HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 52- Stimson, K J & Jean Mc Cay Deed I _ !\o. S _ WARH,\ ",~'~_~n!JED ,..___ . .. _ Ei;:~~ .1 ~I'V~~..)~.!~,J!~._ Th is I nde n tu re, Made the"......m...,2.2nd.n","mm...m.da~ of......,J.an.u.ar.~m.........m.......... A. D. one thousand nine hundred and...mF:i.Uy:.lw.Q...m.......................um."..,m-.m..,unm., .n.."um"""" BETWEEN K"..J.... STIMSON ..9.ud. .J.EANML.cAYuS.TIMSO.N.. uhURh.?olJd. - ~ )}.(;l ~ UR ,"u... .....,,,.. ...n..."..._u.......,.. ..._...,........... ".u...u..._u............. ..__ .....--, , ... ... ..... ..__.................___....ununu..._.......__..... ~u...nn.._.___.. .u.. ..--.....of B.o.z.en).an.~u.G.8-1La.tin...Cm.mt.y:.mM.Q.n t.q..u~'......u""w ..."'"00..... ...m.m....porU.e.a.of the FIRS T P AHT and l'..HE...Cll'..Y...'O.F..B.O'2..E MAN......0-. .M.l1D,~ ~}I?<;l:L~.9.!"Qg.!".~ J.tQD.. ~.~ u~h..~..~ t.9:t~..9K. -. .... .......xx4x Montana, whose. postoffice addres s is . BQ7....enJ..au.mGallahn.cQJlllt~.>uMQn.lan.q.....--m..uuummm...the parLY-.mof the SECOND P AR1 ; WITNESSETH, that the said partie:iuof the FIRST PART, for and in consideration of the sum of m..::.:.~.::::,:.QN.~..A.JiPuN.QlLQ.9.:_.::_::::.:_..._:.. ._unun...... .m. .............un_Dollars ($. ..~.;.2gn__.......u.) I lawful mone]} of the United ~tates of A~erica to..._th&n!n...mhh___in hand paid by said parULmof the SECOND PART, the receIpt whereof IS hereb]} acknowledged; dO.....mmm_mb'j) these presents grant. batgain, sell, convey, tJ)arrant and confiml unto the said partY.....mm....of the SECOND P AHT, and to successors i.t.!?......m__m~S and assigns forever, the hereinafter described real estate situated in the citv or town of :a.Q.?;~g;..fUL........mm.'....'. ,...,...... _.....m......' Count\! of.._..m.g;:t,U~EI!-.m............m.. ... ............ and Slate of Montana, to--Dlit: ...... ....................... ............ ............ ....... ....,....- .,,-.. .-..--..-..........--.........---........- ........h...... .........,...... ... ...... ......... .......-... L Qt~ ..' J..~.... _..1.4.. ..J2..>-_ ... t. f!... .e.J:1q.17..,.....<ilL.t..n..J?J.9.<;:-k, .'.~AI..I...Q..f....l2 J.e,~J5._'_ !3.,.A9g,l t..i9.n..t.C>.. ..~. 9,~,e.m.~..~.!.,......... ,.", Montana, according to the official plat on file and of record in the office of th~"'C';'~~ty"C'l~"rk" &.R.e~o.r.d(;..r... o'f'G~IfaT{n' -Co'~nry:" "Mo'n fa'-na;. ,"-.....' -....... .... .,.,........ mm..'...." ,. ..... ,',.,~~"'.._.,,~,~.,~~"'''~,~~_!.H''''...,''_'''~...,~..~~..~''_,.~' ,_~..,.,,,'~,~~...,,.~,...' '... .,",,,,._,,,,.,,.._..,.,~y~,".,'~ _..~",_w~,",~~"~~..,..._.........,y,,&_.,,... _...'..,,~., . . ",.j . ".' .,'" ., _".~",.___",.,.".,_"",.'''.'~~,~LY_.W ...~..." .. ~.. < '. ,"'." 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I And thesaid parL1~_!?_;...of the FIRST P ART.. and....tl]._~..tXnnh..._.h.eirs, ~o..__.nm;_hereb,\I. cove- nant thaL....th~~.....n......wlll forever W ARHAN1 and DEFEND all rIght. tttle and mterest m and to the said p~emis.~.' at~ ~~~W-fStsGlldc.pe~ceable p'o~session t,hereof, unto the $ai4 partfe~~:..--..--..of the SECOND P AhTmL~m'::Jicirs a~a ~sslgns, agamst all acts and deeds of the smd parL.h.n....mm_of lhe FIRST PART, and all and eVer),! person and persons whomsoever lawfull)) claimin, or to claim the same. ,......." ..,".___n _.. _.. '. ..'<~ A~ _n_r _.' ~~ ,.~ '. n.' . '. ,. '. ',., '.. 'u. . ,,~ " ~,,~., "oJ'" ."., ~,., ... ",", ~ ~ ~ _..._,,~ .. ~.,.. ~ ~ ,~....." ......", ~..""..,. ~........~. 'O.' & -- ,~-~~~......... --~-_.._~~- - ~.....'....... ,-.....-..,~~-.,....- ~..._" ~.. - -. -........... ,", a,." , ., ., ~ ~ & ".._ N ".,. _,' ~ . ...., ~ A~, W ,_ ,. ~ ," ~ ,..... ~" ',Y.' u.. " ,.. ~ ,.".... ","' ., . .. J, ~ '. ..." ~~, . .". 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