HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 51- Montana Flour Mills Company Deed ."- - 1- 06 ;1A;E :31 .. - '-lnOK NO, 6-A-QUIT CLAIM DEED (CORPORATION)-IM 1-47 12052 __ ~, ,,~.~~_BUNF PRINTI~G ,'t ~\JPPI,Y 00" (;l~FAf f^t.Ul ~ 1 ._n ----.--...-..----., .....-. ...--.--- m ~t1l 1J nllrnturr , I '"",,11) Made the.........._,...c:.~.:....__day of..___________cI!lJ.Y____________m______.in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hund,-ed and___.J;i.!.t-Y~.n~.._______________.______.m_m between .....___........m__mm.._..mmm ._....... ..............______________m____m____.. _ _. .MONTANA.. _ELQUR._.,HILLS__.GOMPANY____ - -.. - - -... - - -..., _..,. __., _.. '.m____..._..__"'nn.hnnnh -~~-~~-~~------~~--_._-_...__.._. ._.__.-----~~~------------------- ---~_.. .._~. -...... -...... .~.-~.." ~.... ~.~ ..-.... - -.... . - _.~.. - - - -... - - - - - - --- ---- - - -- ----- - ----------~--_.~~~--_.__._- a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of.__M.o.ntana_.______.m_m_m...............mm.. and _... ..___m__ ____m__mmm.. _.. _ __"'_ _ ..... .C lTY.. OF, _ .BOZID'lAN, __ a. .munici pal. _corpora tion_ _ in......... _ ..........m_..... .._m_.._m__......___....._.mm__m_m__mmmG;:!._:u~:t.j,n__.C91JntYJ.. HQnt.ana, '." _' --".. " . _ _ " _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ . __ _ __ _ __ ~_.7 _ ~ _w__ ..---- ~.. ~..". ~- ~ ------'- -- ------- - - - - - -- - -- -- - ------ - - -. - - ~ - -- - - - - . ... .. _.......-.____ __ ________,_ ...___________.___r_ _____.___'_....., . ..~-~....~._----_&~--~&.. .&_..~_..,. _ _ .~~_"___~ _., ~~~ .___~_______ ________ _ _______ __ _ _ __. ___ _ ___ ___, , _ _ _ _ _. _ _ . _ _"" r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r,', _ _ _. ___~ - - ~. -.. . -. - - - - -. - -------.'...--------------" m___m'._u"__m...._.m.mmm.......__.m. ..___m_m________ . _________m__________________.__..m_ the p:-lrt_Y.m.______o-f the SECOND PART, WITNESSETH: That the said part_y__..mm.of the FIRST PART fer and in consideration of the sum of ...QD.~." ~D.ct. .NQ/.;lQQ _. .~_. _ ~ _ _ ::: _ _ ~_ _ _::_.C";"__ _:: _ _ _":'_ _ _::.. .~_ __ ~ _..::". ~_ _ _:: _ _ :~_ _.:7_..:: _ _ ~_ _ _':'! __~_. _ _ _ Do lla rs, ( $__l..OO..~m"'''''''''''''') to___tt...... _.__m_.._____._.__m_____m______.um..m...._....... ...... _. ...... . ...m._m_._____m______.__.___m__________in hand paid by the said does parLY__m__mof the SECOND PART, the Receipt of Which is hereby ae1cnowleclged; dDullB.mlM'h remise, succes~ release and forever quitclaim unto the said part.y__..u___.of the second Inrt, and to.__.:it_l?____.__m...m__ and assigns, the following described real estate, situated in the...Cit.y..oLBozeman.. , ,.... ~..._......, .". --- County oL......Ga..lla:t._in__..._....._..._______............and State of Montana, to-wit: Any and all right,title and interest, if any, in and to the following described real estate: ...mmA--tl'act. "ol~- -land - -30" t'eet.. Tn -- width- - ana . lying- - 'adJacent. -t-O' - -the-- South- -a:fiu"We-st--Lihe s .o.f . Block._One__{lJ__D.LImes . Addition. -to---the __Ci.ty. of --Bozeman,-. .Montana T" ancLbeing-.mor.e particularly described as follows: ..