana, personally appeared G. C. WAl'l'E and S. J-. KAISLER, JR., known to me to be the President and Secretary respectively of theWai te Real ty Company, and acknowledged to me that they executed the within and foregoing instrument for and on behalf of said corporation. INWreNESSWH~HEOF', I hereunto set my hand and affix my Notarial Seal on the day and year in this Certificate first above written. ,,' , '\... ~ ' ,// /' N ot:"~~y 1>u bif~8"~ i"'(h~"'S t~: ~ f' Man tana Res1ding at Bozeman, Montana ,~',';' ' My Commission expires August 12~ --1952 j, ,...... /,' '. . -'~ ". .~,' ,roo " ",l~ t-......... ". ". .,~ . "11,' ~~;~~:.!O, ,If;" ~?~:N~~ HEconDER. ), .' ~!:I, STNS}'~~11.M~,NT ,]',.1 AI~S F.I,T/g~, ;()~ .EE,C CF,J'1 N THl~, c .)"v,'! _.' .. ~ ..1, ,.L 011 "'O~, l1\,..I,d,' " ,S" "" " i.", '.",} "k---6, , ' "j... ~ " ,,~ ..-;:, .1.':,....<1.:....... , A. D. Ill."....""'..'" I""']'7""Y Q'ti' GA'!'. jj"'I" . \ 4' ~/ /1 ^ ".,,' ". t " ,v C""'('C' 'Dil"f'\ I~'''' '[>01'\1/ /cJ "9 "V.!~\:~,' oR ,,,,,,,J.;.\.,..,~. ,,; ,_ ", /,-c:~ /7'- i ",-/-)_:1,[,,) i~,.,.I."......".."" j,~;:!.,"'(~','<~'~"'''/'''''..~' ~.~;\~" ',.,,'" .tJef:!,.~ "........vO,:..l.>5J i!'AJJE",..J..7.r~."'" -'" fJ ..,'/ ~_......-.....~ ." ....., y...." ,'~ -........ ~ '.... ' " 1':1 1~~~""\Ifl ,_'J~'" WI~,-, ~ ~ .. laoiIa .. ~J\ECOWIRe, BX"~~~"'."""'I""""~~l~~~".~'~ I~J"D~"'~I 0