---- Be g-iiiniii€Cat..tne' -Soutnea:st---Corner' 'of . sa:id--Blo eIe -Ohe ""( I J; --tlience ---from' "saTd--point .of. _ heginning - .We ste:rly.. along. -the-.. ..south--Line.. .of "..said. -Elo.ck- -One--.{.l.). -G.. . di-stance- - .oi,.-Z94 feet, more or less, to the Southwest Corner of said Block One (1); thence Northerly a:longthe . ',Ie st. --line" of' said-- Block--One--tl t"au-dist'arlc-e--oi' --2)-5~-2--Teef~ . iririre---or--les-ii~ t.o a point. on. the -South Lineof--Oa.k---Street-;.--t.hence-.West-er,ly..-along .the --Sou.,th-.l.:ins-. of Oak street a distance of 30 feet, more or less, to a point in the center line of North }lo11Gana:-' Avel1"t.l.e,; now-vacated;" theric'e--'Sc)utfie'rry:- 'alc'-rig'-fl1e' 'cerit-ef--liiie-uoI'""'va:c'a 1;.- e.ct - -NO-I!t h.-Montana. .. Avenue - -a- -di stance - -of.. -2$.~.- 2, - -fee-t-,---mG-I'e- - -oI'-. -l-e s s- ,- - - to . i t-s -. potu t. --af. no intersection with the center line of East Birch Street, now vacated; thence East- e'rly-alonf( tlie-' -cerit'ef' line of vac:a:ted--Eiiiit- - BTfch-- Sfreetma'-d:i i3tance- - - of- --324--feet;m. ffiOI!e-.-or---les-s r . to. .a-- point--rm. .the--West-..Line---of---No-rth--R-ouse--A'V-enu€;.. thene-e..Norther-ly along the ~est Line of North Rouse Avenue a distance of 30 feet, more or less, to trie -, poiriE - -of" --beginriTng;" 'the -. J.nferitIan - -af' - fhE-"' dee-d-- ri'T -Q--e onvey -"1:;:0-- "tiie- - -Cr fy--01'.m.. Bozeman.. -any--a-nd---a.1J...-r-ig.ht j- .-tit-le- -and-- -interest- -..to. .-all---laoo--lying---ad-jaoent--t-o - - the ---. South Line of said Block One (1), and adjacent to that portion of the 'west Line of saId" Blad( -. One m(l)"" lylng- . South - -af" - -Oak - - Sfr-e et.;.. -which---s,iJ.a - Tand--was" acqiiirea--by--tne gr-antoI'--whan-upor-tiGfl-s" of--Ea-st-- B-irch-- street- ..and -No-rth-- -Montana- - -AV-enU8- -were. - va-cat-ed.. ~~.~ ti!ll.l.ti_ry:__3_~!m~?~~_~m__.J~E}.e__g!.<:i~r1~~€?___tJc>'_. 516, ~i.~!." .()f' B.()~€?lll<ir1'>'~___m____ .m____.. ___mm_. _ __ .__.________________~_______~~__~___~___~'" .~__ _,.. _ _.....w __________ __ _ __ _ _____ __ _ _ __.. _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __.' .',... _. _ _ _ __._ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______,___ ____ _ _ _ __ ___ _ __ _ _ ______,. .__________~r~. ._. together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and the rever- sion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and also all the estate, right~ title, interesL...._m.........m........m_.._m._m.__m..__ property, possession, claim, and demand whatsoever as well in law as in equity, of the said partY._._mmof the first part, of, in or to the s2.id premises and every I part ard parcel theI'eof__._____._______ ....______________________.__..__________.. ......__ _______.. __________..........._____ .__.______mm__'mmn......u TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and !'lingulaI' thp S;:lid prrmises, with t.hr appurtenancE~l ---~----,.__.. ,-..,- "'~- .,----,------------.~~.._--------------~----~--------------_.".~---_._----....,.--- -------~....------------ --- .- --..." .--., "......".._-~_._~~.-----------~. '...-~ ~.... - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- ---- ,.._.,--". ______n_.._________. -------------- _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __~r_ ~".. ~y..~_.~~~. ------~----,. - - - - -------- -- ----- ----- --- . -. -----., ------- - - - -. - -. ----,,----------- ----------,--------_.,. .--- . - - - -. -. - ,.. - -. '.. - - . ,. - - - - - - - -~. . successors unto the said part..Y._.._._.mof the second parL~t.smm__m.___.._~ and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said party of the first part has caused it>; corporate name to be sub- scribed and its corpo~t~ sea\,to be affixed, by its proper officers, thereunto duly authorized, on this Pt.f - ~~\'" ~ /, _},~: ._....m.....'.m...._....,.,-..,~;...".t!o;r.. 6l.~"i.;!!1lY....... ................. ....... .....e:F,. 19..5J... "0\ ~ ~ ~ I.,,) ............. C \ / 'lP ~{.:;- i~"" <;;. " . MDNrANA F a.l)rr.r."mCQhI'AIIY m.. ....mmm ATTES :', '-~ 1;tt; lC" .;.. ". . C A ':II' "4 I .. ..... * ..m~=!:~/~),m'l.'!-~~&.. L~mnm By n.m .... ..... n.-=,.2A.-;?m mnnmnp~~~jd~~t: fA '. cc:. ....... tn. I .c..... ~c, etary. {......." . - . ,) "It 0: "..~,(!, "i;:";:'... ~ '.. ,~'1<' .,.,;.:1' ~ I ~ ... .' ~'~' ' .~ .." ".:, -, ..... ,.' ',- " ,)' /If. ~~..... (" '., ~/lIl~~C\'" "*t{, " :i i 1') I 'inOK ( fj PAGE :32 I County ofS~~Q:~.;~~:.~~:~....nn..n._.. f ".1 1 (/,1; On this..mmuaauuu..__:...,._...._day of__.a...aJ.ulY-__...u_.....;~"]......n....__.___jn the year 195~..., before me II m.m....__m..mm___..m....____ ...__.....n.....__m_m_m____mm....mm.~..-:_!!;~!.f:....~..~:.~.___~___.~~...u, a Notary Public for the II -c' .') ,., I, State of Montana, personally appeared....._......m...m!!___,/~~'~<l/./t:m________ .__._.mm__......mmm_m..__nmu_ I, known to me ~ ,.. ' , I to be the____....m_ n. ...__m_~______'mn'__....m____m__ ____m."of the corporation that executed the within instrument I ,,',.:'gild~~~i1'o"'ledged to me that such corporation executed the same. Ii ",-.I~,,~~,>' . '. (/-- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official I -- . ' .rt P, f I -,. .,- - ::leal the day and year in this certificat.li.l'irilt above w dtten. I' ~IJ" C" 'J, /~ /1. I ~ : '\ " .' ../'",' -,,"-/^', . ,',-- C"- f i \ ~" !.~ r I .,/.~- ----mm--.----N~t-~.;,yUp~bi'i~..f~~-t-h~USt-at~.~f.-M~~t~;;~~n" Ii ".. '- . 'I.... .- 1"< !'~.S+rH~..( 1lt. :__mm.g.r..l?{J,:t.mf{;J.),~____mmmmm__mmm__.. .My Commission expires..nm_..m.....mm__:m__mm19__...._ III I ' 'r--'~ , ' f ~ 'I. ". ~ , I . \ \ I . ''''I\H'' :' I :' i il ., :.1 I: , I II I :1 ,I il il il I :1 Ii 1 ~ r ,: ji ,; II ': II ii 'I i , Ii I n ' :1 : I, II ,.1 I' I I d I :i II ,I II I' I ;1 I ; I :; II ,I ' ;f I, il Ii Jo--- Ii .~ \ i, '1 'H , '0 ,I) 'H >. ii "'" '1' ui 0 d l=: '"d o.c ., . II' , II) 'LO: ell Q!" ^"' .....\,>, :j I ---.....A...... ~~: <:]) {; I - C): ...;...;J II ".I~..' I' ii,'. ~ : ~ co . Q ~:5 '<:'..' ":;::i. !II . \: ~ .' ,...: - r-< .",.. . .....' p. 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